We have been remiss: we have posted this most exceptional, most informative, most ACCURATE, and most excellent Alex Jones rant before... but we have never taken the time to transcribe it in its 5 minute glory. Anyone who works, talking in to a microphone 3, 4, 5 or more hours per day is at times going to say things that reveal what are truly on that person's mind.... they may be ignorant, prejudicial rantings, or they may be an accurate reflection of the situation and facts as that person knows them. Mr. Alex Jones is an exceptionally informed American, who played no small part in getting very independent, "party-crashing" Republican President Donald Trump elected in 2016.
Every day of the late election process, president-elect term, and first year in office for President Trump has been, literally, a TEST of SURVIVAL, a TEST of ENDURANCE, savvy, and ability to function despite a MAELSTROM of opposition and hate thrown at President Trump, that is essentially a VERBATIM REPEAT of the COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA that was used as COVER, as AN EXCUSE, to EXTERMINATE WHOLE POPULATIONS during the pre- World War II 'Soviet Union" COMMUNISM RULED Russia era: the COMMISSARS who RULED MOSCOW hated and loathed the UKRAINIANS for daring to use the "Communist Revolution" to advocate Ukrainian independence... and proceeded to engage in an ORGY of MASS-MURDER, a "carnival of horrors," MURDERING 10 MILLION Ukrainians, and likewise independence minded Caucus mountains ethnic nationals, in just 2 years flat: by DERIDING the Ukrainians as "KULAKS" i.e. PEASANT FARMERS "in the way of progress" - and this COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA LABEL of derision, "KULAKS" ENABLED the Communists to further DECLARE Kulaks to be "COUNTER-REVOLUTIONARIES" - which (like "anti-Semitism") - was a CAPITAL CRIME requiring EXECUTION by the Communist state. Of course, even a cursory examination of the HORRORS of those LIQUIDATION, massacres, mass-murder purges, mass-deportations, and INTENTIONAL FAMINE years in the Ukraine reveal the FALSE, FAKE, LYING roots of the "Communist" PROPAGANDA - for CHILDREN were EXTERMINATED, WIPED OUT, MASSACRED along with their "criminal" parents: IT WAS AN OVERTLY GENOCIDAL system, having NOTHING to do with "the workers and proletariat" much less Justice: as Elizabeth Dilling has written, COMMUNISM was simply MASS MURDER & THEFT masked by Party SLOGANS...
...and SO TO TODAY here in America is the "DEEP STATE" agenda, the "MONEY POWER" ECONOMIC SABOTAGE Agenda, the "illuminati" SATANIC child rapes & "sacrifice" MURDER & "human trafficking" SEX SLAVERY, MURDER of PRISONERS for "organs harvesting" BLACKMAIL & EXTORTION rings really nothing but a system of THEFT & MASS-MURDER...
i.e. CONQUEST by INSIDIOUS TREACHERY by those who CLAIM to be "loyal Americans" but who put a FOREIGN POWER - "hear, O ISRAEL" - over, above, ahead of, and the the TOTAL EXCLUSION an ABJECT SUBJUGATION of these United States of America...