huge blog post.... We were cracking open some files on an older computer, and we didn't even get far out of the "W's" before we had a monster blog-post...
...because WORLD WAR III IS HERE, driven by the INSANE
Zio-Nazi JEW PSYCHOPATH traitors and their demonic, pathocratic,
And EVIL _has_ TRIUMPHED - STUPID, led-by-nose-to-slaughterhouse Americans are about to see what 350,000 Syrians went through over the past 4 years before they were MURDERED by WAVES of ISRAEL and USA instigated, Saudi recruited ISIS TERRORISTS -
bombing, raping, terrorizing, torturing, and poison-gas mass-murdering their way through Syria under the so-called "liberal Demorat"HILLARY, KERRY, BIDEN, obama administration.
(Of the above mentioned Democrats, ONLY obama restrained the insane Jew war lobby from getting the U.S. to bomb, attack, and invade not only Syria... but the 77 million people in IRAN over the past 7 years. Hillary (much less McCain) would probably have bombed Iran - unleashing World War III... in the first year of her presidency, had she won the election(s) in 2008.)
So whatever "thanks" we may give that we have not yetbeen consumed by the insane traitor-jews lust to drive America to mass-global terrorism WWIII that hasn't broken out quite yet...
will soon enough be nothing but a distant memory.
Long before the TREASON, terror MOSSAD + Cheney co. TRAITORS attack on America on 9-11-2001, long before the U.S. invasion and brutal, intentionally botched occupation of Iraq in 2003, long before even the stolen election of 2000,
But Perle is (and was) a piker in the pure evil & malevolence department compared to some of the Jew Nazi psychopaths and mass-murdering War Pig traitors above him on the Zio-Nazi pecking order...
....which list would have to include Perle's fellow 'PNAC' 9-11 traitor PAUL WOLFOWITZ, whose infamy should become a by-word for SATANIC-EVIL, TREASON, treachery, mass-murder, and genocide...
After a half-century of WAILING and WHINING about "how bad the Nazis and holocaust were"you have EXCEEDED them in vile treachery, demonic mass-murder, and back-stabbing treason!
At least the Nazi armies did most of their own fighting and dirty work... American and Israeli Jews think they are clever, getting SAUDI RECRUITED TERRORISTS from all over the world to do their mass-murder, rape, pillage, extortion, and global terrorism destruction of Syria & Libya and ever increasing parts of Africa, Asia, the Ukraine & other former parts of Russia and the world for them...
JEW NAZI 9-11 TRAITOR Paul Wolfowitz AUTHORIZED TORTURE and "EXPERIMENTS" on prisoners in the US, MOSSAD, CIA run global prison gulags!! Under these evil, insane jews, the "Jew bolshevik" run "Red Terror" HAS BEEN reconstituted and IS BACK! since at least 9-11 2001,
to humanity's great shame & horror...
DESTROYING NATIONS... and KILLING MILLIONS of people, is what the JEWISH TRAITORS' Zio-Nazi, judeo supremacist "thou shalt rule all nations" agenda is all about -
if you can't get the U.S. army to do your GENOCIDE, MASS-MURDER KILLINGS FOR YOU...
then just call up your SAUDI, Arab PARTNERS IN CRIMES & GENOCIDE to hire thousands of Jihadi terrorists to make up armies of terrorism to keep your mass-murder, destruction-of-nations killing spree going...
ho hum.NO MONEY for AMERICAN schools, roads, housing, public health, or public infrastructure...
but BILLIONS upon billions upon billions to FUND TERRORISTS to KILL SYRIANS,
and EIGHTY FIVE BILLION DOLLARS... PER MONTH just HANDED over to the JEW-NAZI "federal reserve" bankers as so-called "Quanitative Easing"...
STUPID AMERICANS - BLACKS AND Whites - are clueless victims of the ZIO-NAZI _financial_ WAR ON AMERICANS, about to go "HOT" with SERIAL 9-11 style MOSSAD-CIA "black ops" MASS-MURDER TERROR ATTACKS here in (late) U.S. A....
