IT IS TOO LATE: WE ARE ALL expendable, cannon-fodder, human-meat SLAVES on the judeo Plantation, and, as we speak, the TREASONOUS appartchiks and sell-out TRAITORS in 'our' government are DEMOLISHING the last roadblocks to...
#1. U.S. attacks on (and/or INVASION OF) Syria (and here, and here)
#2. which is the BACK-DOOR the EVIL JEW WAR-PIGS have been LUSTING FOR to get the U.S. to attack their real target - IRAN. The judeo war lobby Neo-Cons have been wet-dreaming about a U.S. attack on Iran for at least 2 decades now...
and the judeo war cabal have
(high priests, wealthy/powerful merchants & financiers, and 'secular' academics 'scholars;, and 'think-tank' writers, etc.) collectively been LUSTING TO ATTACK IRAN (as a proxy stand in for Babylon or Persia) for nearly 3,500 years, ever since the Babylonian army under King Nebuchadneezer attacked and conquered Jerusalem (in 597 BC), massacred thousands of jews, and drove the survivors off as captured slaves during the "Babylonian captivity."
The jewish religion - which is drenched in blood, and worships a "god' who demands frequent and massive blood sacrifices - has had a 3,500 year schizophrenia since the Babylonian conquest & captivity:
A.) On the one hand, the jews knew that they were the SUPREME PEOPLE on earth - because 'the holy bible' tells them they had been "chosen" by ALMIGHTY 'god' to RULE over lesser humans...
B.) on the other hand, the fact that "god almighty" had ALLOWED first the Assyrians, and then the Babylonians to CONQUER and enslave the jewish people, "must" have meant that the jews had fallen out of "god's" favor.
IN THE DEMONIC, bronze-age outlook of the judeo 'leadership' and their religious indoctrination, KILLING ENOUGH PERSIANS(Iranians, as stand-in sacrificial victims for Babylonians) today, in the 21st century, will CONFIRM to the jews today that they are once again "god's chosen" not only _theoretically_ in the pages of the bible, but in actual fact - wielding not just covert, but overt judeo supremacy throughout not just Occupied Palestine, but through all of "eratz israel" 'greater israel' to present day Iraq... and to Persia, and to Arabia, Afghanistan, and throughout the entire Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, and everywhere.
(Yes, we know this is insane.. but as the 1,000+ posts on this blog attest, the judeo supremacist OCCUPATION of AMERICA is ALREADY systemic, in-your-face, mass-murderous, economy-killing, civil- and human-rights crushing, and overt - if you do not discount the facts, videos, pictures, and stories that stare you in the face every time you read the 'news' or watch 'your' government conduct its increasingly dictatorial, destructive, warmongering, police-state, monopoly concentration of wealth and GROSS INEQUALITY business.)
And of course, the jews being as BLOODTHIRSTY and remorseless as their relentlessly bloodthirsty and vengeful god(whom they model themselves on), the RESTORATION of judaism as the ACTUAL, FACTUAL RULING PEOPLE of planet earth, will be "celebrated" by a MASSIVE BLOOD-LETTING - the KILLING of at least a MILLION Iranians, to make the Iraq war look like a tea party in comparison.
Hell, the evil jew war state has already killed nearly 1/10th of a million Syrians in a PROXY war - and that is a low-ball estimate.
#3. The Syria attacks, alone (without even waiting for the U.S./jew-war-state attacks on Iran) will almost certainly provoke BACKLASH terror attacks here in the United States... what the covert/intel world calls "BLOWBACK" attacks...
#4. Those "blowback" TERROR ATTACKS IN the U.S.A. will be the "incident(s)" the treasonous government appartchiks need, to proceed with
#5. much of the economy will GRIND TO A HALT for those in the wrong place at the wrong time - you will have NO customers if your neighborhood is "LOCKED DOWN" by the evil judeo/police invasion/siege, you'll be lucky to get food and water if the police cordon surrounds your community...
#6. PROTESTS will effectively be TREATED AS TREASON: merely protesting will mark you a "TERRORIST SUPPORTER," and you can be whisked away to "DISAPPEAR" in the gulag system - until the judeo traitors or their hired, SADISTIC appartchiks running the system decide to let your family know your whereabouts... IF you aren't gunned down or tortured to death immediately...
#7. The above IS THE DESIRED OUTCOME, the GOAL, of the TREASONOUS Neo-Con appartchiks who have filled and taken over our government positions in the decades since public support for Civil Rights, human rights, and a peaceful, productive economy have been diminished, demeaned, degraded, and destroyed under the relentless judeo financier and judeo press/media propagandists' sneering "death of 1,000 cuts."
