Jewish "genius financiers" PAUL WARBURG, BERNARD BARUCH, and FED CHAIRMAN EUGENE MEYERS (all complicit agents of the anglo/german/euro/JUDEO Rotschields, et al, banking cabal) _INSTIGATED_ the GREAT DEPRESSION that KILLED MILLIONS of Americans from starvation, stress, suicides, and other malnutrition & disease related causes...
AS the clueless and/or COMPLICIT President Franklin D. Roosevelt's very JEWISH TREASURY SECRETARY, Henry MORGANTHAU, ORDERED VAST QUANTITIES of American foodstuffs be INTENTIONALLY DESTROYED... AS MILLIONS of Americans were malnourished and STARVING!!
below - Completing the picture: so-called "liberal Democrat" U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave his stamp of approval to Morganthau's mass-murderous FOOD DESTRUCTION policies; and GOLD CONFISCATION wealth seizures... effectively BLAMING THE VICTIMS for the ECONOMIC SABOTAGE & DESTRUCTION _ENGINEERED_ by the jewish 'Fed' bankers and their complicit mega-rich gentile partners in crimes (Rockefellers, Morgans, Joe Kennedy, et al)
today - Dec. 23, 2013 - marks the 100th dismal anniversary of the FOUL, TREASONOUS, MASS-MURDEROUS so-called "Federal Reserve" bankers cabal being foisted on an unsuspecting American public, today we outline the consequences of this INTENTIONALLY MASS-MURDEROUS, TREASONOUS bankers' cabal. Note that PAUL WARBURG grew up a GERMAN JEW in Germany before World War I... but in the late 1800s, he migrated to America, where he effectively became the Rothschild's senior agent to INITIATE FINANICIAL ATTACKS on Wall Street that would have press/media allies (agents) of the Rothschilds cartel CALL FOR A U.S. "central bank" - which, a short decade and-a-half after Warburg saw "The Fed" created, he used his vast financial powers to INTENTIONALLY TRIGGER THE GREAT DEPRESSION... KILLING MILLIONS of Americans in the process. There can be no doubt that Warburg STABBED HIS FORMER German "fellow citizens" IN THE BACK by FUNDING THE ALLIED ARMIES _AGAINST_ GERMANY in WWI... and ('only' a million German soldiers dying in WWI) it turns out that the foul, evil, sinister judeo loan-shark extortionist Warburg KILLED EVEN MORE AMERICANS in the 'Great Depression' than he helped Allied Armies kill his 'fellow' Germans during that horrific war...
PAUL WARBURG -founder of 'the Fed'and of the CFR - and fellow judeo Wall St. financiers BERNARD BARUCH and EUGENE MEYERS,
PRESIDED OVER the INTENTIONAL TRIGGERING of the Stock market 'crash' and resulting GREAT DEPRESSION which saw the WHOLESALE IMPOVERISHMENT of TENS of MILLIONS of Americans - complete with the abject STARVATION of some unknown millions of Americans who DIED of famine, starvation, and other "malnutrition" related causes...
Researcher: “FAMINE _Killed 7 MILLION_ in U.S. During Great Depression”
(we explain why we feel these numbers are justified.. using U.S. government CENSUS figures, later in this post)
The horrifying financial"tricks" TREACHERY, and DECEIT the JEWISH RULERS of the so-called "Fed" run financial system USED to STARVE millions of Americans _TO DEATH_ explained in parts 15 and 16(of 22) in the exceptionally informative The Money Masters videos,
as we use other excerpts to further highlight & detail
the TREASONOUS FED BANKERS' _SABOTAGE_ of the American economy, for pure greed and ghoulish, selfish 'profit' and MASS-MURDEROUS power lust, below...
(a POWER LUST we now realize that was IDENTICAL to the MASS-MURDEROUS GULAGS and FOOD and wealth CONFISCATION, starvation & mass-executions being run by the "Judeo Bolsheviks" regime that killed millions more Russians, Ukrainians, and other hapless nationalities during the so-called "Soviet Communist revolution" another INSTIGATED social/economic crisis was also churning human souls into discarded corpses by the millions in the 1920s and 1930s in judeo Commissar ruled Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic States, the 'Stans, and all the other 'Republics' of the so-called "Soviet Union")
The Money Masters (Part 15 of 22)
The Money Masters (Part 16 of 22)
Further grim details about the depth, breadth, scope, and ferocity of the PLANNED, INSTIGATED, INTENTIONAL SABOTAGE of AMERICA's ECONOMY,
are ALL OVER the internet and in well researched books, articles, and accounts, if you know where to look... including the 1970 autobiography and historical account of PUPPET TO FED BANKERS "U.S." PRESIDENT FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT's own son-in-law...
by Curtiss B. Dall - a successful and competent stock-broker and financial expert heading a large unit at New York's jewish owned LEHMAN Bros. trading company..
and here...
Satan truly comes to steal, kill and destroy, and those who are in league with him operate by the same principles. I mentioned back in April that the Lord directed me to spend a month camping. For the latter part of the month I was on Jekyll Island, Georgia. It was on Jekyll Island that a group of men met secretly to discuss the formation of the Federal Reserve, a fact that is attested to in a museum on the island located in the Millionaires’ Village. Paul Warburg was the driving force behind this meeting.
Paul Warburg
“Paul Warburg is not only responsible for the planning of the Federal Reserve, he also founded the Council on Foreign Relations.This 'Think Tank' was fully embraced by the government as far back as Harry Truman’s presidency, and most of the recent presidents have been active members. To understand the goals of the Council on Foreign Relations, the statement of Paul Warburg’s son, James Paul Warburg, given before the United States Senate on February 17, 1950 will shed much light.”
With Malice and Forethought
dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a money aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power (of money) should be taken from the banks, and restored to the people to whom it belongs.
[Source: Thomas Jefferson]
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.
I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of the moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our Government to trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country.
[Source: Thomas Jefferson]
The founding fathers of America, although deists, understood that usury was a form of slavery. They therefore strenuously opposed the encroachment of private banks into the operations of government. The Constitution of the United States placed the right to print and coin money in the hands of Congress. No involvement by private banks was necessary, or desirable.
This led to a long fight between banking interests and the government. Lincoln fought a war against the Confederacy and won. However, when he took on the banking interests he lost, being assassinated by them. Andrew Jackson had better success. In a meeting with bankers in the White House he made the following declaration:
Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out!
This battle between bankers and the government of the United States continued for a prolonged period. In the late 1800s and early 1900s the bankers began to gain ground, led by men such as JP Morgan. JP Morgan held so much power over the financial and commercial sectors of this nation that many in the Federal government began to be alarmed.
