There can be NO doubt that according to the New Testament Jesus story...
that JUDEO RELIGIOUS LEADERS and the Roman ARMY rulers/governing elites were ALLIED to murderously CRUSH any opposition...
... and there can be no doubt
WE HAVE the EXACT SAME relationship
..._and_ the agenda of the "FINANCIAL ELITES"who are WAGING ECONOMIC SABOTAGE financial wars to STARVE, DISPOSSESS, and disenfranchise
(and ultimately exterminate) further millions...
are ALL DRIVEN by the _same_
ethnic/tribal/religious/hyper-nationalistic "elites" -
and that these are the defining issues of our governments and our lives today?
THERE's _NO_ questionamong sane people with functioning mental circuits about JUST WHO IT IS who is DRIVING America and Europe - NATO & the EU -to WAR against Russia:
it's the genocidal jew billionaires and their armies of flying-monkeys genocidal government, press/media, & 'Think-Tank' appartchiks!
- it's the genocidal Jew billionaires' HIRED APPARTCHIKS,
in this case VICTORIA NULAND KAGAN and her
PNAC, 9-11 TRAITOR HUSBAND, judeo-supremacist WAR-LOBBY
posing-as-'AMERICAN' "PNAC" national-security think-tank founding co-chair BOB KAGAN...
STUPID "Democrat" voters, officials, and "liberal Democrat" press/media punks believe that VICTORIA NULAND is a "liberal Democrat"simply because she was installed in a powerful "U.S." STATE DEPARTMENT position by Barack Obama and sHILLARY Clinton?
She's wife to the blatantly bat-sh*t CRAZY REPUBLICAN GENOCIDAL
founding co-Chair of the insane, 9-11 TREASON "PNAC" jew war-lobby!
And here's the JEW COMMISSARS who are RUNNING the entire g-o-d damned "U.S." financial system: the serially & relentlessly SABOTAGED U.S. economy:
except for those brief moments of ECONOMIC BOOM when the jew financiers SO FLOOD THE markets & economy with CHEAP, FIAT MONEY dollars (euros, yen, & etc.)
that they intentionally create a financial storm of deceptive and deceitful price/market valuations - "irrational exuberance"-
if you "know" that a given stock or currency is going to double in price in the near term, and can get money at practically nothing from the FIAT MONEY 'Fed' cartel "MARGIN ACCOUNT" lending spigot to buy those stocks, currencies, bonds, or other assets you think will go up dramatically in the near-term... then of course you are going to take out "irrational loans" in an attempt to double your money.
by JEW ECONOMIC appartchiks:
(who are merely their hired, visible front-men for the mega-billionaires in the background at Warburg, Lazard, Oppenheimer, Rothschilds, etc.)
states these JEWISH OWNED "Time" magazine covers very clearly!
Just to remind, it was the British army and "Soviet" Red Army which saved the Jews of Europe from total annihilation by the Nazi armies in WWII - but appreciation for those who have aided them in the past , whether Russians or Brits, is not a trait of fundamentalist jews...
bible text:
WHY did the idiot puppet president Barack obama PUT THIS IDIOT of a clueless "financial leader" IN CHARGE of the "U.S."(sic)
so-called"Federal Reserve"???
ans. - because she is a jewish FINANCIAL RAPIST appartchik,
and barack obama does
what his JEW billionaire OVERLORDS TELL HIM to do....
Christopher Bollyn, an American citizen living in Chicago who was essentially
TERRORIZED and run-out of Chicago by the JUDEO CONTROLLED police/judicial MOB there (in Chicago)
has done yeoman work [not that we agree 100% with all his analysis & conclusions] digging in to and outlining the network of ruthless, JUDEO SUPREMACIST Zionists and ANTI-AMERICAN TRAITORS who RULE America behind their puppet Obama front-man,
president Obama a marionette _controlled_ by strings from Jew billionaires above,
who (American, Chicago billionaires) in turn are allied with and act as front-companies for
the FIAT MONEY CONTROLLING Judeo supremacist mega-billionaires in Europe & israel,
such as the Warburgs, Rothschilds, Lazards, Haim Saban, etc. etc. etc. etc...
CONSISTENCY of JUDEO BILLIONAIRE _DOMINATION_ of American politics across _both_ political parties:
that JUDEO RELIGIOUS LEADERS and the Roman ARMY rulers/governing elites were ALLIED to murderously CRUSH any opposition...
