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Below, we repost the VERY JEWISH DAVID SEAMAN's article,  "SATANIC  CHILD RAPING MASS-MURDERERS RULE AMERICA, starting at the top with EVELYN & LYNN ROTSCHILDS all the way down to CORRUPT, BLACKMAILED child-raping & murdering JUDGES, PROSECUTORS, POLICE, and government officials from the local level to the state houses to the CON-GRESS, SENATE, White House and **all** HIJACKED FEDERAL GOVT. AGENCIES including the entire U.S. military!  Non only rank-and-file staffers and staff officers in the bowls of the Pentagon and other commands and  (deep underground) bases of the vast, far-flung U.S. military empire... but COMMANDING GENERALS & ADMIRALS all the way up to the CHIEF OF STAFF of the u.s. AIR FORCE... and even the HIGHEST UNIFORMED OFFICER in the entire u.s. military, the Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff (C-JCS) are BLACKMAILED TRAITORS under the thrall of a FOREIGN, MURDEROUS, anti-American power....!   But Mr. Seaman - whom we have followed and respected since he first started digging in to "Pizza-gate" shortly after Wikileaks Julian Assange published Hillary & DNC e-mails exposing the  SATANIC PEDOPHILIA CODE-WORDS for  CHILD RAPE & ABDUCTION, aka "Pizzagate" in late 2016 - NEEDS TO READ UP on BROTHER NATHAN to find out who the REAL POWER behind "the Federal Reserve" and SATANIC CHILD TRAFFICKING is - it's the ENTIRE  SATANIC JUDEO NATION!
Brother Nathan WAS BROUGHT UP in a  far MORE JEWISH household than David Seaman was!

white/european Christian based
American culture and society
BY the JEW TRAITOR RATS at google/jew-tube! 


DEEP | weekly research
Some have tried to stop FULCRUM with un-American censorship.
Others have constantly suggested I'm "crazy" I guess to affect my self confidence or ability to perform? I'm not crazy: the near death experience removes a lot of that cultural cognitive bias.

We live under sick people, and there's no logical reason to avoid calling them out. Everyone should be doing what I do, in their own way.

Silence is acceptance of these people, and I don't accept them.

I have found you can give boomers the most horrific worldview imaginable, or prognosis, and you follow it up with, "I'll think positive, though," and all is forgiven.

The last year and a half in DC has been fairly awful. Lost money here, lost time - a year of listening to a malicious clown lawyer who took $15,000 of the last of my money, what a piece of subhuman garbage.

It'd be one thing to stand slim odds against Google and Daily Beast, but with a lawyer like that, I stood no odds! The Swamp is despicable, people have no representation here, the government is secretly run by un-elected creeps at the DOJ which oversees so many other agencies.

Out of shape creeps in Satanic cults who think they're "elites."

What a joke. A year and a half later, not ONE interview of note. I was avoided like the plague, because that Pizzagate shit is all real, it strangely turns out.

Pizzagate deniers like Jack Posobiec were elevated to the national stage by MAGA folks, I was killed off in all but bodily form... it lingers here.

Mass censorship in AMERICA, huh?

Two years of every conceivable half-assed attack against me, and no way to do a decent sized live show in rebuttal.

It's not a free country. It's a country still run by Satanic child molesters and their coverup men. 800,000+ children disappear EVERY YEAR; where do they go, in today's 24/7 GPS surveillance world? Why so few return flights for any of the children who visited Epstein's Pedo Island?

Trump shouldn't have picked HW Bush's pedo ring coverup man Barr to lead the DOJ: we are getting more of the same.

Trump isn't a good guy to be the first President to allow mass censorship in America. To NORMALIZE it by complaining about it a few times, instead of knocking it out with an executive order, as he should have done long ago.

He isn't a chess player to keep Podesta, Hillary and all these other MONSTERS free.

He's one of them, or compromised by them. Normal people don't allow this for three years.

When I got back from Italy, it was obvious how different the food is in Europe from here in the USA. Trump never pushed for a food purity bill, nor did Congress -- they're killing us off over here.

All the fucking fluoride, chemicals, and straight up METALS in our candy, snacks, and food. It's right on the ingredient list. THE FUCK IS ALL THAT SHIT?

None of that is in Europe, the ingredient list will just say: Sucrose, natural colorings, spice, ginger... etc.

Here in the US something from the local gas station or coffee shop has become a science experiment. Plus the untested 5G blasting us in the air, and the FOX News dregs recently did a segment on fluoride: to tell people it's safe! In 2019! They're still trying to gaslight us into poisoning ourselves.

It's "just a numbers game" to globalists and depopulation schemers. And America is a slow motion killing field for them, it hasn't been liberated at all.

Two years of mass censorship has revealed to me this country isn't in a healthy place, at all.

The elite class are truly monsters, they censor, they poison, they own much of the monetary supply, and it won't last.

The people in D.C. are in CULTS.

