Yes, America, it has come to this: the JEWISH EVIL has become SO BLATANT, SO TRANSPARENT, SO OBSCENE, SO IN-YOUR-FACE, that at the very same time that
JEW BILLIONAIRE BANKERS _behind_ the ECB, the European Central Bank,
... they are not satisfied with merely being insanely wealthy beyond anyone else's compare....
but they ACTUALLY WANT TO STARVE "their fellow citizens" in EUROPE !!
Yes, America, it has come down to this: the JEWISH EVIL has become SO BLATANT, SO TRANSPARENT, SO OBSCENE, SO IN-YOUR-FACE, that at the very same time that
JEW BILLIONAIRE BANKERS _behind_ the ECB, the European Central Bank,
... they are not satisfied with merely being insanely wealthy beyond anyone else's compare...
"their fellow citizens" in EUROPE !!
IF our above assessment is true - and it certainly is! -
then EVERY COP, EVERY POLICE & "law enforcement" officer in America & Europe, _every_ judge & prosecuting attorney...
death-camp Gulag commissars & administrators, assigned to humiliate the millions of 'detainees' before those disposable serfs meet their "final solution"....
they face NO SCRUTINY for their INTENTIONAL SABOTAGE of their host nations' economies.]
Jack Lew, the ORTHODOX JEW currently running the captured and conquered U.S. Treasury for his foreign Jew 'banker' overlords, has already mouthed similar comments, he wants to INFLICT "AUSTERITY" ON AMERICANS... at the SAME TIME that "the Fed"GIVES AWAY $80 BILLION PER MONTH in "QE' to those TREASONOUS, GLOBAL EXTORTION, GENOCIDE, sabotage, & MASS MURDER parasitic, traitor financiers!!!
There are now two kinds of people in Europe & America:
- they have their interns at the ECB hit a few dozen keystrokes to"CREATE" some portion of SIXTY BILLION EUROS every_single_month (repeat as required)
as debits or credits on digitized ECB bank accounts -
"money"'CREATED' out of thin air at the click of a few keys on a computer keyboard.
Actually, they DO "WORK for their money" - in the old fashioned way: EXTORTION.
The insanely greedy pigs consider it a game, every single year, year after year after year; decade after decade after decade, to see how much they can get away with raping, defrauding, and extorting their European (Australian, Canadian, American, & etc.)victims"fellow citizens" - and now their stranglehold over the U.S. economy, financial system, corporate media/propaganda system, U.S. government, war department, state department, and treasury is so complete... that they have U.S. armies poised to murder Syrians, Iranians, Russians, & Chinese for them, all poised to be triggered at the drop of a feather...
Here is Evelyn de Rotschild himself...
BLAMING EVERYONE ELSE for the 2008 U.S. market crash!
(Which was actually preceded by a market crash in Evelyn's own London exchange.)
USING the PANIC of the moment during the 2008 crash, CNBC and clueless media stooge Maria Bartiromo actually tried to present "BAILOUTS" - giving trillions of dollars of government, taxpayer money to FAILED BANKERS and FRAUDULENT, casino-gulag financiers -
as "saving capitalism"!!!
This would be exactly akin to our lending our neighbor, who is a known gambling addict, $2,000 to go to the races... and then going crying, scheming, begging, & extorting to the government and Con-gress for a "BAILOUT" when our neighbor was unable to repay our stupidly lent out money!
The UK Telegraph and editor/writer Alistair Osborne are LYING....
the Rotschilds & their junior partners in crimes & global atrocities, the Rockefellers,
and EXTORTING IT from them via
(using huge slush-funds to incite market booms & market-bust panics = crisis incitement)
and FIAT MONEY (their license to print 80 billion every month... which goes to them)
Lazar Kaganovich
(same jewish family name as Robert & Victoria KAGAN, currently runningthe U.S. Nazi-Ukrainian coupin that present day Soros/Jew-financier raped, extorted, bullied, & bloodied nation) MURDERED 10 million, TEN MILLION Ukrainians in the biggest and bloodiest of Stalin's Red Terror purges and genocide by famines.....
WITH the SUPPORT of the jew owned SULZBERGER NEW YORK TIMES' man in Moscow, "STALIN'S APOLOGIST Walter Durante...
like their own private brothel whores...
JEW BILLIONAIRE BANKERS _behind_ the ECB, the European Central Bank,
... they are not satisfied with merely being insanely wealthy beyond anyone else's compare....
but they ACTUALLY WANT TO STARVE "their fellow citizens" in EUROPE !!
