You CAN NOT "drain the swamp" - RESTORE America and the U.S. govt. which actually PROTECTS the AMERICAN people - not helping the 1% of 1% insiders rape, loot, extort, defraud, defame, demean, diminish, dispossess, disenfranchise, & DESTROY the American people - without realizing that Obama co., Clinton foundation, Hillary, DNC, CIA, FBI, NSA, War Dept. & Democrat Party GROSS, ABJECT CORRUPTION is merely a continuing extension of
the "Neo-Con" 9/11 ATROCITIES, anthrax terror attacks, other high-crimes and TREASONS of the JEWISH WARMONGERS & FINANCIAL RAPISTS run Bush W. (and Bush, G.H.W., Sr.) Republican WARMONGERING administrations....
"Trump’s FBI Director & Solicitor General Preparing Indictments Of The ‘Untouchables’… & They Said It Would Never Happen" -
The IN YOUR FACE CORRUPTION of HILLARY CLINTON, the Podesta brothers "fixers" lobbyists and campaign managers, of the Clinton foundation and the Obama administration is IDENTICAL to the GROSS CORRUPTION of the ENRON, HALLIBURTON,JACK ABRAMOFF BRIBERY, CORRUPTION, BLACKMAIL... and CHILD-SEX TRAFFICKING scandals?! the INDISPUTABLE MARK FOLEY congressional pages scandals and DENNIS HASTER CHILD TRAFFICKING scandals,
& WAR CRIMES, LIES to WAR, 9/11 COVER-UP, and NEO-CON ATROCITIES of the BUSH-CHENEY administration....
were all but a SUB-SET of the ZIO-NAZI "imperial conquest by insidious sabotage from within" WAR on AMERICA, Europe, & Western Civilization.
As the below brilliant webpage explains, the ZIONISTS or "Globalists" TERROR WAR AGAINST AMERICANS - as Operation Gladio had TERRORIZED EUROPEANS - went "HOT" against the American people, OVERT VIOLENCE KILLING AMERICANS - back in the 1980s... while the "Cold War" was still raging!
BILL & HILLARY CLINTON's IN-YOUR-FACE CORRUPTION are just the "goyim" ARKANSAS TRAILER TRASH version of DIANNE FEINSTEIN & GODDAMN-SACHS' EVEN GREATER CORRUPTION and CRIMES PROFITEERING: GoddamnSachs & Bloomberg HAVE LICENSE from the U.S. govt. to "FRONT-RUN" all their client's trades, through computerized algorithms called 'HFT' high frequency trading -
Great article at SOTN lays out the dilemma facing the honest, NOT BRIBED, blackmailed, extorted, or corrupted prosecutors, investigators, and top officials at the FBI and "Justice" Departments, and other "White Hat" still honest top officials throughout the U.S. government -
- the CRIMINALITY and CORRUPTION infested, embedded, SATURATED THROUGHOUT ALL LEVELS, including the ENTIRE top tiers
of the U.S. government are SO PERVASIVE after 24 years of the Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations,
that it boggles the mind, and "JUSTICE" CAN NOT BE SERVED
unless ALL the TOP CRIMINALS are brought to justice.
This horror, btw - of EVIL SO ENTRENCHED and pervasive that cutting off one head merely allows another to spring in to place - is the ancient origin of "IMPOSSIBLE TASK" myths, like HERCULES battling the HYDRA - the hydra-headed monster, or Perseus killing Medusa, or in Western Christian myths various warrior saints battling flaming dragons.
But just as the desperate fight of "good versus evil" had so many religious connotations in ancient times, so too today does the battle to BRING JUSTICE to "the UNTOUCHABLES" have an UNMENTIONABLE element as well:
HILLARY CLINTON, BARACK OBAMA, George W. Bush and BILL CLINTON's HIGH CRIMES and ATROCITIES were.... ALL IN SERVICE TO the "Neo-Con _and_ "neo-liberal" agenda - the JEW WAR LOBBY very clearly stated goals of bringing chaos to the Mideast, DESTROYING ALL NATIONS in the vicinity of Israel, to bring in PUPPET, EASILY CONTROLLED DICTATORS who would be 100% dependent on the Zionists - working through the ZIO-Anglo-American empire - as vast tracts of Libya, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Sudan and other countries have been turned in to "SHARIA LAW" Wahhabi style FUNDAMENTALIST HEAD-CHOPPING medieval waste-lands in the terms of the above presidents.... and as well the 1 term presidency of George H.W. Bush (Sr.) - who did the IMPOSSIBLE! going from the HIGHEST EVER presidential approval ratings ever! - in the 85% range after the "good" US-Iraq War I saw the U.S. military defeat Iraq's military and the Kuwait regime restored with relatively small U.S. losses in 1991, combined with President Bush (Sr.) presiding over the peaceful collapse and disintegration of the entire "Communit" "Soviet Union" and once mighty Warsaw Pact armies... but mere months later, the SAME President George W. Bush with the STELLAR 85% approval rating, LOST his re-election bid, with a popular vote tally well below 50! ALL because Bush Sr. ALLOWED the NY, Wall St., "Fed" FINANCIERS to LOOT the U.S. Economy into "Bush 1 Recession" SABOTAGE - namely by INFLICTING the INSIDER TRADING S&L FRAUDS on Americans, with not only CITIZENS DEFRAUDED of their wealth & incomes from failed businesses, but TAXPAYERS put on the hook for "BAILOUTS" of the LOOTED & ROBBED S&Ls!!
the "Neo-Con" 9/11 ATROCITIES, anthrax terror attacks, other high-crimes and TREASONS of the JEWISH WARMONGERS & FINANCIAL RAPISTS run Bush W. (and Bush, G.H.W., Sr.) Republican WARMONGERING administrations....
