In our previous post we laid out two important themes, Princeton U. Arab studies professor (himself an Arab) Philip K. Hitti's book examining how the culture, outlook, and even the genotype itself of Arab Semites was honed over thousands of years of living in the harsh and austere Arabian desert (as "Eskimo" or Inuit genes become optimized, over generations, for living in a harsh, cold climate), where the absolute life-or-death needs to be frugal, resourceful, and in tune with your environment spelled disaster for those who squandered their food and water... or merely had the misfortune to arrive, after a long nomad journey, at an oasis that was out of water and had no grazing for the flock.
It was these RESOURCEFUL, STRONG-WILLED, INDEPENDENT and savvy NOMADS who journeyed around and IN to the SETTLED TOWNS, villages and cities of the TIGRIS-EUPHRATES VALLEY.... bringing wool, sheep, camels and whatever they could carry of value with them, for the Mesopotamian city-states THRIVED ON TRADE and welcomed traders bringing goods. Over generations, the SEMITIC CLANSMEN **INFILTRATED** in to SUMERIAN SETTLED CIVILIZATION, in many cases settling down and marrying in to the native peoples, but in just as many cases RETAINING THEIR SEMITIC ROOTS & TRIBAL IDENTITY, that is, NOT fully assimilating in to the Sumerians - even if learning the Sumerian language, writing, and other elements of social & cultural sophistication.
We also briefly surveyed Henry Makow in a rare moment actually examining the bible itself - not merely Talmudic, Khazarian, or Frankist, Sabbatean aka SATANIC Judaism - but THE BIBLE ITSELF as a source (THE source!) of CENTURIES OF INGRAINED JUDEO HATRED for ALL non-Jews around them.
Even as Jews POURED in to Western countries - Poland, Germany, the Netherlands, Britain, etc. - escaping the Inquisition, the Pogroms, the Crusades, the Nazis (etc.) but those Jews never having any appreciation for the people of those host countries, whom the Judeo elites regarded as, at best, families to marry their daughters in to for future access to power; or, at worst, proles, sheep, VERMIN to be ERADICATED, as King William the Conqueror sent his Norman soldiers to ERADICATE Anglo-Saxon resistance to his conquests in Northern England in the "WASTING" or "HARRYING of the north" 1069-1070 which saw ENTIRE VILLAGES AND TOWNS WIPED OFF THE MAP, their population REDUCED TO ZERO as the entire region was stricken from the tax rolls for decades...
SPEAKING OF "WIPING OUT the ENTIRE POPULATION of opposing enemies and the source of their armies," THAT was PRECISELY THE STRATEGY of the INFAMOUS ASSYRIANS, for centuries in a cold, cruel era regarded as THE MOST CRUEL and SYSTEMATICALLY MURDEROUS of all empires and regimes in that crucial region, the TRADE ROUTES BETWEEN CONTINENTS of the Fertile Crescent, from Northern Africa and the Mediterranean, to Anatolia (Asia Minor leading to Europe), and from the PERSIAN GULF to the Black Sea and the Great Steppes all the way to Asia beyond.
The TIME-LIFE BOOKS series "TimeFrame: 1,500-600 B.C." explains the rise and fall... and resurrection of the ASSYRIAN EMPIRE: we start here with the DESTRUCTION of the HITTITE EMPIRE, based in Anatolia (present day Turkey) around 1,200 B.C. - this was a major element of the famous "BRONZE AGE COLLAPSE" that was probably brought on by a double-whammy combination of a mini- ice age shortening the growing season, or killing crops outright, leading to famine and a reduced ability to field large armies; and to SWARMS OF INVADERS from the West, variously known as "Sea Peoples" or "Barbarians" who were largely illiterate and left no historical mark... except for WIPING OUT WHOLE CITIES and empires as with the Hittites:
"Thus weakened [by a dynasty in decline], the [Hittite] empire was helpless before the onslaught of a new wave of invaders, SEAFARERS who appeared in the eastern Mediterranean in the late 13th century. Whoever they were, and wherever they came from, the attackers OBLITERATED THE HITTITE WORLD, reducing [capitol city] Hattusa to ashes, smashing stone sculptures, slaughtering much of the population, and driving the rest in to exile. And so, in 1,200 B.C. the HITTITE EMPIRE VANISHED, creating a power vacuum in the Middle East that was destined to be filled by the Hittites rivals and neighbors, THE ASSYRIANS [NOT the Hebrews/Jews!].
