Paul Craig Roberts and William Engdahl are among the foremost political (/strategic) analysts in America and the world today, but unfortunately, we must point out a grievous failure in an important point of Mr. Roberts analysis:
(that became more infamous under some of its later names, namely the KGB)
that executed and massacred thousands of prisoners and opponents of the regime in Russia during the Communist revolution there,
but, tragically for humanity and the world, Mr. Robert's notion that "America's influence is waning" is tragically wrong... the treasonous jews over, above, and behind the U.S. government, have just instigated a brand new war in the Ukraine, against the democratically elected government and against Russians living there, and that NEW WAR will give the jew war-pigs and their American collaborators the excuse they need, to not just spend billions of American taxpayer (extorted) dollars fomenting mass-murder, wars, terror attacks, and other mayhem in Ukraine and against Russian targets everywhere in the world,
but also to RATCHET UP the AMERICAN JEW COMMISSAR GULAG POLICE STATE repression here in America.
We are now at the tipping-point of not only FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS, but WHOLESALE MASSACRES taking place in America, and the evil jews didn't even need their precious IRAN WAR to get here, they did an end-run around Russia, and FOMENTED A NEW WAR on Russia's doorstep, the Ukraine, a war that will drag in the U.S. military, and thus the entire American government, industry, and our late, once almost great American society.
Think we are exaggerating about the grim future that faces us Americans - NOW, now that the evil jews have launched their "War against Serbia II" against Russians in the Ukraine? Well, Dr. Roberts doesn't mince words in his below comment: he flat-out accuses puppet president Obama's new DHS Secretary of a being "a FASCIST MURDERER."
In short, black lawyer and former Pentagon murders/assassinations white-washer promoted to COMMISSAR TERROR MASTER DHS Secretary
JEH JOHNSON, is an IDI AMIN THUG, who considers it "LEGAL" to EXECUTE, butcher, murder, assassinate, terrorize, torture, round-up, 'ethnically cleanse' and _exterminate_ anyone his jew war-pig puppet masters tell him to... just as the pathetic Mr. Obama will SUPPLY AL QAEDA TERRORISTS to KILL CHRISTIANS IN SYRIA on the evil jew war state's behalf, and just as America's TREASONOUS ATTORNEY GENERAL, ERIC HOLDER, SENT TRUCK-LOADS of high-powered GUNS TO MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS, with the intention of provoking a murder-wave, which could then be blamed on AMERICAN gun-owning citizens, as the prelude to CRIMINALIZING American gun owners... a judeo terrorists wrought TRI-FECTA of PURE TREASON, TERRORISM, MURDER, and savage blood-lusting mayhem, sponsored and instigated by our own (late) U.S. government.
Think we're being "racist" or "anti-semitic" to say that the JEWS are the REAL PUPPET MASTERS_behind_ the obama/eric-holder/jeh-johnson PUPPET BLACK dictator thug presidency??
Well, we're glad you asked! PrisonPlanet captures JEWISH WAR PIG TRAITOR Congressman Steve Cohen using exactly that incidiary, NAZI-esque "all political opponents of the Democrat (obama) administration are ENEMIES OF THE STATE" hate-speech rhetoric on a prime-time, "major media" MSNBC 'news' cast - Republicans who oppose the puppet president (obama) dictates are "DOMESTIC ENEMIES" according to the evil jew traitor war-pig Mr. Cohen... don't take our word for it! read or watch his words for yourself!
Daniel McAdams at the Lew Rockwell blog independently confirms Dr. Paul Craig Roberts' above assessment of puppet obama's jew-war-lobby certified FASCIST MURDERER of a DHS Secretary...
Indeed, ALL the below headlines and articles share the same common them: the "Powers that Be" running our U.S. government and treasonous, privately owned corporate media,
are conditioning the American public to believe that there are "ENEMIES AMONG US"- enemies who must be HUNTED DOWN and KILLED to "protect America's freedoms."