In December 1912, Morgan testified before the Pujo Committee, a subcommittee of the House Banking and Currency committee. The committee ultimately found that a cabal of financial leaders were abusing their public trust to consolidate control over many industries: the partners of J.P. Morgan & Co. along with the directors of First National and National City Bank controlled aggregate resources of $22.245 billion. Louis Brandeis, later a U.S. Supreme Court Justice, compared this sum to the value of all the property in the twenty-two states west of the Mississippi River.
In the early 1900s, Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr, revealed to congress the existence of The Banker’s Manifesto of 1892. Some have attributed it to JP Morgan who was the greatest banker of the time, and perhaps in all of American history. Following is an extract from it.
The Banker’s Manifesto
Capital must protect itself in every way, through combination and through legislation. Debts must be collected and loans and mortgages foreclosed as soon as possible. When through a process of law the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the strong arm of the law, applied by the central power of wealth, under control of leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. This is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of capitalism to govern the world. By dividing the people we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us except as teachers of the common herd. Thus by discreet action we can secure for ourselves what has been generally planned and successfully accomplished.
It is not by chance that millions of Americans have lost their homes during the tenure of the current President of the United States. There is a great power grab under way, and a people without personal savings or homes are more easily controlled. It is also not by chance that the same banks that the Pujo Commission sought to limit in their power, are today the major beneficiaries of the current financial crisis. JP Morgan Chase received the assets of Lehman Brothers in a deal brokered by the government and the Federal Reserve. Washington Mutual, AIG, and Wachovia Bank are also being consolidated into an ever smaller number of super banks that are all controlled by a cabal of bankers, the same cabal that control the Federal Reserve.
1913 was a pivotal year for the banking elite. The number 13 is a number revered by occultists, and is featured prominently in the formation of America whose Masonic founders incorporated this number extensively in the nation’s symbols. It was by design that 1913 should be the year that both the IRS and the Federal Reserve came into existence, establishing the control of the moneyed elite over the nation. Woodrow Wilson was the President who signed the Federal Reserve act into law. In later years he lamented his decision.
I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.
On May 23, 1933, Congressman Louis T. McFadden brought formal charges against the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank system, The Comptroller of the Currency and the Secretary of United States Treasury, for numerous criminal acts, including but not limited to, CONSPIRACY, FRAUD, UNLAWFUL CONVERSION, AND TREASON. The petition for Articles of Impeachment has thereafter been referred to the Judiciary Committee and has YET TO BE ACTED ON.
War & Peace Studies: Bernard Baruch, Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt and Insider Trading During the 1930s’ Great Depression
October 8, 2012
While America lectures Russia on the 1932-33 famine in Ukraine, Russian
historian Boris Borisov asks what became of over seven million American citizens
who disappeared from US population records in the 1930s.
RT: What
made you research the history of what you call "American
B.B: It was very simple. As I was
doing comparative research of the American Great Depression in the 1930s, and
the Great Depression of the 1990s in Russia, I grew interested in the social
dimension of the tragedy. It was logical that
I looked up official American documents and found out that the discrepancies
were so obvious that any independent researcher would not but have doubt about
the official U.S. statistic data. All appears
to be rather interesting. I will come to that later.
The U.S. Congress
added fuel to the fire by adopting resolutions nearly every year blaming the
Soviet government for alleged staged famine in the 1930s in Ukraine. The first
resolution came in 1988, 50 years after the events described. The current
members of Congress wonder about the following, and I quote, "people in the
government were aware of what was going on, but did not do anything to help the
At that very period of 1930s, the wealthy city of New York saw kilometre-long lines of people for free
soup. There were no queues on the city"s main streets though, but not because
there were no hungry people but because most of the cities did not have any
money ? they were just bankrupt.
So, I became curious about that and
carried out some research that brought about interesting results.
RT: You say
that America of the early 1930s made over seven million people perish. It"s a
horrifying figure and it needs an explanation. What do you base your research on
and why do you say the population statistics of the U.S. government of 1932-33
was falsified?
B.B.: Seven and a half million
people does not mean the number of particular victims of the famine, but a
general demographic loss, or the difference between the supposed population on
the date of the census that was due to be held in 1940 and the factual number of
people. In reality, the total demographic loss is bigger. The fact is not
contested by anyone. The figure is more than ten million people.
However, when you start researching the subject, you
find that there is a migration component ? people were coming to the country and
leaving. All can be calculated. It turns out then, that three million people can
be subtracted at the cost of migration ? in approximate figures, as it is not a
scientific report.
What"s left is 7.5 million people still missing. The
question is: ?
Voluntary defenders of U.S. values who venture to discuss
the matter with me, normally begin with a statement that those people were
simply not born. However, if we take the age pyramid and distribute the people
according to their dates of birth, it becomes apparent that 5.5 million children
and two million grown-ups are missing from the 7.5 million. So, those two
million people could not have been non-existent ? as they had been born. They
could only die.
As a result, I consider the two million of grown-up
victims as the limit proved from the bottom ? for 10 years, let me emphasise
Could the remaining children out of those 5.5 not have been born?
The U.S. statistics does not answer this question. If we use the method of
international juxtapositions and see how demography reacted to similar
disastrous events in other countries, we will
see that the distribution of the demographic was divided between the
children who had died and had not been born in the ratio of ? to ?. In other
words, it"s from 2 to 4 million extra losses.
The overall loss in ten
years could be estimated as being from four - or slightly fewer - to six - or
slightly more - million.
Let me quote some figures, if you don"t mind ?
demonstrating how other countries reacted to the similar situation. If you
believe that four or six million people is a terrible number, let me quote this:
male mortality rate in Russia: 810,000 in 1984; 1,226,000 in 1994 - whereas the
population is the same. In other words, as compared with 1984, the year 1996 had
an additional number of 416,000 dead males. You have to add females and children
to that figure.
As of now the prevalence of the death rate over
birth rate yet remains, although smaller. Some say it is horrible, others say
it"s normal as the country is developing. So there are different takes about
there being half a million dead. Nobody tears his or her hair out to discuss
Likewise, there were opposing viewpoints in the USA. Some said it
was horrible ? "We had millions of people deprived of their land!" ? those who
read Steinbeck well knew the situation from his documentary-authentic novels
depicting starving children. Others say, "No, it"s all right. We"re fighting depression and all is as scheduled." Like
here today, I think.
RT: Imagine the so-called "hungry marches" in the times of
President Hoover and quote memories of a child about those events. Did you
actually find any survivors still alive to tell the story and confirm the fact
of "American Holodomor"?
