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NOW We're Getting Somewhere! "ISHTAR will NEVER TIRE".... the Goddess' INSATIABLE SEXUAL APPETITE is our GATEWAY to the Psychological Origins of the Rise of "WESTERN""Civilization" from Ancient Eastern, brutal, savage, yet "civilized" roots !!!


 this ancient Sumerain/Akkadian erotic hymn reveals the CULTURAL,political, AND PSYCHOLOGICAL roots or  ORIGINS of   our Western civilization!  It marks the critical era in ancient history when theology and worship started to transform, or progress,  from MATRIARCHAL rule and worship of the earth mother-goddess to the PATRIARCHAL, "ONLY ONE god and 'he' is a MALE!" archetype that billions of Christians, Jews & Muslims operate under today...!!!  As we will soon see in other hymns or odes to Ishtar - not only  is this INSATIABLY, sexually ravenous  woman/goddess the FORCE OF LIFE (fertility, birth, regeneration... having babies & children to continue your line through your family & descendants) - 
but she is also the PENULTIMATE WARRIOR - indeed, our next hymn asserts that SHE DESTROYED ASSYRIA - the MIGHTIEST EMPIRE EVER to that time! - based on a curse she imposed for some infraction - and, remember,  ASSYRIA WORSHIPED HER !!! 
Not only was she the GODDESS of LOVE & FERTILITY - without whom YOU WOULD DIE without the grain fields regenerating - or just  leaving you with NO family or heirs!

but she could WIPE OUT KINGDOMS,
including DESTROYING the mightiest empire
known to that time  
(HER OWN Assyrian empire!)
 as a WAR GODDESS, too !!

is the goddess at the ROOT or foundation 
of  of  "Western Civilization" psychology should know...
 that she is the psychological forerunner 
of both the GREEK GODDESSES  ATHENA & APRHODITE - goddesses of WISDOM & WAR,
 and  LOVE & FERTILITY respectively - 
but the JEWISH bible HEROINE  "Esther" 
is also NAMED FOR this *PAGAN* GODDESS of LOVE - 
at a sweep of her divine, imperial, vengeful  hand!! 

Now we're getting somewhere!  Some FANTASTIC videos about  ASSYRIA, AKKADIA, and ANCIENT SUMERIA are finally cropping up all across the internet video pages -  some excellent research, documentary & commentary that EXPOSE the ROOTS of  real, genuine "Western Civilization" by examining the ORIGINAL  TEXTS & verses of documents written up, compiled, and told -  hundreds, nay THOUSANDS of YEARS before the Jews ever showed up as, essentially, a colonial outpost of Imperial Assyria  where the Egyptian, Hittite, Assyrian, & Phoenecian empires all clashed  in the narrow strip of land on the Eastern Mediterranean between Africa, Europe, & Asia... the same migration routes that the very first humans MIGRATED OUT OF AFRICA some  seventy odd thousand,  70,000 years earlier to explore, infiltrate, & conquer the world. 
 ANYONE who REFUSES to LOOK at the oceans, the VOLUMES of HISTORICAL DATA that JUDAISM is based on the Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, & Babylonian & Egyptian civilizations that came before it is a "FLAT EARTHER" - an IGNORANT DUPE wallowing in MIND CONTROL disinformation, propaganda, & ignorance !! 

It's not just Catholic history professor E Michael Jones  who DENIES  that the bible is composed of STOLEN MYTHS and FABRICATED LEGENDS - but so too do the ENTIRE firmament of  Western, American, European, & Brit commonwealth countries base their "Western Civilization" cultures & states on a foundation of  STOLEN MYTHS and FABRICATED LEGENDS - myths STOLEN by JEWS and legends FABRICATED based on HISTORICAL COMPOSITES of  historical legends of  OTHER peoples & tribes,  people both contemporary and who came CENTURIES BEFORE the Jews compiled their "holy" bible in Hebrew - while in CAPTIVITY IN BABYLON after the Babylonian conquest of Jerusalem in 587 BC.  

Catholic  historian & political commentator E. Michael Jones   states that you can NOT understand the rise (and fall) of  Western Civilzation  without understanding the TREMENDOUS INFLUENCE of JEWS & JUDAISM at every moment of that 2,000 year history.....

...to  which we would go further & deeper, and say that YOU CAN NOT UNDERSTAND the origins AND DRIVING PSYCHOLOGICAL FORCES of & behind Western Civilization without examining & understanding those same psychological, cultural, technological, social, national, imperialistic, and predatory (combative) or cooperative forces of the people who came LONG BEFORE  Jews & Judaism -  the people who ARE the JEWS - and much of  Western Europe's own direct ancestors - even as the Jews DENY THEIR OWN ANCESTORS,  labeling *everyone* before the fake, FICTIONAL  ABRAHAM character  --a COMPOSITE of many tribal sheiks, nomadic travelers, and especially nomadic traders who came before him - as "IDOLATERS" i.e. as SAVAGES to be hunted down & killed with no remorse, mercy, or shred of compassion - THAT's how the JEWS regard their OWN REAL, historic ancestors !!!

