MORE music to our ears from Veterans Today, another commentary satire masquerading as comedy, this time from VT editor Dr. Kevin Barrett,
The opening two paragraphs, alone, are a 1-2-3 knockout punch of insight and exposing
the contemptible jewish BAIT & SWITCH that
DOMINATES and SABOTAGES America at every turn:
the 'Neo-Con'pretend American judeo elites PRETENDING to support "freedom & democracy" while actually promoting the diametrical opposite - medieval style Saudi Wahabi theocratic divine-right-of-kings tyrannical, ruthless, mass-murderous despotic absolutism - and actively SABOTAGING genuine freedom, liberties, and democracy EVERYWHERE ACROSS THE WORLD, EVERY SINGLE god-damned day of the year!
Dr. Kevin Barrett at Veterans Today:
Why not, indeed!
One of the most important COMMON FACTORS that Dr. Barrrett left out, was that BOTH of these SEMITIC COUSINS - that's right, BOTH ARABS _and_ JEWS are of the Semitic race - they are both Semites, and they BOTH have a 3,000+ year history of being the dominant SLAVE TRADERS in their respective regions of influence!
We'd love to deconstruct every line of Dr. Barrett's crimes, corruption, and treason exposing masterpiece, but for now here is his masterful closing paragraph(s):
bravo! The sad, sordid, Americans killing, nations destroying, world inflaming, economies sabotaging, life threatening truth is finally getting out....
post script:
For those (e.g. that gun-shootin' guy over at InfoWars) who suggest that THE SAUDIS are now the dominate partner in the abject corruption of, and treasonous betrayal by, the U.S. Con-gress these past 2 decades; and especially regarding the latest Washington criminal, treasonous debacle du jour,
we merely point out that AIPAC, AJC, ADL, UJA, SPLC, and other myriad other Medusa like entrenched jewish lobbies are the undisputed rulers of Capitol Hill - the undisputed #1. of all powerful lobbies to be feared by Congressmen in Congress and at the White House -
and that when the Wolfowitz-Libby-Perle-Feith-Wurmser-Zackheim-Podhoretz-Chertoff-Mukasey(et al) Rethuglican judeo warmongers were running Bush & Cheney's 2003 invasion & occupation of Iraq, while they didn't go after the SAUDI CONNECTIONS to the 9-11 hijackers (preferring to bomb and blast millions of innocent Iraqis instead),
they DID focus the U.S. military's firepower on the SUNNIS in Iraq, as opposed to the Shiite majority there.
Even though the Sunnis in Iraq had been dominated by Saddam's nominally secular (non-religious) BAATHIST regime; well, they were still Sunnis, which (from the Saudi Wahhabi's p.o.v.) is still a hell of a lot better than being a Shiite idolater blasphemous running dog...
update: Hired WHORES for the JUDEO/Wahhabist takeover infiltration OCCUPATION of America,
"American" cops now ROUTINELY POINT GUNS at INNOCENT AMERICAN citizens....
today, Sacramento cops use the excuse of a gang shooting to roll out their israel style
"You amerikan scum are now palestinian TERRORISTS, PRESUMED GUILTY TILL PROVEN INNOCENT"
gun waving militarized police rolling ghetto "checkpoints"....
AP Photo: Checkpoint Cops Point Guns at Americans’ Heads
scenes we've seen before: MACHINE GUN ARMED Ca. cops ARREST an American citizen... for "crime" of taking video pictures of cops, with a small, hand-held smart phone, while walking a dog THIRTY YARDS AWAY from the Gestapo cops on a public Amerikan sidewalk....
link to complete video
that "sword of Islam" on the Saudi flag is the real deal: Islam was spread by MASSACRE & CONQUEST, just as
its Abrahmic ancestor judaism was spread by, conquest, terror, , and exterminations 15 centuries earlier.
The opening two paragraphs, alone, are a 1-2-3 knockout punch of insight and exposing
the contemptible jewish BAIT & SWITCH that
DOMINATES and SABOTAGES America at every turn:
the 'Neo-Con'pretend American judeo elites PRETENDING to support "freedom & democracy" while actually promoting the diametrical opposite - medieval style Saudi Wahabi theocratic divine-right-of-kings tyrannical, ruthless, mass-murderous despotic absolutism - and actively SABOTAGING genuine freedom, liberties, and democracy EVERYWHERE ACROSS THE WORLD, EVERY SINGLE god-damned day of the year!
Dr. Kevin Barrett at Veterans Today:
Today, a budding romance between Israel and Saudi Arabia is the talk of the Middle East. The Saudis and Israelis are working together to destabilize Syria and prop up the al-Sisi regime in Egypt.The Saudis and Israelis both strongly oppose letting the “Arab spring” [actually] bring democracy to the Middle East. The Saudis and Israelis [JEWS!] _BOTH_ want corrupt Arab dictators to rule Bahrain and other countries in the region.
[yes! despite ALL THEIR lyin'TALK about "freedom & democracy" the HYPOCRITICAL, LYING JUDEO 'elites' are IN BED with CORRUPT, terrorist, mass-murderous ARAB DICTATOR regimes at EVERY TURN, across the entire globe - even when the SAUDI FINANCED AL QAEDA TERRORISTS ATTACKED NY & DC here in America on 9-11 !!!]
