h/t to Adam Lee at Patheos.com for digging up and holding up to the light of day
(posting on their website)
this "holy bible" (retch)nugget of pure evil: anyone who believes that the bible is the absolute "holy word of god" then must believe that "god" has commanded the judeo elites to ENSLAVE "the heathens"...
...not only those "heathens" who live within the humanity-enslaving judeo nation,
but those "heathens" who live in nations "around" the jewish nation as well...
...which is to say, a direct-from-'god' command to the judeo elites to ENSLAVE all the people in the entire world !!
note that the above 'holy bible' passage, essentially says that ANY non-jews living in jewish controlled lands, could be captured - KIDNAPPED! - and TURNED IN TO SLAVES by judeo SLAVE TRADERS, right on the spot...
...just as the infamous Dredd Scott decision and the 1850 Fugitive Slave Act empowered Southern slave-catchers to travel to northern free states, CAPTURE ANY AND ALL Black men they could find in those free states, and bribe local judges to agree "yes, that black man (who may have been born a free man in that state) is indeed an ESCAPED SLAVE, and must be returned to slavery"...
...a simple bribe to northern judges bringing the EVIL SLAVE TRADE to America's "Free States"; the will of voters there, common decency, & truth, justice, and liberty having nothing to do with the equation -
- an EVIL, sordid, awful history the EVIL bible-thumping "our god commands & authorizes us to ENSLAVE our neighbors" 'Neo-Con' (bureaucratic appartchik) & fundamentalist JUDEO ELITES alike are trying to ram down American throats, today!
Mike Kreiger of LibertyBlitzkreig blog captures how today's "modern" American bureaucratic 'elites' (what we call "appartchiks") use the excuse that they are doing important work
(they are doing "god's work" !!)
to justify increasingly rapacious demands on the public purse - or, in the case of LibertyBlitzkreig's article on Detroit public pension fund 'trustees' taking a 4 star holiday junket to Hawaii on already stressed - private - pension fund money -
i.e.INCREASINGLY EXTORTIONATE SEIZURES of both public and private wealth, by bureaucratic elites who rise high enough in the hierarchy to get away with EXTORTING... financially ENSLAVING (= debt slavery!) the lower ranking serfs
(formerly known, before the evil judeo hijacking of Amerika, as "American citizens").
This ideaornotion.... or "COMMANDMENT FROM GOD" that jews - the successful, property owning jews who become the judeo elite - are ENTITLED TO ENSLAVE HUMANS
- if you believe the above bible passage is the "divine word of god" -
istheattitude at the core of, at the root of both America's METASTASIZING wars, and, here in America! of the increasingly ruthless, brutal, and systematically dehumanizingAMERICAN PRISON GULAG SYSTEM in these late, 'United' States...
....where the "War on Drugs" has given police license for the past 4 decades to look at all Americans as potential criminals, has now metastasized to the "war on terror,"
where all police across America - and the entire federal criminal 'justice' system, courts, judges, DHS, FEMA, CIA, NSA, Treasury (IRS !! ) and all other massive government agencies
(including the entire vast 'United' States military)
are now not only empowered to REGARD all AMERICANS AS POTENTIAL TERRORISTS
(just try to walk on board an airliner without going through their demeaning little TSA procedures)
... but our nation's entire increasingly federalized police agencies are now
being TRAINED to REGARD ALL Americans as ("potential") TERRORISTS-
- including giving police license to intimidate and ARREST PHOTOGRAPHERS in PUBLIC spaces, to randomly pull over motorists and SEIZE THEIR CASH on the nation's highways;
the PURGING of the U.S. military of officers who would show any hesitation or restraint if ordered to SHOOT on American protesters....
and of course NY judeo billionaire/commissar Michael Bloomberg giving his NYPD goon-squad license to smash heads - not just of Occupy Wall Street protesters, but anywhere in Bloomberg's feudal commissar "bailouts for GoddamnSachs, Citibank, & JP Morgan banksters... the death/slave camps GULAG for everyone else!" domain.
So much for the "land of the free and the home of the brave" - those who believe that the 3,500 year old bible is the "direct, unequivocal word of god" don't have much use for a document - a piece of paper written 200 odd years ago - the U.S. Constitution or Bill of Rights, because... well, it's right there in black and white: GOD COMMANDS the judeo elites, to ENSLAVE their neighbors, and SLAVES, peons, and thus heathen (non-jew) Americans should have NO rights!!
postscript: in a discussion we are long overdue in writing a post about, millions of American Christians may believe that since,
a.) they comprise the majority single religious faith here in America; and
b.) since they worship the same "god" as the jews, that they and their families, church, and nation(s) may therefore be EXEMPT from the above very explicit bible command,direct from god to the judeo elites, that they have EXPLICIT divine permission to ENSLAVE the "heathens" or non-jews around them:
this is a serious DELUSION on the part of American Christians,
because in factthe hard-core Judeo elites - the 'Talmudic' and orthodox fundamentalists who are driving the israel & U.S.A. crazy train -
as an ABOMINATION, as a liar, as a deceiving FALSE PROPHET, as someone to be loathed and abhorred and ELIMINATED - and whose loathsome FOLLOWERS DESERVE to be EXTERIMINATED as well...
