Well, it is hard to disagree with the PrisonPlanet headline/caption to this photo:
Power Mad Obama Offers Two Choices: Unconditional Surrender Or Default
And we love the way that Andrew C. McCarthy at the National Review Online
confirms one of our two main themes -
(#1. that "the powers that be" have a very 'Neo-Con' judeo flavor to them; and, #2.... )
- that the only way the Neo-Con "Powers That Be" get away with pushing atrocityafter atrocity
( after TREASONOUS, black-ops, false-flag, Americans killing, constitution shredding, war-crimes perpetrating, intentional financial sabotage, economies killing atrocities)
down our throats, is by the horrid scum and treasonous knaves of the corporate press/media relentlessly INVERTING REALITY in their "reporting" every single day:
However, we must point out, quite contrary to what Mr. McCarthy, Mr. Synder, or Prison Planet believe, Barack Obama is NO "LIBERAL" -
- he is clearly a RADICAL RIGHT-WING 'Neo-Con', he is Black, hired puppet clone of RAHM EMANUEL, who is just one of the many jewish supremacists who have INFILTRATED the 'Democratic' Party over the decades, but Emanuel in particular is the "Manchurian Candidate" judeo supremacist warmonger, "fixer" and Bob Rubin toady** who drove the post- Pres. Bill Clinton Dems to embrace the full, horrid radical Right-Wing agenda in all of its horrific manifestations... for example, the so-called "ENVIRONMENTAL LEFTISTS" in the Obama "liberal Democrat" White House LETTING BP and all the other oil companies just "DRILL, BABY, DRILL!" whenever and wherever they wanted to...
**(which is to say, Rahm Emanuel is a _typical_ GoddamnSachs, Fed, jpm, Wall St. = rotschields, BoE, et al judeo loan-sharking, war-profiteering, humans enslaving, politicians bribing, nations destroying EXTORTIONIST)....
DON'T BELIEVE US that Obama is actually RADICAL RIGHT-WING ??
Well, we're glad you asked (for proof) !!
Mr. Obama just appointed JANET YELLEN to be "Genocidal Ben" Bernanke's replacement as FED CHAIRMAN - calling Janet Yellen "liberal" is like calling Atila the Hun, Ghenghis Khan, or Adolf Hitler "liberal"...
Forget the lying rhetoric and treasonous corporate media whore "spin",
"by their deeds shall ye know them"
and in APPOINTING RADICAL RIGHT-WING economies-killing, shylock, loan-sharking central bankster extortionist JANET YELLEN to head the Fed, well, if you (obama) are swimming with ducks (radical right-wing monopoly extortion, blood-sucking vampire criminal cartel financiers), you are probably a duck!
Speaking of "swimming with ducks" we've previously mentioned that Obama-Care really should be called RAHM EMANUEL SABOTAGE, for Emanuel's treacherous, secretive, PRETEND "liberal" but actually a back-door BAILOUT for the INSURANCE INDUSTRY"
because the treacherous, vampire Emanuel SABOTAGED ANY REAL health care "reform" in a blatant (if you were paying attention) coup to help "former" WellPoint VICE PRESIDENT Elizabeth Fowler write the heartbreaking (for American families denied real health care reform) economy destroying Frankenstein so-called 'Obama-Care' monstrosity:
At any rate, we welcome the HORRID Janet Yellen Fed appointment, because, - we guarantee it -
the TREASONOUS, SHYLOCK, ECONOMY KILLING _JEWISH_ FINANCIAL RIP-OFF artist JANET YELLEN, will KEEP PRINTING MONEY OUT OF THIN AIR to GIVE TO BANKERS, and ONLY to bankers at the Fed in the same way that her predecessors, genocidal "JUDENFETZEN Ben" Bernanke & "all the glory, none of the blame" Alan Greenspan did...