AT THE TIME OF THE HITTITES DOWNFALL, ASSYRIA was ALREADY AN OLD, SCARRED WOLF that had known fat times and lean. It's people WERE DESCENDANTS OF SEMITES who SETTLED ALONG the middle Tigris [river] and eventually LOOKED for POLITICAL LEADERSHIP to ASSUR, a city so named FOR THE GOD ASHUR
[ASHUR, the NATIONAL WAR-GOD of the Assyrians... cum SUPREME GOD of the world for the DOMINANT EMPIRE of the time! upon whom YAHWEH would later be based, much as MARDUKE was the similar tribal/national cum SUPREME GOD of the related BABYLONIANS - but MARDUKE and BABYLONIANS BEING TOLERANT, the JEWS GOD YAHWEH was much more similar to ASHUR than Marduke.... as the "TEN LOST TRIBES OF ISRAEL" proves, when the JEWS WERE IN EXILE IN BABYLON they were ALLOWED TO KEEP THEIR LANGUAGE & IDENTITY, but when the TEN LOST TRIBES of ISRAEL were MARCHED OFF to ASSYRIA, they were FORBIDDEN to speak their own language - upon pain of death! - so the TRIBES VANISHED although, genetically, they were incorporated in to the Assyrian empire and any survivors! ]
"The fertile soil of the Assyrian plains produced fine crops of barley and sesame and good pasturage for horses and cattle. And much of the country WAS BLESSED by rainfall sufficient to render irrigation [LABOR INTENSIVE CANALS!] unnecessary in normal times.
ASSYRIA WAS THEREFORE AN OBJECT OF ENVY TO THE PREDATORY PEOPLES in the grim mountains and barren steppes to the north and east. Moreover, it was only natural that the established powers of the Mideast should SEEK TO CONTROL A TERRITORY THAT, by accident of geography, lay athwart THE MAJOR TRADE ROUTES between Babylonia and Anatolia, and from the Mediterranean to beyond the Zagros mountains [towards Persian and thence India - much as Palestine, Canaan, israhell lies athwart the TRADE ROUTES from AFRICA TO EUROPE AND ASIA.]
FOR SURVIVAL'S SAKE, ASSYRIA's STURDY [serf] FARMERS BECAME FIERCE WARRIORS who fought at first IN DEFENSE OF THEIR HOMELANDS, then to maintain security by establishing around them a RING OF BUFFER STATES, and, finally, in a progression that was perhaps inevitable, TO EXPAND IN TO AN EMPIRE of MILITARY MIGHT that was SECOND TO NONE.....[and HATED AND FEARED EVERYWHERE!]
In so doing, they WROTE A BLOODY CHAPTER in the story of humankind - one that featured DELIBERATE TERROR & ATROCITY as INSTRUMENTS of FOREIGN POLICY."
SO: ASSYRIANS were regional inheritors if not, in many cases, direct descendants of the ALSO SEMITIC AKKADIANS in precisely the same region: the Assyrian empire waxed and waned before reaching its zenith - COMPLETELY ENCOMPASSING the lands from PERSIA to just short of the Caucuses mountains to Anatolia TO EGYPT - so for CENTURIES to be a Hebrew in the Canaan highlands was to BE UNDER THE OVERLORD RULE of the Assyrians - even though the bible holds MUCH MORE HATE FOR THE EGYPTIANS!
The CRUELTY of the ASSYRIANS we still see today in their direct descendants, the HEBREWS, who adopted the PHOENICIAN ALPHABET but were otherwise a SPIN OFF of the SEMITIC MOTHER EMPIRE as the American colonies were a spin-off of the British empire mother nation.
they featured an INDUSTRIALLY PRODUCED, IRON EQUIPPED ARMY *thousands* of years before Jew Karl Marx claimed to be an expert on industrial economics....
their EMPIRE was THE LARGEST EMPIRE in human history to that time, and at their height they would have given the much later Greek and Roman armies a run for the money.
in the NUCLEAR-WEAPONS saturated 21st century!
from your high school, college, and history textbooks...
(and their ARMIES of bought-off government, media, education,
believe they are ENTITLED to shove
BIBLE "history"down our American throats!