"VENGEANCE IS MINE!" saith the lord...
and psychological DELUSIONS of a RUTHLESS , INSECURE, retribution crazed ASSYRIAN would-be god-king on the warpath...
...than of the ALL compassionate, ALL POWERFUL,
ALL WISE, "creator of the universe"god would be!!!
The Jew god Yahweh REFLECTS the POWER CRAVINGS & INSECURITIES of the bronze-age Jews -
not even remotely what a genuinely allpowerful being would feel.
Ancient Jews are to Assyrians, as American colonist were to Britain: a rebellious colony with pretensions of greatness to rival the mother empire.
the REAL history of
the Assyrian empire
- and their god Ashur -
believe that Yahweh
would-be world conquering COPY of Ashur!
How"modern"Americans can FAIL to notice that the ARCHETYPE of the bible god, Yahweh, is of a ferocious, genocidal ancient Near East war god is a mystery....
...until you realize that PEOPLE are TRIBAL, NOT RATIONAL creatures - for ALL of human "civilization," people's TOP, #1 most important PRIORITY is NOT HAVING THEIR HEADS CHOPPED-OFF or SMASHED IN by the local ruler and his enforcement thugs -
- whether tribal sheiks, chiefs, local warlords, or distant kings, prime ministers, presidents, and abject Stalinist dictators -
in this environment where DEVIATING FROM THE PARTY LINE will make you stick out like an injured lamb as the flock flees ravenous wolves, WE ARE INGRAINED to BELIEVE WHAT WE ARE TOLD - NOT what is rational or logical!
ONLY When the contrast between reality and dogma becomes too great, do you haveCOGNITIVE DISSONANCE.
But whether you BELIEVE the earth
& planets revolve around the sun, or the
sun, moon, & stars revolve around the earth is of far less important to your survival.... than getting on the Inquisition's HIT LIST!
For those insane Jews
who lust for the "modern" Jewish copy
of the ancient empire of Ashur,
they might want to read their own damn bible:
they might want to read their own damn bible:
"all who hear the news of YOUR DESTRUCTION clap their hands in joy... DID NO ONE escape YOUR ENDLESS CRUELTY?"
Catholic historian Dr. E. Michael Jones is absolutely correct: you can not examine Western, Christianity based civilization & history WITHOUT EXAMINING the very pervasive JEWISH INFLUENCE - which only makes sense, the Christian bible is based on the Hebrew "Old Testament" which came 500 years before.
But while Dr. Jones accuses the Jews of being "DIVORCED FROM LOGOS" - divorced from LOGIC, rationality, & reality because they refuse to accept Christ as their savior -
the story goes far, far deeper than that, for not only did CHRIST NEVER EXIST... but neither did MOSES nor any of the Jew patriarchs who (allegedly) came before him!
So - BELIEVE us! We WISH we had better things to do than CONFRONT the ingrained religious BELIEF SYSTEMS of not only the ferocious, Satanic, blood-thirsty Jews... but of a BILLION CHRISTIANS and another BILLION Muslims AS WELL!
But since irrationality & insecurity based
HATE, fear & loathing as a result of
of our higher, divine nature is quickly
driving America & all of humanity
to the cesspit of a "new age of darkness"
- global extirpation by every humans-killing space-age weapons scientists funded by billions of dollars of research & spying can come up with -
we offer up this long delayed post in an effort to examine the REAL LOGOS, the GENUINE call to reality based observation of our universe,
UNOBSTRUCTED by the HIGH PRIESTS OF MAMMON - money & power - who - just like god-kings in ancient times - could HAVE YOU KILLED at a glance, for failing to bow down to them...
The JEWS JUST stole their MYTHICAL, FICTIONAL MOSES character archetype from two real-life warrior kings who lived long before Moses is alleged to have lived -
The Jews up and STOLE the ARCHETYPE of their FICTIONAL MOSES - national HERO & alleged tribal SAVIOR - from the real-life Pharaoh Ahmose, who SAVED EGYPT from FOREIGN RULE by first besieging, then defeating & expelling the Hyksos semitic invaders/conquerors from northern Egypt around 1550 BC. Ahmose re-established Egyptian rule, stomping out rebellions FROM CANAAN to Nubia... so the Jews CERTAINLY did not flee Egypt during HIS reign! Indeed, the ENTIRE Jewish origin story of Jews ENSLAVED in Egypt fleeing during "the Exodus" IS A MYTH- but is probably based on the CONQUERING HYKSOS being FORCED to FLEE Egypt to Canaan, by Ahmose! The Jews were SO IMPRESSED by the real-life Ahmose, though... that they UP AND STOLE HIS NAME for their FICTIONAL hero, "Moses"! |
and they STOLE their YAHWEH
supreme deity archetype
from the empire that SUCCEEDED
SARGON's Akkadians, but was soon overshadowed
- conquered, defeated, and nearly erased from history -
by the Babylonians & Persians.
From this very real history, we have two tendencies
that bubble-up throughout all the history of
the judeo/christianity based western civilization:
#1. the ability to CREATE an ENTIRELY FICTIONAL, FANTASY, truth-twisting narrative, or world-view...
#2. ...a world-view which is BASED on RACISM, CONQUEST, and HATRED, contempt, and LOATHING for ALL other peoples, which AIMS to EXTERMINATE them via GENOCIDE...
#2. ...a world-view which is BASED on RACISM, CONQUEST, and HATRED, contempt, and LOATHING for ALL other peoples, which AIMS to EXTERMINATE them via GENOCIDE...
...is a COPY of King SARGON the GREAT 's empire of Akkad, who, through bloody, brutal CONQUEST, CREATED the FIRST multi-nation EMPIRE in Ancient Near-East - the EMPIRE which the PENIS-ENVY JEWS are STILL TRYING TO COPY to this day...