but she will be the one to try to STICK us Americans with her evil debt notes which have accumulated during her tenure this past decades as just an "ordinary" Director at the treasonous 'Fed':
And to bolster our contention that Mr. Obama is a RADICAL RIGHT-WING 'Neo-Con' we offer up this piece de resistance to prove our contention that Obama is a RADICAL RIGHT-WING 'Neo-Con' MASQUERADINGas a "Liberal Democrat":
in the National Review Online article by Andrew C. McCarthy, "Oh, and By the Way, Obama’s Approval Rating Down to 37" that we quoted above, Mr. McCarthy attempts to prove that Obama and Hillary are "LIBERAL" because they WORSHIPED at the ALTAR of ALINSKYISM:
Now we will concede that SOME Catholic priests and bishops over the centuries have been "liberals" or "leftists" - they are usually the ones in South America ASSASSINATED by U.S. funded Right-Wing DEATH SQUADS after calling for minimal humanitarian treatment for indigenous or impoverished people of those conquered-by-foreign-Conquistadors Latino nations....
But simply because authors Richard Poe and David Horowitz quote Alinsky as feeling clever for getting RADICAL RIGHT-WING (wealthy) FINANCIERS to finance any given humanitarian project of his, hardly means that Alinsky was ACTUALLY PROMOTING a "RADICAL LEFTIST" agenda! -
Indeed, our above quotes and articles illustrate "THE GENIUS" of the FED BANKSTERS MANIPULATION of public media and "conventional wisdom" discourse - MERELY by tossing self-professed "RADICAL LEFTISTS" like Saul Alinsky a bone or two - a few million dollars here or there to fund genuine, 'liberal' do-gooder programs - Eugene Meyers and other Fed bankers BOUGHT OFF ANY CRITICISM of the Fed... and the FED BANKSTERS _owned_ WASHINGTON POST gets the reputation - from clueless, manipulated, uninformed readers and "conservative" critics - that the Post is also "a liberal" news paper... when NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH!
The WASHINGTON POST is ACTUALLY a RADICAL RIGHT-WING WARS pimping, TREASURIES looting, 'Neo-Con' (jewish supremacist masquerading as "American") propaganda rag that relentlessly covers-up the Fed bankers ruthless "money power" EXTORTION of the U.S. economy, extortion made possible only by the BRIBERY of politicians and OWNERSHIP of the corporate, LYING, TREASONOUS WHORE press/media !!
So maybe it turns out that SAUL ALINSKY was a bit like DAVID HOROWITZ: Horowitz one of the real "Neo-Cons" - a JEWISH "radical leftist" who was so far radical left, that he was actually proud to call himself a TROTSKYITE - but, upon the American post-WWII economic miracle wiping out the edge-of-starvation desperation so brutally typical of the working poor of the 19th century, Horowitz and other JEWISH MIDDLE-CLASS paper-pushers (writers, bureaucrats, academics, etc.) had the LUXURY of REVERTING to classic jewish supremacy - looking at all the "goyim" around in a host nation as "SERVANTS" ( = SLAVES!) to be controlled, manipulated, run-over...
for jews like HOROWITZ and ALINSKY, _pretending_ to be "liberal" (much less "radical leftist") is - just like the judeo COMMISSARS of the Communist Revolution in Russia, Ukraine, and throughout the Soviet Union - merely a COVER for being a JEWISH SUPREMACIST AUTHORITARIAN,
which in this (post Vietnam War & Civil Rights) era means becoming a "Neo-Con" - a JEWISH SUPREMACIST EXTORTIONIST, masquerading as an "American conservative" !