NOW we're getting somewhere!  For several years now, we've been attempting to get to a post on the
PSYCHOLOGICAL ORIGINS of our current  "Western Civilization" but have been repeatedly stymied because; #1. it is such a vast topic!  and, because #2.  the evil "Powers that Be" ('TPTB')  are SO EXPERT at CREATING CRISIS -  at perpetrating ECONOMIC and TERRORISM SABOTAGE TREASON,  serial, continual, relentless, & never-ending ATTACKS  BY TRAITORS on our "domestic tranquility" (i.e. of social cohesion & cooperation) and on our "general welfare" - our economic system based on stability and free & fair information for all (that is, a contract is legally binding and implies certain legal protections - as opposed to the evil financiers using REPEAT SABOTAGE & FRAUD to LOOT pension funds, insurance funds, and any other funds the American people put up to PROTECT their general welfare and private & collective wealth...)
(sigh - JUST OUTLINING in broadest terms, with the shortest brush-strokes, the TREASONOUS SABOTAGE tactics of the RAPACIOUS,  TRAITOR "elites" is  exhausting!)

GOY Guide to WORLD HISTORY: Professor & astute historian  E. Michael JONES claims, states, or implies  that the 
  JEWS *RULE!*  the USA, Brits, France... 
Germany, Sweden, Greece, Italy, Spain, Ireland, SWITZERLAND (!) and ALL  of Europe & ALL of "WESTERN" "CIVILIZATION" with a ruthless, demonic, degenerate, 
mass-murderous, genocidal, humanity loathing  IRON FIST  !!! 
 - what he calls "The Jewish REVOLUTIONARY Spirit"....  

as in
  or more precisely,
  "Jews CONSTANTLY  bribe traitors & HIRE MERCENARIES to  SOW CONFLICT & WARFARE between competing European states, kingdoms, feudal duchies, and even civil wars between brothers & cousins - because that has ALWAYS been how you BUY SLAVES:  by sending our MERCENARIES to capture them... or by BUYING them from victorious, conquering armies!  

Prof. E Michael Jones  is a classic, textbook,
or PERSONAL BIAS,  CLOUDING his otherwise excellent research & objective scholarship skills!   For, in WANTING to BELIEVE the Story of  Christ and the bible.... Mr. Jones OVERLOOKS, GLOSSES OVER,  WHITEWASHES, & ignores the GROTESQUE ATROCITIES and LOGICAL ABSURDITIES that are rife throughout the bible - "old" AND "new" testaments!!  Indeed - not only was JESUS an ENTIRELY FICTIONAL  person DEVOID of historical documentation outside of  bible or church sources...
but so too were ABRAHAM, Isaac, Moses, Joseph & Jacob (renamed "by g-o-d""Israel") ALL ENTIRELY FICTIONAL, LITERARY CREATIONS - as was Joshua's ALLEGED "CONQUEST of the Canaan Valley" the so-called "holy land"
FANTASY & FAKES masquerading as historical facts !! 

 the mighty Akkadian, & later ASSYRIAN EMPIRE 
- for some transgression!  

 THIS is the PRECEDENT for the Hebrew,  JEWISH GOD  "yahweh" DESTROYING "his own people" -
 SO MANY TIMES, including, if you are a fundamentalist "believer"Jew - the "HOLOCAUST" of recent memory!!! 

below video: 
- when ALL FERTILITY & reproduction on earth CEASED!
- Assyrian text,  7th Century BC...
 that's  200  to 300 years before the Hebrews compiled their "holy"bible - while living as elite "slaves" or noble hostages  in Babylon after the Babylonian 
CONQUEST & destruction of JERUSALEM in 587 B.C.

but, long 
before a huge COALITION of Babylonians, Egyptians, Medes,  and other warriors 
(namely, Scythian hired mercenaries, remaining Hittites, & etc.)
over 100 years before Babylonian army  finally did!   
 How can American Christians & Jews 
BE SO IGNORANT of this REAL bible era history?!  

- if you can INDUCE PEOPLEto BOW TO YOUR will & purposes...
claiming that YOU or your priests are "chosen by g-o-d" !! 

This  EXCELLENT web-page we just stumbled  on discusses 
*PAGAN* goddess ISHTAR's 
"modern" BELIEF SYSTEMS - 
she is STILL WORSHIPED in CHURCHES and RECITED by JEWS around the world  even today!!! 
Indeed, the very word "EASTER" -  conveying REBIRTH from DEATH ascribed to the male Divinity Jesus Christ -  - is named after her! 