Well, if the government
(or judeo power-brokers in and outside of government who are the power behind the throne)
can _LABEL_ you an "enemy of the state" or "a DOMESTIC ENEMY" in Congressman Cohen's words... then the stupified, terrorized, traumatized American public won't mind if those accused of witchcraft being "enemies" are hauled away... or just shot & killed on the spot by police or mercenary executioner, as one of the Chechan friend of the accused Boston Marathon bomb suspects was shot and killed, in his home, sitting in a chair, shot and murdered by an FBI executioner without trial or conviction (or, hell, without even being arrested).
Kurt Nimo perfectly describes the above - JEWISH RUN SPLC headline as just a TACTIC, to lull gullible, stupified Americans into believing there are 2 different political parties, when in fact, when it comes to ever expanding wars, wholesale domestic economic larceny and extortion, and GESTAPO/commissar POLICE STATE kgb REPRESSION & TERROR to enable the two (wars and domestic economic rape by the evil treasonous jew elites), both parties are run by the same treasonous jewish mob:
Here's another article confirming, as we pointed out about jew commissar congressman steve cohen, above, the jews and their puppets in the Obama White House and 'Democrat' Party are WAGING A WAR OF WORDS against their political opponents... the prelude to a REAL WAR being waged - and about to be ratcheted up - against the people of these late United States...
What Mr. Benson reports as "HIGH VOLTAGE RHETORIC" in his above article, is plain ol', good-old JEWISH HATE-MONGERING...
Even former "good guy" 'Fed' opponent Alan Grayson has ditched his "liberal, for the common man" persona, and jumped on the JEWISH WARS and COMMISSAR POLICE STATE REPRESSION bandwagon:
HATE SPEECH, DISCRIMINATION, BIGOTRY, VIOLENCE, and GENOCIDE - talk about "the pot calling the kettle black"! (and throw in serial treachery & treason) - THY NAME IS the evil JEW SUPREMACIST STATE within the (late) nation of America! Which EVIL JEW COMMISSAR TRAITORS are now ORDERING OUR American military and government to treat... us the TERRORISTS that the JEW SUPREMACIST WARMONGERS, ECONOMY KILLERS, and mass-murdering genocidal zealot traitors are!
Fort Hood Soldiers Told That Christians, Tea Partiers a Radical Terror Threat
Another headline documents how it is OPEN SEASON for police and government officials to KILL AMERICANS... with COMMISSAR/kgb/GESTAPO IMPUNITY, thanks to America being HIJACKED by the treasonous jews among us:
Video: Dallas Cop Shoots Mentally Ill Man Who Stood Perfectly Still
And, last but not least, if the jews can't RAM an OVERT JEWISH SUPREMACIST DICTATORSHIP down America's throats just yet... then what is their NEXT BEST alternative?
Why, SAUDI islamic PUPPET DICTATORSHIPS, complete with not only blatant racist apartheid against all non-Saudis, but hell, featuring WHOLESALE REPRESSION OF WOMEN - their own wives, mothers, and daughters treated like second-class subjects, IS the Arab despots reality... the jews PREFERRED PARTNERS IN CRIMES, genocidal extortion, & GLOBAL TERRORISM... just ask the Kurds or Christians in Syria
(if you can find any after 2 years of the TREASONOUS American congress, government, military, & cia/nsa FUNDING AL QAEDA jihadi TERRORIST MERCENARIES to massacre, torture, rape, and exterminate in Syria)
Pentagon to sell bunker busters, cruise missiles to Gulf monarchies in $11bn deal
Ex-Navy SEAL: Government provoking vets to bring on martial law October 18, 2013
Former Navy SEAL Ben Smith participated in the “Million Vet March” last weekend, and on Tuesday he told Fox News’ he thinks the government is trying to provoke veterans into a situation where martial law may be used.
Smith told America’s Newsroom anchor Bill Hemmer the administration is going after vets’ Second Amendment rights, and have interfered with voting rights by not getting ballots to and from the military overseas. He referred to U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, who suggested using martial law to end the government shutdown last week.