...in exactly the same way that Aaron's sons 'the Levites' strapped on their swords, and proceeded to hack to death and kill those jews who HAD FOLLOWED THEIR FATHER - "an idol MADE BY AARON" (and here) - in worshiping and prancing around the golden calf during the "Exodus" sojourn in the desert on the way out of Egypt to the blood-drenched 'promised land'
...so too do today's fundamentalist jews REGARD CHRISTIANS as IDOLATORS and WORSHIPPERS of a FALSE prophet... who DESERVE to be ENSLAVED and/or EXTERMINATED.
(see - the judeo financier overseen Great Depressionin America; or the even more horrific judeo commissar driven mass-purges, gulags, and intentional man-made famines of Bolshevik communism... )
below illustration: Escaping slaves SHOT & KILLED by 'fugitive' slave-catchers
As the above quote "every slave [should] arise and assert their liberties" alludes to... while genocidal jewish "prophet" and bloody purge-master Moses is famous in Western culture for saying
(to the oppressive Egyptian 'god-on-earth' overlord, Pharaoh),
our discussion of this horrid bible quote - Leviticus 25:44-46 written long after 'the Exodus' - reveals that NOT ONLY are JEWS hyper-HYPOCRITES about the evils of oppression and slavery, but they are SPECIFICALLY CONTEMPTUOUS, scornful, and hateful of not only non-jews in "their" land, but of non-jews everywhere - of all other nations! -
- all the peoples of the entire world! - they very specifically view as NOTHING BUT SLAVE FODDER to be KIDNAPPED, ENSLAVED, and DISPOSED OF (exterminated) at will.
(posting on their website)
this "holy bible" (retch)nugget of pure evil: anyone who believes that the bible is the absolute "holy word of god" then must believe that "god" has commanded the judeo elites to ENSLAVE "the heathens"...
...not only those "heathens" who live within the humanity-enslaving judeo nation,
but those "heathens" who live in nations "around" the jewish nation as well...
...which is to say, a direct-from-'god' command to the judeo elites to ENSLAVE all the people in the entire world !!
Little-Known Bible Verses VI: Slavery(our own comment)
by May 9, 2007
The so-called Good Book explicitly, repeatedly and unequivocally endorses and approves of slavery, presenting it as an institution directly sanctioned by God.
Consider the following passage from Leviticus, which is one of a long list of instructions spoken by God to Moses:“Thy bond-men and thy bond-maids which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you: of them shall ye BUY bond-men and bond-maids. Moreover, of the children of the strangers [foreigners... aliens... non-jews!!!] that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land. And they shall be your possession.And ye shall take them as an inheritance for yourchildren after you, to inherit them for a possession, THEY shall be your bond-man [SLAVES!] forever.”The idea that human beings can be bought and sold like possessions, and that this state should last in perpetuity, is a REPUGNANT one that lies at the root of all the cruelties and inhumanities associated with slavery. (cont'd)
—Leviticus 25:44-46
note that the above 'holy bible' passage, essentially says that ANY non-jews living in jewish controlled lands, could be captured - KIDNAPPED! - and TURNED IN TO SLAVES by judeo SLAVE TRADERS, right on the spot...
...just as the infamous Dredd Scott decision and the 1850 Fugitive Slave Act empowered Southern slave-catchers to travel to northern free states, CAPTURE ANY AND ALL Black men they could find in those free states, and bribe local judges to agree "yes, that black man (who may have been born a free man in that state) is indeed an ESCAPED SLAVE, and must be returned to slavery"...
...a simple bribe to northern judges bringing the EVIL SLAVE TRADE to America's "Free States"; the will of voters there, common decency, & truth, justice, and liberty having nothing to do with the equation -
- an EVIL, sordid, awful history the EVIL bible-thumping "our god commands & authorizes us to ENSLAVE our neighbors" 'Neo-Con' (bureaucratic appartchik) & fundamentalist JUDEO ELITES alike are trying to ram down American throats, today!
Mike Kreiger of LibertyBlitzkreig blog captures how today's "modern" American bureaucratic 'elites' (what we call "appartchiks") use the excuse that they are doing important work
(they are doing "god's work" !!)
to justify increasingly rapacious demands on the public purse - or, in the case of LibertyBlitzkreig's article on Detroit public pension fund 'trustees' taking a 4 star holiday junket to Hawaii on already stressed - private - pension fund money -
i.e.INCREASINGLY EXTORTIONATE SEIZURES of both public and private wealth, by bureaucratic elites who rise high enough in the hierarchy to get away with EXTORTING... financially ENSLAVING (= debt slavery!) the lower ranking serfs
(formerly known, before the evil judeo hijacking of Amerika, as "American citizens").
