This Christmas 2015, America and Americans have a fleeting moment of opportunity to DERAIL the JEWISH SUPREMACIST, ZIO-NAZI WAR against AMERICA _and_ humanity...
...exactly as the bible instructs Jews that they may ENSLAVE those who are not Jewish...
and use ferocious brutality to massacre in large numbers those who can't be used as slaves,
or to punish & terrorize with murderous brutality those who are slaves.
The stakes have never been higher: in Sept. 2013 it was the BRITISH PUBLIC
which DERAILED a Brit. Parliament vote to BOMB SYRIA...
which is the 'Neo-Con's 'BACK-DOOR'to the IRAN war and WORLD WAR III...
But today, 2 years later, under relentless ZIO-NAZI, jewish controlled corporate-media lies & hate
(the BBC is nothing but a ZIO-NAZI Jew HATE propaganda operation, masquerading as "British")
the British public's resistance to bombing Syria has been overcome,
the evil jews WANT THEIR WARS against Syria and IRAN,
and they desperately want them NOW....
while Americans are thinking about Christmas and peace-on-earth,
the Jews are FEROCIOUSLY scheming and manipulating to start their next major war...
EVEN as the insane, evil Jews PIMP HATE against IRAN...
they want to INSTITUTE a "RED TERROR" here in Americathat would kill TENS OF MILLIONS of American victims in police-state terror massacres, death-camp gulags, bio-war plagues, and other forms of "democide" mass-murder by government terrorism (etc)!!
And _all_ they have to do to bring this insanely evil agenda to fruition....
is get Americans to ATTACK Iran or Russia or Syria... and then the Jews, MOSSAD and their American TRAITOR COLLABORATORS could pull off a NUCLEAR 9-11 attack here in America...
blame it on Russians, Iranians, and "terrorists" -
and then institute the RED TERROR Zio-Nazi, Talmudic judaism DICTATORSHIP
that is their demonic, humanity loathing end-game and lusted-for outcome...
EVEN AS the evil 'Neo-Con'Zio-Nazi Jewish supremacist traitors get Americans, British, French, Saudis, and others to FUND TERRORISTS to MASSACRE & MURDER their way through Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, and other hapless countries for them...
...the lust for, foam-at-the-mouth to institute the "RED TERROR" genocidal, mass-murderous dictatorship here in America that they ran in the 'Soviet Union'infiltrated & destroyed former Russian empire from the 1920s to well after WW II...
below, Mr. Eric Zuesse, Huffington Post "contributing investigative historian" perfectly describes the JEW-NAZI, ZIO-NAZI
bible imperative that drives fundamentalist Judaism - as it applies to the policy atrocities
aka "political successes" of Zio-Nazi puppet politician Hillary Clinton.
As bad as these 2 bible quotes we just cited are - Deuteronomy 15:6 and Leviticus 25:44 -
TALMUDIC JUDAISM is far, far worse... and TALMUDIC JUDAISM is _the_ force, the political ideology driving America, Britain, France and the west to mass-murder genocide self-destruction today.
The Talmud is even more explicit in its HATRED and LOATHING for non-Jews than the bible is; it is PURE HATE SPEECH, it is the 'new'
and like the Spanish or Roman Catholic Inquisition at its height,
If you think we are exaggerating when we say that JEWS SEE THEMSELVES AS the agents of a "G-O-D" who DEMANDS OCEANS of HUMAN BLOOD SACRIFICE from the victims of "his" plans for Jews to triumph & rule over humanity (the "enslave, extort, & exterminate" agenda we have mentioned so many times) - then you are not paying attention:
The Jewish bible's infamous 137th psalm is famous for starting so innocently; so peacefully and melodically: an idyllic scene, Jewish men peacefully sitting along a river bank in ancient Babylon, remembering when they had ruled their own kingdom in Jerusalem ("Zion"):
for although 'he'is ALL POWERFUL - the creator of the entire universe! -
'he' allowed "his chosen people" to be conquered, captured, and exiled to
(comfortable slavery as noble hostages) Babylon.
But just 7 verses later the peaceful and idyllic remembrances have morphed in to
but actually FANTASIZES about KILLING BABIES...
And, make no mistake... the G-O-D of the evil jewish bible BRAGS about his power to make MOTHERS EAT THEIR OWN CHILDREN... by sending wars, famines and sieges to "punish" people... including babies and children devoured by their hungry parents!
but only if we CONFRONT our tormentors,
the Jewish supremacist TRAITORS pushing endless wars,
serial financial and economic attacks on our economies,
and the relentless imposition of a TALMUDIC INQUISITION
"it is no sin to murder a 'goyim' (non-jew)" RED TERROR on us all...
