What the TRAITORS of the "deep state"
call "national security" -
----- "Our schools are TEACHING FICTION!
between the legislative, executive, judicial, & financial branches - THEY ARE ALL BLACKMAILED, CONTROLLED by 'elites' WAGING POWER from ABOVE & BEYOND
even the highest of govt. offices."
call "national security" -
normal people, if they understood what was going on, would call "FIFTH-COLUMN SABOTAGE & HIGH TREASON" !!Sibel Edmonds (paraphrasing): "Texans, and American taxpayers nationwide, are like SERFS or VASSALS under the taxation powers of the CRIMINAL ELITES who PILE BILLION DOLLAR 'black ops' and TERROR PROGRAMS on the EXTORTED taxpayer's enslaved, TERRORIZED backs"!
----- "Our schools are TEACHING FICTION!
between the legislative, executive, judicial, & financial branches - THEY ARE ALL BLACKMAILED, CONTROLLED by 'elites' WAGING POWER from ABOVE & BEYOND
even the highest of govt. offices."
note: the CIA (NSA, DIA, ONI, ATF, FBI, and ALL the military departments, spy agencies, and "law enforcement" agencies )
are just the EXTORTION ARMS of the JEW BANKERS - the HIRED BLACKMAILERS, ASSASSINS, & ENFORCERS for the SATANIC "illuminati" families over, above, & behind "the Fed" -
the "U.S' govt. SPY AGENCIES, courts, "law enforcement" agencies, & other govt. bureaucracies including EPA, CDC, and other "environmental" or "health" organizations
will STALK, shadow, run SURVEILLANCE on, BLACKMAIL...
extort, ASSASSINATE, or TERRORIZE anyone
the demonic Judeo Supremacist masters tell them to
are just the EXTORTION ARMS of the JEW BANKERS - the HIRED BLACKMAILERS, ASSASSINS, & ENFORCERS for the SATANIC "illuminati" families over, above, & behind "the Fed" -
the "U.S' govt. SPY AGENCIES, courts, "law enforcement" agencies, & other govt. bureaucracies including EPA, CDC, and other "environmental" or "health" organizations
will STALK, shadow, run SURVEILLANCE on, BLACKMAIL...
extort, ASSASSINATE, or TERRORIZE anyone
the demonic Judeo Supremacist masters tell them to