AMERICA's 2nd REVOLUTION:[the TIME HAS COME to OVERTHROW the FOREIGN "money power" who CONSIDER IT THEIR "chosen" RIGHT to BRIBE & BLACKMAIL our "leaders" and to SABOTAGE *our* country to be no more than a VASSAL COLONY, a HIRED, DISPOSABLE, nuclear armed Hessian mercenary force STOMPING THE WORLD to IMPOSE their INSANE, RACIST, DEMONIC, evil, GENOCIDAL, mass-murder lusting would-be world-ruling empire!]
"However, it seems the revolutionary spirit has not yet been fully driven from the American people. A groundswell of support for the libertarian ideals of our national founders has created a tremendous pressure on our current ruling elite. As a result of the rapid encroachment on liberty and privacy in the aftermath of September 11, 2001, the CITIZENS of the United States HAD BEGUN to DEVELOP a GENUINE DISTRUST of government.
A STRONG DISTRUST of GOVERNMENT is PERHAPS the MOST AMERICAN of TRAITS."[while a SLAVISH DEVOTION to JEWISH AUTHORITY FIGURES and racist, intolerant, insular, "goyim" hating Judeo cult worship - Talmud - is the very DEFINING aspect of Judaism - the more so the richer, more arrogant, or more fundamentalist Jews in any host nation are. Leviticus 25:44 SPECIFICALLY INSTRUCTS JEWS that THEY ARE to "MAKE SLAVES OF THE PEOPLE of the NATIONS AROUND YOU: of the CHILDREN of non-Jews who live among you, YOU MAY BUY [KIDNAP!] their Children TO BE SLAVES UNTO YOUR children... UNTO PERPETUITY." BEING a SLAVE to other people is the DIAMETRIC OPPOSITE of a government of free & independent citizens! From point of view of people who are RESISTING being ENSLAVED by the POWERFUL ELITES ABOVE them in the government, power, politics food-chain... JUDAISM might as well, therefore, BE SYNONYMOUS WITH CORRUPTION! - as indeed we are finding is the case - see ALL THE CRIMES SHELDON ADELSON, DIANNE FEINSTEIN, RAHM EMANUEL, CHUCK SCHUMER, DEBBIE WASSERMAN, and countless other JEWS HAVE GOTTEN AWAY WITH!]
"By 2012, fiercely libertarian Representative Ron Paul had made a huge impact on the American public with his anti-interventionist foreign policy and his domestic policy (which essentially consisted of shuttering as many government agencies as possible.) Perhaps most interesting was Ron Paul’s large support amongst young people, particularly college students. Was this Ron Paul revolution simply good marketing? Or was it an inevitable reaction to an increasingly authoritarian government?"
(OSI:DI strongly recommends watching Ron Paul’s famous ‘What if?’ speech to congress in 2009.)
We are DELIGHTED that we find "CONVERGENCE" - dozens of excellent researchers, writters, genuine journalists, commentators, video producers, YouTube hosts, and reporters are closing in on the grim facts of life: that America is ruled by a ruthless, mass-murderous cabal bent on not only the ABJECT SUBJUGATION of the American people.... but, beyond them being really rich, and us being poor, THEY REALLY WANT TO DESTROY us... AND DESTROY these United States as an independent & sovereign nation based on "the will of the people." But even as some - say, "Thomas & Betsy" of the AIM American Intelligence Media website research and DOCUMENT STUNNING, GROTESQUE levels of SELL-OUT, TRAITOR CORRUPTION among our government officials - they STILL FAIL to SEE THE ELEPHANT in the living room: NO! the QUEEN & BRITISH ROYALS are NOT the ultimate power!
- Why, it's the people who have been BUYING & SELLING SLAVES among whatever host nation & peoples they have lived among, for well over 2,900 years! The JEWISH, JUDEO "elites" ARE BORN, RAISED, and INDOCTRINATED to HATE NONE-JEWS - just as the most powerful Jesuits were born, raised, and indoctrinated to HUNT DOWN & EXTERMINATE PROTESTANTS during the Religious Wars, Europe's Counter-Reformation and the bloody, murderous Inquisition that had long preceded Martin Luther's "95 Thesis" INDICTMENT of Church, Vatican, popes' corruption he nailed to the church door of Wittenberg castle in 1517..... INGRAINED, INSTITUTIONALIZED, EMBEDDED, INFESTED CORRUPTION has BEEN AMONG us for EVERY CENTURY since humans first started living together in settlements 100 centuries ago... and the JUDEO ELITES actually DO have a CONTINUAL HISTORY of entering other people's tribes, lands, and nations... and INSTITUTIONALIZING CORRUPTION, i.e. their own "DEFRAUD the GOYIM until they ARE YOUR SLAVES... then TAKE DOWN the nation and CREATE A JUDEO SUPREMACIST TYRANNY to OFFICIALLY ENSLAVE everyone else" agenda....