Ishtar's DESCENT IN TO HELL, Hades, 
the land of the DEAD 
on her impetuous desire...!! 
She THREATENS to UNLEASH the world of the dead on to the LIVING if she does not get her way!  
    In the MANY DAMNATIONS & CONDEMNATIONS the Jew god "yahweh" issues on "his own chosen people" the Jews...
we hear the ECHO of this FEMALE  TEMPER-TANTRUM! 

  Ishtar gets her wish  - she descends to Hell - but at each gateway, she is stripped of her earthly garments - representative of her power & influence - until she is in such a weakened state that one of the henchmen of the insulted Queen of the Underworld is able to cast a DEATH LIKE CURSE, or series of deadly diseases on her - WHICH RESULTS in FERTILITY & reproduction on earth CEASING IMMEDIATELY - the GRAIN FIELDS will not produce new shoots or crops, and humanity is faced with STARVATION & STERILITY.  

 The gods 

- who are keenly concerned with humanity, despite their "infinite" superiority - 
beseech the King of Gods to RESCUE Ishtar from her self-inflicted predicament...
he sends a non-sexual (eunuch) creature down to hell to beseech the Queen of Hades to set Ishtar free... the Queen is not delighted, she (too!)  CURSES Enlil's emissary, but she must obey his orders, and provides THE WATER OF LIFE to RESUSCITATE  Ishtar - whereupon Ishtar reverses her travels, regaining her discarded clothing upon passing each gate back towards the living world, until she regains her full, regal/divine status.  

