Channel: The Jewish Wars
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JEWISH OWNED Corporate WHORE media, CENSORS, WHITEWASHES, buries the KILLINGS of GAZA CHILDREN, from their TREASONOUS media whore 'reporting'


World To Israel:  Stop the Mass Murder of Palestinian Civilians...  NOW !

Gaza BOMBED again... MORE MASS MURDER by the demonic jews in their demonic jewish run DEATH CAMP Gaza...
The demonic jews truly believe that "THEIR" g-o-d LOVES ONLY THEM... and DESPISES the rest of humanity...
so they kill & perpetrate MASS MURDER and the serial DESTRUCTION of NATIONS  not only with the blessings of "g-o-d" - but at his DIRECT COMMAND.
In exactly the same way the ASSYRIAN god ASHUR, commanded the Assyrians to wage war, torture, terrorize, & conquer everyone in the ancient Near East...and BRAG about those TORTURES and terror tactics,  in murals on their palace walls, or in the piles of human skulls, flayed human skins, or rows of impaled victims loudly  proclaiming Assyrian supremacy and divine-right of conquest...  
Prison Planet's  Lee Ann    does a fantastic job of  breaking down the NAZI, WARMONGERING PROPAGANDA that constitutes  "free speech"and "freedom of the press" in
JUDEO NAZI, World Zionist ('WZ') media whore  controlled America,  today... 


  below:     The "American" corporate MEDIA WHORES  _NAZI_ HYPOCRISY:  cry about "children" wherever they want to involve U.S. government & military...  
EXCEPTwhen the Victims are  PALESTINIAN CHILDREN  KILLED by  JEWISH (israel)BOMBS, machine-gun bullets, or disease & starvation  inflicted by  JEWISH DESTRUCTION of  Gaza infrastructure and food supplies;  or Iraqi, Afghan, Libyan, Yemen, or Pakistani children KILLED by US "drone" BOMB attacks 
(or SYRIAN children killed by  US, NATO, Saudi, & ISRAEL supported AL QAEDA TERRORISTS)  -

In this screen capture,  a JEWISH WOMAN, a close adviser to ISRAEL PRIME MINISTER "king" Benjamin Netanyahu
in exactly the same manner that NAZIS once dealt with Germany's "jewish problem"... comparing Palestinians to vermin...!

...something - HATE SPEECH and the  DEHUMANIZATION of an  entire peoples -  
that  Jews in Israel, Europe, & America do repeatedly &  continually...

 and the  demon-spawn American CORPORATE TRAITORS WHORE MEDIA  _NEVER_  REPORTS ON !!

she states that an ENTIRE PEOPLES are NOTHING BUT VERMIN, 
with all the efficiency that the  VAMPIRE, DEMONIC, ROGUE, 
PARASITE  jew state can muster,
with all of its AMERICAN & EUROPEAN TAXPAYERS funded weapons systems...  

  DIANNE SAWYER, ABC 'news' reader, like the jewish woman in this screen shot,   is a genocidal, NAZI PROPAGANDA SPOUTING, WAR-MONGERING media whore 
who uses the same    "CRY on heart-strings... IGNORE ATROCITIES"  tactics 
when it comes to  reporting on the  
AMERICAN  victims of the Neo-Con,  JUDEO SUPREMACIST  _WAR against AMERICA_ !!  


   What for decades what we have regarded as a "SOPHISTICATED PROPAGANDA Operation" in America,    actually distills down to 2 simple precepts:
a.)being able to LIE and INVERT REALITY - in this case,  portray ISRAELI PERPETRATORS of MASS MURDER and HATE SPEECH, as  the VICTIMS; and,
b.)  doing so consistently,
across the entire  length, breadth, & depth of America's  well-polished, well-honed, pervasive  but serially and systematically LYING corporate owned mass-media complex.

   whether PIMPING  ECONOMIC POLICIES that see ALL WEALTH  extorted & defrauded from the American people, to land in the hands of  the PARASITIC hyper-elite
 (who have the 100% support of the _voting_  JEWISH DIASPORA in America...  isn't that coincidental special ??!)  
If    _all_  the"FINANCIAL EXPERTS"in America - in government and at the big Wall St. banks - are
so GOD-DAMNED  "expert"-  then WHY does
with ALL wealth going to the UNDESERVING, PARASITIC, SABOTAGE already rich  hyper-wealthy? 
 or  PIMPING WARS, and now  just WHITEWASHING the serial & systematic USA, Britain, & NATO governments OPENLY SUPPLYING  AL QAEDA TERRORISTS in the Mid East,  in pursuit of  ISRAEL's,  the DEMONIC, serially SABOTEUR  jew states's -  "Securing the realm" policy of  DESTROYING EVERY NATION in the Mid East (and entire world!)! 