... and there can be no doubt
WE HAVE the EXACT SAME relationship
(jewish "religious leaders" + jewish financial tyrants
allied with "American" U.S. gov't/legislative/judiciary/intel-agencies/military "elites")
RULING US today...
2000 years later... nothing has changed! |
Do we need to cite the voluminous articles, sources, citations, and information sufficient to compile an entire encyclopedia to prove our above assertion & comparison?
That the agenda of the "ruling elites" who are DRIVING U.S., Nato, European governments & militaries to WAGE WARS against hapless victims ALL OVER THE PLANET...
That the agenda of the "ruling elites" who are DRIVING U.S., Nato, European governments & militaries to WAGE WARS against hapless victims ALL OVER THE PLANET...
(under the treacherous "WAR ON TERROR!" banner - AS the TRAITORS in 'our' government GIVE THE FUNDERS & SUPPLIERS of "ISIS" re-branded al Qaeda terrorists a FREE PASS!)
..._and_ the agenda of the "FINANCIAL ELITES"who are WAGING ECONOMIC SABOTAGE financial wars to STARVE, DISPOSSESS, and disenfranchise
(and ultimately exterminate) further millions...
are ALL DRIVEN by the _same_
ethnic/tribal/religious/hyper-nationalistic "elites" -
and that these are the defining issues of our governments and our lives today?
THERE's _NO_ questionamong sane people with functioning mental circuits about JUST WHO IT IS who is DRIVING America and Europe - NATO & the EU -to WAR against Russia:
it's the genocidal jew billionaires and their armies of flying-monkeys genocidal government, press/media, & 'Think-Tank' appartchiks!
are 2 sides of same coin!
are 2 sides of same coin!
- it's the genocidal Jew billionaires' HIRED APPARTCHIKS,
in this case VICTORIA NULAND KAGAN and her
PNAC, 9-11 TRAITOR HUSBAND, judeo-supremacist WAR-LOBBY
posing-as-'AMERICAN' "PNAC" national-security think-tank founding co-chair BOB KAGAN...
STUPID "Democrat" voters, officials, and "liberal Democrat" press/media punks believe that VICTORIA NULAND is a "liberal Democrat"simply because she was installed in a powerful "U.S." STATE DEPARTMENT position by Barack Obama and sHILLARY Clinton?
She's wife to the blatantly bat-sh*t CRAZY REPUBLICAN GENOCIDAL
founding co-Chair of the insane, 9-11 TREASON "PNAC" jew war-lobby!
the KAGAN family's "American" Jew COMMISSARS MASS-MURDER HANDIWORK: "free bread for Ukrainians" from Victoria... bought & paid for... by MASSIVE DESTRUCTION, DICTATORSHIP RULE, & CORPSES |
Victoria Nuland's Admits Washington Has Spent $5 Billion to "Subvert Ukraine" = INSTALL a COUP regime there in JUDEO RULED UKRAINE as PRELUDE to GETTING conscripted (cannon-fodder draft slaves!) UKRAINIANS
to KILL _millions_ of RUSSIAN ethnic nationals who have lived their entire lives in Eastern Ukraine... a prelude to WAR against RUSSIA itself... ![]() |
"LET'S KILL EVERYONE in that Russian-speaking, blue-portion of Eastern Ukraine!" because stupid Americans have nothing better to do than KILL MILLIONS OF PEOPLE for their demonic jew overlords... |
And here's the JEW COMMISSARS who are RUNNING the entire g-o-d damned "U.S." financial system: the serially & relentlessly SABOTAGED U.S. economy:
except for those brief moments of ECONOMIC BOOM when the jew financiers SO FLOOD THE markets & economy with CHEAP, FIAT MONEY dollars (euros, yen, & etc.)
that they intentionally create a financial storm of deceptive and deceitful price/market valuations - "irrational exuberance"-
if you "know" that a given stock or currency is going to double in price in the near term, and can get money at practically nothing from the FIAT MONEY 'Fed' cartel "MARGIN ACCOUNT" lending spigot to buy those stocks, currencies, bonds, or other assets you think will go up dramatically in the near-term... then of course you are going to take out "irrational loans" in an attempt to double your money.
