Michael Synder's headline (posted at PrisonPlanet.com) says alot... but abjectly FAILS to fully explain why!
below: CORRUPT American "CHRISTIAN"'leaders' are PAID OFF to NOT TELL their American flocks that THE JEWS are WAGING race & religious WAR against CHRISTIANS throughout the Middle East! To dispossess, disenfranchise, diminish, and expel _all_ Christians from the lands the Jews (publicly or privately) regard as"promised to them by g-o-d".. i.e. "Greater Israel""from the Nile to the Euphrates," from Eygpt to Iraq!
(and to actually include, in their demonic lust, all the lands from LIBYA to PERSIA, the destruction of Europe, and the annexation of the UKRAINE & RUSSIA!)
- not only that: but it is evil, demonic, JUDEO SUPREMACIST billionaires who are driving the bus of the "1%" waging financial terrorism and ECONOMIC SABOTAGE against the entire populations (Christians or others) - in Europe and America today!
"ARAB CHRISTIANS" are an oxymoron as far as STUPID AMERICAN "Christ-ians" and Jews are concerned - "THEY JUST DON'T COUNT!" - with STUPID AMERICAN CHRISTIANS wholeheartedly swallowing this IGNORANCE and RACISM
ALEX JONES has now fully joined in with the "Christian" Church "leaders" who are SELLING their flocks down the river to the ZIO-NAZI slaughterhouses:
Mr. Jones now claims that SAUDIS were mass-murderous criminal perpetrators behind the 9-11 attacks - RIGHT, Mr. Jones! It was SAUDIS who turned 3 giant NY 'sky-scrapper' building to concrete DUST!
Hillary Clinton Promotes
"Christ-ian" Churches in America have DEGENERATED in to "POTTERSVILLES" -
- nothing more than PROPAGANDA MOUTHPIECES for, not only the generic Judeo, Zio-Nazi, JNTP war against humanity (wars to _exterminate_ people, entire populations, in IRAQ, in SYRIA, in IRAN ("glass 'em over") - not just against MUSLIMS and Islamic, Shia, Kurdish, Alawite, Druze, Assyrian, and other targeted ethnic minorities in the Mideast... but AGAINST CHRISTIANS TOO! - in SYRIA, in RUSSIA, in SERBIA, in the Ukraine
( by the Victoria Noddleman-KAGAN instigated Zio-Nazi mass-murder COUP in the Ukraine, that is using UKRAINIANS as DISPOSABLE Christian CANNON-FODDER in the SOROS-Kagan-Netanyahu-ADELSON-SABAN jew wars)... and where they can't or haven't yet gotten around to KILLING CHRISTIANS by outright warfare, bio-war, computerized drone attacks, and military destruction of water, electricity, and other critical life-supporting civilian infrastructure, the JEW BILLIONAIRES and their HIRED media WHORE & academic APPARATCHIKS just wage "economic hit man" FINANCIAL TERRORISM and ECONOMIC SABOTAGE against the people of GREECE, CYPRUS, SPAIN, Portugal, Iceland.. FRANCE, BRITAIN, and AMERICA whenever they can get away with it... with is "nine time out of ten" !!
they are ROBBED, LAID OFF, extorted by health costs & taxes, STUPIFIED in our schools & press/media
LIKE A BUDWEISER AD promoting STUPIDITY and clueless oblivion in name of having fun (mindless entertainment) - the "modern" American version of brutal, sadistic Roman "BREAD & CIRCUS" and in the service of the same ancient Med. ruling elites!
Relentlessly LIED TO by their CORRUPT "Christ-ian"'leaders' and by the evil JEWISH OWNED & controlled corporate media (and academia!) - STUPID AMERICAN CHRISTIANS are CLUELESS that JEWS ARE WAGING WAR - via the HIJACKED U.S. government & NATO - in SYRIA, in IRAQ, in EGYPT, in PERSIA (Iran), North Africa (Libya), sub-Saharan Africa.. and even in "WHITE" Christian EUROPE - the ECB _FINANCIAL TERRORISM_ and ECONOMIC ATTACKS on the people of CYPRUS, GREECE, SPAIN, Portugal, Iceland (etc.) are the FINANCIAL EQUIVALENTS of the JEWS "U.S." COUP in the UKRAINE.. which is DESIGNED to KILL NOT ONLY RUSSIANS, but UKRAINIANS (Georgians, Latvians, Lithuanians... EVERYONE in the region, so JEW 'SETTLERS' can TAKE OVER the entire world!)
