"WHEN JEWS IN HIGH PLACES - in the "U.S." Treasury & at the "Federal Reserve" financial EXTORTION system and ECONOMIES KILLING WRECKING-BALL.... at the "Defense Department" GENOCIDAL hegemony WAR DEPT. of NATIONS KILLING EXTERMINATIONS & GENOCIDES, in "law enforcement" at the FBI and "Justice" Department SCREW UP and FAIL MISERABLY - AS Broward Co. SHERIFF SCOTT ISRAEL's deputies FAILED MISERABLY to investigate much less stop an alleged gunmen - IT IS ALWAYS the AMERICAN PEOPLE upon whom THE BLAME IS LOADED, and who PAY THE COSTS.
STUPID AMERICANS who are TOO COWARDLY to CRITICIZE JEWS IN HIGH PLACES - and JEWISH DESIGNED POLICIES that are DRIVING AMERICA TO RUINATION and SERIAL TERROR destruction (along with metastasizing wars of "U.S." ZIO-NAZI "greater israel" IMPERIAL HEGEMONY - DESERVE to be rounded up and "liquidated" - as TENS of MILLIONS of Russians, Ukrainians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Poles, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Georgians, Chechans, and other VICTIMS of TROTSKY & KAGANOVICH JEW COMMISSARS TERROR & EXETERMINATION SQUADS WERE after the 1917 "Communist""Revolution" PUT JEW COMMISSARS with LIFE DEATH POWERS over EVERY human in the "Soviet Union"