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STALIN's RED TERROR: Mass Murder BY DECREE.. WITH COMPLICITY of hundreds of thousands of Bullying Commissars, soldiers, academics, and the public

of   anyone  _designated_  as    "an enemy" by  Stalin's apparatus,
    is  of critical importance for us Americans,  today,
  for it shows how thousands upon millions of ordinary people can become 
   WILLING EXECUTIONERS if managed - directed - by sufficiently competent (if diabolical) "leadership." 

Not only are  Stalin's CLAIMED POWERS  of  SUMMARY EXECUTION     SUPPORTED  by  ANTONIN SCALIA and _all_  the other traitor whores on the U.S. Supreme Court, today...

...not only were "STALIN's JEWS" at the very top tier of Stalin's mass-murderous apparatus
(Stalin's #2. and Yiddish speaking alter ego,  Lazar Kaganovich, was assigned the "Party Loyalty" post, which is to say, his job was to write the PURGE  DEATH SENTENCES for all the most SENIOR and powerful victims... those in towns and villages far below the Party apparatus and leadership roles were consigned to death simply by QUOTAS demanding THOUSANDS of people be turned in to bloody, butchered, terrorized & murdered corpses)  

    ...BUT NOTE HOW  WHOLE SWATHS OF  "Soviet" society - courts & judges, reporters, party officials, academics, enthusiastic young Communist bullies from the cities -  all ASSENTED to  such degenerate 'laws' as "the Five Ears Decree" - you could be shot for "hoarding" as much as 5 ears of corn! 

THIS WAS A  "law" or DECREE, with the INTENT of MASS MURDER.  

 Stalin: Inside the Terror

 "[Stalin,] The master of propaganda,  now showed town dwellers in films, how it was a richer class of peasants, or 'kulaks' who 'were responsible' for food shortages, by 'hoarding grain.'
   Lists of the guilty were published. Bolshevik squads NOW SEIZED THOUSANDS OF TONS OF GRAIN across the countryside. The peasants WOULD STARVE.
     FOR THOSE WHO DARED to hoard grain, Stalin had a solution: a new law, PROTOCOL 111. They called it 'the 5 ear law' - you could BE SHOT for 'stealing' five ears of corn."  
  [actually, under Stalin's alter ego Lazar Kaganovich's brutal 'inspections' of hundreds of terrorized farming villages in the Ukraine and across Russia,   you could be shot, or watch your family terrorized, tortured, and shot... for any reason at all, including "the crime" of   not yet looking like you were starving.  All the photos of Kaganovich from this time show a well-fed, confident, energetic mass-murderer.]  

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LAZAR KAGANOVICH, left:  Stalin's  JEWISH COMMISSAR,  "the ARCHITECT" of  the RED TERROR MASS-MURDER PURGES, and specifically of the "HOLODOMOR" INTENTIONAL MAN-MADE FAMINE that killed as many as 7 million Ukrainian victims in the 1929-1932 famine/terror/purge, alone -    Being accused of "hoarding," by Kaganovich or his armies of brutal thugs,  of the  food that would keep your family alive through a brutal Russian or Ukrainian winter, was a DEATH SENTENCE.
right:  so-called "Liberal" President Franklin Roosevelt's very JEWISH TREASURY SECRETARY, HENRY MORGANTHAU -  also liked to STEAL  American's  PRIVATE WEALTH,    by OUTLAWING GOLD OWNERSHIP,
and   DECLARING those who possessed gold to be CRIMINALS - "HOARDERS."
 In America, a land  synonymous  with  the 1849  "49ers" GOLD RUSH,  by 1933 the JEWISH FINANCIERS and their government appartchiks  had maneuvered themselves into position where they could OUTLAW YOU from owning the goldyou dug out of a California stream bed or gold mine... and 
CRIMINALIZE YOU, with the full authority of the hijacked "U.S. government" looming over you and your entire family's head!!  
 (and even worse, this was BLATANT RACISM: wealthy jewish bankers and financiers COULD OWN ALL THE GOLD THEY WANTED... locked away in Swiss, London, or Canadian bank vaults!)  

 And THEY were the ones who INTENTIONALLY _CRASHED_ the U.S. economy in to the mass-murderous "GREAT DEPRESSION"!    

  Whether in "Soviet" Russia or Great Depression America the RESULTS WERE THE SAME:  Americans/Ukrainian farmers  CRIMINALIZED by GOVT. DECREE, and turned in to SLAVES on CHAIN GANGS of death-camp GULAGS !!  