This is not fantasy or merely "conspiracy theory" on our part: the jewish bible EXPLICITLY instructs jews that they (their elites) are entitled to ENSLAVE other human beings - not only foreigners and non-jews, but EVEN FELLOW JEWS may be ENSLAVED for... get this... for DEBTS!!
Leviticus 25:44-46
44 Both thy bondmen [SLAVES!], and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. [judeo wealthy elites can ENSLAVE EVERYONE around them !! ] 45 Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession. [IF jews see "foreigners" walking around... they may call out the police/mercenary goon squad, and ENSLAVE those "alien" people right on the spot! ] 46 And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen for ever: but over your brethren the children of Israel, ye shall not rule one over another with rigour. [ SLAVERY shall be UNTO PERPETUITY for those captured and held "in servitude" by the evil jew war-pigs !!]
And in the deranged world-view of conservative, orthodox, and 'religious' jews, the instructions of the bible - including those on the administration of slavery - are not just "instructions" to be followed at your convenience, like a stop sign at a deserted intersection, but are viewed as "direct COMMANDS from god" - all jews seek to become wealthy and prosperous, and the sign of a wealthy and prosperous jew is to have many "servants" - "servants" is a modern euphemism for SLAVES, so being "in god's grace" is synonymous with attaining wealth... and owning slaves.
So, cut through the decades of middle-class American (and European) judeo "we support human rights" propaganda narrative designed to CAMOUFLAGE their real agenda, hard-core Orthodox and elitist jews are CONTEMPTUOUS of human rights, and advocate a system BUILT ON GROSS INEQUALITYthat moves as closely to "god ordained" SLAVERY as is politically possible...
THIS ideology IS THE AXIS, the CORE, upon which judaism is built!
That the judeo elites" are ENTITLED to ENSLAVE EVERYONE around them, especially foreigners and aliens (non-jews) BUT fellow, less successful or less ambitious (or less well connected!) JEWS AS WELL.
It is for precisely this reason that the judeo war-state could never become an empire in ancient times: the judeo elites were TOO PREDATORY and parasitic of THEIR OWN FELLOW JEWS (much less foreigners) to ever field enough manpower to take on the really mighty empires of their day - most of which featured combined, multi-national armies - ENSLAVED MEN do NOT fight as well as those with status and stake in their society, see "the Decline & Fall of Rome."
The Egyptian, Hittite, Babylonian, Phoenician, and especially Persian empires willingly adopted foreigners and mercenary allies as their kingdoms attempted to expand in to empires.
Despite 3,500 years of jews wailing about "INTOLERANCE" at the hands of others, they are actually more intolerant than all the above empires!
"But the jews conquered Canaan against vast opposition... and under David and Solomon, Israel (judea) became a proto-empire" you say...
Well, true enough... but that conquest occurred at a time when neither the Egyptian nor Hittite empires held sway in the Canaan Valley, and with some good strategy and some good luck, the jews were able to pick off their opponents one at a time.
And just as important, that was the whole point of Moses leading the jews in circles through the desert for 40 years: nomadic life (especially in a desert) is a harsh and brutal life, so after decades, all males inured to those nomadic hardships could easily be converted to warriors - just like Bedouins, nomadic American Indians, and nomadic Mongol horsemen all made fierce warriors.
Immediately upon the jews becoming SEDENTARY - settled in Jerusalem or other cities and towns - the judeo elites' NATURAL INCLINATION is to GET OTHERS TO DO THEIR WORK - to become wealthy and own slaves - led to a 'soft' male population that has to be trained and conditioned before becoming warriors - an inefficient model to base an empire on.
As we have tried to outline above, under the EVIL, TREASONOUS influence of the despicable WAR LOBBY JEWS, our American police forces are already,
steadily being groomed to be as ruthless, BRUTAL, and OPPRESSIVE as CONCENTRATION CAMP GUARDS
were in death camps in Germany and in Nazi occupied Europe& Eastern Europe...
...just as the evil jewish war state is
NOW TORTURING, abusing, and being SADISTIC to
arrested Palestinian youths.
regarding our fellow AMERICANS not merely as "potential" terrorists...
mini- CONCENTRATION CAMP... a "free speech zone" at the 2004 DEMOCRAT presidential candidate Con-vention in jew ruled NY City! |
...but actually treating our American friends and fellow citizens AS TERRORISTS for EXPOSING CRIMES ("whistelblowers" accused of TREASON) in the ever expanding USA/judeo wars, for exposing CRIMES in the police/intel state, and for exposing CRIMES in Congress, finance, and government corruption -
and EVEN THE ACT OF PROTEST is coming to be DEFINED AS TERRORISM by our EVIL jew OVERLORDS and their BRIBED, BOUGHT-OFF, TREASONOUS, and anti-American judges, legislators, cops, media-whores, and ruling class parasites!!