B.B.: Let me draw your
attention to the fact that it was not me who called those marches "hunger
marches". They were called so by the participants. When someone goes marching in
protest against war, they protest against war because people get killed there.
When someone protests against hunger, it means they protest against dying of
starvation, and the people are ready for social unrest. You may know that not
only the police but also regular military
troops were used to disperse those marches.
There is a huge amount of
evidence. Let me quote some. For example. The thing is that in summer an article
by Dmitriy Lyskov was published in the English
translation, with some conclusions drawn from my research. That caused
active discussion in English-language blogs, also in the USA, which is
What do Americans write in their stories? Just three
1) The ancient members of my family told me how people used to
come to the door asking to do a day"s work
for only a meal.
2) If this story is true and our federal
government knew the enormity of the crisis during the 30s, then it might explain
their silence about the famine in Ukraine during the same time.
3) It's a
good argument. I heard lots of stories about the Depression from all my relatives, and especially from my mother and
father. People were starving, I don"t dispute that. But I don"t think it would
have been seven million.
We can see flat ideological statements about
democracy and freedom in the USA then, therefore such things just could not have
been there. However, we have authentic stories, so numerous that one could make
volumes out of them and put them on a shelf.
RT: Such
outstanding historical moments are usually reflected in literature, films, and,
of course, journalist reports and research
articles. The American depression is definitely one of those remarkable
periods. Is there any proof of your theory in an article of a newspaper of that
B.B.: They did write about it, of course,
but in a style similar to that used in our newspapers about the 1990s. They
criticised the government, parties fought each other, someone criticised local
authorities, someone insisted on their programmes, others on the opposite. As a
whole, however, the bigger picture of the epoch will be seen only in a while. As
for sources, they can be used for reference about those real events that were
happening there.
Of course, journalists may be interested in a fact about
a tractor that pulled down a farm. There are many facts of this kind ? Steinbeck
eloquently tells a lot about such things. But as to what happened to that farm
later, the fact being that ten people left but only eight came back, is seldom
told ? both then and now. It"s not something of big interest to journalists.
For instance, who died in
your family in the past two years?
You must bear in mind that those who
died are in the lowest stratum of the American society ? either had been poor,
or became poor and failed to get out of this level. Try to find research details
about the death rate among homeless people in Russia now ? you will encounter
big difficulties. You may find, but that may take a long time. And you will
hardly find anything in newspapers, despite the fact that mortality among the
homeless is there. And it"s about citizens of Russia and most likely the number
of those dying is big. Perhaps the factor that not all of them volunteered to
become homeless is the answer.
RT: In your article, you write about the
agrarian business lobby you claim is guilty of destroying the state food
resources. Can you please tell more about it and maybe compare it to any
instance of more recent economic wars or lobbies,
B.B.: The modern example is obvious ? it"s
a modern programme of producing fuel from food. It"s not by chance, that the
Cuban leader Fidel Castro raised this question, thus dotting the "i"s" and
crossing the "t"s". As a matter of fact, producing fuel from food is something
to enrich someone, whereas impoverishing dozens of millions of others. The
process is already there and the current increase of food prices is already
causing political unrest and more deaths. Medical specialists don't do this in
third-world countries nor in rich countries so far. The process is under way.
Unless stopped, by the end of the 21st century, the programme of obtaining fuel
from food will be studied in history books on pages next to Hitler and
concentration camps. The scale of the consequences would be comparable, in terms
of the number of victims.
This is what concerns the current
RT: We had these discussions in the time of chaos and
depression in the world"s financial markets. Hundreds of people are losing their
jobs, credits are not paid back, the mortgage crisis is on. As an economist, do
you see this as the beginning of a new great depression and, actually, a new
B.B.: Comparing the current crisis
with the Great Depression has become commonplace in economic discussions. I
would rather not over-load you with some economic terms but let me give you a
simple example. The modern crisis radically differs from the one in the early
20th century. Whereas that crisis was of an industrial society, this one is of a
post-industrial society and the economy of services.
What does that mean?
Imagine yourself a highly-paid specialist in securities. You strike deals and
earn a lot. You"re sure you"re worth it, because the deals yield good profits.
Who do you need? A legal adviser. Many of them, with an office, secretaries,
clerks ? all of whom help you not to lose your money and do your business. Who
do the legal advisers need? They need bank employees who take their lucrative
salaries and deposit them at advantageous terms. This is what makes up the first
financial circle.
The first circle is followed by another one, where
people need property dealers, as they are very busy themselves and would not
build homes on their own. They would need a tourist agent to quickly arrange
that their bottoms could be warmed up in Hawaii. And they need transfer agents
to arrange all the transportation.
Then follows the third circle of the
services industry ? including cafes where the guys from the first and second
circles have coffee, restaurant where they dine, fitness centres to make them
fit sometimes ? an they're necessary in the centre of the city, because they
cannot afford getting away from the money source spring as someone else can
crawl up and scoop from it. Ninety per cent of the fee is taken by the rent of
the premises in the prestigious locations.
All the rest is arranged
Now, imagine that the stock market has collapsed. You have no
job and no revenue. So you pack to leave ? Lehman Brothers all pack. You don"t
need legal advisers anymore. If you do, however, you have no money to pay them
with. No bank specialists are required. That is followed by no need for a
property agent, and all the rest down the chain.
What have we got as a
result? In an industrial economy, an enterprise has some safety factor ? some
reserves, long-term contracts, some property they can sell or mortgage at the
end of the day. There is no such safety margin in the services industry. As soon
as the money source stops, the services industry rumbles like a house of
So, things may be developing now much faster than in the pre-WWII
times. This is what we can see happening now during a very short period of time,
much shorter than in the time of the Great Depression, major financial
institutions collapsed, which set the alarm bells ringing, as French President
Sarkozy put it, making the economy a little smarter. This is well understood by
the leaders, but nobody says how to do this.
COMPARISON - POPULATION GROWTH 1919 to 1929, vs 1929 to
1939.... MILLIONS LESS for the more recent decade !!