And as well the Jew scribes who wrote up the bible
COPIED the characteristics of PHARAOH AHMOSE,
who BATTLED the HYKSOS, SEMITIC conquering INVADERS and EXPELLED them from Egypt around 1550 BC.
WE KNOW that AHMOSE CAME BEFORE MOSES... because if Moses had come BEFORE AHMOSE, then
Egypt would have been ruled NOT by EGYPTIAN PHARAOHS,
but by SEMITIC, HYKSOS, FOREIGN rulers!!So the Jews - writing up their racist, FICTIONAL,
TEXTBOOK for GENOCIDAL national racism & conquest,
i.e. the Hebrew bible during the period the Jews were held in, "exiled" to Babylonian captivity after the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar in 587 B.C.,
and LOOKING BACK 500 or more years,
they CREATED a FICTIONAL MYTHIC, hero character
- Moses and the Exodus -
that was a composite, or amalgamation,of the SEMITIC CONQUERING war-king Sargon(and his eventual Assyrian god-king successors) and of the EGYPTIAN NATIONAL LIBERATION hero,IF you doubt the accuracy of our historical assertions,
Pharaoh AHMOSE !!
just note that,
#1. AHMOSE CAME BEFORE Moses is ALLEGED to have live (to repeat, for 150 years before Ahmose... EGYPT was RULED NOT BY EGYPTIANS, but by SEMITIC HYKSOS, probably originating from present-day Iraq, i.e. Mesopotamia),
#2. THE JEWS JUST UP AND STOLE AHMOSE's NAME for their FICTIONAL JEWISH hero of national liberation - "Moses"!!!
2,500 to 3,500 years later, JEWS, with their bible,
had almost ERASED the memory of AHMOSE, the Akkadians, the Assyrians, and the Sumerians from Western Civilization "conventional wisdom" - but at the time the bible was written - even with Assyria, then Babylon, then Persia being in the ascendancy -
AHMOSE was a HIGHLY RESPECTED figure THROUGHOUT the region among scholars and common people alike.SO - how do we get from AHMOSE and SARGON to YAHWEH?!
Simple! After the fall of the SEMITIC Akkadian empire,
the ASSYRIAN EMPIRE was built a few hundred years later by pretty much the same people, covering the same territory -
and at its height, the neo-ASSYRIAN EMPIRE even EXTORTED TRIBUTE from the post-Ahmose EGYPTIAN empire.
THIS was the environment that the Hebrew speaking tribe grew up, developed, and created their wall kingdom city-states in
- a small, marginal tribe that could hardly contest their Philistine & Phoenician neighbors... much less the Egyptians,
much less the warlike Assyrians in their prime.
- probably several generations removed from THE HYKSOS who had expelled from Egypt to Canaan, along with fresh Semitic blood from Assyria...
- and, as well of course - race-mixing from all the other tribes in the region,
Jew king SALOMON allegedly HAD WIVES
from every tribe & kingdom in the region,
from Libya & Egypt to Baghdad and beyond
- PRECISELY the "greater israel" empire boundaries
that insane jews LUST FOR, today!!
This informative video: "Aunnaki Gods: MARDUKE the GOD of Hammurabi, Cyrus... AND ISRAEL" explains how Marduk was the prototype of the Israelite god Yahweh... but there is one slight error: MARDUK is a TOLERANT god, whereas YAHWEH is THE MOST INTOLERANT of ALL the ancient gods!
Now - WHO else in the region
When THEY captured prisoners THEY did NOT give the prisoners the LUXURY of retaining their own languages and cultural identities: prisoners were kept MIXED, and FORBIDDEN to speak their own languages....
were LOST after they were CONQUERED by the Assyrians -
because the Babylonians, unlike the Assyrians, were FAR MORE TOLERANT, and ALLOWED the Jews to RETAIN their language & ethnic identity under MUCH MORE TOLERANT BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY a hundred years later than the "10 lost tribes" suffered at the hands of the brutal, intolerant, and geocidally RACIST ASSYRIANS.
portraying Babylon as a HARLOT, a WHORE of race-mixing "filth"and abominations....
...when in fact it was PRECISELY BABYLON'S TOLERANCE and relative liberties which ALLOWED JUDAISM to develop
(as a monotheist religion) and, under Cyrus the Great, RETURN to Canaan!
LIKE ASHUR, the god of the Assyrians, YAHWEH, the god of the Jews, is OBSESSED with VENGEANCE and the EXTERMINATION of ALL tribes, races, & peoples...and, with the Jews' 2,500 year PENIS ENVY for the Assyrian, Babylonian, & Persian empires
(and later Greek, Roman, Ottoman, Spanish, British, American, & etc.)
- the JEWS have EXTENDED their HATRED & LOATHING from not only their regional neighbors in the historical ancient Near East - but now to ALL CORNERS of the present day world,
the Rotschilds death-cult Jew financiers
who OWNED the EAST INDIA TEA Company
- and, essentially, and ALL of Europe -
and subsequent Taiping Rebellion which KILLED TENS OF MILLIONS of CHINESE by PUSHING OPIUM on the Chinese - 150 years ago! -
and NOW they, the Satanic death-cult financiers,
and SPACE WEAPONS that make killing humans
as easy as turning a flame-thrower
on a cage full of guinea pigs!
Excellent short video (below)
outlines the empire of ruthless, sadistic HATE, INTOLERANCE, and GENOCIDAL RETRIBUTION Assyrian kings and their national WAR GOD of universal conquest...
upon which JUDAISM is a verbatim copy!