Amazing, MASS-MURDEROUS, Racist, HYPOCRITE INSANITY of the Wall St. Journal & JEW OWNED MEDIA in America(& Europe) - WSJ writers & editors WAIL in their headlines about the deaths of CHILDREN KILLED when Flight 17 was shot down after it was DIRECTED BY SOMEONE to fly into a war zone...
_APPLAUD_ the JEW MILITARY (israel army) KILLING 400 Gaza civilians over the past week, including 4 children playing soccer on the beach blown to bits by a jew gun-boat just offshore!
THEY ALL - ALL the senators - appear to be IN SUPPORT of the "Democrat" policy of SABOTAGING AMERICA's BORDERS, and INSTIGATING a FLOOD of MILLIONS of illegal immigrants in to America...
to INTENTIONALLY CRUSH and DESTROY the American high wages standard of living, middle class, and to TEAR APART what remains of AMERICA's INDEPENDENCE and the AMERICAN SOCIAL SAFETY NET !!
Oh - and an immediate consequence of the obama/emanuel/lew/feinstein/schumer/levin/boxer/blumenthal/wyden/schatz (et al) premeditated policy of SABOTAGING America's borders, to INSTIGATE a humanitarian mass-immigration CRISIS, is that the despicable JEWISH RUN DHS & FEMA get to...
...SET UP CONCENTRATION CAMPS, ostensibly for "humanitarian concern" for the FLOOD OF ILLEGAL ALIENS they have INSTIGATED to flock to America, but actually because these MASS-MURDEROUS CONTROL/AUTHORITY FREAKS CAN'T HELP THEMSELVES - THEY WANT TO SET UP & RUN CONCENTRATION CAMPS, with absolute, dictatorial control over the life & death of the inmates... and the REAL target of these DHS/Fema camps is AMERICAN CITIZENS !!!!
EVERY ONE of these TRAITORS in the House, Senate, White House, press/media, academia, and big finance who support the SABOTAGE of borders as a means to INSTIGATE CRISIS, to BRING ON DICTATOR government 'emergency' powers....
...but their HYPOCRITE, MURDEROUS jew (& gentile collaboraor) "humanitarian" tears are AWOL, MISSING in action when it comes to GAZA CIVILIANS KILLED by the JEW'S "golum" Rampaging, U.S. supplied , "kill anything that moves" civilans murdering MASS-MURDEROUS israel army INVASION of Gaza !
DOESN'T ANYONE NOTICE, that the SULZBERGER JEW YORK TIMES, who were CHEERLEADERS for the 2003 bush-cheney-WOLFOWITZ INVASION OF IRAQ because, they told us, of the "threat of AL QAEDA TERRORISTS" there...
are now APPLAUDING Netanyahu, the Likud, and the PUPPET CIA/nsa/dod/nato/con-gress/white house 'strategy' of just GIVING BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to AL QAEDA and ISIS TERRORISTS to wage bloody murder, raise hell, and MASSACRE people all across the Mideast... TODAY ???!
America, you should know and understand that the editorial offices of the WALL St. JOURNAL are INFESTED, SATURATED, overflowing with HYPOCRITES, WARMONGERS, and TREASONOUS, ANTI-AMERICAN PIGS, who will WHINE ABOUT THE LIVES of CHILDREN killed on an airliner that was __directed by somebody_ to fly directly into a war-zone...
EVEN AS...on the same page the same writers, editors, and publishers APPLAUD the KILLINGS of 400+ civilians, at the hand of the MURDEROUS JEW (israel) MILITARY, who CONTINUES to BOMBARD GAZA with over A THOUSAND bomb & missile attacks this past week (and a full-scale "shoot everything that moves" ground invasion this weekend)!!
ARE THERE _ANY_ JOURNALISM or POLITICAL SCIENCE or International Relations or HUMAN RIGHTS students in America WHO ARE NOT COMATOSE?? These stories - some APPLAUDING the ATROCITIES, other BEWAILING the atrocities of war - ARE ON THE SAME PAGE!
And clearly, the editorial tone CONDEMNS "SEPARATIST REBELS" in the Ukraine - mere weeks after APPLAUDING a BLOODY & MURDEROUS COUP, against an ELECTED GOVERNMENT, in that same hijacked, war-lobby run nation, the Ukraine !!
THE JEW arthur WAR-PIG Sulzberger owned JEW YORK TIMES gets their kicks in on the MASS-MURDER HYPOCRISY ACT:
why are "REBELS" _bad_ when they want to break away from the KIEV government...
but a MURDEROUS COUP is GOOD when it wants to break away from Russia?
(Which would essentially be just like Russia funding a MASS-MURDEROUS COUP in CANADA.. and thereafter declaring that ANY TIES with the United States would be TREASON.)
And of course the MURDEROUS, GENOCIDAL JEW HYPOCRITES as the Sulzberger JEW YORK TIMES __APPLAUD__ the use of AL QAEDA TERORISTS in Libya... Syria... Egypt and all through the Mideast to KILL CHRISTIANS and MASS-MURDER ANYONE in the region, after the US, Britain, France, NATO, & Saudi funded JIHADIS have destroyed that target nation's military - giving the JIHADIS a CLEAR FIELD OF FIRE to MASSACRE THOUSANDS.
IF Americans don't wake up to this TREASON and GENOCIDAL HYPOCRISY in their midst, the TRAITORS will SUCCEED in DESTROYING American sovereignty, and DECLARING A STATE OF MARTIAL LAW after they TRIGGER their NUCLEAR/bio WMD attacks that will make 9-11 look like a birthday party in comparison.... RIGHT IN FRONT of THE ENTIRE WORLD, these WSJ-nyt WAR PIGS are APPLAUDING and SUPPORTING AL QAEDA TERRORIST MASS-MURDERERS, on behalf of the DEMONIC jew war lobby !!
