Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show WAILS! that "RUSSIA STANDS TO BENEFIT from EU Breaking Up! The 'Russia hacked election story for Trump' story may be completely overblown [completely ZIO-NAZI LUNATIC INSANE!] - but the Russians are NOT our friends."
American "CHRISTIAN" LAZINESS to INVESTIGATE HISTORY outside of current events could literally be - according to Jeff Rense & Phil Butler - a FATAL MISTAKE, as the "Alt Right" which POWERS & INFORMS the TRUMP SUPPORTING Conservatives ABJECTLY FAIL TO RECOGNIZE the JDUEO SUPREMACIST, GENOCIDAL, SATANIC INSANITY which is DRIVING THE BUS of both CURRENT "NEW WORLD ORDER" aka "globalist" INSANITY - but has been running the US WAR MACHINE & brutal govt. for 150+ years, since the assassination of President Lincoln if not earlier!
If AMERICANS WEREN'T SO STUPID, they would look at a world-map, or globe, and see that RUSSIA may control some of the world's richest MINERAL RESOURCES - but it is RIGHT NEXT TO the MOST POPULOUS, RESOURCE HUNGRY NATION & peoples on the planet - China!
And the RUSSIANS *SHOULD* be NATURAL ALLIES with the United States, to keep China on the straight path - - of peaceful, non-expansionist cooperation!
Instead, AMERICA IS RULED by LUNATIC, DEGENERATE, CHILD RAPING (if not CANNIBAL!) (Satanic) JEWS - who BELIEVE THEY HAVE A RIGHT TO KILL RUSSIANS as Americans expanding West believed they had a right to round up - OR KILL OFF - any native tribes they encountered. THE JEWS - the JEW COMMISSARS - KILLED 65+ MILLIONS Russians, Ukrainians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Poles, Chechans, etc - over TEN TIMES AS MANY CHRISTIANS as the JEWS CLAIMED Hitler killed Jews! - and TODAY'S "American" JEWS from Russia ARE JUST AS BLOOD-THIRSTY as their COMMISSAR grandfathers - indeed, ISRAEL WAS POPULATED LARGELY BY COMMUNIST JEWS who WOULD HAVE BROUGH T THE TERROR PURGES TO GERMANY, from Russia, IF HITLER hadn't defeated the RUSSIA - and BILLIONAIRE JEWS - backed German Communists!
Mr. Hodges suffers from CHRSTO-FASCIST DELUSION SYNDROME - like BILL STILL, and SEAN of SGT Report, and so many other "MORAL VALUES" CHRIST-ian Conservatives, he is SO WEDDED to the notion of the OLD TESTAMENT BIBLE as being the prelude to the "New Testament" bible - that he SIMPLY CAN'T SEE that not only are the OT & NT completely historical fiction stories... but that "modern" JEWS SEE THEMSELVES as ENTITLED by g-o-d TO RULE THE WORLD - and not in some benign "Gone with the Wind happy slaves" manner, but in the manner of the SLAUGHTER of JERICHO in the OT bible - as RUTHLESS, as MURDEROUS, AS TERRIFYING as possible to "spread the word" that G-O-D WANTS HIS 'chosen' TO RULE THE WORLD!"