(to be blamed on Russia & Iran of course).
top left, LUST to DO TO AMERICANS,
what NETANYAHU's jew-nazi minions DO TO PALESTINIANS every day in Jew occupied Palestine...
or what JACOB, EVELYN, and DAVID ROTHSCHILDS zio-nazi armies of Sunni Jihadi "ISIS" TERRORISTS are doing in Syria every day...
Enjoy these last weeks of holiday season 2015, America,
below PNAC Zio-Naz traitors: THEY have HIJACKED YOUR nation, America...
YOU are now no more than CANNON-FODDER, you are now no better than English men KIDNAPPED out of their town taverns in the early 1800s, dragged aboard ship... and whipped in to sailors who could now be FLOGGED TO DEATH for any offense, for merely brushing up against a superior officer...
LYNCH MOB AMERICA: MARTHA STEWART and Illinois Gov. ROD BLAGOVICY GO TO PRISON for "insider trading" or "trying to cut a deal" - which
- insider trading & cutting bribery & corruption deals -
THEY MAKE millions (upon BILLIONS $$) from INSIDER TRADING... AMERICANS, even rich and powerful ones,
GO TO PRISON for one-one-thousandth as much!
DON'T LIKE the systemwhereby JEWS EXTORT BILLIONS (trillions!) of dollars $$ out of America.. and ship it to ISRAEL
after which (once you arrive in the "U.S." Jew-Nazi run prison gulag system)
Above we mentioned that JEWS LOVE MAKING MASS-MURDEROUS ALLIANCES with the very people they have spent
the past 5 decades after WW II _WAILING_ about...
in this case, "the usual suspect" WOLFOWITZ, PERLE, FEITH, LIBBY, jew traitor 'Neo-Cons' are in process of ALLYING with the CROAT FASCISTS - the Croat Catholics who had ALLIED WITH the NAZI during World War II - to DESTROY YUGOSLAVIA, kill Serbs, and demonize Serbia!
Because so many of Israel & America's jews are of RUSSIAN and POLISH descent
(see - Wolfowitz & Netenyahu, etc.) they seem to have a seething hatred and loathing for SLAVS that exceeds even their hatred for Nazi Germans, Islamic Terrorists, Black African slaves, and everyone else!
"my OATH of SECRECY to SKULL & BONES is MORE IMPORTANT than my obligation to provide a free, clear, and honest leadership role to the American people - to my own Democrat voters!"
JOHN KERRY could have TURNED THINGS AROUND by FIGHTING FOR HIS electoral voter WIN in the 2004 election... but instead, he THREW the election to the PNAC Cheney-Bush-Wolfowitz Zio-Nazis,
and has now DOUBLED DOWN on his SELL-OUT TREACHERY & INSIDIOUS 'U.S.' SENATE SUBSERVIENCE to the ZIO-NAZI judeo supremacists agenda by MURDERING 350,000 Syrians with hired 'ISIS' terrorists (and an ever increasing number of Ukrainians and Russians killed in the VICTORIA NULAND KAGAN instigated coup there) over the past 4 years
SLAVES don't get paid VACATIONS! PIMPS the EVIL jew elites at TIME magazine, wholly owned by Time/WARNER corporation, an entirely Jewish owned mega Zio-Nazi propaganda empire.
JEWS FLOCKED to America SEEKING THE FREEDOMS and OPPORTUNITIES that America offered... now that they are here, and now that they have partaken of those freedoms & opportunities and have risen to the top of American culture, financial control, and political domination....they want to REVERT to the stinking BRONZE AGE genocidal tribal supremacy agenda that they hate & despise in everyone else! ON YOUR KNEES, AMERIKAN SLAVES!
YOU DON'T GET NO VACATIONS under your JEW-NAZI OVERLORDS... you are lucky to get your next meal!
(And it is probably laced with Jew-Nazi owned MONSANTO GMO inserted pesticides & herbicides, i.e. POISONS!)
"evil minds that plot destruction...
Rock band 'Black Sabbath' Vietnam war protest song, "WAR PIGS"
...because WORLD WAR III IS HERE, driven by the INSANE
Zio-Nazi JEW PSYCHOPATH traitors and their demonic, pathocratic,
and human sacrifice...
...the power to KILL & MURDER any and all "potential threats"to their'elite'"CHOSEN"status
... i.e.any and EVERYONE around them.... every single god-damned humanoid on planet earth!
