BARACK OBAMA has been A DISASTER FOR BLACK AMERICANS... but Alex Jones continues to dwell on "FREE OBAMA PHONE!" and the mass-media notion that Obama-care is actually helping low-income Americans afford health-care...
This past week it came to pass that the public is awakening to the fact that the country is not experiencing anything even remotely close to a “Recovery”…surprise, surprise, surprise! Anyonewith an IQ above a single digit should know that by just looking around. We have an Administration supported by a media that has continued a propagandist policy of not being truthful about the current state of the nation, and is closer to a downhill spiral rather than improving for most Americans.
ARE YOU PEOPLE STUPID?! THIS - below, Obama's CLAIMED royal KILL powers -
is a RETURN OF THE SLAVE CATCHERS !!! they LABEL, target, CLAIM you are an outlaw ("a terrorist") - and you have NO more rights, than a life-long free black man in a free (no slavery) state, who is drugged and kidnapped and winds up in slavery !!!
Gordon Duff on Feds looking at Sheldon Adelson....
The Adelson case ties directly to the pattern. Those shown to be involved with the Mexican cartels are all prominent “friends of Israel.” All are members of the Republican Party.
What we saw then was a comprehensive case against Romney and other top GOP politicians. However, if what we now see plays out, it will be Adelson, 86 years old, self-made billionaire, who will be the only target.
It is true that Adelson is “the last man standing.” Adelson has virtually promised to spend “whatever it takes” to buy the next two America elections. Has this made Adelson the target? Has the extreme danger of war – which can be credited to extremist elements in the US tied to Adelson, men like Senators Ted Cruz and John McCain – put a “target on Shelly”?It would take very little to imprison half of America’s government and certainly most of Wall Street. Their crimes are notorious. Most military contractors and oil companies engage in massive fraud as part of their daily business.
the CONDI RICE SYNDROME - jeh johnson, barack obama, eric holder, the TORTURE guy...
We are big fans of Mr. Alex Jones independent news productions, and (mirror site) - we believe no one else in America better understands the TOTALITARIAN, DICTATORIAL, _mass-murderous_ impulses of our hijacked government better than Mr. Jones and his InfoWars crew and highly informative guests & contributors.
HOWEVER, as every student of history knows, a brilliant war strategy can be undone by poor execution at the tactical level
(British army commanders HOLDING THEIR seaborne (marine) INVASION of Turkey UP ON THE BEACHES... ALLOWING the Turks time to concentrate their forces atop the ridges overlooking the beaches at Gallipoli one example.. an catastrophic defeat nearly duplicated when U.S. General Mark Clarke REPEATED the trick of KEEPING HIS TROOPS CLOSE to the beach in the Anzio invasion of WWII Italy),
and brilliant tactical execution of battles can be completely negated by poor strategy,
as the magnificent German army lost WWII when its high command (adolf hitler) foolishly took on the Stalin's 'Soviet Union' before knocking England out of the war, giving the German military that eternal nightmare of all military commanders, a two-front war)
American Public Turns Anti-War … Warmongers Desperately Reply, “But War Is GOOD for Us!”
Washington’s BlogApril 29, 2014
The American people are now overwhelmingly opposed to more war in Ukraine, Syria, Iran and elsewhere.
Those who get rich from war (the military-industrial complexers and big banks) and their lackeys aredesperate to reverse this trend.
As such, they are resorting to more and more outlandish justifications for war.
Globalist Tool Glenn Beck Sells Out Humanity
Prison April 26, 2014On his mission to bring down Alex Jones, Glenn Beck refers to himself as the only source for truth news. That is, if you like getting your news straight from the White House, CIA and Council on Foreign Relations.
Alex breaks down how Glenn Beck is a turncoat fueled by fear and power, so that he will be left standing as the new vestigial leader of what’s left of Libertarians after he and the leftist media attempt to attack and destroy everyone with courage and drive to stand up for the truth.
This article was posted: Saturday, April 26, 2014 at 6:59 am
above CONFIRMED at a completely different source!
