Channel: The Jewish Wars
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WORLD WAR III and the EXTERMINATION of _WESTERN_ EUROPE (along with Russia).... IS THE GOAL, IS THE POLICY, of 'Neo-Con' puppet-on-a-stick Barack Obama's PRESIDENCY, AND of the incoming INSANE, WARMONGERING Republicans dominated 114th Con-gress...

    (Above quote from discussion in  just ONE of  four videos we offer up today as proof to illustrate the horrific, screaming reality: our "leaders" in government & press/media (and finance) are insanely corrupt & COLLECTIVELY INSANE, and are all pushing for a nuclear war against Russia - set to go off  in the very near future.)  

Update: while the below article was from a month ago, we just stumbled on it today....

.01% scream, ‘MORE WAR!’ as a million children die from poverty every month; are you demanding arrests NOW?

Dear America: 

     We earlier posted Dr. Francis Boyle's video discussion, "AMERICA is shoving humanity IN TO AN AGE of Darkness"  so we are simply compiling the now overwhelming evidence here...   

And we hate to interrupt your "Black Friday" consumer madness, and more sane varieties of  holiday celebrations this first weekend of the 2014 holiday season...

 but since American jews have already replaced America's quaint Christ-ian notions of"Peace on Earth"and "all men are created equal" with their serial, signature,  ancient world hostilities, hatreds and  celebrations of wars and massacres and their inherited ruling-class elitism ("the chosen")
      (in particular, the evil  jewish 'religious' holiday of Passover *CELEBRATES*  the KILLINGS of  THEIR NEIGHBORS' CHILDREN,   and in similar vein the jewish holidays of PURIM and HANUKAH  _CELEBRATE_ the  KILLINGS of  non-jews in Persia and in Palestine, respectively)
  (and  we should mention that American consumerism run amok is akin to the  fattening of the calf  just before the slaughter!)   
 we think you should know that  WORLD WAR III  is  _THE IMMEDIATE GOAL_  for both the TREASONOUS  new 114th CONGRESS incoming  in January of 2015,   and for the "handlers" behind, running, ruling over  President Barack Obama's so-called"liberal Democrat" presidency -    
   because the REAL "BIG TICKET ITEMS"  of  this past mid-term Congressional elections were NEVER DISCUSSED by the TRAITOR, WHORE MEDIA:  
        namely,    the FULL SCALE  INSERTION of the U.S. MILITARY (ground troops) IN TO the evil jews'  on-going 3 year PROXY TERRORIST WAR AGAINST SYRIA,

which (U.S. military war against Syria)  is merely the back-door to the IRAN WAR that the COWARDLY, TREASONOUS, LYING,  terrorism- & wars & economic sabotage perpetrating  Jew warmongers have been lusting for
ever since their successful "coup d'etat'  in the stolen election of  November, 2000...

   and,  due to a stroke of  evil luck that fell their way when their  UKRAINE COUP  plot metastasized in a bull-rush of hired mercenary murders  as the rest of the world was celebrating PEACE and GLOBAL COOPERATION at the Sochi, Russia, Winter Olympics in 2014 -  

    - well,the COWARDS, TRAITORS, LIARS, and MASS-MURDERERS behind the U.S. military, government, financial complex, and corporate media propaganda systems are all GLOATING that  THEY have now GOT THEIR  DREAM TICKET: 

 -  a radical Right-Wing  JEW OWNED 'Neo-Con' Republican Congressand Senate

 to finally push the  RADICAL RIGHT-WING 'Neo-Con' JEWISH OWNED  but hesitantpretend"Democrat" OBAMA PRESIDENCY  to PUSH THE BUTTON on the above mentioned,


(and... China.... all of which will pull in India and Pakistan, which is to say, "most of the world" as well).