(What stupified Americans fail to realize is that it is this ability to use CREATED OUT OF THIN AIR 'Fed''money' to either "IRRATIONALLY" hype (inflate) markets... or CONTRACT the money supply to CRASH markets.... that allows the INSIDER TRADING mega-, money-supply controlling financiers to amass all a nations' wealth unto themselves; beyond their actual productive input to the economy.)
by JEW ECONOMIC appartchiks:
(who are merely their hired, visible front-men for the mega-billionaires in the background at Warburg, Lazard, Oppenheimer, Rothschilds, etc.)
states these JEWISH OWNED "Time" magazine covers very clearly!
Just to remind, it was the British army and "Soviet" Red Army which saved the Jews of Europe from total annihilation by the Nazi armies in WWII - but appreciation for those who have aided them in the past , whether Russians or Brits, is not a trait of fundamentalist jews...
Rahm Emanuel's Father Specialized in Bus BOMBINGS in Palestine: to see how TERRORIZING & MURDERING their UNSUSPECTING 'friends' and neighbors is actually a judeo trait DOCUMENTED throughout the jewish 'holy' BIBLE, see our next illustration... |
bible text:
(so the genocidal jews could STEAL their land)
bible text JUDEGES 18:1-29 In those days, the [JEWISH] tribe of Dan was looking for a place to settle because they had not yet acquired an inheritance among the tribes of Israel. They sent five strong men out to investigate the land, saying to them, 'Go and investigate the land.' The five men [JEWISH SPIES!] set out and came to Laish and noticed that the people were living untroubled, like the Sidonians, peaceful and unsuspecting. When they returned to their tribe, their brothers asked them 'What is your report?' and they said, 'Come on, let's attack them! When you get there, you will find an unsuspecting people and a spacious land that God had put in your hands!' So six hundred fully armed Danites [= JEWS with MURDEROUS INTENT!] came to Laish where the people were peaceful & unsuspecting. And the Danites struck them down with their swords. And they burned the city with fire. No one came to their rescue because they were a long way from Sidon. The Danites rebuilt the town and settled there. They renamed it Dan after their forefather. But it used to be called Laish. |
so-called"Federal Reserve"???
ans. - because she is a jewish FINANCIAL RAPIST appartchik,
and barack obama does
what his JEW billionaire OVERLORDS TELL HIM to do.... |
Christopher Bollyn, an American citizen living in Chicago who was essentially
TERRORIZED and run-out of Chicago by the JUDEO CONTROLLED police/judicial MOB there (in Chicago)
has done yeoman work [not that we agree 100% with all his analysis & conclusions] digging in to and outlining the network of ruthless, JUDEO SUPREMACIST Zionists and ANTI-AMERICAN TRAITORS who RULE America behind their puppet Obama front-man,
president Obama a marionette _controlled_ by strings from Jew billionaires above,
who (American, Chicago billionaires) in turn are allied with and act as front-companies for
the FIAT MONEY CONTROLLING Judeo supremacist mega-billionaires in Europe & israel,
such as the Warburgs, Rothschilds, Lazards, Haim Saban, etc. etc. etc. etc...
Rahm Emanuel, first Chief of Staff of the Obama White House, served in the Israeli army and is the son of a real Zionist terrorist. The late Sherman Skolnick of Chicago called Emanuel the "Acting Deputy Chief for North America of the Mossad - Israeli Intelligence." Skolnick reported that Emanuel's father Benjamin had been "part of the Israeli assassin team that murdered Sweden's Count [Folke] Bernadotte" in 1948. Bernadotte was the United Nations envoy who was sent to Palestine to find a solution to the UN Partition Plan that gave Palestinian land to Jews from Poland and Russia.Philip Klutznick and the Zionist leaders of Chicago (e.g. Lester Crown of General Dynamics and Penny Pritzker of Hyatt hotels) were NOT sponsoring Obama because they wanted to put a progressive president in the White House.The Zionist support was purposeful and had one essential purpose: Obama was being prepared for the presidency so that he would serve his Zionist masters under the guise of being America’s first black president.These are the basic facts and calculus that we need to take into consideration when analyzing Obama’s actions vis-à-vis Israel and the Zionist agenda.
CONSISTENCY of JUDEO BILLIONAIRE _DOMINATION_ of American politics across _both_ political parties:
mega-donor SHELDON ADELSON !!!
"Democrat" mega-donor JEW SUPREMACIST ZIO-NAZI HAIM SABAN wants to NUKE IRAN... AND RUSSIA, _and_ Europe, AND China, _and_ wants to continue the COVER-UP of the 9-11 MOSSAD / usg TREASON-terror NUCLEAR ATTACK ON AMERICA, aka 9-11 2001.... |