BECAUSE the CHURCH is SELLING STUPIDITY... GENOCIDE, & SUICIDE, leading the stupid Sheeple up the Chutes to the SLAUGHTERHOUSE KILLING floor !! (pp Synder Nov 2015
in Ancient Sumeria/Akkad (aka "Mesopotamia", the much later GREEK term for the land & peoples of the ancient Near East) RELIGIONS were created as a sort of MENTAL COMPUTER - to harvest and remember the hard lessons of HUMAN LEARNING that had evolved over centuries (and eons) before, for example how ASTRONOMY - the study of the stars in the night sky - could be used to PREDICT THE SEASONS, and thus the best time for planting and harvesting,
i.e. a sort of human computer to optimize, MAXIMIZE grain (food) production.
in a simpler sense, religious learning and scholarship would quantify ancient oral wisdom, such as "witch doctors" knowledge of herbs and plant-based medicines, many of which were quite effective, but the wrong plant, the wrong dose, or applied for the wrong illness could have negative reactions (or cause death!).
In a more complex setting, the RELIGIOUS TEMPLES EXPANDED AS CITIES GREW LARGER... producing a GREATER STRAIN on the food producing resources in the area.
If a bad flood wipes out a village or two, several hundred people die... if a catastrophic flood wipes out a whole city, tens of thousands of people could be left without food and shelter... exposed to the cruel elements to die (those who weren't swept away in the floods).
SO RELIGIOUS TEMPLES became repositories of LEARNING.. and CONTROL. Even absent overwhelming floods or other catastrophic acts of nature, the mere size of the population placed great strains on the natural resources of an area.
Specifically, LARGE POPULATIONS DEMAND constant food supplies!
Thus PROPERTY OWNERSHIP BECAME CRITICAL - the grains from a specific field a few miles from the city would mean the difference between life and death for 10 or 20 or more people over the course of a year - especially in lean times, or with competition from RIVAL city-states.
Thus the RISE OF religious TEMPLE COMPLEXES served a critical function: the delineation OF PROPERTY, the DISTRIBUTION of FOOD, the timely PLANTING and HARVESTING of crops, the CHOICE of the best crops to plant for a given field - oh, and WHO HAD THE AUTHORITY to SETTLE DISPUTES, whether ownership of critical fields, distribution of (limited and) critical foods and water rights, control of building projects - whether dikes to protect against recurrent floods, or walls to protect against recurrent raiders - and of course WHO had the authority - the power - to LEAD ARMIES to DEFEND the city... there is no surer way for an army to be defeated by a determined and competent enemy, than if that army is DIVIDED between competing and conflicting commanders.
ALL THIS KNOWLEDGE was VITAL to the SURVIVAL of (ever expanding) populations that were always on the razor's edge of starvation (most of these city-states were built on rivers... surrounded by deserts!) - and the history of these ancient fortified towns and earliest cities tells us that they were first ruled by PRIESTS and the temple administrators. and it was only later in their evolution that this leadership role was taken over by hereditary kings... and they worked in close alliance with the priests who ruled the temple administration (which temples owned much of the productive grain producing fields the city depended on).
Answer: NOTHING but SELF RIGHTEOUS SMUGNESS and self-superiority in an age and a nation where GENOCIDAL JUDAISM is just blatantly KILLING CHRISTIANS ALL OVER THE GLOBE - in the name of "U.S. national security" of course !!
Supporting documentation: this could not an encyclopedia entry, but an entire encyclopedia!
Chicago’s violence tied to policies of Mayor RAHM EMANUEL’s past
By Curtis Black April 23, 2014
NATO's COMMANDING GENERAL Gen. BREEDLOVE, is NOT ONLY HELPING the evil JEWS fund, supply, direct, INSTIGATE and COMMAND ISIS TERRORISTS to KILL PEOPLE ALL OVER SYRIA (in Iraq, in Egypt, in Libya, in Lebanon, etc.) -
- but these EVIL JEW POLICIES, SUPPORTED by NATO's TRAITOR GENERALS, are also DESIGNED to send tens of thousands upon millions of refugees (including "sleeper cell" secret terrorists) TO INNUNDATE, overwhelm, and ultimately to DESTROY the civilization, national sovereignty, and social stability of WESTERN EUROPE!
below: CORRUPT American "CHRISTIAN"'leaders' are PAID OFF to NOT TELL their American flocks that THE JEWS are WAGING race & religious WAR against CHRISTIANS throughout the Middle East! To dispossess, disenfranchise, diminish, and expel _all_ Christians from the lands the Jews (publicly or privately) regard as"promised to them by g-o-d".. i.e. "Greater Israel""from the Nile to the Euphrates," from Eygpt to Iraq!