1919 to 1929: 121,767,000 - 104,514,000 = 17,253,000
1929 to 1939 130,879,718 - 121,767,000 = 9,112,718
Population Estimates Program, Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau
Internet Release Date: April 11, 2000
Revised date: June 28,
National Population
Average Annual
Date Population Change
Percent Change
July 1, 1939 130,879,718 1,054,779
July 1, 1938 129,824,939 1,000,110
July 1, 1937 128,824,829 771,649
July 1, 1936 128,053,180 802,948
July 1, 1935 127,250,232 876,459
July 1, 1934 126,373,773 795,010
July 1, 1933 125,578,763 738,292
July 1, 1932 124,840,471 800,823
July 1, 1931 124,039,648 962,907
July 1, 1930 123,076,741 1,309,741
July 1, 1929 121,767,000 1,258,000
July 1, 1929 121,767,000 1,258,000
July 1, 1928 120,509,000 1,474,000
July 1, 1927 119,035,000 1,638,000
July 1, 1926 117,397,000 1,568,000
July 1, 1925 115,829,000 1,720,000
July 1, 1924 114,109,000 2,162,000
July 1, 1923 111,947,000 1,898,000
July 1, 1922 110,049,000 1,511,000
July 1, 1921 108,538,000 2,077,000
July 1, 1920 106,461,000 1,947,000
July 1, 1919 104,514,000 1,306,000
AS the clueless and/or COMPLICIT President Franklin D. Roosevelt's very JEWISH TREASURY SECRETARY, Henry MORGANTHAU, ORDERED VAST QUANTITIES of American foodstuffs be INTENTIONALLY DESTROYED... AS MILLIONS of Americans were malnourished and STARVING!!
below - Completing the picture: so-called "liberal Democrat" U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave his stamp of approval to Morganthau's mass-murderous FOOD DESTRUCTION policies; and GOLD CONFISCATION wealth seizures... effectively BLAMING THE VICTIMS for the ECONOMIC SABOTAGE & DESTRUCTION _ENGINEERED_ by the jewish 'Fed' bankers and their complicit mega-rich gentile partners in crimes (Rockefellers, Morgans, Joe Kennedy, et al)
today - Dec. 23, 2013 - marks the 100th dismal anniversary of the FOUL, TREASONOUS, MASS-MURDEROUS so-called "Federal Reserve" bankers cabal being foisted on an unsuspecting American public, today we outline the consequences of this INTENTIONALLY MASS-MURDEROUS, TREASONOUS bankers' cabal. Note that PAUL WARBURG grew up a GERMAN JEW in Germany before World War I... but in the late 1800s, he migrated to America, where he effectively became the Rothschild's senior agent to INITIATE FINANICIAL ATTACKS on Wall Street that would have press/media allies (agents) of the Rothschilds cartel CALL FOR A U.S. "central bank" - which, a short decade and-a-half after Warburg saw "The Fed" created, he used his vast financial powers to INTENTIONALLY TRIGGER THE GREAT DEPRESSION... KILLING MILLIONS of Americans in the process. There can be no doubt that Warburg STABBED HIS FORMER German "fellow citizens" IN THE BACK by FUNDING THE ALLIED ARMIES _AGAINST_ GERMANY in WWI... and ('only' a million German soldiers dying in WWI) it turns out that the foul, evil, sinister judeo loan-shark extortionist Warburg KILLED EVEN MORE AMERICANS in the 'Great Depression' than he helped Allied Armies kill his 'fellow' Germans during that horrific war...
PAUL WARBURG -founder of 'the Fed'and of the CFR - and fellow judeo Wall St. financiers BERNARD BARUCH and EUGENE MEYERS,
PRESIDED OVER the INTENTIONAL TRIGGERING of the Stock market 'crash' and resulting GREAT DEPRESSION which saw the WHOLESALE IMPOVERISHMENT of TENS of MILLIONS of Americans - complete with the abject STARVATION of some unknown millions of Americans who DIED of famine, starvation, and other "malnutrition" related causes...
Researcher: “FAMINE _Killed 7 MILLION_ in U.S. During Great Depression”
(we explain why we feel these numbers are justified.. using U.S. government CENSUS figures, later in this post)
10 Million Americans 'DISAPPEARED' during the Great Depression
While America lectures Russia on the 1932-33 famine in Ukraine, Russianhistorian Boris Borisov asks what became of over seven million American citizens
who 'disappeared' from US population records in the 1930s.
as we use other excerpts to further highlight & detail
the TREASONOUS FED BANKERS' _SABOTAGE_ of the American economy, for pure greed and ghoulish, selfish 'profit' and MASS-MURDEROUS power lust, below...
(a POWER LUST we now realize that was IDENTICAL to the MASS-MURDEROUS GULAGS and FOOD and wealth CONFISCATION, starvation & mass-executions being run by the "Judeo Bolsheviks" regime that killed millions more Russians, Ukrainians, and other hapless nationalities during the so-called "Soviet Communist revolution" another INSTIGATED social/economic crisis was also churning human souls into discarded corpses by the millions in the 1920s and 1930s in judeo Commissar ruled Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic States, the 'Stans, and all the other 'Republics' of the so-called "Soviet Union")
The Money Masters (Part 15 of 22)
The Money Masters (Part 16 of 22)
In April of 1929 [Rothschild's german/anglo/judeo banking agent, the very jewish]
Paul Warburg sends out a secret warning to his friends that a collapse and nationwide depression HAS BEEN PLANNED for later this year. It is certainly NO COINCIDENCE that the biographies of all the Wall Street giants of that era: John D. Rockefeller; J. P. Morgan Jr.; Joseph Kennedy; Bernard Baruch; et al, all marvel at the fact these people got out of the stock-market completely, just before the crash and put their assets into cash or gold.[THEY WERE _ALL_ willing participants... PART of a CRIMINAL, INSIDER TRADING CABAL run by 'foreign' euro/JUDEO financiers determined to ROB MILLIONS of unsuspecting Americans of ALL their 'paper' wealth]
So, as all the bankers and their friends already knew, in August the Federal Reserve began to tighten the money supply.Then on October 24th the big New York bankers called in their 24 hour broker call loans.This meant that both the stockbrokers and their customers had to dump their stocks on the stock-market to cover their loans, irrespective of what price they had to sell them for.
