TV / cable* IS TOXIC POISON for your mind!
*(as are Hollywood movies & games)
*(as are Hollywood movies & games)
We've completely disconnected our cable box because of the sheer poison
spewed out by corporate media producers on "the boob-tube", but we hooked up a digital antenna to catch the occasional football games, which we also watch at the gym while on treadmills, elliptical machines, or while on other aerobic (stationary) machines.
But even then, even BRIEF ventures in to (cable) TV land are SHEER POISON, TOXIC for your acuity, balance of mind and healthy mental development.
TV, cable, and Hollywood (corp. media) producers are ROTTING American minds... here young girls - in school, in McDonalds, in public spaces - are ASSAULTED with images telling them to aspire to be streetwalkers... prostitutes... hookers. |
and TOXIC to your healthy mental development.
A case in point was last night, when we got home tired from a long day of work and late afternoon of exercise, so after a shower we thought we'd kick back and see if a good college football game was being broadcast, for "background noise" as we did our
"latest atrocities perpetrated by usg & Zio-Nazi traitors" web cruise.
Flipping through stations hoping for a good Friday night college game, we came across a well produced scene of a person - a high school senior or college student young adult? - dressed up as a baseball mascot, wearing a baseball players uniform with a huge, over-sized glossy white baseball with cartoon eyes and nose for a head, and baseball mascot images tacked up all over his bedroom walls. The person was fantasizing & practicing cheers about becoming a professional sports team mascot.
Figuring that the high production qualities of this dreamlike scene sequence indicated that the channel was airing a commercial for a high-value, prime-time college football broadcast, I parked to watch the end of the commercial and, hopefully, to watch a good Friday night football game.
Moments in to my channel-stopping, another sports team mascot jumped in to the scene, into the first mascot's bedroom... this figure was dressed as THE DEVIL in an over-size glossy red cartoon face and a very slick costume - and was murderously wielding a real, not cartoon
running CHAIN SAW with which the devil character was attacking and trying to kill the baseball mascot! The baseball mascot fought back, and lunged at the Devil, and even fended off the chainsaw for a moment. But then the Devil resumed his attack, and the running chain-saw blade made contact with the mascot like a sword stroke.
At first I thought the mascot's baseball head would magically turn to ice-cream or something, and magically defeat the Devil's murderous chain-saw attack - because the GOOD GUYS WIN when they are in their own bedrooms, don't they? - but moments later the baseball mascot falls, injured... KILLED, with blood pouring from his throat, dead.
HORRIFIED, I turned off the TV.
THAT is the FILTH that these EVIL NETWORK HEADS are producing for our teens & children:
images of CHAIN-SAW wielding demon-figures JUMPING IN TO AN AMERICAN teen's BEDROOM...
and MURDERING a victim by a bloody, vicious chain-saw ATTACK!
Of course, we wish we had a photo or image from the scene to accompany this article... but we don't have time to spend hours delving in to the filth aired on Rupert Murdoch and BARRY DILLER's FOX media HATE empire:
FOX broadcasting network co-FOUNDER BARRY DILLER: 'THANKS' - for the FILTH, HATE, LIES PERVERSION, and MASS-MURDEROUS PROPAGANDA, you DEGENERATE ZIO-NAZI, America HATING TRAITOR SCUM! " Diller was born and raised in a Jewish household in San Francisco, California, and is the son of Reva (Addison) and Michael Diller." |
TV, cable, and Hollywood (corp. media) producers are ROTTING American minds...
here young girls - in school, in McDonalds, in public spaces - are assaulted with images
telling them to aspire to be streetwalkers... prostitutes... hookers.
We hate to have to point this out to our fellow concernedAmericans, Christ-ian friends...
(who generally, here in America, SUPPORT the ZIO-NAZI + usg directed 'ISIS' TERROR WAR AGAINST CHRISTIANS in SYRIA, in Iraq, in Libya, in Egypt... across Africa... in Russia & the Ukraine.... (sigh) etc. etc. etc.)
but this "ILLUMINATI" agenda is not only spelledout very clearly in the bible...
but is COMMANDEDas a setof instructions
for JEWS TO ENSLAVE the people around them (Leviticus 25:44)...
Leviticus 25:44-46
44 As for your male and female slaves whom you may own: you may buy [ENSLAVE!] male and female slaves from the people of the nations that are around you. 45 You may alsobuy[ENSLAVE them!] from among the foreign nationals [non-jews!] who [dare to]sojourn[live] among you, and [from] their families that are with you, those who have been born in your land... THEY MAY BE [KIDNAPPED & ENSLAVED to] be your property. 46 You may bequeath them [your non-Jewish SLAVES] to your sons... as [their property] [unto] FOREVER....
And in case you believe that verse is merely an anomaly,
an inadvertent "SIDE SWIPE" that doesn't truly capture the goodness,
wholesomeness, and higher "moral virtues" of Hebrew bible
ELSEWHERE the bible _SPECIFICALLY_ states that if a father
and SHE DOES NOT "PLEASE" her new
then the father who SOLD HIS DAUGHTER into virtual SEX-SLAVERY / PROSTITUTION
MUST REFUND the buyer his full purchase price!
Exodus 21:7-11 7
“If a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will NOT be freed at the end of six years as the men are. 8 IF SHE DOES NOT SATISFY her OWNER, he [her father] must [buy her back for a full refund].
In Leviticus 25:44 and elsewhere, the jewish, hebrew bible
which is possible only by VIOLENCE and TERRORISM being imposed on slaves...
This means that ALL JEWS
(or bible-thumping literalist, would-be slave-owning Christ-ians)
who ASPIRE to be SLAVE OWNERS are...
natural-born, or raised, to be TERRORISTS!
This violence & terrorism includes RAPE, TORTURE, SADISM, and of course the MASS-MURDER involved in catching slaves in the first place... with a typical ratio of TWO or more people KILLEDfor every slave that reached market.The notion that JEWS SHOULD CONQUER and RULE
the entire human race is THE PREVAILING and DOMINANT THEME of the hebrew, jewish bible... and the TALMUD IS EVEN WORSE!
The reason thatZIO-NAZI, jewish controlled"American"(and European) corporate media are SATURATED, suffused, PERMEATED with
and CALLS for the EXTORTION... ENSLAVEMENT... and ultimately the EXTERMINATION of ALL non-Jews...
and MUST BE KEPT dispirited, downtrodden, and in-their-place...
by the swift, sure, persistent, _and_RANDOM
application of SHEER VIOLENCE
BIBLE ATROCITIES: words about KILLING (and thus HATE) far outnumber words about love... indeed, WOMEN and girls are usually PORTRAYED AS OBJECTS... except, ironically in the scheming cases of SARAH, REBEKAH, BATHSEEBA, and other jewish female heroines... who are usually PORTRAYED as (successful) LIARS and DECEIVERS !! (Sarah passes herself off as NOT married to Abraham; Rebekah DECEIVES her husband Isaac; BATHSHEEBA is an ADULTERESS whose ADULTERY leads to the MURDER of her husband... etc. etc. etc!) |