Did you think overthrowing the tyrannical elite who have run this country into the ground was going to be a walk in the park? No, most certainly not. The banking-media-military-globalist cartel has built an empire at the expense of the Constitution, the liberty of the American people, and the values upon which our Republic was founded. For decades, this cartel methodically increased its own power and influence, ramming unconstitutional legislation through congress with the approval of bribed and blackmailed traitors in the House of Representatives and the Senate. In foreign affairs, this cartel has robbed the American taxpayer blind to finance terror organizations, organize coups and protests in foreign countries, traffic drugs, weapons and even children. Domestically, this cartel has endeavored to make government your sole master and provider. As America’s founding fathers warned, a population dependent on government for security and sustenance would quickly give up their God-given right to liberty.
Fallout: When the Levee Breaks
Did you think overthrowing the tyrannical elite who have run this country into the ground was going to be a walk in the park? No, most certainly not. The banking-media-military-globalist cartel has built an empire at the expense of the Constitution, the liberty of the American people, and the values upon which our Republic was founded. For decades, this cartel methodically increased its own power and influence, ramming unconstitutional legislation through congress with the approval of bribed and blackmailed traitors in the House of Representatives and the Senate. In foreign affairs, this cartel has robbed the American taxpayer blind to finance terror organizations, organize coups and protests in foreign countries, traffic drugs, weapons and even children. Domestically, this cartel has endeavored to make government your sole master and provider. As America’s founding fathers warned, a population dependent on government for security and sustenance would quickly give up their God-given right to liberty.
However, it seems the revolutionary spirit has not yet been fully driven from the American people. A groundswell of support for the libertarian ideals of our national founders has created a tremendous pressure on our current ruling elite. As a result of the rapid encroachment on liberty and privacy in the aftermath of September 11, 2001, the citizens of the United States had begun to develop a genuine distrust of government. A strong distrust of government is perhaps the most American of all traits. By 2012, fiercely libertarian Representative Ron Paul had made a huge impact on the American public with his anti-interventionist foreign policy and his domestic policy (which essentially consisted of shuttering as many government agencies as possible.) Perhaps most interesting was Ron Paul’s large support amongst young people, particularly college students. Was this Ron Paul revolution simply good marketing? Or was it an inevitable reaction to an increasingly authoritarian government? (OSI:DI strongly recommends watching Ron Paul’s famous ‘What if?’ speech to congress in 2009.)
Now today, the American people are on the very cusp of restoring the Republic of the United States. A populist President was voted into office who espoused some very simple ideas that the press derided as dangerous: serving the people, putting the interests of America first, and protecting the rights of the individual, rather than granting favors to the special interests. These notions were considered radical in the 1700’s, and it is a testament to how far we have strayed from our founder’s vision that these ideas are considered radical once again.
BRITAIN is IMPORTING MUSLIM immigrants BY THE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS - people who have ABSOLUTELY NO respect for British Christian based history, culture, and laws.... much less for the effete and degenerate Royal family and equally degenerate aristocracy institutions!
Likewise, ITALY is ALSO IMPORTING hundreds of thousands, upon millions of African and Mideastern ISLAMIC "refugees" and economic immigrants - people who have little to NO respect for CHRISTIANITY, Christian history, or Christian institutions - they all remember the Crusades, much less more recent Western (European) colonial/imperial ATROCITIES against native Muslims for CENTURIES - and they certainly have NO respect for the effete and (we now increasingly know) degenerate and even SATANIC Vatican popes, bishops, and child-raping priests.
NO! the BRITISH ROYALS and the VATICAN POPES do NOT benefit from MASS (Islamic) IMMIGRATION, from OPEN BORDERS and from the (judeo) billionaire "globalists" anti-nations EU style top-down economic TYRANNY i.e. ECONOMIC SABOTAGE.... So... WHO DOES BENEFIT from THE DESTRUCTION of NATIONS, from the DESTRUCTION of Christianity, and from the TOP DOWN SUBJUGATION and ENSLAVEMENT of all peoples in the Western world?!