“They want to discredit the military,” Smith said. “And get us to do something stupid, so they can lock us down.”
Video: Dallas Cop Shoots Mentally Ill Man Who Stood Perfectly Still
Video: Dallas Cop Shoots Mentally Ill Man Who Stood Perfectly Still
Adan Salazar Prison Oct. 18, 2013
An officer with the Dallas Police Department is facing major criticism after a home surveillance camera captured him opening fire on a mentally ill man without any provocation. To make matters worse, police may have lied in their report about what actually took place. Footage contradicts officers’ claims that man approached officers in aggressive manner
Pentagon to sell bunker busters, cruise missiles to Gulf monarchies in $11bn deal
Healing: White House Compares Republicans to Terrorists, Kidnappers, Arsonists
Guy Benson | Sep 27, 2013
If you're surprised by this administration's poisonous rhetoric, you haven't been paying attention. And once again, the self-appointed civility policy are strangely off duty. Go figure. Which brings us to Dan Pfeiffer, one of our beloved Post-Partisan Prince's spokesmen. Pfeiffer's name may sound familiar; he's the brilliant messaging guru who informed the country that "the law is irrelevant" in regards to the ongoing IRS scandal. Now this jackass wants Americans to know precisely how his boss views his political opposition in the current budget disputes:
White House senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer likened House Republicans to suicide bombers, kidnappers and arsonists in a single interview on Thursday. "What we're not for is negotiating with people with a bomb strapped to their chest," Pfeiffer told CNN's Jake Tapper in laying out the president's refusal to compromise with the GOP to win an increase in the nation's debt limit. "We're not going to do that." The White House position, increasingly fortified with high voltage rhetoric, has been that Republicans should agree to a hike without any strings attached. If the cap isn't lifted by Oct. 17, according to the Treasury Department, the nation will default on its debt. Pfeiffer also offered up analogies comparing Republicans to kidnappers and arsonists.
post-script: when we say "the evil jews and their TREASONOUS COLLABORATORS in the U.S. government, press/media, academia, and industry are waging a stealth WAR AGAINST the AMERICAN PEOPLE... here's another Dr. Paul Craig Roberts tidbit of grim foreboding: empowered by all the TRILLIONS of dollars they have stolen from the U.S. Treasury and U.S. economy (by "bailouts," serial frauds, and extorting Con-gress to authorize the evil bankers to just PRINT THEMSELVES UP $85 billion... $85,000,000,000 every single month!) - the evil bankers are now, as we speak, PLOTTING to STEAL AMERICAN _private_ PENSION funds... as the foul, evil pigs have already STOLEN, looted, gutted, vaporized, and destroyed so many public pension funds.
Worse Is To Come (Paul Craig Roberts)
Matt Taibbi’s report on the looting of state and municipal pension funds in behalf of Wall Street’s financial gangsters heralds what is in store for our private pensions. American conservatives who are so pleased that “those damned bureaucrats who live on the public tit” are getting their comeuppance fail to see the precedent for their own private pensions.
As long ago as the Clinton regime, Alicia Munnell, an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston who was appointed Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy, the position I had held in the Reagan administration, advocated confiscating 15 percent of private pension funds on the basis of the argument that the pensions had accumulated tax free.
The writing is on the wall for private pensions. Once the dollar becomes too weakened by the printing of vast amounts of them in order to finance Washington’s budget deficit and to support the solvency of “banks too big too fail,” QE will have to end. Desperate for money to fill the gap, Washington will turn to confiscation of private assets should any be left after the coming economic collapse.
Darth Vader In The White House
Meanwhile, rest assured. The US is not an empire and does not behave as one, so Obama assured the United Nations. The US, Obama said, is simply the one dominant power that can bring order to the world and prevent “a vacuum of leadership.”