(and to actually include, in their demonic lust, all the lands from LIBYA to PERSIA, the destruction of Europe, and the annexation of the UKRAINE & RUSSIA!)
- not only that: but it is evil, demonic, JUDEO SUPREMACIST billionaires who are driving the bus of the "1%" waging financial terrorism and ECONOMIC SABOTAGE against the entire populations (Christians or others) - in Europe and America today!
"ARAB CHRISTIANS" are an oxymoron as far as STUPID AMERICAN "Christ-ians" and Jews are concerned - "THEY JUST DON'T COUNT!" - with STUPID AMERICAN CHRISTIANS wholeheartedly swallowing this IGNORANCE and RACISM
Typical stupified American Christian:
"I didn't know there were any CHRISTIANS in SYRIA... they're ALL MUSLIMS, which means they ALL SUPPORT MUSLIM TERRORISM!"
STUPID American Christians - LIED TO by their "Christian""leaders" - not only SUPPORT GENOCIDAL JEW RACISM against Palestine... but are GROSSLY IGNORANT that PALESTINIANS (and other Arabs) MAY BE CHRISTIANS, and indeed that the SYRIAN CHRISTIAN CHURCH is the oldest Christian Church in the world! |
ALEX JONES has now fully joined in with the "Christian" Church "leaders" who are SELLING their flocks down the river to the ZIO-NAZI slaughterhouses:
Mr. Jones now claims that SAUDIS were mass-murderous criminal perpetrators behind the 9-11 attacks - RIGHT, Mr. Jones! It was SAUDIS who turned 3 giant NY 'sky-scrapper' building to concrete DUST!
According to Mr. Alex Jones... and thousands of "Christ-ian" church 'leaders' -
there were NO PRE-PLANTED EXPLOSIONS in the NY World Trade Towers on 9-11...
so the below images of MASSIVE, white-hot FIREBALLS blasting out of the buildings
long after the airliner jet fuel burned off on impact)
there were NO PRE-PLANTED EXPLOSIONS in the NY World Trade Towers on 9-11...
so the below images of MASSIVE, white-hot FIREBALLS blasting out of the buildings
long after the airliner jet fuel burned off on impact)
If you believe that our above David Dees illustration portraying "Democrat"'leaders' HILLARY, BIDEN, & OBAMA fawning over apartheid jew-state prime minister Netanyahu's blood-spattered pile of corpses & children victims is exaggerated...
HOW MANY DEAD PALESTINIAN CHILDREN does it take to make the image true?
Hillary Clinton Promotes
Jewish Religious Violence
by Bob Johson, Veterans Today, Nov. 5 2015
Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton wrote an op-edarticle for the Jewish publication Forward. In it she inadvertently demonstrates how her attitude towards the Israeli/Palestinian conflict encourages more religious violence on the part of Israel against the Palestinian people.
IT'S NOT JUST KILLING CHRISTIANS in Russia, the Ukraine, Serbia, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, and elsewhere in the Mideast and Eastern Europe that the EVIL JEW BILLIONAIRES want to sow a little mass-murder TERROR... they ALSO want to CRASH YOUR nation's ECONOMY,
by FAILING TO PAY TAXES on their "profits" from all the trillions of dollars of "DEBT" they have farted out of their treasonous, Zio-Nazi asses (fiat 'money' created out of thin air) -
by FAILING TO PAY TAXES on their "profits" from all the trillions of dollars of "DEBT" they have farted out of their treasonous, Zio-Nazi asses (fiat 'money' created out of thin air) -
American Christians are being PROPAGANDIZED to support JUDEO SUPREMACIST HATE and race driven GENOCIDAL wars across the Mideast.. and
American "CHRISTIAN" leaders' are PART of this DEMONIC, mass-murder,
genocide, & destruction of nations agenda... with NOTHING IN IT for millions of American Christian families, unless one of their sons or daughters gets promoted to the global nations destroying U.S. war machine, finance industry, or "defense contractors"
American "CHRISTIAN" leaders' are PART of this DEMONIC, mass-murder,
genocide, & destruction of nations agenda... with NOTHING IN IT for millions of American Christian families, unless one of their sons or daughters gets promoted to the global nations destroying U.S. war machine, finance industry, or "defense contractors"
Fox "news'& media empire co-founded by BARRY DILLER -
ZIO-NAZI GENOCIDAL JEW who is one of the many "handlers"
or "CONTROLLERS" over nominal boss Rupert MURDOCH.
so treasonous Oligarchs like Murdoch DARE NOT CROSS their jew masters...