Yes, America, it has come down to this: the JEWISH EVIL has become SO BLATANT, SO TRANSPARENT, SO OBSCENE, SO IN-YOUR-FACE, that at the very same time that
JEW BILLIONAIRE BANKERS _behind_ the ECB, the European Central Bank,
... they are not satisfied with merely being insanely wealthy beyond anyone else's compare...
"their fellow citizens" in EUROPE !!
IF our above assessment is true - and it certainly is! -
then EVERY COP, EVERY POLICE & "law enforcement" officer in America & Europe, _every_ judge & prosecuting attorney...
death-camp Gulag commissars & administrators, assigned to humiliate the millions of 'detainees' before those disposable serfs meet their "final solution"....
Starvation Is The Price Greeks Will Pay For Remaining In The EU
by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 15, 2015
Syriza, the new Greek government that intended to rescue Greece from austerity, has come a cropper. The government relied on the good will of its EU “partners,” only to find that its “partners” had no good will. The Greek government did not understand that the only concern was the bottom line, or profits, [EXTORTION PAYMENTS] of those who held the Greek debt.[This is the"money changers" old tactic of USING FRAUD, insider trading manipulation, and DECEIT to CREATE AN ECONOMIC CRISIS, then buying up billions of dollars worth of assets for pennies on the dollar when the money-changers pull the rug out from under their Ponzi scheme, triggering regional or global economic "sell, sell, sell" panics.]
The Greek people are as out to lunch as their government. The majority of Greeks want to remain in the EU even though it means that their pensions, their wages, their social services, and their employment opportunities will be reduced. Apparently for Greeks, being a part of Europe is worth being driven into the ground.
The alleged “Greek crisis” makes no sense whatsoever. It is obvious that Greece cannot with its devastated economy repay the debtsthat Goldman Sachs hid and then capitalized on the inside information, helping to cause the crisis.
If the solvency of the holders of the Greek debt, apparently the NY hedge funds and German and Dutch banks, depends on being repaid, the European Central Bank could just follow the example of the Federal Reserve and print the money to secure the Greek debt. The ECB is already printing 60 billion euros a month to save ["save"] the European financial system, so why not include Greece?[to clarify, the reason inflation _appears_ low is because modern manufacturing - especially in China - can crank out so much production at near slave wages, just see the selection of shoes available at some $10/pair outlet stores. Another reason inflation SEEMS low, is because as factories & manufacturing jobs desert American & European towns for low-wage Asian factories, the communities that served those factories see a collapse in their housing and real estate markets, depressing prices, jobs, & wages. While real estate in "trendy" and desired areas - in NY, D.C., San Francisco, other affluent cities continues to go UP (dramatically in some of those cities) the national AVERAGE remains low, what with cheap rents and urban decay all across "the heartland." A third factor that makes inflation APPEAR low is energy costs - but these are more a result of geo-strategic politics(getting the Saudis, Qataris, Kuwaitis, et al to pump out cheap oil, in an attempt to break the Iran & Russia energy markets & treasuries), and, to repeat, a SINGLE TORPEDO against a super-tanker in the Persian Gulf would see oil prices sky-rocket, to astronomical highs, overnight! Finally, REAL INFLATION is MUCH HIGHER than 2% - just try to buy health insurance, milk, ice cream, or pay for a college tuition.)
A conservative might say that such a course of action would cause inflation, but it hasn’t. The Fed has been creating money hands over fists for seven years, and according to the government there is no inflation.
We even have negative interest rates attesting to the absence of inflation. Why will creating money for Greece create inflation but not for Goldman Sachs, Citibank, and JPMorganChase?[GODDAMN-SACHS, Citi''bank' and JPM are just FRONT COMPANIES for the ROTSCHILDS, WARBURGS, SCHIFFS, and other NY, London, Paris, Tel Aviv (& etc.) billionaires.THEY - a select group of a few hundred individuals - are raking in the lion's share of tens- upon hundreds of BILLIONS of Euros or dollars of "money" 'created' by the ECB & Fed.... but since THEY OWN the relentlessly treasonous, relentlessly lying corporate media,
they face NO SCRUTINY for their INTENTIONAL SABOTAGE of their host nations' economies.]
Obviously, the Western world doesn’t want to help Greece. The West wants to loot Greece.[This is practically a verbatim repeat of the 4th Crusade SACKING CONSTANTINOPLE in 1204... except the victims die in the gutter or from lack of medical care, instead of Christians in Constantinople being BUTCHERED by "Christian" Crusaders]
The deal is that Greece gets new loans with which to repay existing loans in exchange for selling municipal water companies to private investors (water rates will go up on the Greek people), for selling the state lottery to private investors (Greek government revenues drop, thus making debt repayment more difficult), and for other such “privatizations” such as selling the protected Greek islands to real estate developers.
This is a good deal for everyone but Greece.