- Why, it's the people who have been BUYING & SELLING SLAVES among whatever host nation & peoples they have lived among, for well over 2,900 years! The JEWISH, JUDEO "elites" ARE BORN, RAISED, and INDOCTRINATED to HATE NONE-JEWS - just as the most powerful Jesuits were born, raised, and indoctrinated to HUNT DOWN & EXTERMINATE PROTESTANTS during the Religious Wars, Europe's Counter-Reformation and the bloody, murderous Inquisition that had long preceded Martin Luther's "95 Thesis" INDICTMENT of Church, Vatican, popes' corruption he nailed to the church door of Wittenberg castle in 1517..... INGRAINED, INSTITUTIONALIZED, EMBEDDED, INFESTED CORRUPTION has BEEN AMONG us for EVERY CENTURY since humans first started living together in settlements 100 centuries ago... and the JUDEO ELITES actually DO have a CONTINUAL HISTORY of entering other people's tribes, lands, and nations... and INSTITUTIONALIZING CORRUPTION, i.e. their own "DEFRAUD the GOYIM until they ARE YOUR SLAVES... then TAKE DOWN the nation and CREATE A JUDEO SUPREMACIST TYRANNY to OFFICIALLY ENSLAVE everyone else" agenda....
Did you think overthrowing the tyrannical elite who have run this country into the ground was going to be a walk in the park? No, most certainly not. The banking-media-military-globalist cartel has built an empire at the expense of the Constitution, the liberty of the American people, and the values upon which our Republic was founded. For decades, this cartel methodically increased its own power and influence, ramming unconstitutional legislation through congress with the approval of bribed and blackmailed traitors in the House of Representatives and the Senate. In foreign affairs, this cartel has robbed the American taxpayer blind to finance terror organizations, organize coups and protests in foreign countries, traffic drugs, weapons and even children. Domestically, this cartel has endeavored to make government your sole master and provider. As America’s founding fathers warned, a population dependent on government for security and sustenance would quickly give up their God-given right to liberty.
Fallout: When the Levee Breaks
[i.e. Time for a 2nd American Revolution]
by Yossarian (ISSUE #010) February 12, 2018
Did you think overthrowing the tyrannical elite who have run this country into the ground was going to be a walk in the park? No, most certainly not. The banking-media-military-globalist cartel has built an empire at the expense of the Constitution, the liberty of the American people, and the values upon which our Republic was founded. For decades, this cartel methodically increased its own power and influence, ramming unconstitutional legislation through congress with the approval of bribed and blackmailed traitors in the House of Representatives and the Senate. In foreign affairs, this cartel has robbed the American taxpayer blind to finance terror organizations, organize coups and protests in foreign countries, traffic drugs, weapons and even children. Domestically, this cartel has endeavored to make government your sole master and provider. As America’s founding fathers warned, a population dependent on government for security and sustenance would quickly give up their God-given right to liberty.
However, it seems the revolutionary spirit has not yet been fully driven from the American people. A groundswell of support for the libertarian ideals of our national founders has created a tremendous pressure on our current ruling elite. As a result of the rapid encroachment on liberty and privacy in the aftermath of September 11, 2001, the citizens of the United States had begun to develop a genuine distrust of government. A strong distrust of government is perhaps the most American of all traits. By 2012, fiercely libertarian Representative Ron Paul had made a huge impact on the American public with his anti-interventionist foreign policy and his domestic policy (which essentially consisted of shuttering as many government agencies as possible.) Perhaps most interesting was Ron Paul’s large support amongst young people, particularly college students. Was this Ron Paul revolution simply good marketing? Or was it an inevitable reaction to an increasingly authoritarian government? (OSI:DI strongly recommends watching Ron Paul’s famous ‘What if?’ speech to congress in 2009.)