ZIO-NAZI GENOCIDAL JEW who is one of the many "handlers"
or "CONTROLLERS" over nominal boss Rupert MURDOCH.
so treasonous Oligarchs like Murdoch DARE NOT CROSS their jew masters...
"Christ-ian" Churches in America have DEGENERATED in to "POTTERSVILLES" -
- nothing more than PROPAGANDA MOUTHPIECES for, not only the generic Judeo, Zio-Nazi, JNTP war against humanity (wars to _exterminate_ people, entire populations, in IRAQ, in SYRIA, in IRAN ("glass 'em over") - not just against MUSLIMS and Islamic, Shia, Kurdish, Alawite, Druze, Assyrian, and other targeted ethnic minorities in the Mideast... but AGAINST CHRISTIANS TOO! - in SYRIA, in RUSSIA, in SERBIA, in the Ukraine
( by the Victoria Noddleman-KAGAN instigated Zio-Nazi mass-murder COUP in the Ukraine, that is using UKRAINIANS as DISPOSABLE Christian CANNON-FODDER in the SOROS-Kagan-Netanyahu-ADELSON-SABAN jew wars)... and where they can't or haven't yet gotten around to KILLING CHRISTIANS by outright warfare, bio-war, computerized drone attacks, and military destruction of water, electricity, and other critical life-supporting civilian infrastructure, the JEW BILLIONAIRES and their HIRED media WHORE & academic APPARATCHIKS just wage "economic hit man" FINANCIAL TERRORISM and ECONOMIC SABOTAGE against the people of GREECE, CYPRUS, SPAIN, Portugal, Iceland.. FRANCE, BRITAIN, and AMERICA whenever they can get away with it... with is "nine time out of ten" !!
they are ROBBED, LAID OFF, extorted by health costs & taxes, STUPIFIED in our schools & press/media
LIKE A BUDWEISER AD promoting STUPIDITY and clueless oblivion in name of having fun (mindless entertainment) - the "modern" American version of brutal, sadistic Roman "BREAD & CIRCUS" and in the service of the same ancient Med. ruling elites!
Relentlessly LIED TO by their CORRUPT "Christ-ian"'leaders' and by the evil JEWISH OWNED & controlled corporate media (and academia!) - STUPID AMERICAN CHRISTIANS are CLUELESS that JEWS ARE WAGING WAR - via the HIJACKED U.S. government & NATO - in SYRIA, in IRAQ, in EGYPT, in PERSIA (Iran), North Africa (Libya), sub-Saharan Africa.. and even in "WHITE" Christian EUROPE - the ECB _FINANCIAL TERRORISM_ and ECONOMIC ATTACKS on the people of CYPRUS, GREECE, SPAIN, Portugal, Iceland (etc.) are the FINANCIAL EQUIVALENTS of the JEWS "U.S." COUP in the UKRAINE.. which is DESIGNED to KILL NOT ONLY RUSSIANS, but UKRAINIANS (Georgians, Latvians, Lithuanians... EVERYONE in the region, so JEW 'SETTLERS' can TAKE OVER the entire world!)
BECAUSE the CHURCH is SELLING STUPIDITY... GENOCIDE, & SUICIDE, leading the stupid Sheeple up the Chutes to the SLAUGHTERHOUSE KILLING floor !! (pp Synder Nov 2015
in Ancient Sumeria/Akkad (aka "Mesopotamia", the much later GREEK term for the land & peoples of the ancient Near East) RELIGIONS were created as a sort of MENTAL COMPUTER - to harvest and remember the hard lessons of HUMAN LEARNING that had evolved over centuries (and eons) before, for example how ASTRONOMY - the study of the stars in the night sky - could be used to PREDICT THE SEASONS, and thus the best time for planting and harvesting,
i.e. a sort of human computer to optimize, MAXIMIZE grain (food) production.
in a simpler sense, religious learning and scholarship would quantify ancient oral wisdom, such as "witch doctors" knowledge of herbs and plant-based medicines, many of which were quite effective, but the wrong plant, the wrong dose, or applied for the wrong illness could have negative reactions (or cause death!).
In a more complex setting, the RELIGIOUS TEMPLES EXPANDED AS CITIES GREW LARGER... producing a GREATER STRAIN on the food producing resources in the area.
