"Telegraphing their punches": every good boxer, martial arts fighter, or competent trainer knows what it means to"telegraph your punches" - it means a boxer or fighter subconsciously and unwittingly signals to his opponent what he (or she) is going to do next, giving the opponent the opportunity to prepare a knock-out punch as soon as the first fighter is overextended, out of balance, and unable to react to his opponent's counter. "Don'ttelegraphyourpunches...You'llbeflatonyourbackintwentyseconds!"
TELEGRAPHING their punches: Anti-American, ISIS TERRORISTS IN SYRIA supporting genocidal Jewess Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz signals the "Neo-Con" = judeo supremacists INTENT, their foul, treasonous designs, their plans to LABEL the _90%_ of Americans who do NOT approve of this vile, foul, TREASONOUS, judeo run, ISIS TERRORIST supporting Congress to be "Extremists"... i.e. to be labeled or designated as "terrorists" or "TERRORIST SYMPATHIZERS" and rounded up and treated as criminals the moment the coming "crisis" metastasizes out of the foul brew of ISIS & drug war TERRORISM INSTIGATION, EXPANDING WARS, OPEN SABOTAGE of OUR borders, a blatant ebola "bio-war on the American public"and the ECONOMIC CRISIS that will result if bombs, bullets and missiles start flying in the Persian Gulf - the IMMEDIATE policy goals for our insanely corrupt & treasonous 114th Congress that will be coming in to session this January, 2015...
JEWISH, "Neo-Con" SABOTAGE of the (late) "Democratic" Party: if you point out that the policies of the past 6 years of the Jacob Lew, Rham Emanuel, Larry Summers, Ben Bernanke, Mona Sutphen, Victoria Nuland Kagan, et al run Obama Presidency ARE MORE OF THE SAME of the detested Bush-Cheney-WOLFOWITZ-CHERTOFF-Libby-Bernanke-MUKASEY policies of LIES TO WAR, of CONCENTRATION of wealthy, of SERIAL COVER-UPS of CRIMES & CORRUPTION & fiancial fraud in high places of the despised previous Republican administration -
then the vile 'Democrat' "leadership" (sic) will TRY TO LABEL YOU to be A "TERRORIST SYMPATHIZER" !!
TELEGRAPHING their punches: Anti-American, ISIS TERRORISTS IN SYRIA supporting genocidal Jewess Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz signals the "Neo-Con" = judeo supremacists INTENT, their foul, treasonous designs, their plans to LABEL the _90%_ of Americans who do NOT approve of this vile, foul, TREASONOUS, judeo run, ISIS TERRORIST supporting Congress to be "Extremists"... i.e. to be labeled or designated as "terrorists" or "TERRORIST SYMPATHIZERS" and rounded up and treated as criminals the moment the coming "crisis" metastasizes out of the foul brew of ISIS & drug war TERRORISM INSTIGATION, EXPANDING WARS, OPEN SABOTAGE of OUR borders, a blatant ebola "bio-war on the American public"and the ECONOMIC CRISIS that will result if bombs, bullets and missiles start flying in the Persian Gulf - the IMMEDIATE policy goals for our insanely corrupt & treasonous 114th Congress that will be coming in to session this January, 2015...
JEWISH, "Neo-Con" SABOTAGE of the (late) "Democratic" Party: if you point out that the policies of the past 6 years of the Jacob Lew, Rham Emanuel, Larry Summers, Ben Bernanke, Mona Sutphen, Victoria Nuland Kagan, et al run Obama Presidency ARE MORE OF THE SAME of the detested Bush-Cheney-WOLFOWITZ-CHERTOFF-Libby-Bernanke-MUKASEY policies of LIES TO WAR, of CONCENTRATION of wealthy, of SERIAL COVER-UPS of CRIMES & CORRUPTION & fiancial fraud in high places of the despised previous Republican administration -
then the vile 'Democrat' "leadership" (sic) will TRY TO LABEL YOU to be A "TERRORIST SYMPATHIZER" !!
Midterm Elections Nov. 2014 revealed what a FOUL MESS the TREASONOUS 'Neo-Con''Democrats' like DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, DIANNE FEINSTEIN, CHUCK SCHUMER, CARL LEVIN, RAHM EMANUEL, JACOB LEW, NANCY PELOSI, HARRY REID, and all the other "TAKE ORDERS FROM AIPAC"TRAITORS in the "Democrat" Party have made of American democracy: AMERICANS UNDERSTOOD the VILE INTENTIONS of the "Neo-Con' Demorat Party, and voted to REMOVED THEM from control of the Senate. Unfortunately, this drove the recently DISGRACED Republican Party of Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, McCain, Libby, Perle, Feith, Spectre, Coleman, Chertoff, Mukasey, Bolten, Cantor, et al BACK IN TO POWER. UNDER the foul, VILE, evil "Neo-Con', AIPAC, JUDEO SUPREMACIST HIJACKING of the Democrat Party (a process that actually started over 100 years ago with Woodrow Wilson cultivation by the "moneyed elites" and his subsequent approval of both the "Federal Reserve" privately owned fiat money extortion banking cartel, and his WWI censorship & "SEDITION" laws) AMERICANS have NO WHERE TO TURN to ESCAPE THE DEMONIC, ANTI-AMERICAN policies of the 'Neo-Con' JUDEO SUPREMACIST WARMONGERS & ECONOMIC SABOTEURS who are just openly driving America & humanity into the sewer of EXPANDING WARS, anti-humanity CONCENTRATION of WEALTH, blatant EBOLA 'weaponized' BIO-WAR against the American public as well as tens of millions of Africans!, and the pending, looming, CRIMINALIZATION of vast swaths of the American public... |