Power Mad Obama Offers Two Choices: Unconditional Surrender Or Default
And we love the way that Andrew C. McCarthy at the National Review Online
confirms one of our two main themes -
(#1. that "the powers that be" have a very 'Neo-Con' judeo flavor to them; and, #2.... )
- that the only way the Neo-Con "Powers That Be" get away with pushing atrocityafter atrocity
( after TREASONOUS, black-ops, false-flag, Americans killing, constitution shredding, war-crimes perpetrating, intentional financial sabotage, economies killing atrocities)
down our throats, is by the horrid scum and treasonous knaves of the corporate press/media relentlessly INVERTING REALITY in their "reporting" every single day:
Oh, and By the Way, Obama’s Approval Rating Down to 37
Talk about burying the lede. Seven paragraphs in to a report it headlines“Poll: GOP Gets The Blame In Shutdown,” which purports to show how lopsidedly an angry public has come down against Republicans over the so-called shutdown of the government, the Associated Press grudgingly drops this little detail:---------------------------------------------Most Americans DISAPPROVE of the way Obama is handling his job, the poll suggests, with 53 percent unhappy with his performance and [ONLY!] 37 percent approving of it.In fact, the spin notwithstanding, the poll is full of bad news for the administration. While the AP-GfK poll finds that 62 percent blame Republicans for the shutdown, “about half” blame Obama and congressional Democrats. 80 percent of respondents “felt no personal impact from the shutdown” (even though 68 percent say it’s “a major problem for the country”). 52 percent say Obama is not doing enough to cooperate with Republicans....
However, we must point out, quite contrary to what Mr. McCarthy, Mr. Synder, or Prison Planet believe, Barack Obama is NO "LIBERAL" -
- he is clearly a RADICAL RIGHT-WING 'Neo-Con', he is Black, hired puppet clone of RAHM EMANUEL, who is just one of the many jewish supremacists who have INFILTRATED the 'Democratic' Party over the decades, but Emanuel in particular is the "Manchurian Candidate" judeo supremacist warmonger, "fixer" and Bob Rubin toady** who drove the post- Pres. Bill Clinton Dems to embrace the full, horrid radical Right-Wing agenda in all of its horrific manifestations... for example, the so-called "ENVIRONMENTAL LEFTISTS" in the Obama "liberal Democrat" White House LETTING BP and all the other oil companies just "DRILL, BABY, DRILL!" whenever and wherever they wanted to...
**(which is to say, Rahm Emanuel is a _typical_ GoddamnSachs, Fed, jpm, Wall St. = rotschields, BoE, et al judeo loan-sharking, war-profiteering, humans enslaving, politicians bribing, nations destroying EXTORTIONIST)....
DON'T BELIEVE US that Obama is actually RADICAL RIGHT-WING ??
Well, we're glad you asked (for proof) !!
Mr. Obama just appointed JANET YELLEN to be "Genocidal Ben" Bernanke's replacement as FED CHAIRMAN - calling Janet Yellen "liberal" is like calling Atila the Hun, Ghenghis Khan, or Adolf Hitler "liberal"...
Forget the lying rhetoric and treasonous corporate media whore "spin",
"by their deeds shall ye know them"
and in APPOINTING RADICAL RIGHT-WING economies-killing, shylock, loan-sharking central bankster extortionist JANET YELLEN to head the Fed, well, if you (obama) are swimming with ducks (radical right-wing monopoly extortion, blood-sucking vampire criminal cartel financiers), you are probably a duck!