Bin Laden’s “Killing”
Seymour Hersh, America’s famous investigative reporter, joins me in the ranks of “conspiracy theorist,” that is, a person who tells the truth. Hersh says that the dramatic
story of the murder of Osama bin Laden by US Navy SEALs in 2011 is “one big lie, not one word of truth in it.”
I told you so, and so did Mohammad Bashir.
Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. His latest book, The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West is now available.
De-Americanization Of The WorldMr. Roberts is exactly correct that the Obama administration has appointed a "FASCIST MURDERER" to be the head of America's jewish run commissar repression apparatus - the DHS, "Department of Homeland Secuirty" is modeled directly on the jewish Communist Revolution Russian "CHEKA" terror agency
GlobalEurope agrees with my conclusion that the power and prestige of the US government are on the wane GlobalEurope reports: “Everyone is trying to free itself from American influence and let go of a United States permanently discredited by recent events over Syria, tapering, shutdown and now the debt ceiling. The legendary US power is now no more than a nuisance and the world has understood that it’s time to de-Americanize.”
(that became more infamous under some of its later names, namely the KGB)
that executed and massacred thousands of prisoners and opponents of the regime in Russia during the Communist revolution there,
but, tragically for humanity and the world, Mr. Robert's notion that "America's influence is waning" is tragically wrong... the treasonous jews over, above, and behind the U.S. government, have just instigated a brand new war in the Ukraine, against the democratically elected government and against Russians living there, and that NEW WAR will give the jew war-pigs and their American collaborators the excuse they need, to not just spend billions of American taxpayer (extorted) dollars fomenting mass-murder, wars, terror attacks, and other mayhem in Ukraine and against Russian targets everywhere in the world,
but also to RATCHET UP the AMERICAN JEW COMMISSAR GULAG POLICE STATE repression here in America.
We are now at the tipping-point of not only FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS, but WHOLESALE MASSACRES taking place in America, and the evil jews didn't even need their precious IRAN WAR to get here, they did an end-run around Russia, and FOMENTED A NEW WAR on Russia's doorstep, the Ukraine, a war that will drag in the U.S. military, and thus the entire American government, industry, and our late, once almost great American society.
Think we are exaggerating about the grim future that faces us Americans - NOW, now that the evil jews have launched their "War against Serbia II" against Russians in the Ukraine? Well, Dr. Roberts doesn't mince words in his below comment: he flat-out accuses puppet president Obama's new DHS Secretary of a being "a FASCIST MURDERER."
The Man Who Usurped The ConstitutionOF COURSE the PUPPET, TREASONOUS "United States" Con-gress that ANSWERS TO NETANYAHU and the evil jew war state approved Mr. Obama's selected-by-jews facist murderer of a DHS Secretary!
by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts October 20, 2013
Just as you think the Republicans have destroyed themselves with their government
shutdown/default antics, along comes Obama and Appoints a FASCIST MURDERER head of Homeland Security
RT reports that Jeh Johnson, a drone proponent and the Pentagon General Counsel who authorized the unconstitutional extrajudicial murder of American citizen Anwar al-Awlaki, has been nominated to head Homeland Security. Jeh Johnson is also the Pentagon lawyer who accused WikiLeaks of “illegal and irresponsible actions” and of giving aid to terrorists. Will Congress confirm this tyrant to police state power?
In short, black lawyer and former Pentagon murders/assassinations white-washer promoted to COMMISSAR TERROR MASTER DHS Secretary
JEH JOHNSON, is an IDI AMIN THUG, who considers it "LEGAL" to EXECUTE, butcher, murder, assassinate, terrorize, torture, round-up, 'ethnically cleanse' and _exterminate_ anyone his jew war-pig puppet masters tell him to... just as the pathetic Mr. Obama will SUPPLY AL QAEDA TERRORISTS to KILL CHRISTIANS IN SYRIA on the evil jew war state's behalf, and just as America's TREASONOUS ATTORNEY GENERAL, ERIC HOLDER, SENT TRUCK-LOADS of high-powered GUNS TO MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS, with the intention of provoking a murder-wave, which could then be blamed on AMERICAN gun-owning citizens, as the prelude to CRIMINALIZING American gun owners... a judeo terrorists wrought TRI-FECTA of PURE TREASON, TERRORISM, MURDER, and savage blood-lusting mayhem, sponsored and instigated by our own (late) U.S. government.
