Kings & Generals youTube channel has been producing some awesome history videos that document the rise and fall of empires far better than college or university courses we have been in... While, we admit, we haven't been in too many upper-level, post-graduate university history courses, in general, the post-grad history academics ARE AS RESPONSIBLE as ALL THE OTHER PERPS for the GROSS IGNORANCE of the American people (that we are operating under an insane, Satanic Zio-Nazi one-party dictatorship) - so these great youTube videos on history and rise and fall of empires are BREAKING the LYING, TOP-DOWN, REGIMENTED ELITISTS MONOPOLY on history and knowledge with fearsome research, story-lines, and production quality....
THE RISE of the "DARK AGES" - AS IF the "Classical Age" of ROMANS CONQUERING your tribe, your people, your nation, and KILLING MILLIONS or throwing the survivors in to slavery was some kind of golden age!
bonus: If you noticed that the ATTILA's HUNS were NOMADIC HORSE WARRIORS who came within one or two battles of DEFEATING & CONQUERING the ENTIRE ROMAN EMPIRE,
you might notice in the below video how the SCYTHIAN nomadic horse warriors from Central Asia controlled portions of the SILK ROAD that neither the huge ROMAN nor VAST CHINESE EMPIRES could wrest from them. The Scythians, or some of their related/allied tribes, were almost certainly the forerunners, or ancestors of the Huns, and the Scythians were around - and throwing around a huge weight - even before the rise of Judiasm on a sliver of land just inland from the Mediterranean coastline south of the Syrian city/kingdoms. We'll get back to that later,
but for now note that THE ENTIRE HISTORY of the ancient & modern world balanced on the fulcrum of the nomadic horse warriors of Central Asia.....
THE RISE of the "DARK AGES" - AS IF the "Classical Age" of ROMANS CONQUERING your tribe, your people, your nation, and KILLING MILLIONS or throwing the survivors in to slavery was some kind of golden age!
bonus: If you noticed that the ATTILA's HUNS were NOMADIC HORSE WARRIORS who came within one or two battles of DEFEATING & CONQUERING the ENTIRE ROMAN EMPIRE,
you might notice in the below video how the SCYTHIAN nomadic horse warriors from Central Asia controlled portions of the SILK ROAD that neither the huge ROMAN nor VAST CHINESE EMPIRES could wrest from them. The Scythians, or some of their related/allied tribes, were almost certainly the forerunners, or ancestors of the Huns, and the Scythians were around - and throwing around a huge weight - even before the rise of Judiasm on a sliver of land just inland from the Mediterranean coastline south of the Syrian city/kingdoms. We'll get back to that later,
but for now note that THE ENTIRE HISTORY of the ancient & modern world balanced on the fulcrum of the nomadic horse warriors of Central Asia.....