You hear almost no church bells on Sunday in D.C.

Many of the political families are SATANIC CANNIBALS.

Notice Newsweek and other media outlets suddenly testing the waters with weird "Cannibalism isn't so unusual" thought pieces? (https://www.newsweek.com/cannibalism-animal-kingdom-ultimate-taboo-humans-1455287as one example)

Yeah, nothing unusual about a global pushback to the elite families, either. It's overdue. It's coming. We won't live under these... people.

I'm surprised cryptocurrency hasn't taken up more attention yet - what are people waiting for? Why are the masses using debt scraps issued by Satanic child molester families? It's almost 2020, people! The distant, bright future that awakened people dreamed about 20 years ago... with Bitcoin, semi legaljuana, profoundly disruptive WikiLeaks: it's all here, today!

Crypto can be issued on paper, too, if that's what the masses really want - it's very easy, and there are several well-funded firms making nice "Bitcoin notes" already - it's just that usually it's not used. If paper is all people want, crypto can accomodate.

But to remain slaves to these Satanic assholes forever? When we know the truth at this point? When the truth is so real I can't upload to YouTube, Alex Jones was ruined, Julian Assange is in SOLITARY CONFINEMENT for the non-violent, non-crime of TALKING TO A SOURCE, TEN YEARS AGO... Obama never prosecuted him for that, and if it was a crime, it should have been prosecuted under Obama's watch, squarely.

These people are SATANIC CANNIBALS, and with the "walnut saucing" references and "spiritcooking" invites in the Podesta WikiLeaks, it's just not hard at all to get there, which is why they bagged Assange.

A woman around my age who was an acquaintance in our 20s is, in her 30s, awakening to all this rapidly. She wanted to know all I knew - the central banks, the Rothschilds, how fluoride is used to dumb us down, how they've lied about God and everything else, how they pedo-blackmail our Presidents and Senators.

"Is this what they're doing to us?" she asked, both relieved and disgusted to have landed squarely at the bottom of the rabbit hole.

You know, in my estimation as a good researcher not many people listen to any more, it is. This IS what they're doing to us, and when you find out, you want to tell the world.

It's an ongoing chemical, spiritual, and cultural war against the freedom of the individual - and the front lines of that war are here in the USA, because personal liberty still exists at a level that is not allowed on many other continents.

"Report it to the FBI!" newly awakened normies say. Report what? FBI malfeasance? Not so fast... the FBI are the ones who gave Jeffrey Epstein, the child rapist, "protected informant" status for 15 or so years. He was their FRIEND and HELPER. The FBI are the ones turning themselves into complicated twisted pretzels trying to figure out how to prosecute peaceful people talking about the Podesta Emails, instead of the people *in* the Podesta Emails. People in the Podesta Emails, talking Satanic cannibal shop.

"Get this to the FOX, they'll air the truth!!!" newly awakened normies also say. Oh okay, we'll get all that info about the Satanic cult to FOX, NBC News, and CBS - you know, the very outlets charged with protecting and dismissing any claims of occultist globos taking over.

The truth is a lonely road, but there are more of us than ever before. Millions, in fact.

After we were briefly misled into believing our FULCRUM YouTube was coming back, I was elated, and promised to stop drinking. Wanted to preserve myself for the future.

Since that has been another let down, another lie and tease from the Divine, I've been drinking at a level that is not biologically sustainable, mostly at night to help me sleep. I don't believe in suicide, but I woke up to organs in pain this morning. There's no place in the unliberated world for an awakened person, so we drink ourselves under. Don't think I'm the first or the last person who has figured out this path through.

I'm forced to apply for jobs I don't want, it's all SERVITUDE once you become awakened. Have to beg for Rothschild scraps of debt until the rest of you wake up, have to forgive people who laugh at me when these topics aren't funny, they aren't "hoaxes," they are things that the public needs to DEAL with, in its own way.

Have to write things in my little black journal for myself to remember, since I don't have an audience interested in metaphysics, currency, and the mysteries any more. I explore it myself.

It's very strange being the eliminated, de-incomed man, when I used to be very popular, and when I never stopped telling the truth.

How would Americans act if mass censorship came to our shores?

Well, it came about two years ago, and many of you acted shamefully.

How would Americans act if we were poisoned daily?

Well, the fluoride in the water is a poison, and no one demands the lady on FOX resign for promoting poison. Would she pour that shit down her own throat? No? Why suggest children drink it, then?

How would Americans act if we were forced to transact in a foreigners' currency?

Well, we are, and no one cries out for relief. The masses don't demand we all switch to crypto overnight, they just take it.

I don't see how God allows this any longer, seeing the censorship hasn't ended was kind of the final straw for me. I'll drink until I can't any more.

I've shared what I know about the world. I don't think it's untrue, or dishonest, or inaccurate. I think all the people we called out three years ago are still completely free, and we've been had.

Better to be free than anything else.
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