Think we're being "racist" or "anti-semitic" to say that the JEWS are the REAL PUPPET MASTERS_behind_ the obama/eric-holder/jeh-johnson PUPPET BLACK dictator thug presidency??
Well, we're glad you asked! PrisonPlanet captures JEWISH WAR PIG TRAITOR Congressman Steve Cohen using exactly that incidiary, NAZI-esque "all political opponents of the Democrat (obama) administration are ENEMIES OF THE STATE" hate-speech rhetoric on a prime-time, "major media" MSNBC 'news' cast - Republicans who oppose the puppet president (obama) dictates are "DOMESTIC ENEMIES" according to the evil jew traitor war-pig Mr. Cohen... don't take our word for it! read or watch his words for yourself!
jew supremacist traitor congressman steve cohen LABELS political opponents - other Representatives in Congress! as "Domestic ENEMIES" !!! |
Daniel McAdams at the Lew Rockwell blog independently confirms Dr. Paul Craig Roberts' above assessment of puppet obama's jew-war-lobby certified FASCIST MURDERER of a DHS Secretary...
Be Afraid: New Homeland Security Chief OK’d Drone Strikes on Americans
Jeh Johnson... was, according to the Washington Post, the Pentagon’s top lawyer. In that capacity he and a team of Pentagon experts concluded that the president did indeed have the right to use drones to kill American citizens without charge or trial. Thanks to Johnson’s determination, at least three American citizens have been killed without trial by their government. Now he will be in charge of the “homeland.”
Indeed, ALL the below headlines and articles share the same common them: the "Powers that Be" running our U.S. government and treasonous, privately owned corporate media,
are conditioning the American public to believe that there are "ENEMIES AMONG US"- enemies who must be HUNTED DOWN and KILLED to "protect America's freedoms."
Well, if the government
(or judeo power-brokers in and outside of government who are the power behind the throne)
can _LABEL_ you an "enemy of the state" or "a DOMESTIC ENEMY" in Congressman Cohen's words... then the stupified, terrorized, traumatized American public won't mind if those accused of witchcraft being "enemies" are hauled away... or just shot & killed on the spot by police or mercenary executioner, as one of the Chechan friend of the accused Boston Marathon bomb suspects was shot and killed, in his home, sitting in a chair, shot and murdered by an FBI executioner without trial or conviction (or, hell, without even being arrested).
SPLC and Raw Story Blame “Patriots” for the LAX Shooting
Kurt Nimo perfectly describes the above - JEWISH RUN SPLC headline as just a TACTIC, to lull gullible, stupified Americans into believing there are 2 different political parties, when in fact, when it comes to ever expanding wars, wholesale domestic economic larceny and extortion, and GESTAPO/commissar POLICE STATE kgb REPRESSION & TERROR to enable the two (wars and domestic economic rape by the evil treasonous jew elites), both parties are run by the same treasonous jewish mob:
SPLC and Raw Story Blame “Patriots” for the LAX Shooting
The Paul Ciancia story is custom-made for the likes of the SPLC, Raw Story, and the rest of government-loving cheerleaders who are constantly on the lookout for “right-wing” predators to pin their Hysterical _FALSE_ LEFT-RIGHT paradigm theories on.
Here's another article confirming, as we pointed out about jew commissar congressman steve cohen, above, the jews and their puppets in the Obama White House and 'Democrat' Party are WAGING A WAR OF WORDS against their political opponents... the prelude to a REAL WAR being waged - and about to be ratcheted up - against the people of these late United States...