below cartoon: "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" - the HATRED of the Cheney-Bush presidency was actually the pure, unadulterated HATRED, ECONOMIC SABOTAGE, and WRECKAGE of the NEO-CON, which is to say JEWISH PUPPET MASTERS behind Bush & Cheney....
all of which destructive, larcenous, warmongering, SADISTIC, dictatorial, police-state, repressive, autocratic, democracy-crushing, CONCENTRATION OF WEALTH = gross inequality policies are (except for the immediate 2008 war against Iran, had John McCain been elected president as cheney/bush's successor) the POLICIES OF the BARACK OBAMA presidency and 'Democrats" in senate & Con-gress TODAY...
Just look at those images of BLACK WATER MERCENARY GUNMEN patrolling New Orleans streets after Hurricane Katrina destroyed billions of dollars of New Orleans property... were the gunmen "protecting" DESTROYED PROPERTY?? HELL NO!!
They were there for one reason, and one reason only: to INTIMIDATE and TERRORIZE minority New Orleans residents who were too poor to flee in advance of the hurricane's landfall.
coming to your neighborhood soon: the nightmare being visited on Afghans and across the Mideast in the usa/judeo wars there - hired gunmen with license to kill with impunity - about to be unleashed all across America...
ANTI-AMERICAN Brutality that has the tacit and active support of our entire criminal 'justice' system & legal system,
that has the support of OUR BOUGHT-OFF & BRIBED legislators, congress-critters, presidents, and politicians; an ANTI-AMERICAN HATE-FEST that has the willing support of
the TREASONOUS jewish owned corporate "major media."
Examples from today's recent news: A Tennessee state Water Department bureaucrat THREATENED PARENTS at a county meeting, parents who were concerned that their children were drinking contaminated, carcinogenic drinking water... with threats of DHS GESTAPO INTIMIDATION style investigations into their citizen protests as "acts of terrorism," for parents being concerned about the potentially poisonous drinking water their children are forced to drink!
How does the above headline and story not remind one of Ludwig Borne's comment from over 100 years ago, in the mid 1800s, that the Rothschilds global debt extortion financiers were "a nation's WORST ENEMIES... They have done more than any to UNDERMINE the FOUNDATIONS of FREEDOM" in support of the AUTOCRATS whose complicity they obtain by BRIBERY, in return for granting massive state loans that will be extorted (principle and interest) out of the taxpayers of those nations for decades to come...
below headline: In this horrific 12 page story, not by an "anti-government protest group" but by a bicycle enthusiast magazine, the writer outlines an arrest and lawsuit resulting from a town's raging police officer trying to RAM two bicyclist for having the temerity to ride through his town - then tasering one of the bicyclists when the policeman finally swung his cruiser in front of them, what looked to the bicycle riders as the terrifying scene unfolded of being shot at by a handgun.
The above stories are just the tip of the iceberg of POLICE BRUTALITY in American, but what is truly chilling about these stories, is that the POLICE are ALMOST ALWAYS BACKED UP by the ENTIRE U.S. & state & local governments... and the entire corporate press/media...which is up & down the line OWNED by despicable, treasonous, treacherous anti-American freedoms judeo supremacist financiers.
Don't believe us?? Look at this horrible story:
The F.B.I. Deemed Agents FAULTLESS in... 150 Shootings [!!!]
Charlie Savage and Michael S.Schmidt The New York Times
June 19, 2013
After contradictory stories emerged about an F.B.I. agent’s killing last month of a Chechen man in Orlando, Fla., who was being questioned over ties to the Boston Marathon bombing suspects, the bureau reassured the public that it would clear up the murky episode.
“The F.B.I. takes very seriously any shooting incidents involving our agents, and as such we have an effective, time-tested process for addressing them internally,” a bureau spokesman said.
But if such internal investigations are time-tested, their outcomes are also predictable: from 1993 to early 2011, F.B.I. agents fatally shot about 70 “subjects” and wounded about 80 others — and every one of those episodes was deemed justified, according to interviews and internal F.B.I. records obtained by The New York Times through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.
The last two years have followed the same pattern: an F.B.I. spokesman said that since 2011, there had been no findings of improper intentional shootings.
Full story here.
