Channel: The Jewish Wars
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President "make AMERICA great again" HAS BEEN ENGULFED, DEVOURED, SWALLOWED-up by, OVERWHELMED & SUBJUGATED by THE GLOBAL ZIO-NAZI WAR ON AMERICANS & ALL of HUMANITY NY, DC, Chicago, LA, Dallas, CITY OF LONDON, Brussels, Amsterdam, Berlin, Zurich Ottawa, Sydney (et al) ZIO-NAZI INSANE WARS LUSTING genocidal psychopaths...


 WHAT does JEFF SESSIONS GET for  AIDING the SATANIC JEWS, the ZIO-NAZI MOB in DESTROYING the Trump presidency, and thus DESTROYING AMERICAN independence, nationalism, and Sovereignty?! 
 THEY- the JEW MOB  (Avi Nevo, OWNER of TIME-warner,  is a front-man for the Rotschilds)  OWNED  TIME magazine.... give him, THEIR TOADY JEFF SESSIONS, 
or a  high priest at a Satanic ritual murder "sacrifice"!    

A HUNDRED YEARS FROM NOW, this TIME magazine COVER of JEFF SESSIONS will mark the TURNING POINT when the SATANIC  JEW-NAZI WAR ON AMERICANS  went "hot" -  killing tens of millions of Americans is most certainly THE AGENDA  JEFF SESSSIONS in HELPING HIS SATANIC JEW MASTERS BRING to conquered, enslaved, subjugated, and soon to be disposed of America...  

The "SWAMP" ENGULFING  PRESIDENT TRUMP ALIVE is because  TRAITOR ATTORNEY GENERAL JEFF SESSIONS has ***allowed***  the "deep state" - which is ONE AND THE SAME with the ROTSCHILDS, AIPAC,  JEW WAR LOBBY supported STATE OF ISRAHELL -  to not only COVER UP  VAST  "deep state" CRIMES & ATROCITIES of the previous OBAMA, HOLDER, LORETTA LYNCH administration & HILLARY CLINTON CAMPAIGN, DNC, CLINTON FOUNDATION,  but to additionally STAGE & COVER-UP a whole NEW FRESH TRANCHE of   SERIAL "false flag" TERROR ATTACKS  during the TRUMP presidency - including the LAS VEGAS / Satanic MGM MULTIPLE "kill teams" GUNMEN  MASSACRE of concert goers in front of the MGM Mandalay Bay & Luxor casinos in Las Vegas,  including not only the PARKLAND High School MOSSAD KILL TEAM MASSACRE of  American school students,  including not only the ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATIONS by  SABOTAGED TRAIN-WRECK of  REPUBLICAN CONGRESSMEN the night of  the Trump State of the Union speech,  but serial instigation and financing of  "ANTIFA"  MASKED GUNMEN in PUBLIC SPACES just OVERTLY foreshadowing a "RED TERROR"  GULAGS & MASS-MURDER PURGES being unleashed on the American people... 

 Americans have had nearly TWO YEARS to DEMAND that PRESIDENT TRUMP  FIRE his  ZIO-NAZI MOBSTER in charge of the "Justice" Department   "ISRAEL UBER amerika" former Alabama Senator JEFF SESSIONS... now it is TOO LATE, the SATANIC, serial "false flag" TERRORISM PERPETRATING JEW TRAITORS have CONSOLIDATED THEIR STRANGLEHOLD on the TRUMP ADMINISTRATION, on NY, DC, Chicago, LA, and the entire Con-gress, Senate, White House, U.S. TREASURY, US WAR MACHINE, and  over the ENTIRE  U.S. government.... next up, the "RED TERROR" - the MASS MURDER BY GOVERNMENT of WHOLE SWATHS of the STUPIFIED, IGNORAMUS American population,  brought from 1917  "JEW BOLSHEVIK""COMMUNISTS" run Russia to ZIO-NAZI SATANISTS run 2018 America

all these HORRORS about to be unleashed on MILLIONS of Americans, and BILLIONS of people across the world,  BECAUSE  TRAITOR  JEFF SESSIONS  **ALLOWED** the  Bob Mueller, James Comey, ROD ROSENSTEIN   "justice" DEPARTMENT JEW LYNCH-MOB to  COVER-UP 2 years worth of  UNHINGED "russia collusion" POLITICAL ATTACKS & satanic JEW BILLIONAIRES owned corp. MEDIA  ATTACKS... and the WHITEWASH of  SERIAL INSTIGATED "false flag" TERROR ATTACKS -  GEORGE SOROS & "bibi" Netanyahu  have a de facto "RIGHT" to INSTIGATE TERROR ATTACKS ANYWHERE IN AMERICA... and YOUR PRESIDENT, whether DONALD TRUMP or BARACK OBAMA, whether BILL CLINTON or GEORGE W. BUSH, whether a MITT ROMNEY, JOHN McINSANE, or a HILLARY CLINTON - will BEND OVER BACKWARDS to kiss their asses; they will all BOW DOWN to KISS SATANIC JEW-NAZI FEET..... AT ANY TIME the SATANIC JEW-NAZIS  CAN INSTIGATE a "false flag" ATTACK on YOU, YOUR FAMILY, YOUR COMMUNITY, your city... or YOUR COUNTRY... and YOUR CONGRESS WILL APPLAUD, and  apportion MORE MONEY to the ZIO-NAZI, CHERTOFF, FEINSTEIN, BLOOMBERG BLUMENTHAL overseen   GULAG COMMISSARS to start RAMPING UP the RED TERROR proper, aka JADE HELM DEATH PURGES here in America....  


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