White House Compares Republicans to Terrorists, Kidnappers, Arsonists
by Guy Benson | Sep 27, 2013
White House senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer likened House Republicans to suicide bombers, kidnappers and arsonists in a single interview on Thursday."What we're not for is negotiating with people with a bomb strapped to their chest," Pfeiffer told CNN's Jake Tapper in laying out the president's refusal to compromise with the GOP to win an increase in the nation's debt limit. "We're not going to do that."The White House position, increasingly fortified with high voltage rhetoric, has been that Republicans should agree to a hike without any strings attached. If the cap isn't lifted by Oct. 17, according to the Treasury Department, the nation will default on its debt. Pfeiffer also offered up analogies comparing Republicans to kidnappers and arsonists....
What Mr. Benson reports as "HIGH VOLTAGE RHETORIC" in his above article, is plain ol', good-old JEWISH HATE-MONGERING...
Even former "good guy" 'Fed' opponent Alan Grayson has ditched his "liberal, for the common man" persona, and jumped on the JEWISH WARS and COMMISSAR POLICE STATE REPRESSION bandwagon:
Alan Grayson doubles down, warns tea party could use violence like KKK [VIDEO]
Florida Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson doubled down his extremely provocative rhetoric on Wednesday, in the days after his campaign sent out a fundraising email with an image likening the tea party to the Klan that showed two Klansmen in the background with a burning cross used as the “t” in “tea party.”
However, Grayson took his tea party-KKK comparison another step further and said the tea party engaged in hate speech, racism, discrimination, bigotry and in some case even threats of violence...
HATE SPEECH, DISCRIMINATION, BIGOTRY, VIOLENCE, and GENOCIDE - talk about "the pot calling the kettle black"! (and throw in serial treachery & treason) - THY NAME IS the evil JEW SUPREMACIST STATE within the (late) nation of America! Which EVIL JEW COMMISSAR TRAITORS are now ORDERING OUR American military and government to treat... us the TERRORISTS that the JEW SUPREMACIST WARMONGERS, ECONOMY KILLERS, and mass-murdering genocidal zealot traitors are!
Fort Hood Soldiers Told That Christians, Tea Partiers a Radical Terror Threat
Another headline documents how it is OPEN SEASON for police and government officials to KILL AMERICANS... with COMMISSAR/kgb/GESTAPO IMPUNITY, thanks to America being HIJACKED by the treasonous jews among us:
Video: Dallas Cop Shoots Mentally Ill Man Who Stood Perfectly Still
And, last but not least, if the jews can't RAM an OVERT JEWISH SUPREMACIST DICTATORSHIP down America's throats just yet... then what is their NEXT BEST alternative?
Why, SAUDI islamic PUPPET DICTATORSHIPS, complete with not only blatant racist apartheid against all non-Saudis, but hell, featuring WHOLESALE REPRESSION OF WOMEN - their own wives, mothers, and daughters treated like second-class subjects, IS the Arab despots reality... the jews PREFERRED PARTNERS IN CRIMES, genocidal extortion, & GLOBAL TERRORISM... just ask the Kurds or Christians in Syria
(if you can find any after 2 years of the TREASONOUS American congress, government, military, & cia/nsa FUNDING AL QAEDA jihadi TERRORIST MERCENARIES to massacre, torture, rape, and exterminate in Syria)
Pentagon to sell bunker busters, cruise missiles to Gulf monarchies in $11bn deal
Ex-Navy SEAL: Government provoking vets to bring on martial law October 18, 2013
Former Navy SEAL Ben Smith participated in the “Million Vet March” last weekend, and on Tuesday he told Fox News’ he thinks the government is trying to provoke veterans into a situation where martial law may be used.
Smith told America’s Newsroom anchor Bill Hemmer the administration is going after vets’ Second Amendment rights, and have interfered with voting rights by not getting ballots to and from the military overseas. He referred to U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, who suggested using martial law to end the government shutdown last week.
“They want to discredit the military,” Smith said. “And get us to do something stupid, so they can lock us down.”