As a result of this the stock-market crashed, a day that would go down in history as, “Black Thursday.” In his book, “The Great Crash 1929,” John Kenneth Gailbraith makes the following shocking statement,“At the height of the selling frenzy [TRAITOR JEWISH FINANCIER] BERNARD BARUCH brought WINSTON CHURCHILL into the visitors gallery of the New York Stock Exchange to witness the panic and [to]impress him with his power over the wild events on the floor.”Republican Congressman, Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking & Currency Committee, from 1920 to 1931, who was a staunch critic of the Jewish bankers is quite candid as to who was responsible when he states of this crash,
Louis T. McFadden “It was not accidental. It was a carefully contrived occurrence...The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so that they might emerge as rulers of us all.”Despite the claims of how the Federal Reserve would protect the country against depressions and inflation, they continued to further contract the money supply. Between 1929 and 1933, they would reduce the money supply by an additional 33%. Even [THE VERY JEWISH!] Milton Friedman, the Nobel Peace Prize winning economist stated the following in a radio interview in January 1996,“The Federal Reserve DEFINITELY CAUSED the GREAT DEPRESSION by CONTRACTING the amount of CURRENCY in CIRCULATION by [30%] one-third from 1929 to 1933.”In only a few weeks from the day of the crash, 3 billion dollars of wealth vanished. Within a year, 40 billion dollars of wealth vanished. However, it did not simply disappear, it just ended up consolidated in fewer and fewer hands, AS WAS PLANNED. An example of this is Joseph P. Kennedy, John F. Kennedy's father. In 1929 he was worth 4 million dollars, in 1935 following the greatest depression in America’s history, that had increased to over 100 million dollars.
This is why depressions are caused. To take money out of the hands of the many for the benefit of a few....
Further grim details about the depth, breadth, scope, and ferocity of the PLANNED, INSTIGATED, INTENTIONAL SABOTAGE of AMERICA's ECONOMY,
are ALL OVER the internet and in well researched books, articles, and accounts, if you know where to look... including the 1970 autobiography and historical account of PUPPET TO FED BANKERS "U.S." PRESIDENT FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT's own son-in-law...
by Curtiss B. Dall - a successful and competent stock-broker and financial expert heading a large unit at New York's jewish owned LEHMAN Bros. trading company..
and here...
Satan truly comes to steal, kill and destroy, and those who are in league with him operate by the same principles. I mentioned back in April that the Lord directed me to spend a month camping. For the latter part of the month I was on Jekyll Island, Georgia. It was on Jekyll Island that a group of men met secretly to discuss the formation of the Federal Reserve, a fact that is attested to in a museum on the island located in the Millionaires’ Village. Paul Warburg was the driving force behind this meeting.
Paul Warburg
“Paul Warburg is not only responsible for the planning of the Federal Reserve, he also founded the Council on Foreign Relations.This 'Think Tank' was fully embraced by the government as far back as Harry Truman’s presidency, and most of the recent presidents have been active members. To understand the goals of the Council on Foreign Relations, the statement of Paul Warburg’s son, James Paul Warburg, given before the United States Senate on February 17, 1950 will shed much light.”
“We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”
With Malice and Forethought
dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a money aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power (of money) should be taken from the banks, and restored to the people to whom it belongs.
[Source: Thomas Jefferson]
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.
I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of the moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our Government to trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country.
[Source: Thomas Jefferson]
The founding fathers of America, although deists, understood that usury was a form of slavery. They therefore strenuously opposed the encroachment of private banks into the operations of government. The Constitution of the United States placed the right to print and coin money in the hands of Congress. No involvement by private banks was necessary, or desirable.
This led to a long fight between banking interests and the government. Lincoln fought a war against the Confederacy and won. However, when he took on the banking interests he lost, being assassinated by them. Andrew Jackson had better success. In a meeting with bankers in the White House he made the following declaration:
Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out!
This battle between bankers and the government of the United States continued for a prolonged period. In the late 1800s and early 1900s the bankers began to gain ground, led by men such as JP Morgan. JP Morgan held so much power over the financial and commercial sectors of this nation that many in the Federal government began to be alarmed.
In December 1912, Morgan testified before the Pujo Committee, a subcommittee of the House Banking and Currency committee. The committee ultimately found that a cabal of financial leaders were abusing their public trust to consolidate control over many industries: the partners of J.P. Morgan & Co. along with the directors of First National and National City Bank controlled aggregate resources of $22.245 billion. Louis Brandeis, later a U.S. Supreme Court Justice, compared this sum to the value of all the property in the twenty-two states west of the Mississippi River.
In the early 1900s, Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr, revealed to congress the existence of The Banker’s Manifesto of 1892. Some have attributed it to JP Morgan who was the greatest banker of the time, and perhaps in all of American history. Following is an extract from it.
The Banker’s Manifesto
Capital must protect itself in every way, through combination and through legislation. Debts must be collected and loans and mortgages foreclosed as soon as possible. When through a process of law the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the strong arm of the law, applied by the central power of wealth, under control of leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. This is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of capitalism to govern the world. By dividing the people we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us except as teachers of the common herd. Thus by discreet action we can secure for ourselves what has been generally planned and successfully accomplished.
It is not by chance that millions of Americans have lost their homes during the tenure of the current President of the United States. There is a great power grab under way, and a people without personal savings or homes are more easily controlled. It is also not by chance that the same banks that the Pujo Commission sought to limit in their power, are today the major beneficiaries of the current financial crisis. JP Morgan Chase received the assets of Lehman Brothers in a deal brokered by the government and the Federal Reserve. Washington Mutual, AIG, and Wachovia Bank are also being consolidated into an ever smaller number of super banks that are all controlled by a cabal of bankers, the same cabal that control the Federal Reserve.
1913 was a pivotal year for the banking elite. The number 13 is a number revered by occultists, and is featured prominently in the formation of America whose Masonic founders incorporated this number extensively in the nation’s symbols. It was by design that 1913 should be the year that both the IRS and the Federal Reserve came into existence, establishing the control of the moneyed elite over the nation. Woodrow Wilson was the President who signed the Federal Reserve act into law. In later years he lamented his decision.
I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.
[Source: Woodrow Wilson]
Just before passage of the Federal Reserve Act, Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. declared:
This Act (the Federal Reserve Act, Dec. 23rd 1913) establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President signs the Bill, the invisible government of the Monetary Power will be legalised... The worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency Bill.
Once the money powers were in control of the nation’s money supply, having been ceded the authority to print money by the Congress, their control was then felt in policy. The Federal Reserve is not a government agency. It is a cabal of private banks and industrialists who have established a working relationship with the government of the United States. The Rothschild Bank of England is reported to be the predominant leader, and this should give America’s citizens reason to consider what ruin actually did occur in 1913. In 1790 Mayer Amschel Rothschild had said:
Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who makes its laws.
The influence of the Rothschilds Bank continues to be felt today. Paul A. Volcker, after having served as the Federal Reserve Chairman under Presidents Carter and Reagan, went to work for the Rothschilds as chairman of the European investment banking firm, J. Rothschild, Wolfensohn and Co. in March 1992.