To the Land of No Return, 
the realm of Ereshkigal,
Ishtar (Astarte), the daughter of the Moon, set her mind.
To the dark house, the abode of Irkalla,
To the house which none leave who have entered it,
To the road from which there is no way back,
To the house wherein the entrants are bereft of light,
Where dust is their fare and clay their food,
Where they see no light, residing in darkness,
Where they are clothed like birds, with wings for garments,
And where over door and bolt is spread dust.
When Ishtar reached the gate of the Land of No Return (The Netherword or Hell),
She said to the gatekeeper:
"O gatekeeper, open thy gate,
Open thy gate so I may enter!
If thou openest not the gate so that I cannot enter,
I will smash the door, I will shatter the bolt,
I will smash the doorpost, I will move the doors,
I will raise up the dead eating the living,
So that the dead will outnumber the living."
The gatekeeper opened his mouth to speak,
Saying to exalted Ishtar:
"Stop, my lady, do not throw it down!
I will go to announce thy name to Queen Ereshkigal."
The gatekeeper entered, saying to Ereshkigal (Ishtar or Inanna's sister):
"Behold, they sister Ishtar is waiting at the gate,
She who upholds the great festivals,
Who stirs up the deep before Ea, the king."
When Ereshkigal heard this, her face turned pale like a cut-down tamarisk,
While her lips turned dark like a bruised kuninu-reed.
What drove her heart to me? What impelled her spirit hither?
Lo, should I drink water with the Anunnaki?
Should I eat clay for bread, drink muddied water for beer?
Should I bemoan the men who left their wives behind?
Should I bemoan the maidens who were wretched from the laps of their lovers?
Or should I bemoan the tender little one who was sent off before his time?
Go, gatekeeper, open the gate for her,
Treat her in accordance with the ancient rules."
Forth went the gatekeeper to open the door for her:
"Enter, my lady, that Cutha may rejoice over thee,
That the palace of the Land of No Return may be glad at they presence."
When the first gate he had made her enter,
He stripped and took away the great crown on her head.
"Why, o gatekeeper, didst thou take the great crown on my head?"
"Enter, my lady, thus are the rules of the Mistress of the Underworld."
When the second gate he had made her enter,
He stripped and took away the pendants on her ears.
"Why, O gatekeeper, didst thou take the pendants on my ears?"
"Enter, my lady, thus are the rules of the Mistress of the Underworld."
When the third gate he had made her enter,
He stripped and took away the chains round her neck.
"Why, O gatekeeper, didst thou take the chains round my neck?"
"Enter, my lady, thus are the rules of the Mistress of the Underworld."
When the fourth gate he had made her enter,
He stripped and took away the ornaments on her breast.
"Why, O gatekeeper, didst thou take the ornaments on my breast?"
"Enter, my lady, thus are the rules of the Mistress of the Underworld."
When the fifth gate he had made her enter,
He stripped and took away the girdle of birthstones on her hips.
"Why, O gatekeeper, didst thou take the girdle of birthstones on my hips?"
"Enter, my lady, thus are the rules of the Mistress of the Underworld."
When the sixth gate he had made her enter,
He stripped and took away the clasps round her hands and feet.
"Why, O gatekeeper, didst thou take the clasps round my hands and feet?"
"Enter, my lady, thus are the rules of the Mistress of the Underworld."
When the seventh gate he had made her enter,
He stripped and took away the breechcloth round her body.
"Why, O gatekeeper, didst thou take the breechcloth round my body?"
"Enter, my lady, thus are the rules of the Mistress of the Underworld."
As soon as Ishtar had descended to the Land of No Return,
Ereshkigal saw her and burst out at her presence.
Ishtar, unreflecting, flew at her.
Ereshkigal opened her mouth to speak,
"Go, Namtar, lock her up in my palace!
Release against her the sixty miseries:
Misery of the eyes against her eyes,
Misery of the sides against her sides,
Misery of the heart against her heart,
Misery of the feet against her feet,
Misery of the head against her head -
Against every part of her, against her whole body!"
After Lady Ishtar had descended to the nether world,
The bull springs not upon the cow, the ass impregnates not the jenny,
In the street the man impregnates not the maiden.
The man lies in his own chamber, the maiden lies on her side.
The countenance of Papsukkal, the vizier of the great gods,
Was fallen, his face was clouded
He was clad in mourning, long hair he wore.
Forth went Papsukkal before Ea, the king:
"Ishtar has gone down to the nether world, she has not come up.
Since Ishtar has gone down to the Land of No Return,
The bull springs not upon the cow, the ass impregnates not the jenny,
In the street the man impregnates not the maiden.
The man lies down in his own chamber,
The maiden lies down on her side."
Ea in his wise heart conceived an image,
And created Asushunamir, a eunuch:
"Up, Asushunamir, set thy face to the gate of the Land of No Return:
The seven gates of the Land of No Return shall be opened for thee.
Ereshkigal shall see thee and rejoice at thy presence.
When her heart has calmed, her mood is happy,
Let her utter the oath of the great gods.
Then lift up thy head, paying mind to the life-water bag
(the familiar spirit of the witch of Endor, the nebel or harp and the vile man):
"Pray, lady, let them give me the life-water bag
that water therefrom I may drink."
As soon as Ereshkigal heard this,
She smote her thigh, bit her finger:
"Thou didst request of me a thing that should not be requested.
Come, Asushunamir, I will curse thee with a mighty curse!
The food of the city's gutters shall be thy food,
The sewers of the city shall be thy drink.
The threshold shall be thy habitation,
The besotted and the thirsty shall smite they cheek!"
Ereshkigal opened her mouth to speak,
Saying these words to Namtar, her vizier:
"Up, Namtar, knock at Egalgina,
Adorn the thresholds with the coral-stone,
Bring forth the Anunnaki, seated them on thrones of gold,
Sprinkle Ishtar with the water of life and take her from my presence!"
Forth went Namtar, knocked at Egalgina,
Adorned the thresholds with coral-stone,
Brought forth the Anunnaki, seated them on thrones of gold,
Sprinkled Ishtar with the water of life and took her from her presence.
When through the first gate he had made her go out,
He returned to her the breechcloth for her body.
When through the second gate he had made her go out,
He returned to her the clasps for her hands and feet.
When through the third gate he had made her go out,
He returned to her the birthstone girdle for her hips.
When through the fourth gate he had made her go out,
He returned to her the ornaments for her breasts.
When through the fifth gate he had made her go out,
He returned to her the chains for her neck.
When through the sixth gate he had made her go out,
He returned to her the pendants for her ears.
When through the seventh gate he had made her go out,
He returned to her the great crown for her head.
"If she does not give thee her ransom price, bring her back.
As for Tammuz, the lover (and son) of her youth,
Wash him with pure wateranoint him with sweet oil:
Clothe him with a red garment,
let him play on a flute of lapis.
(Psalm 41 says that Judas would not triumph over Jesus. This is the same musical rejoicing God condemned in Numbers 10:7 for the assembly. The bag of Judas is defined by the Greek as "a bag for carrying the mouthpieces of wind instruments." It is made up of two parts: "speaking in tonges" and "of the world." The musical children even tried to turn John the Baptist and Jesus into courtesans)
Let the courtesans turn his mood."
When Belili was stringing her jewelry,
And her lap was filled with "eye-stones,"
On hearing the sound of her brother, Belili struck the jewelry on...
So that the "eye-stones" filled the...
"My only brother, bring no harm to me!
On the day when Tammuz comes up to me,
When with him the lapis flute and the carnelian ring come up to me,
When with him the wailing men and wailing women come up to me,
May the dead rise and smell the incense." (See Ezekiel 8:14)


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