George H. W. Bush
After the war he studied economics at Yale University. In 1951 he established Bush-Overby Oil Development, an oil-drilling business in Texas. Later he joined forces with Thomas J. Devine, a former CIA officer, to create Zapata Oil. Other major investors included Prescott Bush and Bill Liedtke.
In 1954, Zapata Off-Shore Company was formed as a subsidiary of Zapata Oil, with George H. W. Bush as president of the new company. According to Bush's autobiography, Eugene Meyer, the publisher of the Washington Post, and his son-in-law, Philip Graham, were major investors in the new company.
Zapata Corporation split in 1959 into independent companies Zapata Petroleum and Zapata Off-Shore, headed by Bush, who moved his offices from Midland to Houston. In 1960, Bush created a new company, Perforaciones Marinas del Golfo (Permargo) with Edwin Pauley of Pan American Petroleum. Pauley is alleged to have had close ties to Allen Dulles. During the Second World War Pauley aided the Dulles brothers former clients in shifting Nazi assets out of Europe.
In 1963, Zapata Petroleum merged with South Penn Oil and other companies to become Pennzoil. In his book Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty (2009) Russ Baker argues: "For Devine, who would have been about twenty-seven years old at the time, to resign at such a young age, so soon after the CIA had spent a great deal of time and money training him, was, at minimum, highly unusual. It would turn out, however, that Devine had a special relationship allowing him to come and go from the agency, enabling him to do other things without really leaving its employ."
Thomas J. Devine later rejoined the CIA under non-official cover (NOC) status on 12th June 1963, as a covert commercial asset for Project WUBRINY/LPDICTUM. Joan Mellen points out that: "This CIA document reveals that Thomas Devine had informed George Bush of a CIA project with the cryptonym WUBRINY/LPDICTUM. It involved CIA proprietary commercial operations in foreign countries."
CNN - JEWISH CONTROLLED CNN - pulled out RABBLE-ROUSING morning DJ - hate-radio jocky - Glenn Beck, and gave him a PRIME-TIME TV SLOT to attempt to reach out to - to CON - the disillusioned, disaffected, DISEMPOWERED, DISPOSSESSED "white" voters... who have been CONTINUALLY SOLD DOWN THE RIVER by CNN and the other Jewish owned mass-media !!
they are NOT 'democratic'
they DO NOT believe in human rights...
they are DIVINE RIGHT of g-o-d theocratic TOTALITARIANS, LOOKING for ANY excuse to order a "FATWAH" - ISSUE a DEATH SENTENCE - on you, and against ALL your friends, family, clan, tribe (and nation/peoples)
they SPECIALIZE in INFILTRATING other nations, kingdoms, & empires, and patiently working their way - over 1, 2 or more generations - to the top, from where they USURP the power of that nation unto... their own demonic brand of judeo supremacism..
that means, for a generation or more, they will PRETEND to be law abiding (persians, romans, greeks, Spanish, Turks, etc... until they achieve a CRITICAL MASS of power, where they will REVERT to PURE, GENOCIDAL JUDAISM of the blood-drenched, serially genocidal bible
the very word "BIBLE" is STOLEN from... the EGYPTIANS, "bible" coming from "BYBLOS" coming from the Phoenecian word for (the Egyptian writing paper) "PAPYRUS"
the GOD and THEOLOGY of the jews is DERIVED FROM..... the "MESOPOTAMIAN" gods from whence jews CLAIM the ABRAHAM and all his descendents came.....
the ONE CONSTANT in ALL the above - NO MATTER WHERE they ADOPT successful survival strategies, learn new skills or forms of literacy, organization, administration & Theology... they NEVER give a FLY-SPECK of CREDIT to those they LEARNED/STOLE skills from...
NO MENTION of THE EGYPTIAN PYRAMIDS, though BOTH abraham AND joseph went to Egypt... Joseph unwillingly (as a SLAVE, SOLD IN TO SLAVERY BY... HIS BROTHERS)
but his brother & father DID GO to Egypt OF THEIR OWN Accord....
the bible claims that with ONE generation that JOSEPH had RISEN TO TOP, TOP, TOP most powerful tier of EGYPTIAN society.... and merely by his adopted daughter SEDUCING the Persian king, MORDACAI ROSE to the SIMILAR, #2. man in entire empire status...