Speaking of "swimming with ducks" we've previously mentioned that Obama-Care really should be called RAHM EMANUEL SABOTAGE, for Emanuel's treacherous, secretive, PRETEND "liberal" but actually a back-door BAILOUT for the INSURANCE INDUSTRY"
because the treacherous, vampire Emanuel SABOTAGED ANY REAL health care "reform" in a blatant (if you were paying attention) coup to help "former" WellPoint VICE PRESIDENT Elizabeth Fowler write the heartbreaking (for American families denied real health care reform) economy destroying Frankenstein so-called 'Obama-Care' monstrosity:
Obamacare architect leaves White House for pharmaceutical industry job- - - summation: TRAITOR Senator MAX BAUCUS, __SOLD OUT__ the hopes, wishes, and reasonable expectations of MILLIONS of American families HOPING for AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE, and instead RAMMED an INSURANCE INDUSTRY written EXTORTION (of us) BILL down our throats....by Glenn Greenwald, 5 Dec. 2012"Few people embody the corporatist revolving door greasing Washington as purely as Elizabeth Fowler"When the legislation that became known as "Obamacare" was first drafted, the key legislator was the Democratic Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Max Baucus, whose committee took the lead in drafting the legislation. As Baucus himself repeatedly boasted, the architect of that legislation was Elizabeth Folwer, his chief health policy counsel; indeed, as Marcy Wheeler discovered, it was Fowler who actually drafted it. As Politico put it at the time: "If you drew an organizational chart of major players in the Senate health care negotiations, Fowler would be the chief operating officer."Former WellPoint VP Elizabeth Fowler sits behind her boss, Sen. Max Baucus, as he announces in 2009 that the health care bill will have no public option. Photograph: screen grab, Bill Moyers' Journal
What was most amazing about all of that was that, before joining Baucus' office as the point person for the health care bill, Fowler was the Vice President for Public Policy and External Affairs (i.e. informal lobbying) at WellPoint, the nation's largest health insurance provider (before going to WellPoint, as well as after, Fowler had worked as Baucus' top health care aide). And when that health care bill was drafted, the person whom Fowler replaced as chief health counsel in Baucus' office, Michelle Easton, was lobbying for WellPoint as a principal at Tarplin, Downs, and Young [as well]... !!
"OBAMA-care" WAS WRITTEN by a ruthless, predatory, PARASITIC,
EXTORTIONIST WELLPOINT Insurance co. executive!! - - -
----------------------------------At any rate, we welcome the HORRID Janet Yellen Fed appointment, because, - we guarantee it -
the TREASONOUS, SHYLOCK, ECONOMY KILLING _JEWISH_ FINANCIAL RIP-OFF artist JANET YELLEN, will KEEP PRINTING MONEY OUT OF THIN AIR to GIVE TO BANKERS, and ONLY to bankers at the Fed in the same way that her predecessors, genocidal "JUDENFETZEN Ben" Bernanke & "all the glory, none of the blame" Alan Greenspan did...
but she will be the one to try to STICK us Americans with her evil debt notes which have accumulated during her tenure this past decades as just an "ordinary" Director at the treasonous 'Fed':
"YOU peon scum Americans OWE US mighty judeo bankers FIVE HUNDRED TRILLION DOLLARS - we've got the paper [govt. bonds = debt notes] right here that says so, signed by obama, bush, & con-gress... see?below illustration: janet yellen, like all robber-baron, peasant enslaving extortionists over the centuries, wants to send you and your family to the salt mines... or seize all the crops you've sweated all year to harvest, and will STARVE once she grabs them for her palatial 'Fed' castle, because you and your fellow serfs will have no food to survive the coming harsh winter...
And to bolster our contention that Mr. Obama is a RADICAL RIGHT-WING 'Neo-Con' we offer up this piece de resistance to prove our contention that Obama is a RADICAL RIGHT-WING 'Neo-Con' MASQUERADINGas a "Liberal Democrat":
in the National Review Online article by Andrew C. McCarthy, "Oh, and By the Way, Obama’s Approval Rating Down to 37" that we quoted above, Mr. McCarthy attempts to prove that Obama and Hillary are "LIBERAL" because they WORSHIPED at the ALTAR of ALINSKYISM:
"...the Democrats’ position would be increasingly hard to defend. What we did not anticipate (but should have based on Obama’s Alinskyite proclivities) was how much worse the Left could make things by stridently refusing even to negotiate, cutting off access to national parks and cemeteries (to say nothing of private homes and the ocean), and letting it slip that the administration is staying up nights thinking of new ways to make the “shutdown” as painful as possibleOK, so Mr. McCarthy of the National Review is saying Saul Alinsky is an infamous Chicago "radical leftist" - so we looked up Alinsky on the search machine, and came up with this gem: Alinsky was befriended and supported by.... EUGENE MEYERS, the very jewish FED CHAIRMAN who PRESIDED over the American economy just as it was being DRIVEN IN TO... THE GREAT DEPRESSION by those PARASITIC, foreign (European) JUDEO "enslave the goyim" RADICAL RIGHT-WING bankers !!