Video: Dallas Cop Shoots Mentally Ill Man Who Stood Perfectly Still
Video: Dallas Cop Shoots Mentally Ill Man Who Stood Perfectly Still
Adan Salazar Prison Oct. 18, 2013
An officer with the Dallas Police Department is facing major criticism after a home surveillance camera captured him opening fire on a mentally ill man without any provocation. To make matters worse, police may have lied in their report about what actually took place. Footage contradicts officers’ claims that man approached officers in aggressive manner
Pentagon to sell bunker busters, cruise missiles to Gulf monarchies in $11bn deal
Healing: White House Compares Republicans to Terrorists, Kidnappers, Arsonists
Guy Benson | Sep 27, 2013
If you're surprised by this administration's poisonous rhetoric, you haven't been paying attention. And once again, the self-appointed civility policy are strangely off duty. Go figure. Which brings us to Dan Pfeiffer, one of our beloved Post-Partisan Prince's spokesmen. Pfeiffer's name may sound familiar; he's the brilliant messaging guru who informed the country that "the law is irrelevant" in regards to the ongoing IRS scandal. Now this jackass wants Americans to know precisely how his boss views his political opposition in the current budget disputes:
White House senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer likened House Republicans to suicide bombers, kidnappers and arsonists in a single interview on Thursday. "What we're not for is negotiating with people with a bomb strapped to their chest," Pfeiffer told CNN's Jake Tapper in laying out the president's refusal to compromise with the GOP to win an increase in the nation's debt limit. "We're not going to do that." The White House position, increasingly fortified with high voltage rhetoric, has been that Republicans should agree to a hike without any strings attached. If the cap isn't lifted by Oct. 17, according to the Treasury Department, the nation will default on its debt. Pfeiffer also offered up analogies comparing Republicans to kidnappers and arsonists.
post-script: when we say "the evil jews and their TREASONOUS COLLABORATORS in the U.S. government, press/media, academia, and industry are waging a stealth WAR AGAINST the AMERICAN PEOPLE... here's another Dr. Paul Craig Roberts tidbit of grim foreboding: empowered by all the TRILLIONS of dollars they have stolen from the U.S. Treasury and U.S. economy (by "bailouts," serial frauds, and extorting Con-gress to authorize the evil bankers to just PRINT THEMSELVES UP $85 billion... $85,000,000,000 every single month!) - the evil bankers are now, as we speak, PLOTTING to STEAL AMERICAN _private_ PENSION funds... as the foul, evil pigs have already STOLEN, looted, gutted, vaporized, and destroyed so many public pension funds.
Worse Is To Come (Paul Craig Roberts)
Matt Taibbi’s report on the looting of state and municipal pension funds in behalf of Wall Street’s financial gangsters heralds what is in store for our private pensions. American conservatives who are so pleased that “those damned bureaucrats who live on the public tit” are getting their comeuppance fail to see the precedent for their own private pensions.
As long ago as the Clinton regime, Alicia Munnell, an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston who was appointed Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy, the position I had held in the Reagan administration, advocated confiscating 15 percent of private pension funds on the basis of the argument that the pensions had accumulated tax free.
The writing is on the wall for private pensions. Once the dollar becomes too weakened by the printing of vast amounts of them in order to finance Washington’s budget deficit and to support the solvency of “banks too big too fail,” QE will have to end. Desperate for money to fill the gap, Washington will turn to confiscation of private assets should any be left after the coming economic collapse.
Darth Vader In The White House
Meanwhile, rest assured. The US is not an empire and does not behave as one, so Obama assured the United Nations. The US, Obama said, is simply the one dominant power that can bring order to the world and prevent “a vacuum of leadership.”
Bin Laden’s “Killing”
Seymour Hersh, America’s famous investigative reporter, joins me in the ranks of “conspiracy theorist,” that is, a person who tells the truth. Hersh says that the dramatic
story of the murder of Osama bin Laden by US Navy SEALs in 2011 is “one big lie, not one word of truth in it.”
I told you so, and so did Mohammad Bashir.
Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. His latest book, The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West is now available.