If a bad flood wipes out a village or two, several hundred people die... if a catastrophic flood wipes out a whole city, tens of thousands of people could be left without food and shelter... exposed to the cruel elements to die (those who weren't swept away in the floods).
SO RELIGIOUS TEMPLES became repositories of LEARNING.. and CONTROL. Even absent overwhelming floods or other catastrophic acts of nature, the mere size of the population placed great strains on the natural resources of an area.
Specifically, LARGE POPULATIONS DEMAND constant food supplies!
Thus PROPERTY OWNERSHIP BECAME CRITICAL - the grains from a specific field a few miles from the city would mean the difference between life and death for 10 or 20 or more people over the course of a year - especially in lean times, or with competition from RIVAL city-states.
Thus the RISE OF religious TEMPLE COMPLEXES served a critical function: the delineation OF PROPERTY, the DISTRIBUTION of FOOD, the timely PLANTING and HARVESTING of crops, the CHOICE of the best crops to plant for a given field - oh, and WHO HAD THE AUTHORITY to SETTLE DISPUTES, whether ownership of critical fields, distribution of (limited and) critical foods and water rights, control of building projects - whether dikes to protect against recurrent floods, or walls to protect against recurrent raiders - and of course WHO had the authority - the power - to LEAD ARMIES to DEFEND the city... there is no surer way for an army to be defeated by a determined and competent enemy, than if that army is DIVIDED between competing and conflicting commanders.
ALL THIS KNOWLEDGE was VITAL to the SURVIVAL of (ever expanding) populations that were always on the razor's edge of starvation (most of these city-states were built on rivers... surrounded by deserts!) - and the history of these ancient fortified towns and earliest cities tells us that they were first ruled by PRIESTS and the temple administrators. and it was only later in their evolution that this leadership role was taken over by hereditary kings... and they worked in close alliance with the priests who ruled the temple administration (which temples owned much of the productive grain producing fields the city depended on).
Answer: NOTHING but SELF RIGHTEOUS SMUGNESS and self-superiority in an age and a nation where GENOCIDAL JUDAISM is just blatantly KILLING CHRISTIANS ALL OVER THE GLOBE - in the name of "U.S. national security" of course !!
Christians Are At War With One Another As Americans Leave The Church In Droves Michael SnyderEnd Of The American DreamNovember 5, 2015
Christianity is under attack from a thousand different directions all at once, and yet many believers have turned their guns on one another. This war among Christians seems to intensify with each passing year, and believers are often fighting for some of the stupidest reasons you can possibly imagine. Meanwhile, people are leaving our churches in droves and church attendance is way down. This is especially true of younger Americans. According to an incredible new report that was just released by the Pew Research Center, only 27 percent of all Millennials (U.S. adults born since 1990) attend religious services on a weekly basis. When you go into many churches in America on Sunday mornings, all you see are “the greys”, and I am not talking about space aliens. But instead of focusing on fixing what has gone wrong, many Christians (including a number of very prominent ministers) spend most of their energy savagely attacking their brothers and sisters in Christ. This is absolutely disgraceful and it needs to stop.
America is on the exact same path to secularization that Europe has already gone down. The Pew Research Center discovered that the percentage of Americans who are “absolutely certain” that God exists declined from 71 percent in 2007 to 63 percent in 2014. Meanwhile, the percentage of those that are “religiously unaffiliated” rose from 16 percent in 2007 to 23 percent today.
Atheism, agnosticism and other religions are on the rise in America, and Christianity is in decline. And as I noted above, this is particularly true among our young people.
Supporting documentation: this could not an encyclopedia entry, but an entire encyclopedia!
Chicago’s violence tied to policies of Mayor RAHM EMANUEL’s past
By Curtis Black April 23, 2014
NATO's COMMANDING GENERAL Gen. BREEDLOVE, is NOT ONLY HELPING the evil JEWS fund, supply, direct, INSTIGATE and COMMAND ISIS TERRORISTS to KILL PEOPLE ALL OVER SYRIA (in Iraq, in Egypt, in Libya, in Lebanon, etc.) -
- but these EVIL JEW POLICIES, SUPPORTED by NATO's TRAITOR GENERALS, are also DESIGNED to send tens of thousands upon millions of refugees (including "sleeper cell" secret terrorists) TO INNUNDATE, overwhelm, and ultimately to DESTROY the civilization, national sovereignty, and social stability of WESTERN EUROPE!
STUPID American and European "Christians"
- propagandized by their JEW CONTROLLED Church 'leaders' and Zio-Nazi owned corp. media whores -