 (partial transcript)
 -  As leader of the Party Lenin was burdened by a huge workload.  He was relying on Stalin more and more.  A new job was created for Stalin,  "General Secretary of the Bolshevik Party."  He was free to write his own job description.  It would make him the most powerful man in the party.
  The civil war had left the country in ruins.  Transport had broken down, food was no longer reaching  the cities.  So Lenin relaxed the policies of   collectivizing land, and seizing grain;  'Let the peasants sell their grain, let the FREE MARKETS unlock the shortages.'
MONTEFIEORE:  So this was a big retreat for the Bolsheviks.  Lenin was the ultimate Machiavellian pragmatist, he argued very hard that it had to be done.
But a lot of the Bolsheviks, the Young Bolsheviks, believed this was a compromise too far, and  it threatened the revolution,   and some day, they would have to deal with the Peasant Problem. But nonetheless, Lenin got the NEP, as it was called, brought in."   
[nice! We have a JEWISH HISTORIAN... referring to AN ENTIRE segment of population even larger than the Jews in Germany,  or even in all of  Europe... as  no more than government officials  having to "deal with the Jewish PEASANT PROBLEM"!!] 
Lenin had exhausted himself  in holding the revolution together. In May  1922 he suffered the first of a series of strokes. Over the next few months, he recovered some of his strength, but he became concerned that he would no longer be able to control his increasingly powerful colleague, Comrade Stalin.
 As Lenin weakened through the winter of 1922 his fears about Stalin grew.
In December, Stalin persuaded the Central Committee, to make him responsible for Lenin's medical care.  NOW HE HAD CONTROL over the man he had once served.
  He built an invisible wall around the leader, forbidding access to him, and strictly controlling contact with others. He then heard that Lenin had dictated a memo to his arch enemy, Trotsky.
  Lenin's devoted wife, Krupskya, was acting as his secretary.  Stalin now telephoned her.
Krupskaya's account of the extraordinary conversation nearly destroyed him.
    [CURSES HER OUT over the phone  as "You bitch!  You whore!  You're a syphilitic whore!"]

  Lenin adds a devastating condemnation of Stalin...in a testament...
 [but FAILS to BROADCAST it to party,  ALLOWING  Stalin to consolidate power and eventually to  exterminate his opponents & enemies.]  

...Lenin had seen the danger in an all powerful Stalin. The protege would now go on to eclipse the worse excesses of the master.

  At the funeral [of Lenin]  Stalin had read an extraordinary evangelical tribute to his leader.
"Comrade Lenin ORDAINED US to HOLD HIGH and KEEP PURE the great title of 'Member of the Party.'  We vow to thee,  and  we shall fulfill, THY COMMANDMENT."

 Stalin would now use Lenin's name to destroy those who stood between him and absolute power. 

There was to be a collective leadership, but his main rival was Trotsky, the darling of the Party.

For 20 years Stalin had lived in Trotsky's shadow.  His fame as the charismatic orator, and leader of the victorious Red Army during the Civil War, matched that of Lenin himself.

Trotsky had described Stalin as 'a grey bureaucrat, a mediocrity'.  It was a fatal underestimation of Stalin's political skill, and of his UNSWERVING HATRED.
 Stalin now had control of the PART MACHINERY.    He would use it over the next 6 years, to destroy Trotsky, and all his other rivals.

 Henceforth,  Trotsky's name would become synonymous with heresy.

Stalin won the support of the Party, by elevating Lenin to the status of a hero and A PROPHET.  The man [Lenin]  who had tried to DESTROY HIM [Stalin] would now BE USED to JUSTIFY Stalin's vision of the future.

 Stalin biographer Montefiore: He immediately took over the intellectual side of Lenin. And he controlled it, absolutely.  He decided what of  Lenin's work was published, and what wasn't.  And his embalment of Lenin, and displaying Lenin in the mausoleum, was the DELIBERATE CREATION of  a RELIGION of BOLSHEVISM, and  of a religious symbolism for Bolshevism.  Which worked.  
By 1929, Russia had only just matched the level of industrialization achieved before the first world war.
As the increasingly powerful General Secretary,  Stalin embarked on a mission to make Russia leap forward, half a century, in the space of just a few years.

Oxford Historian Prof. Robt Service:  "He wanted to make the Soviet Union into an industrial colossus, and a military power to be   reckoned with on the European mainland.  He wanted Soviet modernity.  He wanted an end to the old Russia, of the peasant, the village, of the Christian faith.
     And he wanted virtually an industrialized countryside, to take the place of the medieval Muscovy, that he so much detested."