"Trump’s FBI Director & Solicitor General Preparing Indictments Of The ‘Untouchables’… & They Said It Would Never Happen" -
The IN YOUR FACE CORRUPTION of HILLARY CLINTON, the Podesta brothers "fixers" lobbyists and campaign managers, of the Clinton foundation and the Obama administration is IDENTICAL to the GROSS CORRUPTION of the ENRON, HALLIBURTON,JACK ABRAMOFF BRIBERY, CORRUPTION, BLACKMAIL... and CHILD-SEX TRAFFICKING scandals?! the INDISPUTABLE MARK FOLEY congressional pages scandals and DENNIS HASTER CHILD TRAFFICKING scandals,
& WAR CRIMES, LIES to WAR, 9/11 COVER-UP, and NEO-CON ATROCITIES of the BUSH-CHENEY administration....
were all but a SUB-SET of the ZIO-NAZI "imperial conquest by insidious sabotage from within" WAR on AMERICA, Europe, & Western Civilization.
As the below brilliant webpage explains, the ZIONISTS or "Globalists" TERROR WAR AGAINST AMERICANS - as Operation Gladio had TERRORIZED EUROPEANS - went "HOT" against the American people, OVERT VIOLENCE KILLING AMERICANS - back in the 1980s... while the "Cold War" was still raging!
BILL & HILLARY CLINTON's IN-YOUR-FACE CORRUPTION are just the "goyim" ARKANSAS TRAILER TRASH version of DIANNE FEINSTEIN & GODDAMN-SACHS' EVEN GREATER CORRUPTION and CRIMES PROFITEERING: GoddamnSachs & Bloomberg HAVE LICENSE from the U.S. govt. to "FRONT-RUN" all their client's trades, through computerized algorithms called 'HFT' high frequency trading -
Great article at SOTN lays out the dilemma facing the honest, NOT BRIBED, blackmailed, extorted, or corrupted prosecutors, investigators, and top officials at the FBI and "Justice" Departments, and other "White Hat" still honest top officials throughout the U.S. government -
- the CRIMINALITY and CORRUPTION infested, embedded, SATURATED THROUGHOUT ALL LEVELS, including the ENTIRE top tiers
of the U.S. government are SO PERVASIVE after 24 years of the Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations,
that it boggles the mind, and "JUSTICE" CAN NOT BE SERVED
unless ALL the TOP CRIMINALS are brought to justice.
This horror, btw - of EVIL SO ENTRENCHED and pervasive that cutting off one head merely allows another to spring in to place - is the ancient origin of "IMPOSSIBLE TASK" myths, like HERCULES battling the HYDRA - the hydra-headed monster, or Perseus killing Medusa, or in Western Christian myths various warrior saints battling flaming dragons.
But just as the desperate fight of "good versus evil" had so many religious connotations in ancient times, so too today does the battle to BRING JUSTICE to "the UNTOUCHABLES" have an UNMENTIONABLE element as well:
HILLARY CLINTON, BARACK OBAMA, George W. Bush and BILL CLINTON's HIGH CRIMES and ATROCITIES were.... ALL IN SERVICE TO the "Neo-Con _and_ "neo-liberal" agenda - the JEW WAR LOBBY very clearly stated goals of bringing chaos to the Mideast, DESTROYING ALL NATIONS in the vicinity of Israel, to bring in PUPPET, EASILY CONTROLLED DICTATORS who would be 100% dependent on the Zionists - working through the ZIO-Anglo-American empire - as vast tracts of Libya, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Sudan and other countries have been turned in to "SHARIA LAW" Wahhabi style FUNDAMENTALIST HEAD-CHOPPING medieval waste-lands in the terms of the above presidents.... and as well the 1 term presidency of George H.W. Bush (Sr.) - who did the IMPOSSIBLE! going from the HIGHEST EVER presidential approval ratings ever! - in the 85% range after the "good" US-Iraq War I saw the U.S. military defeat Iraq's military and the Kuwait regime restored with relatively small U.S. losses in 1991, combined with President Bush (Sr.) presiding over the peaceful collapse and disintegration of the entire "Communit" "Soviet Union" and once mighty Warsaw Pact armies... but mere months later, the SAME President George W. Bush with the STELLAR 85% approval rating, LOST his re-election bid, with a popular vote tally well below 50! ALL because Bush Sr. ALLOWED the NY, Wall St., "Fed" FINANCIERS to LOOT the U.S. Economy into "Bush 1 Recession" SABOTAGE - namely by INFLICTING the INSIDER TRADING S&L FRAUDS on Americans, with not only CITIZENS DEFRAUDED of their wealth & incomes from failed businesses, but TAXPAYERS put on the hook for "BAILOUTS" of the LOOTED & ROBBED S&Ls!!