SLAVERY MAKES A RETURN to America: corporations
(via their criminally corrupt, bribed, blackmailed, and extorted Con-gress, presidents, judges, and other politicians)
now use PRISON LABOR to UNDERCUT American wages.
The PRESSURE on COURTS, POLICE, JUDGES, and government officials to FEED THE SLAVE MARKET - keep prisons full - is relentless.
Thanks to the WHORE, TRAITOR presstitute media in America, "our" government, police, & courts now WANT TO THROW US IN PRISON, to MAKE SLAVES of us... just as the demonic jewish bible (Old Testament) COMMANDS jews to do to "the heathens around them."
In particular, EVERY POLICE DEPARTMENT IN AMERICA engages in the tactic of EXAGGERATING the "criminal offense" they charge arrested suspects with.
A woman in handcuffs, restrained by police, is charged with AGGRAVATED ASSAULT if she kicks out at police who are dragging her around like a rag doll.
In many tens of thousands of cases, this includes arresting officers simply MAKING CHARGES UP - under the doctrine that ANYONE who even ATTRACTS POLICE ATTENTION is "a suspect," criminal, and... TERRORIST !!
MAKING UP, or EXAGERATING charges is THE CRIME OF PERJURY.. which happens in every court house in America, every single day....
In the past 200 years, there has only been one great issue where the London branch of the Rothschilds genocidal, loan-sharking, wars & colonial extortion financing judeo 'banking' house actively confronted the British public, and was forced to back down: and that issue was SLAVERY.
The British public well understood that their treasonous elites
(the british nobility/aristocracy, who btw since William the Conqueror in 1066 have been descended from FOREIGNERS and their heirs)
would love to profit from, and command the power over, slaves & slavery
IN 1800's ENGLAND,
so the public demanded an end to slavery, the abolition of slavery throughout the British empire.
Nathan Rothschild (the 'wunderkind' founder of the British branch) was forced to back down from his SUPPORT for the expansion & continuation of slavery
(slavery would of course proceed apace in the United States Deep South right up to the Civil War in 1861)
but he got his revenge: Parliament authorized government "REPARATIONS" for slave "owners" who were forced to free 'their' slaves.
i.e. A TAX ON THE PEOPLE, handed to THE ELITES who owned the SLAVE PLANTATIONS... with wealthy jews like the Rothschilds having long before learned to keep their names out of the limelight of slave plantations, and operate behind Christian partners & front men.
Thus the Rothschilds supported the notions of both SLAVERY - some men "OWNING" other men, women, & children as SLAVES by dint of MURDER, TORTURE and the applied terrorism (that is slavery).. and supported EXTORTING, via gov't. taxes, the people and governments of 'modern', democratic nations like 19th century Britain to make up for the "property rights" accrued to wealthy elites
from the violence, murder, terror, & torture of slavery!
Despite the British abolition of slavery,
the JEWISH BANKING HOUSES _continued_ to PROFIT FROM SLAVERY for the remainder of the 19th century...
not least because the British East India Company conquest, subjugation, and occupation of India and in particular Bengal's fertile fields was slavery in all but name
(and the OPIUM that British merchants exported to China ENSLAVED and subjugated that entire empire to brutal economic RAPE and serial, genocidal wars & revolts)
and of course EVEN AGAINST WHITE EUROPEAN farmers in South Africa,
where the Rotschields and their Anglo front man, CECIL RHODES, hired PRIVATE MERCENARIES to INVADE the Boer Republic, which PROXY, TERRORIST INVASION was suitably played by the ROTHSCHILDS OWNED LONDON PRESS, to whip the British people into a frenzy supporting an all-out, British military invasion of South Africa against the Boers
(complete with British run CONCENTRATION/death CAMPS for the families of Boer fighters).
The outstanding 1 hour historical documentary video, "MONEY'S PROPHETS" outlines the close ties between the judeo ROTHSCHILDS banking houses in London and Europe, and the "minor" European nobility House of Sax-Coburg-Gotha... which, with judeo financial support, would go on to provide heirs and consorts to the great thrones of Europe,
including British Queen Victoria and all of her descendants:
Grim details of a GENOCIDE - perpetrated in the "modern" era just 50 years before World War II"s so-called Jewish 'holocaust.' THERE CAN BE NO DOUBT that WEALTHY JEWISH BANKERS PROFITED FROM the SLAVERY, TERROR, TORTURE, RAPE, brutal EXTORTION... and GENOCDE
that Belgian King Leopold II's agents perpetrated in the so-called Belgian Free State Congo" in the African Congo River basin in the late 1800s...
up to 40% of the entire population of the region EXTERMINATED, as the Rothschilds counted their blood-drenched profits in their London, Amsterdam, Belgium (& etc.) banking houses...
