JAMES ALEFANTIS' COMET PING PONG - DID HOLD "cheese pizza" CHILD PORNOGRAPHY in a "secret" password protected location on its Computer SERVERS... when a "alt media" HACKER BROKE the CODE, DISCOVERED the sign-in section, and PRESENTED the VIDEOS to DC POLICE for review AND PROSECUTION...
they were IGNORED, Buried... & THREATENED !!!!
former Hillary campaign chairman,
& Democrat powerhouse lobbyist/politico "fixer" JOHN PODESTA starts YELLING and trying to DROWN-OUT Maria Bartiromo during an on-air TV interview
for daring to ask him about HIS CONNECTIONS to the URANIUM-ONE scandal and being "GIFTED" $75,000 in stock in a related, RUSSIA CONTROLLED "American" energy company -
note: we HATE the word "GIFTED" as a corporatist, i.e. ZIO-NAZI ASSAULT on the spirit of giving at Christmas.... be we are happy to use it in terms of this evil, anti-American hack of a DEGENERATE, BULLYING, insider-trading TEXTBOOK of political CORRUPTION party boss, whose past 8 year history
they were IGNORED, Buried... & THREATENED !!!!
former Hillary campaign chairman,
& Democrat powerhouse lobbyist/politico "fixer" JOHN PODESTA starts YELLING and trying to DROWN-OUT Maria Bartiromo during an on-air TV interview
for daring to ask him about HIS CONNECTIONS to the URANIUM-ONE scandal and being "GIFTED" $75,000 in stock in a related, RUSSIA CONTROLLED "American" energy company -
note: we HATE the word "GIFTED" as a corporatist, i.e. ZIO-NAZI ASSAULT on the spirit of giving at Christmas.... be we are happy to use it in terms of this evil, anti-American hack of a DEGENERATE, BULLYING, insider-trading TEXTBOOK of political CORRUPTION party boss, whose past 8 year history
- along with Biden, Obama, Pelosi, Feinstein, Brennan, Panetta, Patreaus, Hillary, Kerry, & etc. -is SYNONYMOUS with the DEGENERATE "globalists"& Satanic Zio-Nazis' ASSAULT on AMERICA...