...exactly as the bible instructs Jews that they may ENSLAVE those who are not Jewish...
and use ferocious brutality to massacre in large numbers those who can't be used as slaves,
or to punish & terrorize with murderous brutality those who are slaves.
The stakes have never been higher: in Sept. 2013 it was the BRITISH PUBLIC
which DERAILED a Brit. Parliament vote to BOMB SYRIA...
which is the 'Neo-Con's 'BACK-DOOR'to the IRAN war and WORLD WAR III...
But today, 2 years later, under relentless ZIO-NAZI, jewish controlled corporate-media lies & hate
(the BBC is nothing but a ZIO-NAZI Jew HATE propaganda operation, masquerading as "British")
the British public's resistance to bombing Syria has been overcome,
the evil jews WANT THEIR WARS against Syria and IRAN,
and they desperately want them NOW....
while Americans are thinking about Christmas and peace-on-earth,
the Jews are FEROCIOUSLY scheming and manipulating to start their next major war...
The HATE-WHIPPED and lied-to by Jewish-Nazi, Zio-Nazi propaganda British public has been manipulated to overcome its common-sense opposition to any new JEWISH WARS, and now STRAINS to BOMB SYRIA. Syria is the BACK-DOOR to the IRAN WAR that the 'Neo-Con'Jewish war-lobby has been lusting for since 2001... which means WORLD WAR III, because Iran is the biggest and most powerful of the nations on then "U.S." War Department's Assistant Secretary of Defense PAUL WOLFOWITZ's "take out 7 countries in 5 years"list; that demonic plan as relayed to the American public by retired U.S. general and former NATO Commander Wesley Clark. (Iran's 77 millions population supports a military that has the power to OVERRUN ISRAEL, so Israel would start using nuclear weapons immediately - as Israeli politicians, Jewish 'American' billionaires, and their puppet 'American' politicians like Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain have publicly advocated over the past dozen+ years.) |
EVEN as the insane, evil Jews PIMP HATE against IRAN...
they want to INSTITUTE a "RED TERROR" here in Americathat would kill TENS OF MILLIONS of American victims in police-state terror massacres, death-camp gulags, bio-war plagues, and other forms of "democide" mass-murder by government terrorism (etc)!!
And _all_ they have to do to bring this insanely evil agenda to fruition....
is get Americans to ATTACK Iran or Russia or Syria... and then the Jews, MOSSAD and their American TRAITOR COLLABORATORS could pull off a NUCLEAR 9-11 attack here in America...
blame it on Russians, Iranians, and "terrorists" -
and then institute the RED TERROR Zio-Nazi, Talmudic judaism DICTATORSHIP
that is their demonic, humanity loathing end-game and lusted-for outcome...
EVEN AS the evil 'Neo-Con'Zio-Nazi Jewish supremacist traitors get Americans, British, French, Saudis, and others to FUND TERRORISTS to MASSACRE & MURDER their way through Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, and other hapless countries for them...
...the lust for, foam-at-the-mouth to institute the "RED TERROR" genocidal, mass-murderous dictatorship here in America that they ran in the 'Soviet Union'infiltrated & destroyed former Russian empire from the 1920s to well after WW II...
The Zio-Nazi, JEWISH run RED TERROR nightmare stalks America... because the JEWISH 'holy' (sic)Hebrew bible GLOATS about KILLING, MASSACRING PRISONERS in HUGE numbers... and this simple, mass-homicidal agenda is now THE DRIVING FORCE behind Judaism... which now controls America, and LUSTS to DO TO AMERICANS what JEW COMMISSARS did to 40+/- millions of victims in the terrorized, infiltrated, conquered 'Soviet' former Russian empire. |
below, Mr. Eric Zuesse, Huffington Post "contributing investigative historian" perfectly describes the JEW-NAZI, ZIO-NAZI
bible imperative that drives fundamentalist Judaism - as it applies to the policy atrocities
aka "political successes" of Zio-Nazi puppet politician Hillary Clinton.
As bad as these 2 bible quotes we just cited are - Deuteronomy 15:6 and Leviticus 25:44 -
TALMUDIC JUDAISM is far, far worse... and TALMUDIC JUDAISM is _the_ force, the political ideology driving America, Britain, France and the west to mass-murder genocide self-destruction today.