Now today, the American people are on the very cusp of restoring the Republic of the United States. A populist President was voted into office who espoused some very simple ideas that the press derided as dangerous: serving the people, putting the interests of America first, and protecting the rights of the individual, rather than granting favors to the special interests. These notions were considered radical in the 1700’s, and it is a testament to how far we have strayed from our founder’s vision that these ideas are considered radical once again.
but NOT as Thomas & Betsy claim, of the BRITISH CROWN...
rather, WE are SUBJECTS, SERFS, INDENTURED "servants"... SLAVES!
to "the MONEY POWER"... the SATANIC (frankist/sabbatean) JUDEO ELITES
under the ROTSCHILDS, et al, who OPERATE OUT OF the CITY OF LONDON -
like the Vatican is an INDEPENDENT STATE *within* the nation of Italy,
the CITY of LONDON is AN INDEPENDENT STATE, INDEPENDENT of Britain and the British Crown... and it is THEY - acting through the British royals, the British Govt., the American govt, the EU European Union, the UN "united nations" and of course all the PRIVATELY OWNED FINANCIAL EXTORTION funds - "the Federal Reserve,""Bank of England" (extortion bank of ROTSCHILDS!), the ECB European Central Bank, the bank of Australia and bank of Canada, the IMF, World Bank, and BIS - these are all PASS THROUGH organizations and corporations THROUGH WHICH THE SATANIC ROTSCHILDS - BACKED BY RANK & FILE JEWS in EVERY NATION in the world (and of course BACKED BY ALL THEIR TRAITOR COLLABORATORS who PROFIT from this GLOBAL EXTORTION & ENSLAVEMENT SYSTEM) TRANSMIT THEIR ORDERS to DEFRAUD, EXTORT, SUBJUGATE, ENSLAVE... and ultimately to ENSLAVE the "goyim" - a ONE WORLD POWER, answering to SATANIC JEWS, who have both a LITERAL AND metaphorical BLOOD LUST - not only do they ENJOY BOMBING IRAQIS, IRANIANS, SYRIANS, PALESTINIANS, Russian speaking Ukrainians, Serbs, & etc.... but THEY ACTUALLY ARE VAMPIRES AND CANNIBALS who, after a lifetime of participation in "SRA" SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE rituals - actually ARE ADDICTED to drinking the blood of terrorized & murdered children - full of ENDOCHROMES that allow these Satanic parasites to live in to their late 90s....
A history lesson for Americans: YOU are STILLBritisha SUBJECT under theBRITISHCROWNCITY of LONDON VAMPIRES !!
The book The Great American Adventure – Secrets of America was recently posted on Truth News Headlines and the Anonymous Patriots did not want it to go unnoticed because it provides a panoramic view of British-American relations throughout history that is quite instructive if you are studying Serco, Crown Agents, Urenco and other British corporations that own major parts of the U. S. economy.
Extracts from: The Great American Adventure – Secrets of America
Political history of government and law by Judge Dale (retired)
The Colonization of America continued to expand while King George grew deeper in debt to the Rothschild Bank. It was Mayer Amschel Bauer (Rothschild), a Jew and the founder of the Rothschild Banking Empire, who suggested to King George that he tax the American colonies and demand his payment in gold. Since he was thoroughly in debt to the Rothschild Bank, King George subsequently decided to tax all commerce entering or exiting the Americas and he demanded his payment in gold. His first tax was on tea.
The colonists did not trade in gold but had developed a system of exchange based upon promissory notes called “Colonial Script,” which is similar to the “Federal Reserve Notes” of today. The difference between Colonial Script and Federal Reserve Notes is: “Consent.” The colonists consented to establish and honor the Colonial Script as a fair medium of exchange and which bore no interest charges; whereas, Federal Reserve Notes were thrust upon Americans without our consent, with interest and the intent of stealing the fruits of American labor, equity and assets.
The King’s demand for gold is what instigated the Boston Tea Party and not the historic claim of ‘Taxation without Representation.’ The Colonists were actually willing to pay King George’s tea tax, providing he would accept his payment in Colonial Script, which he could then trade back to them for tobacco and hemp products, and he refused. In response to the Boston Tea Party, King George sent his military in force to intimidate the colonists. This resulted in an armed confrontation and many skirmishes, which was later billed and classified as the Revolutionary War.
The fifty-one colonists who are counted as being the “Founding Fathers,” prepared and served a declaration upon King George, declaring America’s independence from England under the name of “The United States of America,” which did not set well with the King. In fact, it outraged him. The Colonists learned to fight guerrilla style warfare from fighting with and against the various Indian tribes and subsequently won many of these revolutionary skirmishes but they never had a prayer of winning a war and besides, King George never intended to kill off the colonists because: Who then would pay his tax? All he was attempting to do was regain control over his deposed slaves and any new slaves who had joined forces with the colonists.... [cont'd]