(In the "name of g-o-d" of course.) all that Pluto (re)creates, it loves todestroy. This planet RULES DESTRUCTION, DEATH, OBSESSION, KIDNAPPING, COERCION, VIRUSES, and waste. *** Pluto also governs CRIME and the underworld, along with many forms of subversive activity (TERRORISM, DICTATORSHIP, [SADISTIC TORTURE which is part of terrorizing].) The planet is all about all that is SECRET and UNDERCOVER, that which is HIDDEN FROM VIEW. Is this the story of good vs evil? Yes.
And EVIL _has_ TRIUMPHED - STUPID, led-by-nose-to-slaughterhouse Americans are about to see what 350,000 Syrians went through over the past 4 years before they were MURDERED by WAVES of ISRAEL and USA instigated, Saudi recruited ISIS TERRORISTS -
bombing, raping, terrorizing, torturing, and poison-gas mass-murdering their way through Syria under the so-called "liberal Demorat"HILLARY, KERRY, BIDEN, obama administration.
(Of the above mentioned Democrats, ONLY obama restrained the insane Jew war lobby from getting the U.S. to bomb, attack, and invade not only Syria... but the 77 million people in IRAN over the past 7 years. Hillary (much less McCain) would probably have bombed Iran - unleashing World War III... in the first year of her presidency, had she won the election(s) in 2008.)
So whatever "thanks" we may give that we have not yetbeen consumed by the insane traitor-jews lust to drive America to mass-global terrorism WWIII that hasn't broken out quite yet...
will soon enough be nothing but a distant memory.
Long before the TREASON, terror MOSSAD + Cheney co. TRAITORS attack on America on 9-11-2001, long before the U.S. invasion and brutal, intentionally botched occupation of Iraq in 2003, long before even the stolen election of 2000,
JEW NAZI "PNAC" psychopath warmongering Zio-Nazi traitor
But Perle is (and was) a piker in the pure evil & malevolence department compared to some of the Jew Nazi psychopaths and mass-murdering War Pig traitors above him on the Zio-Nazi pecking order...
....which list would have to include Perle's fellow 'PNAC' 9-11 traitor PAUL WOLFOWITZ, whose infamy should become a by-word for SATANIC-EVIL, TREASON, treachery, mass-murder, and genocide...
should the human race survive the coming maelstrom.
Here we actually capture an article outlining how
WOLFOWITZ has taken up where infamous 'holocaust'
NAZI DEATH CAMP DOCTOR Joseph Mengele left off
...authorizing the TORTURE of PRISONERS
...authorizing the TORTURE of PRISONERS
After a half-century of WAILING and WHINING about "how bad the Nazis and holocaust were"you have EXCEEDED them in vile treachery, demonic mass-murder, and back-stabbing treason!
At least the Nazi armies did most of their own fighting and dirty work... American and Israeli Jews think they are clever, getting SAUDI RECRUITED TERRORISTS from all over the world to do their mass-murder, rape, pillage, extortion, and global terrorism destruction of Syria & Libya and ever increasing parts of Africa, Asia, the Ukraine & other former parts of Russia and the world for them...
JEW NAZI 9-11 TRAITOR Paul Wolfowitz AUTHORIZED TORTURE and "EXPERIMENTS" on prisoners in the US, MOSSAD, CIA run global prison gulags!! Under these evil, insane jews, the "Jew bolshevik" run "Red Terror" HAS BEEN reconstituted and IS BACK! since at least 9-11 2001,
to humanity's great shame & horror...
DESTROYING NATIONS... and KILLING MILLIONS of people, is what the JEWISH TRAITORS' Zio-Nazi, judeo supremacist "thou shalt rule all nations" agenda is all about -
if you can't get the U.S. army to do your GENOCIDE, MASS-MURDER KILLINGS FOR YOU...
then just call up your SAUDI, Arab PARTNERS IN CRIMES & GENOCIDE to hire thousands of Jihadi terrorists to make up armies of terrorism to keep your mass-murder, destruction-of-nations killing spree going...
ho hum.NO MONEY for AMERICAN schools, roads, housing, public health, or public infrastructure...
but BILLIONS upon billions upon billions to FUND TERRORISTS to KILL SYRIANS,
(and Chechan terrorists) to KILL RUSSIANS,
and EIGHTY FIVE BILLION DOLLARS... PER MONTH just HANDED over to the JEW-NAZI "federal reserve" bankers as so-called "Quanitative Easing"...
DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH MONEY __$85,000,000,000_ per month is? This is "money" that GOES TO BANKERS... but APPEARS as __DEBT_ on our American government balance sheet!It is a TRANSFER of MORETHAN eighty-five billion dollars per month _FROM_ AMERICAN TAXPAYERS, to insane, treasonous, genocidal Jew financiers - not counting all their other FRAUDS, scams, & WARMONGERING extortions!!
STUPID AMERICANS - BLACKS AND Whites - are clueless victims of the ZIO-NAZI _financial_ WAR ON AMERICANS, about to go "HOT" with SERIAL 9-11 style MOSSAD-CIA "black ops" MASS-MURDER TERROR ATTACKS here in (late) U.S. A....
(to be blamed on Russia & Iran of course).
Think that "Jews hate Nazis" just because of the "holocaust"?
In the Ukraine, jews like Victoria Nuland and GEORGE SOROS are now ALLIED with the very same UKRAINIAN FASCISTS who sided with Hitler and the Nazis during World War II!
Just exactly as the Jews sided with the CROATS who had sided with the Nazis in Yugoslavia during World War II to take-down and destroy Yugoslavia in the 1990s under so-called "liberal Demorat" President Bill Clinton..
Just some of theJEW-NAZI PLUTOCRATS,
including TORTURE & HUMAN-EXPERIMENTATION authorizing Zio-Nazi sadist traitor Paul Wolfowitz,top left, LUST to DO TO AMERICANS,
what NETANYAHU's jew-nazi minions DO TO PALESTINIANS every day in Jew occupied Palestine...
or what JACOB, EVELYN, and DAVID ROTHSCHILDS zio-nazi armies of Sunni Jihadi "ISIS" TERRORISTS are doing in Syria every day...
Enjoy these last weeks of holiday season 2015, America,
because these evil Jews' TERRORIST WAR against SYRIANS
is about to EXPLODE in to WORLD WAR III...
right here in the streets of the late, once nearly great U.S. of A...
- "The war in Iraq was conceived by 25 neoconservative intellectuals, most of them Jewish, who are pushing President Bush to change the course of history."
- --Israel Journalist Ari Shavit, quoted in
below PNAC Zio-Naz traitors: THEY have HIJACKED YOUR nation, America...
YOU are now no more than CANNON-FODDER, you are now no better than English men KIDNAPPED out of their town taverns in the early 1800s, dragged aboard ship... and whipped in to sailors who could now be FLOGGED TO DEATH for any offense, for merely brushing up against a superior officer...
LYNCH MOB AMERICA: MARTHA STEWART and Illinois Gov. ROD BLAGOVICY GO TO PRISON for "insider trading" or "trying to cut a deal" - which
- insider trading & cutting bribery & corruption deals -
IS the demonic LIFE-BLOOD of JEWISH FINANCE & FRAUD in America!
THEY MAKE millions (upon BILLIONS $$) from INSIDER TRADING... AMERICANS, even rich and powerful ones,
GO TO PRISON for one-one-thousandth as much!
![]() |
"ANY excuse to EXTORT, TERRORIZE, demonize, CRIMINALIZE, & DESTROY our stupid Amerikan 'goyim'hosts.... THAT's what 'CRISIS OPPORTUNITISM' is all about!" |
What the Jews'"CRISIS EXTORTION"of us stupified Amerikan slaves is really all about:
that RULES the world..
including the stupid slaves in Jew-Nazi colony of Amerika...
Rahm Emanuels' father in 1946 was a JEW TERRORIST who BOMBED the very BRITISH SOLDIERS and officers who had SAVED EUROPE from the Nazis during World War II,
His son Rahm is part of the treasonous 'Demorat"COVER-UP
of the MOSSAD 9-11 TREASON-terror attacks...
BLOWING-UP the NY World Trade Center towers that KILLED 3,000 Americans
to get these demon-spawn JEW WARS and "Greater Israel" going...