(via their criminally corrupt, bribed, blackmailed, and extorted Con-gress, presidents, judges, and other politicians)
now use PRISON LABOR to UNDERCUT American wages.
The PRESSURE on COURTS, POLICE, JUDGES, and government officials to FEED THE SLAVE MARKET - keep prisons full - is relentless.
Thanks to the WHORE, TRAITOR presstitute media in America, "our" government, police, & courts now WANT TO THROW US IN PRISON, to MAKE SLAVES of us... just as the demonic jewish bible (Old Testament) COMMANDS jews to do to "the heathens around them."
The Stealing of America by the Cops, the Courts, the Corporations and Congress:
America's METASTASIZING PRISON LABOR force, FUELED by CORPORATE GREED and CORRUPT government officials...
by John W. Whitehead, the Rutherford Institute, July 22, 2014
...93 cents an hour for forced, prison labor in service to for-profit corporations such as Starbucks, Microsoft, Walmart, and Victoria’s Secret. What this forced labor scheme has created, indirectly or not,is a financial incentive for both the corporations and government agencies to keep the prisons full to capacity.
A good portion of the 2 million prisoners in public facilities are forced to work for corporations, making products on the cheap, undermining free laborers, and increasing the bottom line for many of America’s most popular brands. “Prison labor reportedly produces 100 percent of military helmets, shirts, pants, tents, bags, canteens, and a variety of other equipment.PRISON LABOR makes circuit boards for IBM, Texas Instruments, and [JEWISH OWNED] Dell. Many McDonald’s uniforms are sewn by inmates. Other corporations—Microsoft, Victoria’s Secret, Boeing, Motorola, Compaq, Revlon, and Kmart—also benefit from prison labor.”In sum, AMERICA's COURTS, police departments, judges, and other government officials are now CONSPIRATORS, COLLABORATORS, COMPLICIT in the BREAKING OF LAWS to FORCE AMERICANS IN TO PRISONS.... for SLAVERY.
In particular, EVERY POLICE DEPARTMENT IN AMERICA engages in the tactic of EXAGGERATING the "criminal offense" they charge arrested suspects with.
A woman in handcuffs, restrained by police, is charged with AGGRAVATED ASSAULT if she kicks out at police who are dragging her around like a rag doll.
In many tens of thousands of cases, this includes arresting officers simply MAKING CHARGES UP - under the doctrine that ANYONE who even ATTRACTS POLICE ATTENTION is "a suspect," criminal, and... TERRORIST !!
MAKING UP, or EXAGERATING charges is THE CRIME OF PERJURY.. which happens in every court house in America, every single day....
In the past 200 years, there has only been one great issue where the London branch of the Rothschilds genocidal, loan-sharking, wars & colonial extortion financing judeo 'banking' house actively confronted the British public, and was forced to back down: and that issue was SLAVERY.
The British public well understood that their treasonous elites
(the british nobility/aristocracy, who btw since William the Conqueror in 1066 have been descended from FOREIGNERS and their heirs)
would love to profit from, and command the power over, slaves & slavery
IN 1800's ENGLAND,
so the public demanded an end to slavery, the abolition of slavery throughout the British empire.
Nathan Rothschild (the 'wunderkind' founder of the British branch) was forced to back down from his SUPPORT for the expansion & continuation of slavery
(slavery would of course proceed apace in the United States Deep South right up to the Civil War in 1861)
but he got his revenge: Parliament authorized government "REPARATIONS" for slave "owners" who were forced to free 'their' slaves.
i.e. A TAX ON THE PEOPLE, handed to THE ELITES who owned the SLAVE PLANTATIONS... with wealthy jews like the Rothschilds having long before learned to keep their names out of the limelight of slave plantations, and operate behind Christian partners & front men.
Thus the Rothschilds supported the notions of both SLAVERY - some men "OWNING" other men, women, & children as SLAVES by dint of MURDER, TORTURE and the applied terrorism (that is slavery).. and supported EXTORTING, via gov't. taxes, the people and governments of 'modern', democratic nations like 19th century Britain to make up for the "property rights" accrued to wealthy elites
from the violence, murder, terror, & torture of slavery!