Hillary, Obama And The Cult Of Alinsky
By Richard Poe 1-13-2008
Now we will concede that SOME Catholic priests and bishops over the centuries have been "liberals" or "leftists" - they are usually the ones in South America ASSASSINATED by U.S. funded Right-Wing DEATH SQUADS after calling for minimal humanitarian treatment for indigenous or impoverished people of those conquered-by-foreign-Conquistadors Latino nations....
But simply because authors Richard Poe and David Horowitz quote Alinsky as feeling clever for getting RADICAL RIGHT-WING (wealthy) FINANCIERS to finance any given humanitarian project of his, hardly means that Alinsky was ACTUALLY PROMOTING a "RADICAL LEFTIST" agenda! -
Alinsky once boasted, "I feel confident that I could persuade a millionaire on a Friday to subsidize a revolution for Saturday out of which he would make a huge profit on Sunday even though he was certain to be executed on Monday."Certainly, Alinsky bragging that "his" revolution might "execute the millionaire[s]...on Monday" does NOT mean that those wealthy financiers had turned all gushy "leftist" - the hyper-wealthy always have more money than they need, so for them to spend a few million dollars funding some project, would be like your or our writing a check for $200 to a favorite charity - it never hurts to get a little good publicity.
Indeed, our above quotes and articles illustrate "THE GENIUS" of the FED BANKSTERS MANIPULATION of public media and "conventional wisdom" discourse - MERELY by tossing self-professed "RADICAL LEFTISTS" like Saul Alinsky a bone or two - a few million dollars here or there to fund genuine, 'liberal' do-gooder programs - Eugene Meyers and other Fed bankers BOUGHT OFF ANY CRITICISM of the Fed... and the FED BANKSTERS _owned_ WASHINGTON POST gets the reputation - from clueless, manipulated, uninformed readers and "conservative" critics - that the Post is also "a liberal" news paper... when NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH!
The WASHINGTON POST is ACTUALLY a RADICAL RIGHT-WING WARS pimping, TREASURIES looting, 'Neo-Con' (jewish supremacist masquerading as "American") propaganda rag that relentlessly covers-up the Fed bankers ruthless "money power" EXTORTION of the U.S. economy, extortion made possible only by the BRIBERY of politicians and OWNERSHIP of the corporate, LYING, TREASONOUS WHORE press/media !!
So maybe it turns out that SAUL ALINSKY was a bit like DAVID HOROWITZ: Horowitz one of the real "Neo-Cons" - a JEWISH "radical leftist" who was so far radical left, that he was actually proud to call himself a TROTSKYITE - but, upon the American post-WWII economic miracle wiping out the edge-of-starvation desperation so brutally typical of the working poor of the 19th century, Horowitz and other JEWISH MIDDLE-CLASS paper-pushers (writers, bureaucrats, academics, etc.) had the LUXURY of REVERTING to classic jewish supremacy - looking at all the "goyim" around in a host nation as "SERVANTS" ( = SLAVES!) to be controlled, manipulated, run-over...
for jews like HOROWITZ and ALINSKY, _pretending_ to be "liberal" (much less "radical leftist") is - just like the judeo COMMISSARS of the Communist Revolution in Russia, Ukraine, and throughout the Soviet Union - merely a COVER for being a JEWISH SUPREMACIST AUTHORITARIAN,
which in this (post Vietnam War & Civil Rights) era means becoming a "Neo-Con" - a JEWISH SUPREMACIST EXTORTIONIST, masquerading as an "American conservative" !