     Well,  you can see that the issues are so deep, widespread and intertwined that it takes us 4 or 5 paragraphs just to write an introductory sentence -  although the actual essence can be distilled to:

 "The JEWS (as 20 centuries of their  "anti-semitic" critics, observers, and opponents have claimed all along)  are OBSESSED with WARS and the DESTRUCTION OF NATIONS and empires FROM WITHIN - by TREACHERY,  by guile, by BRIBERY, LIES,  DECEIT,  EXTORTION, murder (aka "terrorism"),  and above all by manipulation, by provoking hatred, insecurities, trade wars, embargoes,'cold wars' and actual shooting wars, getting other people and captive nations  to fight their wars by HATE-MONGERING"

   and in the case of America this holiday season 2014,
they have finally   SUCCEEDED SPECTACULARLY  in MANIPULATING the AMERICAN PEOPLE to FIGHT THEIR WARS FOR THEM... not just against little ol'  IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN.... but against RUSSIA, IRAN,  CHINA, and the entire  f***ing world...
  ...including a real, on-going war AGAINST THEIR LATEST host nation/empire, the AMERICAN people, just ask the people in Ferguson, Missouri... or the FIVE MILLION AMERICANS locked up IN PRISONS and jails as we speak, all while bankers run amok with IMPUNITY from the government for every means of fraud and extortion that they have perfected in 25 centuries of trying !!! 
     Yes, you really have to give them their SATANIC CREDIT! -   

 - they are about to unleash the U.S. GOVERNMENT, military, and financial/logistics system AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE,  

   -EVEN AS-  they simultaneously get the enslaved and terrorized American people to WAGE THEIR WARS against Syria, Iran, Russia,
 (including the occupied and terrorized people of the Ukraine,  and, soon enough, against China)for them !!!!

  That is, even as THEY WAGE WAR against US,  the AMERICAN PEOPLE, the people of their latest host nation/empire, they are in the very last stages of  
  * getting us to wage war against all their other 'enemies' all over the world *
        = the ENTIRE  f***ing human race !!! 
   Well, it has taken us quite a few paragraphs _just_ to set up an introduction to these 4 videos - from quite disparate sources - all of which converge on the now increasingly obvious:    

    THE 'HANDLERS'- the judeo TRAITOR PSYCHOPATHSbehind the  hijacked-by-pure-evil United States government


    - that's the  _real_ headline this election 2014 !!  

"US Plans ‘First Strike’ Nuclear Attack on Russia"

   This insane, demonic, diabolical, evil policy/goal
of  our hijacked, treacherous,  bought-off, bribed, extorted, insanely corrupt, and serially lying  incoming Congress - backed up by the entire demonic traitor whore corporate press/media and financial system !!! 

  One last word before we get to our videos. Above we mentioned U.S. consumers will be engaging in an orgy of  consumer shopping and spending run amok this holiday season.

    This is  PART OF the "FEEL GOOD"  elites'propaganda NARRATIVE that helps them mask their real, cold-blooded intentions, their insane, demonic hyper-mass-murder agenda.

    To begin with, this PROPAGANDA NARRATIVE very effectively inserts CONSUMER CONSUMPTION, retail sales, and soaring stock prices as the main icons of a healthy economy.

    While we  would certainly agree that consumers having money to spend, retailers setting record sales, and a rising stock market should be an indication of a HEALTHY ECONOMY;

    in this case  all is not as it seems:   other important facets of the economy are easily glossed over, including industrial production output, affordability of health care,  overdue improvement to our crumbling infrastructure, and closings of public schools, to name a few.
 (That is, all the things that lead to unease, fear, and insecurity out there in the real American economy.) 

   And,  let's see... what is is about this holiday season that is rather remarkable?

  Oh yeah... LOW GAS PRICES! 

 Our 'elite' rulers have  GIVEN US ANOTHER  SUGAR HIGH! 

      WE ARE NOW COMPLETELY ADDICTED to CHEAP  oil and GAS... and if (when!) gas prices spike UP,  then all that CONSUMER CREDIT DEBT  will take a huge bite out of our INDEBTED asses...

 especially if gas prices go high enough to deter future consumer shopping, travel (or mere commuting!) and spending;  and suddenly people who are making money in sales or production  this month, are sitting home, idle and unemployed - loaded with debt! -  at some time next year! 
  OK, we'll admit "we are looking at the potentially dour side of things"  this holiday season of 2014 with cheap gas prices....  but is there some other factor at play here????

   Oh yeah... there it is!    GAS PRICES ARE LOW this holiday season, not just to lull consumers/voters to sleep during an election cycle where the "big ticket" items  have been shoved way OUT of the 'news' for the past 3 weeks straight
 (not one "ISIS" terrorist atrocity broadcast to American homes during the run up to the elections!!!) 