"The stakes are too high! Sounds like a Department of Homeland Security bureaucrat who wants to justify a bigger budget to buy more hollow point bullets."----------------------------------------------------------
This ideaornotion.... or "COMMANDMENT FROM GOD" that jews - the successful, property owning jews who become the judeo elite - are ENTITLED TO ENSLAVE HUMANS
- if you believe the above bible passage is the "divine word of god" -
istheattitude at the core of, at the root of both America's METASTASIZING wars, and, here in America! of the increasingly ruthless, brutal, and systematically dehumanizingAMERICAN PRISON GULAG SYSTEM in these late, 'United' States...
....where the "War on Drugs" has given police license for the past 4 decades to look at all Americans as potential criminals, has now metastasized to the "war on terror,"
where all police across America - and the entire federal criminal 'justice' system, courts, judges, DHS, FEMA, CIA, NSA, Treasury (IRS !! ) and all other massive government agencies
(including the entire vast 'United' States military)
are now not only empowered to REGARD all AMERICANS AS POTENTIAL TERRORISTS
(just try to walk on board an airliner without going through their demeaning little TSA procedures)
... but our nation's entire increasingly federalized police agencies are now
being TRAINED to REGARD ALL Americans as ("potential") TERRORISTS-
- including giving police license to intimidate and ARREST PHOTOGRAPHERS in PUBLIC spaces, to randomly pull over motorists and SEIZE THEIR CASH on the nation's highways;
the PURGING of the U.S. military of officers who would show any hesitation or restraint if ordered to SHOOT on American protesters....
and of course NY judeo billionaire/commissar Michael Bloomberg giving his NYPD goon-squad license to smash heads - not just of Occupy Wall Street protesters, but anywhere in Bloomberg's feudal commissar "bailouts for GoddamnSachs, Citibank, & JP Morgan banksters... the death/slave camps GULAG for everyone else!" domain.
So much for the "land of the free and the home of the brave" - those who believe that the 3,500 year old bible is the "direct, unequivocal word of god" don't have much use for a document - a piece of paper written 200 odd years ago - the U.S. Constitution or Bill of Rights, because... well, it's right there in black and white: GOD COMMANDS the judeo elites, to ENSLAVE their neighbors, and SLAVES, peons, and thus heathen (non-jew) Americans should have NO rights!!
postscript: in a discussion we are long overdue in writing a post about, millions of American Christians may believe that since,
a.) they comprise the majority single religious faith here in America; and
b.) since they worship the same "god" as the jews, that they and their families, church, and nation(s) may therefore be EXEMPT from the above very explicit bible command,direct from god to the judeo elites, that they have EXPLICIT divine permission to ENSLAVE the "heathens" or non-jews around them:
this is a serious DELUSION on the part of American Christians,
because in factthe hard-core Judeo elites - the 'Talmudic' and orthodox fundamentalists who are driving the israel & U.S.A. crazy train -
as an ABOMINATION, as a liar, as a deceiving FALSE PROPHET, as someone to be loathed and abhorred and ELIMINATED - and whose loathsome FOLLOWERS DESERVE to be EXTERIMINATED as well...
...in exactly the same way that Aaron's sons 'the Levites' strapped on their swords, and proceeded to hack to death and kill those jews who HAD FOLLOWED THEIR FATHER - "an idol MADE BY AARON" (and here) - in worshiping and prancing around the golden calf during the "Exodus" sojourn in the desert on the way out of Egypt to the blood-drenched 'promised land'
...so too do today's fundamentalist jews REGARD CHRISTIANS as IDOLATORS and WORSHIPPERS of a FALSE prophet... who DESERVE to be ENSLAVED and/or EXTERMINATED.
(see - the judeo financier overseen Great Depressionin America; or the even more horrific judeo commissar driven mass-purges, gulags, and intentional man-made famines of Bolshevik communism... )
below illustration: Escaping slaves SHOT & KILLED by 'fugitive' slave-catchers
"...the law of the land had been so corrupted that there was no reason to obey it. The Fugitive Slave Act was little more than “a hideous deformity in the garb of law,” the abolitionist orator John Mercer Langston told a convention of black Ohioans in 1851. His brother Charles, a schoolteacher in Columbus who would be the namesake of his grandson Langston Hughes, called on “every slave, from Maryland to Texas, to arise and assert their liberties, and cut their masters’ throats."
As the above quote "every slave [should] arise and assert their liberties" alludes to... while genocidal jewish "prophet" and bloody purge-master Moses is famous in Western culture for saying
(to the oppressive Egyptian 'god-on-earth' overlord, Pharaoh),
our discussion of this horrid bible quote - Leviticus 25:44-46 written long after 'the Exodus' - reveals that NOT ONLY are JEWS hyper-HYPOCRITES about the evils of oppression and slavery, but they are SPECIFICALLY CONTEMPTUOUS, scornful, and hateful of not only non-jews in "their" land, but of non-jews everywhere - of all other nations! -
- all the peoples of the entire world! - they very specifically view as NOTHING BUT SLAVE FODDER to be KIDNAPPED, ENSLAVED, and DISPOSED OF (exterminated) at will.