If Americans can't see this very simple agenda for what it is, then they win
"the Darwin evolutionary DEAD END award."
or pay each-other kickbacks, bribes, and "LOOT AMERICA'S ECONOMY" INSIDER TRADING 'hot tips'?? WELL.. that means YOUare an "AMERICAN EXTREMIST!"aka "TERRORIST!"
after which (once you arrive in the "U.S." Jew-Nazi run prison gulag system)
per Herr Wolfowitz's
WHAT's an "EXTREMIST" aka "terrorist"?
ANYTHING the Jew-Nazis tell you!Above we mentioned that JEWS LOVE MAKING MASS-MURDEROUS ALLIANCES with the very people they have spent
the past 5 decades after WW II _WAILING_ about...
in this case, "the usual suspect" WOLFOWITZ, PERLE, FEITH, LIBBY, jew traitor 'Neo-Cons' are in process of ALLYING with the CROAT FASCISTS - the Croat Catholics who had ALLIED WITH the NAZI during World War II - to DESTROY YUGOSLAVIA, kill Serbs, and demonize Serbia!
Because so many of Israel & America's jews are of RUSSIAN and POLISH descent
(see - Wolfowitz & Netenyahu, etc.) they seem to have a seething hatred and loathing for SLAVS that exceeds even their hatred for Nazi Germans, Islamic Terrorists, Black African slaves, and everyone else!
Jews up to their evil old tricks: DEMONIZING people in order to whip up HATRED & RACE WARS - that's how you capture slaves to sell on the world slave markets - here whipping up HATRED against SERBS, Milosovic, and Serbian run Yugoslavia. You have to give the jew demons "credit" - within TWO LOUSY YEARS of "the end of the Cold War" (and some of our Political Science professors were actually talking about "THE END OF WARS in all human history"!!_ the "Neo-Con" traitors & financial sabotage JEWS had DESTROYED the "PEACE DIVIDEND," TRASHED the AMERICAN ECONOMY, and had started a REAL, LIVE shooting WAR going on on European soil! "SATAN, LAUGHING SPREADS HIS WINGS!" |
"my OATH of SECRECY to SKULL & BONES is MORE IMPORTANT than my obligation to provide a free, clear, and honest leadership role to the American people - to my own Democrat voters!"
JOHN KERRY could have TURNED THINGS AROUND by FIGHTING FOR HIS electoral voter WIN in the 2004 election... but instead, he THREW the election to the PNAC Cheney-Bush-Wolfowitz Zio-Nazis,
and has now DOUBLED DOWN on his SELL-OUT TREACHERY & INSIDIOUS 'U.S.' SENATE SUBSERVIENCE to the ZIO-NAZI judeo supremacists agenda by MURDERING 350,000 Syrians with hired 'ISIS' terrorists (and an ever increasing number of Ukrainians and Russians killed in the VICTORIA NULAND KAGAN instigated coup there) over the past 4 years
SLAVES don't get paid VACATIONS! PIMPS the EVIL jew elites at TIME magazine, wholly owned by Time/WARNER corporation, an entirely Jewish owned mega Zio-Nazi propaganda empire.
JEWS FLOCKED to America SEEKING THE FREEDOMS and OPPORTUNITIES that America offered... now that they are here, and now that they have partaken of those freedoms & opportunities and have risen to the top of American culture, financial control, and political domination....they want to REVERT to the stinking BRONZE AGE genocidal tribal supremacy agenda that they hate & despise in everyone else! ON YOUR KNEES, AMERIKAN SLAVES!
YOU DON'T GET NO VACATIONS under your JEW-NAZI OVERLORDS... you are lucky to get your next meal!
(And it is probably laced with Jew-Nazi owned MONSANTO GMO inserted pesticides & herbicides, i.e. POISONS!)
![]() |
TURNING 'Amerikan' politicians 'Demorat' or Rethuglican - in to DEMONIC, MONEY-GRUBBING WAR-PIG WHORES is what the jew war lobby does! |
"evil minds that plot destruction...
Rock band 'Black Sabbath' Vietnam war protest song, "WAR PIGS"
"Evil minds that plot destruction,
Sorcerer of death's construction
Death and hatred to mankind,
Poisoning their brainwashed minds"