Fantastic David Knight, interview
with KURT HASKELL prodded our flagging memory & analysis circuits to remind us....
that JEW 9/11 COVER-UP TRAITOR MICHAEL CHERTOFF has been at the center of perpetrating, then covering up NOT ONE but now THREE "FALSE FLAG" TERROR ATTACKS against We the American people 9/11, now the Las Vegas/MGM mass shooting, and we renow member "the UNDERWEAR BOMBER" - and, despite clear signs of "SHORT SELLING" stop options being taken out just before the MGM-Las Vegas deadly mass shooting attack this past Oct. 1st, MICHAEL CHERTOFF is STILL WALKING AROUND in public, in broad daylight - the CLUELESS, zombified, stupified American people PRACTICALLY BEGGING Chertoff, Soros, Netanyahu, Rotschilds et al TO ATTACK US AGAIN!
Giving these perpetrators a "FREE PASS" for their INSTIGATED false-flag terror attacks THREE TIMES IN A ROW, means we Americans are living on borrowed time... "THREE STRIKES, YOU'RE OUT!" and"they" are ONLY ONE LITTLE ASSASSINATION from ROLLING OUT THEIR COMPLETE, TOTAL, 1,000% control
of their RED TERROR national security WAR STATE... tens of thousands of U.S. troops sent to fight in Syria, meaning war against Iran and Russia - and ANYONE WHO OPPOSES the VILE SATANIC JEWS and their DEEP STATE COLLABORATORS EXPANDING, NEVER ENDING WARS for ISRAEL will be ARRESTED and sent to the CHERTOFF-FEINSTEIN fema/DHS GULAGS - IF they survive the initial BLOCKADES, MASS-ARRESTS, and running U.S. military "jade helm" battles to occupy & control cities & neighborhoods...
The David Knight interview with KURT HASKELL is a fantastic story that we nearly missed: having SATURATED ourselves in a reading, writing, and videos researching FRENZY since BEFORE the Evil MGM-Las Vegas MASSACRE to start the month the past October 1st,
we've become psychologically & emotionally EXHAUSTED trying to keep up with the "deep state" aka "Money Power" i.e the SATANIC JEW WAR ON AMERICANS,
and last night we were looking for something NON-POLITICAL to watch just for a little entertainment before turning the lights out.
But then, almost by accident, we clicked on the above David Knight interview with Kurt Haskell - which we listened to in dumbfounded awe, taking us back to the "underwear bomber" which we didn't even remember was the EXCUSE they needed to start stuffing ISRAELI MADE x-ray and back-scatter BODY IMAGING MACHINES in to our airports & TSA "security" lines....
And then, with Mr. Knight & Mr. Haskell's reminding, it CLICKED:
of the COVER-UP of the LARRY SILVERSTEIN, NETANYAHU, MOSSAD + Dick Cheney MASS-MURDER terror attacks of 9/11 2001...
his company benefited from the CALL for BODY-SCANNERS after the pathetic "Underwear bomber" attack on another U.S. airliner... and now he is rumored to be, along with SHELDON ADELSON & GEORGE SOROS, at the APEX of "security state" PROFITEERING
when they intend to MANDATE BODY SCANNERS at the entrances to not only schools, & casinos - but SHOPPING MALLS as well.
To which we say, "FINE!" we will NEVER go to a hotel, school, shopping mall, movie, or casino that makes us pass through a body scanner -
but then we realized that larger picture is that EVEN WTH
"the DEEP STATE" being EXPOSED & OUTED on a daily basis by Trump supporters and "alternative news" reporting on their serial crimes, these vile, TERRORISM ORCHESTRATING TRAITORS can STILL WHIP UP A TERRORIST ATTACK, "front run" that terrorist attack with MASSIVE short-selling options that make them tens of millions of dollars, SPITING in the public's face...
... and THEN they can still MAKE BILLIONS of dollars SHOVING MORE USELESS "national security state" CRAP down our throats - with tens of MILLIONS of clueless, cowering, goose-stepping Americans passively being herded like sheep through the CHERTOFF BODY SCANNERS and ADELSON CASINO-GULAGS & MGM, DISNEY, and other Satanic Jews owned mega-entertainment complexes!!
IF you would rather JUST KEEP GETTING YOUR PAYCHECK from "the system" rather than CONFRONT the CHILD KIDNAPPING, RAPING, & MURDERING Satanic PERVERTS who RUN that system - then YOU ARE A COLLABORATOR, you are just like I.G. Farben selling Zyklon-B to the concentration camps - which story, btw, IS A LIE!
The Nazi Concentration Camps DID NOT gas prisoners to death on an industrial scale with Cyanide based "Zyklon-B" as the Jew "holocaust" EXTORTIONISTS maintain - for the simple reason that the incinerators would have been spewing UN-BURNT CYANIDE POISONING up the chimneys in to the air - which would have POISONED EVERYONE in the camps - including the guards & concentration camp commanders!! ESPECIALLY if the incinerators & chimneys were burning thousands of corpses a day, as the JEWS allege!
And, even more horrific, EVEN AS the EVIL, LYING JEWS WAIL! about "the Holocaust" - they get their CIA, War Dept., Saudi, Nato, Turkey, and other BRIBED, BOUGHT-OFF, EXTORTED, & BLACKMAILED PUPPETS
to SEND POISON GAS to SYRIA - so TERRORISTS there can MURDER SYRIAN CHILDREN - then BLAME THE VICTIMS for their, the Jews, CIA, & Terrorists, foul, mass-murder crimes! The EVIL & DEGENERATE HYPOCRISY
of the Jews knows no bounds!
WHOOPS! WE LIED! It hasn't been just THREE
that MICHAEL CHERTOFF and the SATANIC JEW WAR LOBBY are PROFITEERING FROM in mob "protection racket" extortion style - we forgot to include the deadly ANTHRAX TERROR ATTACKS - which easily had the potential
to ATTACK EVERY HOME in America - with the evil "deep state" "WE SEE NOTHING!" COLLABORATION & APPROVAL, of course...
NO amount of "national security" SPENDING will PROTECT YOU, America - IF you allow the TRAITORS in the "Deep State" who own & operate the military, major corporations, & that "national security system"TO PERPETRATE the very, deadly TERROR ATTACKS that they are SUPPOSED to PREVENT!