  This is what you call "POLICY CONVERGENCE" - when "the elites"  or ruling class "Powers That Be" (TPTB)  can formulate a policy that both makes them look good at home,  while sticking it to their enemies without seeming warlike,  they are giddy with Satanic glee.  

    Now we're all for low energy prices - as far into the future as forever possible! -  but we're just pointing out that any "FEEL GOOD" holiday season mood we have in this post-election November season 2014 is  ENTIRELY DEPENDENT on CHEAP CREDIT and CHEAP GAS

 -  both of which the treacherous  "elites" can curtail... interrupt, obstruct, STOP  with the flick of a switch! 
  -especially if they have the police/military muscle and political firepower in place  to  SUPPRESS PROTESTS and RIOTS that would result -  their real goal !!

  And that's what getting the insanely warmongering RADICAL RIGHT-WING  RETHUGLICAN majorities in the Con-gress and Senate are really all about!

  And, lo & behold - just how much "feel good"  sugar high are BLACK AMERICANS feeling this November and December 2014, what with the FERGUSON RIOTS?? 

   - They've been the #1. victims of 6 straight years of  OBAMA co.  DECEPTION, DECEIT, TREACHERY, LIES, and ECONOMIC SABOTAGE all along!

    BARACK OBAMA, ERIC HOLDER, JEH JOHNSON, and ALL the OTHER Black "leaders" in the Obama administration and 'Democratic'(sic!)  congress HAVE BEEN SELLING BLACK AMERICANS DOWN THE RIVER for  SIX STRAIGHT YEARS NOW!  

 - a foretaste of what _white_  Americans are in for in 2015 and 2016 !!!

 Now, on to our 4 videos!

We've posted this first one before - this is as "liberal" an Obama supporting group as you could possibly hope for - and they see straight through to the Obama administration's deceit, lies, treachery, sabotage, and  treason, and  straight in to the warmongering, mass-murderous, evil, dark hearts of  THE TRAITORS, LIARS, ECONOMIC SABOTEURS, and TERRORISTS  running, ruling, behind the now certifiably evil Obama presidency!

  Help Obama Kickstart World War III!
  "lots of shock... but think of all the 'awe'!"  "World War III is not going to be just like all those other Republican wars fought on just 1% of the world... THIS  war is going to be fought in 99% of the world!" 

We've  posted this next  video before as well:  an excellent intro to the "geo-politics"behind the warmongers' insanity.   When the narrator asks "why is the U.S. engaging in all these overt and proxy wars?" at the beginning of the video..... the short answer is  
"BECAUSE THE JEW WARMONGERS _CONTROL_ the American CON-GRESS,  presidency, government, FINANCIAL SYSTEM, press/media corporate PROPAGANDA system.... and the entire  U.S. military and almost all of America's police forces!" 
 (sigh.... exactly as the "judeo bolsheviks" Commissars dominated & controlled the mass-murderous, tens of millions killed  "Soviet"'Communist'GULAGS and RED TERROR PURGES in the former Czarist Russia in the 1920s and 1930s - see any of our previous posts on the evils of the mass-murder purges & Red Terror commissars)  

 The Road to World War 3

  Now on to the fun part:  as our "Kickstart WWIII" video said,  "World War III will be fun!"

Obama plan for World War 3 Best documentary of the Year 2014
 "it will come as a SURPRISE - the[U.S. high command] order to LAUNCH" 

America's last voice of sanity confirms all 3 of our above videos:  former Assistant Treasury Secretary PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS explains the EVIL INTENT of the evil,'chosen'"elites" who OWN both the TRAITOR obama 'Democrats'  and the serially treasonous  Republican war party:


Dr. Paul Craig Roberts- 
Belief U.S. Can Win Nuclear War MAKES IT LIKELY [INEVITABLE]

 and, make no mistake,  make no quibbles:  Dr. Roberts is under no illusions about just who are pulling the strings behind the Obama 'Democrats'  and 'Demonic Sugar Daddy'  SHELDON ADELSON run Repuglican War Whores:
America Shamed Again: A colonized people —
http://ww   w.paulcraigroberts.org/2013/02/17/america-shamed-again-a-colonized-people-paul-craig-roberts/

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