Despite the British abolition of slavery,
the JEWISH BANKING HOUSES _continued_ to PROFIT FROM SLAVERY for the remainder of the 19th century...
not least because the British East India Company conquest, subjugation, and occupation of India and in particular Bengal's fertile fields was slavery in all but name
(and the OPIUM that British merchants exported to China ENSLAVED and subjugated that entire empire to brutal economic RAPE and serial, genocidal wars & revolts)
and of course EVEN AGAINST WHITE EUROPEAN farmers in South Africa,
where the Rotschields and their Anglo front man, CECIL RHODES, hired PRIVATE MERCENARIES to INVADE the Boer Republic, which PROXY, TERRORIST INVASION was suitably played by the ROTHSCHILDS OWNED LONDON PRESS, to whip the British people into a frenzy supporting an all-out, British military invasion of South Africa against the Boers
(complete with British run CONCENTRATION/death CAMPS for the families of Boer fighters).
The outstanding 1 hour historical documentary video, "MONEY'S PROPHETS" outlines the close ties between the judeo ROTHSCHILDS banking houses in London and Europe, and the "minor" European nobility House of Sax-Coburg-Gotha... which, with judeo financial support, would go on to provide heirs and consorts to the great thrones of Europe,
including British Queen Victoria and all of her descendants:
Belgian 'Free State' Congo ATROCITIES - notice the EUROPEANS behind the next victims |
Grim details of a GENOCIDE - perpetrated in the "modern" era just 50 years before World War II"s so-called Jewish 'holocaust.' THERE CAN BE NO DOUBT that WEALTHY JEWISH BANKERS PROFITED FROM the SLAVERY, TERROR, TORTURE, RAPE, brutal EXTORTION... and GENOCDE
that Belgian King Leopold II's agents perpetrated in the so-called Belgian Free State Congo" in the African Congo River basin in the late 1800s...
up to 40% of the entire population of the region EXTERMINATED, as the Rothschilds counted their blood-drenched profits in their London, Amsterdam, Belgium (& etc.) banking houses...
OF BELGIAN KINGS, Past & Present
by The Cotton Bowl Conspiracy, 7-22-2013
Under Leopold’s rule, Belgium exploited the Congo Free State for decades, resulting in the deaths of millions of native Africans in a harrowing bit of colonialism that is all but forgotten today.
Leopold was envious of the colonial empires of other European nations and spent 20 years trying to acquire territory to satiate his desire for a far-flung realm.
He finally found it in 1885 when he finagled control of the Congo Free State, much of which is today’s Democratic Republic of the Congo.
But instead of having Belgium control the vast African colony, Leopold was himself the founder and sole owner of the Congo Free State.
British editorial cartoon showing Leopold II as a rubber vine entwined around African native.
British editorial cartoon showing Leopold II as a rubber vine entwined around African native.
From the outset, Leopold, employing his own mercenary army known as the Force Publique, ran the Congo for his personal gain.
Leopold operated the territory as little more than an expansive, brutal work camp [SLAVE PLANTATION], exploiting its people and resource to a degree almost unimaginable.
He earned a fortune from the Congo; at first from the collection of ivory, then later, after a rise in the price of rubber in the 1890s, by forcing the population to collect sap from rubber plants.
Villagers were required to collect massive amounts of rubber, and workers who failed to meet quotas had their hands cut off.
Many Congolese were beaten to death, starved, executed outright or died of disease in addition to being mutilated.
According to author Adam Hochschild in
King Leopold’s Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa,
the Congo Free State lost approximately half its population between the mid-1880s and the early 1900s, about 10 million people. Other estimates have ranged as high as 15 million dead.
There can hardly be any doubt:
IN AMERICA today, much less in the outright war-zones of Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Iraq (again), Sudan, Russia-Ukraine,
from the massacres and murders of millions
are all making a comeback...
under well groomed but genocidal psychopath overlords,
There can hardly be any doubt:
IN AMERICA today, much less in the outright war-zones of Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Iraq (again), Sudan, Russia-Ukraine,
from the massacres and murders of millions
are all making a comeback...
under well groomed but genocidal psychopath overlords,
in the name of "freedom, liberty, and democracy" of course.