[ = RELIGIOUS HATRED - Hitler was sadly correct, the evil Judeo 'elites' are MASTERS at INCITING HATE and wars!]
in a DIVIDE & CONQUER strategy aimed at preserving their respective regimes.
[Bravo!] [As we have attempted to document 1,000 times here at TheJewishWars.]
And both the Saudis AND the Israelis [the Jews!] are angry at the US for refusing to bomb Syria and then attack Iran.-----------------------
It seems that the Saudi and Israeli regimes have joined together to pursue the same foreign policy. Since their domestic policies are also similar,
[...since the DOMESTIC POLICES of the JEWS are SO SIMILAR with... the HEAD CHOPPING, FUNDAMENTALIST, racist, theocratic, brutally misogynistic and spoiled DESPOTIC TYRANTS of the Arab theocratic 'divine right of kings' dictators...]
the question arises: Why not merge the two countries into a new entity called Saudi Israelia?
Why not, indeed!
One of the most important COMMON FACTORS that Dr. Barrrett left out, was that BOTH of these SEMITIC COUSINS - that's right, BOTH ARABS _and_ JEWS are of the Semitic race - they are both Semites, and they BOTH have a 3,000+ year history of being the dominant SLAVE TRADERS in their respective regions of influence!
We'd love to deconstruct every line of Dr. Barrett's crimes, corruption, and treason exposing masterpiece, but for now here is his masterful closing paragraph(s):
The Saudis and Israelis also share a love of dastardly plots, including false-flag operations.--------------------------
Mideast expert and journalist Zafar Bangash recently stated on my radio show that the war on Syria was plotted by two 'American' AGENTS of ISRAEL [that evil judeo genocidal, perpetual war state], Dan Shapiro and Jeffrey Feltman, at a meeting in Paris with Saudi intelligence chief Bandar Bin Sultan.
Bangash agreed with me that Prince Bandar, who also goes by the name “Bandar Bush” due to his ties with America’s leading crime family, seems to have been behind the false-flag chemical weapons attack on al-Ghouta
[Syria, that OUTED LIARS John Kerry and Barack Obama tried to use as a causus belli EXCUSE to START BOMBING & KILLING SYRIANS by the thousands, in ANOTHER OVERT U.S. WAR in the Mideast back in Sept. of this year] …
and that Bandar and the Israelis, along with their Bush crime family friends, were the probable perpetrators of the crimes of September 11th, 2001.
Since both the Israeli [jews!] and Saudi regimes have everything in common– including a shared contempt for the Americans who prop them up – it seems logical that they should merge into a single country: The Zio-Wahabbi Empire of Saudi Israelia.
bravo! The sad, sordid, Americans killing, nations destroying, world inflaming, economies sabotaging, life threatening truth is finally getting out....
post script:
For those (e.g. that gun-shootin' guy over at InfoWars) who suggest that THE SAUDIS are now the dominate partner in the abject corruption of, and treasonous betrayal by, the U.S. Con-gress these past 2 decades; and especially regarding the latest Washington criminal, treasonous debacle du jour,
we merely point out that AIPAC, AJC, ADL, UJA, SPLC, and other myriad other Medusa like entrenched jewish lobbies are the undisputed rulers of Capitol Hill - the undisputed #1. of all powerful lobbies to be feared by Congressmen in Congress and at the White House -
and that when the Wolfowitz-Libby-Perle-Feith-Wurmser-Zackheim-Podhoretz-Chertoff-Mukasey(et al) Rethuglican judeo warmongers were running Bush & Cheney's 2003 invasion & occupation of Iraq, while they didn't go after the SAUDI CONNECTIONS to the 9-11 hijackers (preferring to bomb and blast millions of innocent Iraqis instead),
they DID focus the U.S. military's firepower on the SUNNIS in Iraq, as opposed to the Shiite majority there.
Even though the Sunnis in Iraq had been dominated by Saddam's nominally secular (non-religious) BAATHIST regime; well, they were still Sunnis, which (from the Saudi Wahhabi's p.o.v.) is still a hell of a lot better than being a Shiite idolater blasphemous running dog...
update: Hired WHORES for the JUDEO/Wahhabist takeover infiltration OCCUPATION of America,
"American" cops now ROUTINELY POINT GUNS at INNOCENT AMERICAN citizens....
today, Sacramento cops use the excuse of a gang shooting to roll out their israel style
"You amerikan scum are now palestinian TERRORISTS, PRESUMED GUILTY TILL PROVEN INNOCENT"
gun waving militarized police rolling ghetto "checkpoints"....
AP Photo: Checkpoint Cops Point Guns at Americans’ Heads
scenes we've seen before: MACHINE GUN ARMED Ca. cops ARREST an American citizen... for "crime" of taking video pictures of cops, with a small, hand-held smart phone, while walking a dog THIRTY YARDS AWAY from the Gestapo cops on a public Amerikan sidewalk....
link to complete video