SOLAR panels power the electric consumption aboard the space station for TWO DECADES now... but when "energy experts" in "our" govt., academia, & science/tech corporations try to explain why SOLAR POWER LAGS behind here on earth in America - where it is MUCH EASIER to install & maintain! - we are always told "COST!" But this "cost" analysis FAILS to factor in the TRILLION$ of dollars $$ and MILLIONS of RUINED LIVES spent PROPPING UP SAUDI & other MIDEAST ARAB OIL DICTATORS and all the U.S. WARS overseas so JEW BILLIONAIRES can PERPETRATE ECOCIDE & GENOCIDE and CONTROL ALL the resources on planet earth... with OUR military & the blood & battered bodies of our DISPOSABLE service men & women... yet another example of the HIDEOUS, TREASONOUS FINANCIERS "offsetting" THEIR COSTS and HAZARDOUS NUCLEAR WASTE (etc.) on to hapless, stupified, clueless AMERICAN (and worldwide) TAXPAYERS....
terrific video: Australia is LEADING THE WORLD in making SOLAR ELECTRICITY generation and BATTERY STORAGE a routine part of everyday life...
FAR AHEAD of even AMERICA's TECH-SAVY corridors
like Silicone Valley, Florida, Texas, Arizona & etc.
(all of whom have benefited from the TRILLION$ of dollars $$ spent on aerospace and high-tech defense industries; rockets, missiles, space launches, satellite development, etc. etc. etc.)
terrific video: Australia is LEADING THE WORLD in making SOLAR ELECTRICITY generation and BATTERY STORAGE a routine part of everyday life...
FAR AHEAD of even AMERICA's TECH-SAVY corridors
like Silicone Valley, Florida, Texas, Arizona & etc.
(all of whom have benefited from the TRILLION$ of dollars $$ spent on aerospace and high-tech defense industries; rockets, missiles, space launches, satellite development, etc. etc. etc.)