Twenty years after the Federal Reserve was created its influence upon American domestic and foreign policy had become well established. In 1933 Congressman Louis T. McFadden wrote:
Every effort has been made by the Federal Reserve Board (FED) to conceal its powers, but the truth is-the FED has usurped the government. It controls everything here (in Congress) and it controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will.
Louis McFadden championed a war against the Federal Reserve, seeking to get its monopoly over the nation’s money supplied overturned. He survived a couple assassination attempts before finally succumbing.
On May 23, 1933, Congressman Louis T. McFadden brought formal charges against the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank system, The Comptroller of the Currency and the Secretary of United States Treasury, for numerous criminal acts, including but not limited to, CONSPIRACY, FRAUD, UNLAWFUL CONVERSION, AND TREASON. The petition for Articles of Impeachment has thereafter been referred to the Judiciary Committee and has YET TO BE ACTED ON.
Congressman Louis McFadden died a mysterious death in 1936. The only reference I could find of it comes from the excessively right wing rag of the time, “Pelley’s Weekly,” that stated on Oct. 14th: “Now that this sterling American patriot has made the Passing ……it became known among his intimates that he had suffered two attacks against his life. The first attack came in the form of two revolver shots fired at him from ambush as he was alighting from a cab in front of one of the Capital hotels. Fortunately both shots missed him, the bullets burying themselves in the structure of the cab. He became violently ill after partaking of food at a political banquet at Washington. His life was only saved from what was subsequently announced as a poisoning by the presence of a physician friend at the banquet, who at once procured a stomach pump and subjected the Congressman to emergency treatment.
War & Peace Studies: Bernard Baruch, Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt and Insider Trading During the 1930s’ Great Depression
October 8, 2012
Bernard Baruch [was] one of the most politically influential of the Wall Street Money Trust. Baruch was a financier, a political “contributor” of Wall Street money to influence Congress, and an adviser to Presidents from Wilson to Hoover to Roosevelt and even a British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill.
Throughout the Republican presidencies of the 1920′s, [Bernard] Baruch had built up his influence, mainly by making large financial contributions to influential Congressional Democrats. He was a power broker without rival in that day, widely known to control the votes of at least 60 Senators and Representatives in Congress, through his money and influence.
[Bernard] Baruch … had gained a fortune in the stock market by selling all his stocks at peak prices some weeks before the October 1929 crash… He didn’t say that his close friend, Winston Churchill, had done the same on Baruch’s advice. Both Baruch and Churchill, curiously managed to get out at the stock market peak, just before the Bank of England triggered the events leading to the London market crash in September 1929. Suspicions in certain quarters held that Churchill and Baruch both benefited from their respective insider positions.
Baruch held an unequalled position of power and influence over Washington economic policy during those critical first few years of the depression.
Baruch’s unique influence blocked any genuine Democratic alternative to the disastrous Hoover laissez faire policy in those critical months. That lack of initiatives or solutions from the Democrats in the 1930s was not unlike the deafening silence of Congressional Democrats more than eight decades later during the 2008 Congressional debate over an unprecedented $700 billion Republican bailout bill for Wall Street.
Shortly after his reelection to a second term in 1937, [Franklin] Roosevelt, notorious for lack of understanding of economics, accepted the opinion of his Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau that the depression was ending, and that the greatest danger was potential inflation from too much government spending.
As a consequence, FDR slashed Federal spending and dramatically reduced the budgets of New Deal agencies such as the Works Progress Administration.
The Federal Reserve duly tightened the money supply, slamming the brakes on consumer spending. The stock market underwent its most severe drop in US history as two million Americans were thrown out of work. The press called it “Roosevelt’s Depression.”
Rockefeller’s Wall Street interests, Bernard Baruch, and a powerful circle of big business leaders [in the 1930s] were determined to reorganize the US economy along the centralized corporatist model of Mussolini’s fascist Italy.
Contrary to carefully planted propaganda in the media portraying FDR as the “hero of the little man” who was ready to “chase the moneylenders from the temple,” Roosevelt was the scion of a wealthy East Coast family, a distant relative of Teddy Roosevelt, and every bit The Man of Wall Street-especially of Baruch, Rockefeller and their group.
In May 1933, during his first weeks in office, FDR proposed to Congress the creation of a National Recovery Administration (NRA). It passed with a minimum of debate amid the depression crisis. Its first head was Hugh S Johnson associate of and advisor to Bernard Baruch.
The concept of the NRA was largely drawn from the national military emergency mobilization of industry that Baruch and Johnson had administered during the First World War. Ever since then, Big Business and Wall Street had been salivating over the possibility of getting such power over the economy into their hands once again. The Great Depression would be their cancer. Johnson would be their man. Within Roosevelt’s Administration, Johnson was open about the fact that he saw Mussolini’s Italian Fascist corporatism – the merger of government and corporate power to the one-sided gain of business – as a model for America.
In 1930 as most banks were struggling to survive, Rockefeller’s Chase National Bank was thriving… Chase Bank’s most significant acquisition during the first months of the financial crisis in 1930 was the Equitable Trust Company of New York, the largest stockholder of which was John D. Rockefeller Jr. This made the Chase Bank the largest bank in America and indeed the world .
As a result of their dominant position following the decline of the House of Morgan during the depression, the Rockefeller group, in addition to controlling Chase Bank and First City Bank of New York, controlled the largest US oil companies.
The Rockefeller group also consolidated a commanding control over the major chemical and defense-related industries.
[John D.] Rockefeller’s principal business adviser, Frederick T. Gates, suggested that he organize his wealth into a tax-exempt foundation after 1913, using tax-free funds, to extend the power and influence of the family.
The Rockefeller Foundation was incorporated in New York State in 1913, under the direction of Gates, whom Rockefeller called the greatest businessman he ever encountered. Gates would focus the new foundation’s activities on programs that would dramatically leverage Rockefeller wealth, but above all, the family’s political and social power.
Under this mantle of philanthropy, the Rockefeller Foundation would reshape the map of the entire world, beginning in the late 1930s. The programs and mechanisms through which it operated were phenomenally important and little understood, as they were extremely well disguised.
In 1939, with a major funding grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, the New York Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) began what would be a series of long-term studies in collaboration with the US State Department.
The top secret project [was] called the War & Peace Studies.
Between November 1939 and late 1942, the Rockefeller Foundation had contributed no less than $350,000 to finance a plan for post-war American economic hegemony via the War & Peace Studies Group was an investment that, like most ‘philanthropic’ investments made by the Rockefellers, would be ( repaid thousands of times over in later years) It defined the post-war American f business empire globally. Their American Century was very much a Rockefeller empire though most Americans were blissfully ignorant of the fact.