_APPLAUD_ the JEW MILITARY (israel army) KILLING 400 Gaza civilians over the past week, including 4 children playing soccer on the beach blown to bits by a jew gun-boat just offshore!
and btw, America, you should know that the HYPOCRITE, MASS-MURDEROUS TRAITORS at the Wall St. Journal, in addition to WHITEWASHING SERIAL FINANCIAL CRIMES against the American people...
ALSO SUPPORT the RAHM EMANUEL, JACOB LEW, DIANNE FEINSTEIN, CHUCK SCHUMER, CARL LEVIN, RON WYDEN, BARBARA BOXER, BEN CARDIN, AL FRANKEN, Richard Blumenthal, Brian Schatz SABOTAGE of AMERICA's borders and national sovereignty... NOT ONE of these TRAITOR PIGS senators - or ANY of their colleagues on EITHER SIDE of the Democrat/Rethuglican aisle -
to INTENTIONALLY CRUSH and DESTROY the American high wages standard of living, middle class, and to TEAR APART what remains of AMERICA's INDEPENDENCE and the AMERICAN SOCIAL SAFETY NET !!
Oh - and an immediate consequence of the obama/emanuel/lew/feinstein/schumer/levin/boxer/blumenthal/wyden/schatz (et al) premeditated policy of SABOTAGING America's borders, to INSTIGATE a humanitarian mass-immigration CRISIS, is that the despicable JEWISH RUN DHS & FEMA get to...
...SET UP CONCENTRATION CAMPS, ostensibly for "humanitarian concern" for the FLOOD OF ILLEGAL ALIENS they have INSTIGATED to flock to America, but actually because these MASS-MURDEROUS CONTROL/AUTHORITY FREAKS CAN'T HELP THEMSELVES - THEY WANT TO SET UP & RUN CONCENTRATION CAMPS, with absolute, dictatorial control over the life & death of the inmates... and the REAL target of these DHS/Fema camps is AMERICAN CITIZENS !!!!
EVERY ONE of these TRAITORS in the House, Senate, White House, press/media, academia, and big finance who support the SABOTAGE of borders as a means to INSTIGATE CRISIS, to BRING ON DICTATOR government 'emergency' powers....
.... _CLAIMS_ that they have a "HUMANITARIAN" motive for wanting to DISSOLVE _AMERICA's_ borders...
DOESN'T ANYONE NOTICE, that the SULZBERGER JEW YORK TIMES, who were CHEERLEADERS for the 2003 bush-cheney-WOLFOWITZ INVASION OF IRAQ because, they told us, of the "threat of AL QAEDA TERRORISTS" there...
"RIGHT WING" Wall Street Journal or "Left Wing""Liberal (sic) Democrats" - 'they' ARE ALL on the same "DESTROY AMERICA, MURDER MILLIONS, and START NEW WARS" page!!
America, you should know and understand that the editorial offices of the WALL St. JOURNAL are INFESTED, SATURATED, overflowing with HYPOCRITES, WARMONGERS, and TREASONOUS, ANTI-AMERICAN PIGS, who will WHINE ABOUT THE LIVES of CHILDREN killed on an airliner that was __directed by somebody_ to fly directly into a war-zone...
EVEN AS...on the same page the same writers, editors, and publishers APPLAUD the KILLINGS of 400+ civilians, at the hand of the MURDEROUS JEW (israel) MILITARY, who CONTINUES to BOMBARD GAZA with over A THOUSAND bomb & missile attacks this past week (and a full-scale "shoot everything that moves" ground invasion this weekend)!!
ARE THERE _ANY_ JOURNALISM or POLITICAL SCIENCE or International Relations or HUMAN RIGHTS students in America WHO ARE NOT COMATOSE?? These stories - some APPLAUDING the ATROCITIES, other BEWAILING the atrocities of war - ARE ON THE SAME PAGE!
And clearly, the editorial tone CONDEMNS "SEPARATIST REBELS" in the Ukraine - mere weeks after APPLAUDING a BLOODY & MURDEROUS COUP, against an ELECTED GOVERNMENT, in that same hijacked, war-lobby run nation, the Ukraine !!
THE JEW arthur WAR-PIG Sulzberger owned JEW YORK TIMES gets their kicks in on the MASS-MURDER HYPOCRISY ACT:
why are "REBELS" _bad_ when they want to break away from the KIEV government...
but a MURDEROUS COUP is GOOD when it wants to break away from Russia?
(Which would essentially be just like Russia funding a MASS-MURDEROUS COUP in CANADA.. and thereafter declaring that ANY TIES with the United States would be TREASON.)
And of course the MURDEROUS, GENOCIDAL JEW HYPOCRITES as the Sulzberger JEW YORK TIMES __APPLAUD__ the use of AL QAEDA TERORISTS in Libya... Syria... Egypt and all through the Mideast to KILL CHRISTIANS and MASS-MURDER ANYONE in the region, after the US, Britain, France, NATO, & Saudi funded JIHADIS have destroyed that target nation's military - giving the JIHADIS a CLEAR FIELD OF FIRE to MASSACRE THOUSANDS.
IF Americans don't wake up to this TREASON and GENOCIDAL HYPOCRISY in their midst, the TRAITORS will SUCCEED in DESTROYING American sovereignty, and DECLARING A STATE OF MARTIAL LAW after they TRIGGER their NUCLEAR/bio WMD attacks that will make 9-11 look like a birthday party in comparison.... RIGHT IN FRONT of THE ENTIRE WORLD, these WSJ-nyt WAR PIGS are APPLAUDING and SUPPORTING AL QAEDA TERRORIST MASS-MURDERERS, on behalf of the DEMONIC jew war lobby !!