In the cities,  Stalin mobilized an army of enthusiastic young Communists,  to help CRUSH ANYONE who might oppose his plans.   They flooded out of Moscow and St. Petersburg into the countryside. Their mission was to drag  the peasants into the 20th century.  If the peasants didn't cooperate, they would be destroyed.    

  The master of propaganda now showed town dwellers in films, how it was a richer class of peasants, or 'kulaks' who were responsible for food shortages, by 'hoarding grain.'
 Lists of the guilty were published.    
Bolshevik squads NOW SEIZED THOUSANDS OF TONS OF GRAIN across the countryside. The peasants WOULD STARVE.  

 FOR THOSE WHO DARED to hoard grain, Stalin had a solution: a new law, PROTOCOL 111.  
They called it 'the 5 ear law' - you could BE SHOT for 'stealing' five ears of corn.

 Stalin/kaganovich's enthusiastic young Communist Party thugs: STEALING FOOD,  SHOOTING "hoarders," leaving entire towns & villages TO STARVE...
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STALIN'S THUGS  SEIZING FOOD - leaving the farmers (derided as "peasants" by even 'western' historians) TO STARVE.
 Today, as we speak JACOB LEW,  ERIC CANTOR, and other TREASONOUS  Neo-Con APPARTCHIKS, are TALKING ABOUT "AUSTERITY" -  after they have allowed BEN BERNANKE, JANET YELLEN,  DAVID FISCHER, and the other TREASONOUS  bankers at 'the Fed' to just PRINT THEMSELVES  $80 billion - EIGHTY BILLION DOLLARS, PER MONTH, for well over a year, of so-called "Quantitative Easing" - STILL ON-GOING! 
They - the 'Neo-Con' war-mongers and "Money Power" economies killing  financial extortionists & serial  ECONOMIC RAPISTS  -  are really despicable, demonic, mass-murder-in-their-evil-hearts Commissar traitors who THRIVE on TERROR, EXTORTION, & MASS-MURDER... 

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Stalin's MASS-MURDEROUS  SHOW TRIALS - supported by THOUSANDS of willing accomplices... 

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Stalin's EXECUTIONERS - steal food,  sadistically terrorize people, get a pat-on-head from "Party"and "civilized' society"...!!

  ans. - probably in the region of  30-50 millions...

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STALIN's JEWISH EXECUTIONERS:  WILLING PARTICIPANTS in MASS-MURDER by TERROR, BRUTALITY, SLAVERY,  degenerate abuse of prisoners,  FAMINE (food seizures), and MASS-EXECUTIONS...    Y-net   is a JEWISH source !! 

  notes:    "The DELIBERATE CREATION of   THE RELIGION of BOLSHEVISM" was essentially based on... JUDAISM,  which of course was the theology/ideology source  from which Christianity sprang.
   So even as Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin and other 'Communists'  "officially" waged war against Christianity, they still used the MOTIFS of  MARTYRS, PROPHETS,  and  "shepherd of the flock leading his people" in the iconography of their "modern" Commissar  propaganda narrative.
  Even with the advent of mass-media propaganda,  and even with 'The Party' waging official war on religion,   still Judaism was allowed to thrive within the Communist empire
(like "hoarding," being labelled "an anti-Semite" would earn you a bullet in the back of the head... if not a sadistic torture session  or years of enslavement in the freezing Siberia gulags first)
  still STALIN'S EXECUTIONERS and PROPAGANDISTS  portrayed themselves in the familiar role of  Moses or god, "leading the people to a better future."
  Indeed,  MOSES'_MASS-MURDER PURGES_ as recorded in the "holy" [retch!] bible were certainly not the first such waves of MURDER BY DECREE of one faction against another faction within a tribe, settlement, town, or  "civilized" city...  but they are certainly THE MODEL for all "civilized" society ever since.

note #2.  "Stalin would now use Lenin's name to destroy those who stood between him and absolute power." 
 So too today do the appartchiks in the U.S. government - both elected and appointed officials, backed by the government/corporate media monopoly -  _claim_ to be doing good  for America - to doing what is in the benefit of American citizens -  even as they  fund al Qaeda terrorists mass-murder sprees across the Mideast;   spend $5 billion funding Ukrainian fascists/neo-Nazis to perpetrate genocide in the Ukraine,   consolidate all U.S. press & media outlets under a small handful of cartel 'Neo-Con' monopoly imperialists;  allow the bankers to just print themselves $80 billion per month - 'money' which DEBASES (= totally destroys!) everyone not part of the club's incomes and life savings...  etc. etc. etc. etc.

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