Unlike the British Empire, which was based on military conquest and direct possession of colonies, their American vision of global domination was based on financial conquest and economic possession. It was a brilliant refinement, one which allowed US corporate giants to veil their interests behind the flag of ‘democracy and political rights’ for ‘oppressed colonial peoples,’ support of ‘free enterprise’ and ‘open markets.
Aa confidential memo from the Council on Foreign Relations War & Peace Studies group to the US State Department in 1941
If war [WWII] aims are stated which seem to be solely concerned with Anglo-American imperialism, they will offer little to people in the rest of the world. The interests of other peoples should be stressed. This would have a better propaganda effect.
The interests represented in the Council on Foreign Relations [War & Peace Studies] … reflected the interests of the elite handful of American banks and industrial corporations that had developed global interests. The businessmen and their law firms represented in the Council on Foreign Relations were a breed apart from the rest of Americans, an oligarchy to themselves, an aristocracy of power and money.
While America lectures Russia on the 1932-33 famine in Ukraine, Russian
historian Boris Borisov asks what became of over seven million American citizens
who disappeared from US population records in the 1930s.
RT: What
made you research the history of what you call "American
B.B: It was very simple. As I was
doing comparative research of the American Great Depression in the 1930s, and
the Great Depression of the 1990s in Russia, I grew interested in the social
dimension of the tragedy. It was logical that
I looked up official American documents and found out that the discrepancies
were so obvious that any independent researcher would not but have doubt about
the official U.S. statistic data. All appears
to be rather interesting. I will come to that later.
The U.S. Congress
added fuel to the fire by adopting resolutions nearly every year blaming the
Soviet government for alleged staged famine in the 1930s in Ukraine. The first
resolution came in 1988, 50 years after the events described. The current
members of Congress wonder about the following, and I quote, "people in the
government were aware of what was going on, but did not do anything to help the
At that very period of 1930s, the wealthy city of New York saw kilometre-long lines of people for free
soup. There were no queues on the city"s main streets though, but not because
there were no hungry people but because most of the cities did not have any
money ? they were just bankrupt.
So, I became curious about that and
carried out some research that brought about interesting results.
RT: You say
that America of the early 1930s made over seven million people perish. It"s a
horrifying figure and it needs an explanation. What do you base your research on
and why do you say the population statistics of the U.S. government of 1932-33
was falsified?
B.B.: Seven and a half million
people does not mean the number of particular victims of the famine, but a
general demographic loss, or the difference between the supposed population on
the date of the census that was due to be held in 1940 and the factual number of
people. In reality, the total demographic loss is bigger. The fact is not
contested by anyone. The figure is more than ten million people.
However, when you start researching the subject, you
find that there is a migration component ? people were coming to the country and
leaving. All can be calculated. It turns out then, that three million people can
be subtracted at the cost of migration ? in approximate figures, as it is not a
scientific report.
What"s left is 7.5 million people still missing. The
question is: ?
Voluntary defenders of U.S. values who venture to discuss
the matter with me, normally begin with a statement that those people were
simply not born. However, if we take the age pyramid and distribute the people
according to their dates of birth, it becomes apparent that 5.5 million children
and two million grown-ups are missing from the 7.5 million. So, those two
million people could not have been non-existent ? as they had been born. They
could only die.
As a result, I consider the two million of grown-up
victims as the limit proved from the bottom ? for 10 years, let me emphasise
Could the remaining children out of those 5.5 not have been born?
The U.S. statistics does not answer this question. If we use the method of
international juxtapositions and see how demography reacted to similar
disastrous events in other countries, we will
see that the distribution of the demographic was divided between the
children who had died and had not been born in the ratio of ? to ?. In other
words, it"s from 2 to 4 million extra losses.
The overall loss in ten
years could be estimated as being from four - or slightly fewer - to six - or
slightly more - million.
Let me quote some figures, if you don"t mind ?
demonstrating how other countries reacted to the similar situation. If you
believe that four or six million people is a terrible number, let me quote this:
male mortality rate in Russia: 810,000 in 1984; 1,226,000 in 1994 - whereas the
population is the same. In other words, as compared with 1984, the year 1996 had
an additional number of 416,000 dead males. You have to add females and children
to that figure.
As of now the prevalence of the death rate over
birth rate yet remains, although smaller. Some say it is horrible, others say
it"s normal as the country is developing. So there are different takes about
there being half a million dead. Nobody tears his or her hair out to discuss
Likewise, there were opposing viewpoints in the USA. Some said it
was horrible ? "We had millions of people deprived of their land!" ? those who
read Steinbeck well knew the situation from his documentary-authentic novels
depicting starving children. Others say, "No, it"s all right. We"re fighting depression and all is as scheduled." Like
here today, I think.
RT: Imagine the so-called "hungry marches" in the times of
President Hoover and quote memories of a child about those events. Did you
actually find any survivors still alive to tell the story and confirm the fact
of "American Holodomor"?
B.B.: Let me draw your
attention to the fact that it was not me who called those marches "hunger
marches". They were called so by the participants. When someone goes marching in
protest against war, they protest against war because people get killed there.
When someone protests against hunger, it means they protest against dying of
starvation, and the people are ready for social unrest. You may know that not
only the police but also regular military
troops were used to disperse those marches.
There is a huge amount of
evidence. Let me quote some. For example. The thing is that in summer an article
by Dmitriy Lyskov was published in the English
translation, with some conclusions drawn from my research. That caused
active discussion in English-language blogs, also in the USA, which is
What do Americans write in their stories? Just three
1) The ancient members of my family told me how people used to
come to the door asking to do a day"s work
for only a meal.
2) If this story is true and our federal
government knew the enormity of the crisis during the 30s, then it might explain
their silence about the famine in Ukraine during the same time.
3) It's a
good argument. I heard lots of stories about the Depression from all my relatives, and especially from my mother and
father. People were starving, I don"t dispute that. But I don"t think it would
have been seven million.
We can see flat ideological statements about
democracy and freedom in the USA then, therefore such things just could not have
been there. However, we have authentic stories, so numerous that one could make
volumes out of them and put them on a shelf.
RT: Such
outstanding historical moments are usually reflected in literature, films, and,
of course, journalist reports and research
articles. The American depression is definitely one of those remarkable
periods. Is there any proof of your theory in an article of a newspaper of that
B.B.: They did write about it, of course,
but in a style similar to that used in our newspapers about the 1990s. They
criticised the government, parties fought each other, someone criticised local
authorities, someone insisted on their programmes, others on the opposite. As a
whole, however, the bigger picture of the epoch will be seen only in a while. As
for sources, they can be used for reference about those real events that were
happening there.