The above story essentially means that our American 'elites' have conferred LICENSE TO KILL to government agents armed with guns... whether police, FBI, or, heavens forbid, the on-rushing DHS COMMISSARS and Blackwater mercenaries once the treasonous Black Ops Neo-Cons start setting off the BIG terror attacks they lust for in our doomed American cities...
p.s. note how the despicable, TREASONOUS very jewish owned & run Arthur Sulzberger NEW YORK TIMES handles the above story: they have just written and published a news story reporting on the FBI SHOOTING 150 Americans, without a single instance of wrongful shooting,
So...the editors & publisher of the Times CAN SAY that they have REPORTED on the issue...
but it goes NO FARTHER THAN THAT... there is no call for further action, NO further NYT investigating or reporting on the issue,
and the overall JUDEO POLICE STATE DICTATORSHIP, that the American public MUST COWER before the "agents of the law" armed with guns.... is quietly RATCHETED UP ANOTHER NOTCH.
The ONLY complaint the jews have with Hitler's Nazi death camps, is that THEY WEREN'T RUNNING THEM, for THEIR enemies... the way Palestinian children accused of "TERRORIST" protests, are LOCKED UP FOR LIFE, subject to lifetimes of TORTURE AND ABUSE by their EVIL slave-owning judeo jailers and sadistic tormentors...
the MODEL the EVIL, TREASONOUS, TRAITOROUS judeo elites are LUSTING TO IMPOSE here in America, the doomed, today....
- below: GOOGLE is just AN ARM OF the U.S. Government - and the U.S. government is JUST A WHOLLY CAPTURED ARM, or colony, or subsidiary, of the JUDEO WAR STATE...
The Google search function algorithms and hardware were based on the C.I.A. and NSA's data storage and retrieval models... which have been "PRIVATIZED" under Google's effective targeted advertisements based corporate structure.
Using "the war on terror" ushered in when the TREASONOUS Netanyahu/Sharon Neo-Cons who had INFESTED the highest levels of the U.S. government under Bush, Cheney, (and Clinton and now Obama administrations) ALLOWED the well known 9-11 hijack plots to PROCEED UNMOLESTED, (that is, the treasonous, insidious SABOTAGE of America's _genuine_ national security)
the JUDEO WAR STATE is now actively SPYING on every human on earth, using the massive funding of the U.S. government and the entire American economy to fund their jihad to "liquidate," annihilate, exterminate, and wipe-out all those they determine to be "USELESS MOUTHS,"
aka 'potential' TERRORISTS...
i.e., all humans who aren't of some monetary value to them, the Casino Gulag nuclear-armed, genocidal judeo would-be slave plantation owners...
double-bonus: "they think they are so smart" - the EVIL NEO-CONS & jews RUNNING AMERICA's overseas "war(s) on terror" clearly feel that they are JUST LIKE "god" - just like the "god" of the bible, who KILLS, KILLS, KILLS relentlessly, remorselessly, without compassion or regret - the jews runnning the War on Terror are invoking the doctrine of the Catholic/Spanish Inquisition: "MOTHER CHURCH IS led BY GOD, and is therefore INFALLIBLE"
The U.S. government and EVIL jew owned corporate media, NEVER APOLOGIZES for our drone missiles KILLING INNOCENT VICTIMS - the EVIL JEWS have become AS SADISTIC as MASS-MURDEROUS concentration camp DEATH CAMP GUARDS...
The RISE of THE KILLER DRONES: How America GOES TO WAR in SECRET [i.e., How America's DIABOLICAL, INSANE gov't. "war on terror" APPARTCHIKS MURDER and KILL with IMPUNITY] by the late Michael Hastings, Rolling Stone Magazine
the JUDEO OWNED Obama/Democrat administration (and 'Democrats' in Con-gress) WAGING WAR on AMERICAN citizens... on AMERICAN 'whistleblower' CITIZENS BRAVE ENOUGH to RISK THEIR LIVES EXPOSING Obama 'Democrats' and the REPUBLICAN Parties' treasonous collusion in CRIMES against American citizens and our Constitutional rights:
NSA whistle-blower revealed as Edward Snowden, 29-year-old ex-CIA employee source of the intelligence leaks that revealed the National Security Agency's massive domestic surveillance program last week was identified on Sunday by the Guardian andWashington Post as Edward Snowden, a soft-spoken 29-year-old former technical assistant for the CIA and current employee of NSA defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton.
Snowden, a Hawaii resident who was interviewed by the U.K. newspaper in his hotel room in Hong Kong where he is hiding, said he has no regrets about going public—even if he [FORCED BY THE EVIL JUDEO WAR-PIGS and their HIRED PUPPETS] never sees his family again."I don't want to live in a society that does these sort of things," Snowden said. "I do not want to live in a world where everything I do and say is recorded. That is not something I am willing to support or live under. ... I can't in good conscience allow the U.S. government to destroy privacy, Internet freedom and basic liberties for people around the world with this massive surveillance machine they're secretly building."