If the Greek government had any sense, it would simply default. That would make Greece debt free. With just a few words, Greece can go from a heavily indebted country to a debt-free country.
Greece could then finance its own bond issues, and if it needed external credit, Greece could accept the Russian offer.
Indeed, if the Russian and Chinese governments had any sense, they would pay Greece to default and to leave the EU and NATO. The unravelling of Washington’s empire would begin, and the threat of war that Russia and China face would go away. The Russians and Chinese would save far more on unnecessary war preparation[s than] saving Greece would cost them.
Jack Lew, the ORTHODOX JEW currently running the captured and conquered U.S. Treasury for his foreign Jew 'banker' overlords, has already mouthed similar comments, he wants to INFLICT "AUSTERITY" ON AMERICANS... at the SAME TIME that "the Fed"GIVES AWAY $80 BILLION PER MONTH in "QE' to those TREASONOUS, GLOBAL EXTORTION, GENOCIDE, sabotage, & MASS MURDER parasitic, traitor financiers!!!
There are now two kinds of people in Europe & America:
- those who realize that the bankers are PRINTING THEMSELVES SIXTY BILLION EUROS (in Europe) _AND_ EIGHTY BILLION DOLLARS (in America) each & every single month as so-called "Quantitative Easing" -
- and those clueless, propagandized, misled clods & peons who have no idea.
- they have their interns at the ECB hit a few dozen keystrokes to"CREATE" some portion of SIXTY BILLION EUROS every_single_month (repeat as required)
as debits or credits on digitized ECB bank accounts -
"money"'CREATED' out of thin air at the click of a few keys on a computer keyboard.
Actually, they DO "WORK for their money" - in the old fashioned way: EXTORTION.
The insanely greedy pigs consider it a game, every single year, year after year after year; decade after decade after decade, to see how much they can get away with raping, defrauding, and extorting their European (Australian, Canadian, American, & etc.)
jewish 'Fed' chair "JUDENFETZEN JANET" and Citi-''bank' BAILOUTS SUCKING SWINDLER of an ORTHODOX JEW "U.S." TREASURY SECRETARY Jacob Lew WANT TO STARVE a few million AMERICANS, too.... that's what rich, wealthy, and powerful jews ASPIRE TO... SABOTAGING the economies of their host nations, and STARVING PEOPLE, the same way that TROTSKY and KAGONOVICH STARVED Ukrainians, Russians, Latvians, Kazakhs, and other hapless victims in the "Soviet Union" in the 1920s & 1930s... by SEIZING _all_ THEIR PROPERTY LOOTING their wealth, and leaving them TO STARVE !! |
Here is Evelyn de Rotschild himself...
BLAMING EVERYONE ELSE for the 2008 U.S. market crash!
(Which was actually preceded by a market crash in Evelyn's own London exchange.)
USING the PANIC of the moment during the 2008 crash, CNBC and clueless media stooge Maria Bartiromo actually tried to present "BAILOUTS" - giving trillions of dollars of government, taxpayer money to FAILED BANKERS and FRAUDULENT, casino-gulag financiers -
as "saving capitalism"!!!
This would be exactly akin to our lending our neighbor, who is a known gambling addict, $2,000 to go to the races... and then going crying, scheming, begging, & extorting to the government and Con-gress for a "BAILOUT" when our neighbor was unable to repay our stupidly lent out money!
The UK Telegraph and editor/writer Alistair Osborne are LYING....
the Rotschilds & their junior partners in crimes & global atrocities, the Rockefellers,
and EXTORTING IT from them via
(using huge slush-funds to incite market booms & market-bust panics = crisis incitement)
and FIAT MONEY (their license to print 80 billion every month... which goes to them)
Lazar Kaganovich
(same jewish family name as Robert & Victoria KAGAN, currently runningthe U.S. Nazi-Ukrainian coupin that present day Soros/Jew-financier raped, extorted, bullied, & bloodied nation) MURDERED 10 million, TEN MILLION Ukrainians in the biggest and bloodiest of Stalin's Red Terror purges and genocide by famines.....
WITH the SUPPORT of the jew owned SULZBERGER NEW YORK TIMES' man in Moscow, "STALIN'S APOLOGIST Walter Durante...
below: Victoria Nuland [KAGAN - she's WIFE of RADICAL RIGHT-WING REPUBLICAN BOB KAGAN, pictured with one of their Ukrainian victims]
...WITH the APPROVAL, and at the instigation of the overseas and traitorous "U.S." JEW BILLIONAIRES
who _own_ the U.S. government, state department, war department, treasury, obama administration, Bush administrations, courts, con-gress & "U.S." senate,
and the entire U.S. corporate media complex
like their own private brothel whores...