Of course, journalists may be interested in a fact about
a tractor that pulled down a farm. There are many facts of this kind ? Steinbeck
eloquently tells a lot about such things. But as to what happened to that farm
later, the fact being that ten people left but only eight came back, is seldom
told ? both then and now. It"s not something of big interest to journalists.
For instance, who died in
your family in the past two years?
You must bear in mind that those who
died are in the lowest stratum of the American society ? either had been poor,
or became poor and failed to get out of this level. Try to find research details
about the death rate among homeless people in Russia now ? you will encounter
big difficulties. You may find, but that may take a long time. And you will
hardly find anything in newspapers, despite the fact that mortality among the
homeless is there. And it"s about citizens of Russia and most likely the number
of those dying is big. Perhaps the factor that not all of them volunteered to
become homeless is the answer.
RT: In your article, you write about the
agrarian business lobby you claim is guilty of destroying the state food
resources. Can you please tell more about it and maybe compare it to any
instance of more recent economic wars or lobbies,
B.B.: The modern example is obvious ? it"s
a modern programme of producing fuel from food. It"s not by chance, that the
Cuban leader Fidel Castro raised this question, thus dotting the "i"s" and
crossing the "t"s". As a matter of fact, producing fuel from food is something
to enrich someone, whereas impoverishing dozens of millions of others. The
process is already there and the current increase of food prices is already
causing political unrest and more deaths. Medical specialists don't do this in
third-world countries nor in rich countries so far. The process is under way.
Unless stopped, by the end of the 21st century, the programme of obtaining fuel
from food will be studied in history books on pages next to Hitler and
concentration camps. The scale of the consequences would be comparable, in terms
of the number of victims.
This is what concerns the current
RT: We had these discussions in the time of chaos and
depression in the world"s financial markets. Hundreds of people are losing their
jobs, credits are not paid back, the mortgage crisis is on. As an economist, do
you see this as the beginning of a new great depression and, actually, a new
B.B.: Comparing the current crisis
with the Great Depression has become commonplace in economic discussions. I
would rather not over-load you with some economic terms but let me give you a
simple example. The modern crisis radically differs from the one in the early
20th century. Whereas that crisis was of an industrial society, this one is of a
post-industrial society and the economy of services.
What does that mean?
Imagine yourself a highly-paid specialist in securities. You strike deals and
earn a lot. You"re sure you"re worth it, because the deals yield good profits.
Who do you need? A legal adviser. Many of them, with an office, secretaries,
clerks ? all of whom help you not to lose your money and do your business. Who
do the legal advisers need? They need bank employees who take their lucrative
salaries and deposit them at advantageous terms. This is what makes up the first
financial circle.
The first circle is followed by another one, where
people need property dealers, as they are very busy themselves and would not
build homes on their own. They would need a tourist agent to quickly arrange
that their bottoms could be warmed up in Hawaii. And they need transfer agents
to arrange all the transportation.
Then follows the third circle of the
services industry ? including cafes where the guys from the first and second
circles have coffee, restaurant where they dine, fitness centres to make them
fit sometimes ? an they're necessary in the centre of the city, because they
cannot afford getting away from the money source spring as someone else can
crawl up and scoop from it. Ninety per cent of the fee is taken by the rent of
the premises in the prestigious locations.
All the rest is arranged
Now, imagine that the stock market has collapsed. You have no
job and no revenue. So you pack to leave ? Lehman Brothers all pack. You don"t
need legal advisers anymore. If you do, however, you have no money to pay them
with. No bank specialists are required. That is followed by no need for a
property agent, and all the rest down the chain.
What have we got as a
result? In an industrial economy, an enterprise has some safety factor ? some
reserves, long-term contracts, some property they can sell or mortgage at the
end of the day. There is no such safety margin in the services industry. As soon
as the money source stops, the services industry rumbles like a house of
So, things may be developing now much faster than in the pre-WWII
times. This is what we can see happening now during a very short period of time,
much shorter than in the time of the Great Depression, major financial
institutions collapsed, which set the alarm bells ringing, as French President
Sarkozy put it, making the economy a little smarter. This is well understood by
the leaders, but nobody says how to do this.
below U.S. CENSUS DATA charts... CONFIRM that America's population 'growth' CONTRACTED DRASTICALLY during the 1930s... by EIGHT MILLION from the previous 1920-1929 growth numbers. IF we allow that half of this difference came from poor families NOT having children.. and another million or two from Mexicans and other 'illegal immigrants' being forcibly returned to their native countries, we still have at the low end of the scale THREE MILLION AMERICANS who almost certainly PERISHED of STARVATION, EXPOSURE, DISEASE, STRESS, SUICIDES, and other ABJECT POVERTY and MALNUTRITION related causes - because the TREASONOUS "Fed" BANKERS INTENTIONALLY DESTROYED America's economy, to ROB MILLIONS of Americans of all their wealth !
COMPARISON - POPULATION GROWTH 1919 to 1929, vs 1929 to
1939.... MILLIONS LESS for the more recent decade !!
1919 to 1929: 121,767,000 - 104,514,000 = 17,253,000
1929 to 1939 130,879,718 - 121,767,000 = 9,112,718
the difference between two decades' growth = 8,140,282
= 8 million... EIGHT MILLION LESS Americans!
Population Estimates Program, Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau
Internet Release Date: April 11, 2000
Revised date: June 28,
National Population
Average Annual
Date Population Change
Percent Change
July 1, 1939 130,879,718 1,054,779
July 1, 1938 129,824,939 1,000,110
July 1, 1937 128,824,829 771,649
July 1, 1936 128,053,180 802,948
July 1, 1935 127,250,232 876,459
July 1, 1934 126,373,773 795,010
July 1, 1933 125,578,763 738,292
July 1, 1932 124,840,471 800,823
July 1, 1931 124,039,648 962,907
July 1, 1930 123,076,741 1,309,741
July 1, 1929 121,767,000 1,258,000
July 1, 1929 121,767,000 1,258,000
July 1, 1928 120,509,000 1,474,000
July 1, 1927 119,035,000 1,638,000
July 1, 1926 117,397,000 1,568,000
July 1, 1925 115,829,000 1,720,000
July 1, 1924 114,109,000 2,162,000
July 1, 1923 111,947,000 1,898,000
July 1, 1922 110,049,000 1,511,000
July 1, 1921 108,538,000 2,077,000
July 1, 1920 106,461,000 1,947,000
July 1, 1919 104,514,000 1,306,000