  They TELL US that  their  "FINANCIAL EXPERTS" are "GENIUSES" and "know what they're doing" -
but our USA & European economies KEEP GETTING WORSE & WORSE and WORSE and WORSE to where banks are openly demanding the 'right' to just SEIZE  INVESTORS SAVINGS as "bail ins,"

 and U.S. CIA & financial community insider Jim Rickards tells us that "INSTABILITY" is  BAKED IN TO THE SYSTEM... and that CATASTROPHIC COLLAPSE  is nearer than we know -

"THEY" ARE ALL ON THE SAME PAGE.... "they" are _all_   WAGING a SYSTEMATIC WAR  against the people... not only of Palestine,  not only of Gaza, Syria, Libya, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, and Russia... but "they" are waging ECONOMIC WAR against the people of Europe and against US AMERICANS  as well!**
**( soon to be followed by the DHS and its Gulag commissar collaborators waging a REAL WAR on the American people... that's what $1.5 billion dollars worth of hollow-point bullets are for.) 
 the DAILY FARE, of the TREASONOUS  corporate whore U.S. press & media !!


  For example,  the London & Amsterdam bankers wrote "loans" -  lent out money - they had NO BUSINESS 'loaning' to  ICELANDIC BANKERS... and when these PRIVATE "loans" FAILED (as they inevitably would) the BANKERS DEMANDED the ICELAND GOVERNMENT EXTORT Iceland taxpayers, to make whole the Amsterdam, London (et al) financiers losses.
  When the genuinely democratic Iceland government REFUSED the London & Amsterdam bankers demands for  FREE MONEY "bailouts" FOR THEIR BAD LOANS.... those "bankers" BRIBED, EXTORTED, & BLACKMAILED their parliament WHORES in London & the Netherlands to... DECLARE ICELAND to be a TERRORIST STATE !!

  See also the US, JEW-STATE, & SAUDI FUNDED  TERRORISTS in Syria... using POISON GAS in an ORCHESTRATED  attempt to PORTRAY the SYRIAN ARMY as the perpetrators... which would have given the Jews and their American military-industrial-financial-complex WHORES the EXCUSE they were looking for... to just START BOMBING SYRIA with U.S. airpower...  which would KILL EVEN MORE SYRIANS!

  THE TRAITOR 'news' whores REFUSE TO  REPORT the facts:    that the SYRIA & LIBYA  war - and resurgence of Al Qaeda in Iraq - are all the result of the INTENTIONAL  U.S. support for AL QAEDA TERRORISTS   perpetrating  GENOCIDE,  TORTURE, & MASS MURDER, at the demonic, vampire, genocidal jew war lobby's instigation....


  bonus:  VT's  Dr. Preston James, PhD, and Dr. Kevin Barrett, PhD,
spell out the obvious:   The JEWS  PROBABLY  KIDNAPPED & KILLED   THEIR  OWN  jewish TEENAGERS... to PROVIDE this "causus belli"  __EXCUSE__  to BOMB  Gaza, KILL Palestinians, DESTROY their property, and SEIZE Palestinian land -  
 WE KNOW that the jews are EXPERTS at FALSE FLAG (treason) TERROR ATTACKS,
the LAVON Affair and  USS Liberty bombing are firmly entrenched in even the "mainstream" historical record, and both of  those FALSE FLAG ATTACKS intended to BLAME THE VICTIMS,  were decades ago -
- if Americans don't come to grips with these "false flag" NIGHTMARES  of "murder, kill, and blame the victims" tactics, then we will soon see _ANOTHER_  BOSTON MARATHON BOMBING... or _another_  9-11  times one-thousand !!  

  ISRAEL SUSPECTED of Staging 'GLADIO' Style FALSE FLAG Kidnapping (and murder!) of Teenagers to JUSTIFY BOMBING GAZA   
Three young Israeli men are dead.
Israel claims that they were kidnapped and murdered by Palestinians.
But their are many unanswered questions about how these murders occurred or who is really responsible. Israel has now attacked Palestine once again in retaliation for what many outside of Israel believe is another Israeli False-flag attack.And this new notably brutal attack on Palestine has caught many children in direct harms way with no bomb shelters.(1)
And many believe that there is good reason for assuming that Israel is falsely blaming Palestinians in order to justify the taking of more Palestinian land and an excuse to advance their eugenics program to depopulate Palestine of Palestinians.

SMOKING GUN  PROOF  that Israel Teenagers KIDNAPPING (and murder) Was an Israeli MOSSAD,  
"Operation Gladio" style  FALSE FLAG TERROR ATTACK to generate an EXCUSE for war.
ABSOLUTELY, the demonic spawn Likudniks & genocidal judeo supremacists  WILL MURDER THEIR OWN**.... if they can make a dime from it! 
 ** (note: the hard-core, ultra-fundamentalist "Likud"& Chabad (et al)  jews LOOK DOWN on "liberal" and especially openly gay jews... in the same manner that they look down on Palestinians, Syrians, Iraqis, and everyone else - a vermin to be disposed of by "g-o-d's chosen.")
Smoking gun proof of “Israeli teen kidnapping” false flag 
 By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor
 Mossad Chief predicted “three teens will be kidnapped”one week before it happened 

   Tamir Pardo, Chief of the Israeli Mossad
 "predicted" that 3 israeli teenagers "will be kidnapped"- and, lo & behold, he was a prophet! 

  "But HAMAS had NOTHING TO GAIN, and EVERYTHING TO LOSE,  from pulling this kind of kidnapping.  THE ONLY BENEFICIARY  is ISRAEL [the demon spawn jew state]... the entire situation fairly screams 'false flag'."

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