The Talmud is even more explicit in its HATRED and LOATHING for non-Jews than the bible is; it is PURE HATE SPEECH, it is the 'new'
that is now running, ruling America, the west, and the world;and like the Spanish or Roman Catholic Inquisition at its height,
the JEWISH run "DEEP BLACK" "national security state" 'modern'
TALMUDIC INQUISTION is hungry to turn millions upon millions of people
& human souls in to corpses and incinerated ashes...
a demonic, global orgy of human sacrifice to satiate the infernal jew-god "yahewh's" cannibalistic lust and craving for human blood and sacrifice (industrialized mass-murder on a global scale).
Hillary Clinton's Two Foreign-Policy Catastrophes
by Eric Zuesse, Huffington Post Contributors Investigative Historian's blog, Aug 16 2013
Many commentators have mentioned that Hillary Clinton left behind no major achievement as the U.S. Secretary of State, but that isn't true: the reality is that she did, several - and all of them are harms to the U.S., especially regarding two countries.
They are Honduras and Afghanistan. The central-American nation of Honduras is now ruled by an extremist far-right government today, a fascist junta-imposed government, because of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
The lives of all but the top 0.001% of the population there are hell because of this. Those people now have good reason to hate America.
The reputation of the United States has gone down [even more] under President Obama, throughout almost all countries, and this hell in Central America is a significant part of the reason for that, but the U.S. news media have paid pathetically little attention to this U.S.-caused hell there, and so most Americans don't even know about it... (cont'd)
[that is to say, HILLARY, kerry, and obama have CONTINUED the "DESTRUCTION OF NATIONS" mass-murderous agenda _started_ under the CHENEY, Bush, WOLFOWITZ, Libby, Perle, Feith, Wurmser and other Republican wrecking-crew 9-11 traitors & lies-to-Iraq-war mass-murderers.]
Judaism declares SUPERIORITY OVER _all_ other (humans). Jews worship a psychopathic, petulant diety who DEMANDS OCEANS of HUMAN BLOOD SACRIFICE by 'his''chosen' bronze-age war tribe KILLING ALL their neighbors. The secret to Judaism's success - with such a blatantly, genocidal, "rob & exterminate your neighbors" agenda - is how they endured and survived the BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY after the Babylonian armies of King Nebuchadnezzar conquered Jerusalem in 587 BC, and forcibly took the surviving Judeo elites back to Babylon as hostages. From this new vantage point from within the greatest empire of the day, Jews learned the secrets of building and running a global empire; and as well they learned how to mask their genocidal contempt and loathing for non-Jews from their neighbors and ruling overlords... even while they continued to hone their HATE and RACIST SUPREMACY in volumes of writings, texts, and preaching, because "as god's chosen tribe"they "knew"they would prevail over others - and exterminate _all_ those they had dealt with on seemingly "friendly terms" for centuries, at some point in the distant future. |
If you think we are exaggerating when we say that JEWS SEE THEMSELVES AS the agents of a "G-O-D" who DEMANDS OCEANS of HUMAN BLOOD SACRIFICE from the victims of "his" plans for Jews to triumph & rule over humanity (the "enslave, extort, & exterminate" agenda we have mentioned so many times) - then you are not paying attention:
The Jewish bible's infamous 137th psalm is famous for starting so innocently; so peacefully and melodically: an idyllic scene, Jewish men peacefully sitting along a river bank in ancient Babylon, remembering when they had ruled their own kingdom in Jerusalem ("Zion"):
Down by the rivers of Babylon, There we sat, yea, we wept, When we remembered Zion.This single verse captures the Judeo schizophrenia with their g-o-d,
for although 'he'is ALL POWERFUL - the creator of the entire universe! -
'he' allowed "his chosen people" to be conquered, captured, and exiled to
(comfortable slavery as noble hostages) Babylon.
But just 7 verses later the peaceful and idyllic remembrances have morphed in to
a demonic fantasy that not only advocates murderous revenge... but actually FANTASIZES about KILLING BABIES...
by SMASHING THEIR HEADS against stone walls!
8 O daughter of Babylon, that art to be destroyed, Happy shall he be [the Jewish warrior], that rewardeth thee [executes vengeance retribution against Babylonians]
As thou hast served us [as the Babylonian army brutally conquered Jerusalem].9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth [SMASHES] thy little ones [babies] Against the rock[stone walls].
JUDAISM is THE ONLY "religion"and "g-o-d" we know of
Does anyone remember NAZI propaganda or literature BRAGGING about KILLING INNOCENTS... as the jew bible does? |
IF YOU were the "g-o-d" "Creator" of "the entire f*cking universe" what would be YOUR top priority... to MURDER (tens of millions) of hapless babies & children?! Welcome to judeo/christ-ian ruled humanity, circa 2015! |
The g-o-d of jew bible IS EVIL - 'he' COMMANDS 'his' jews to KILL BABIES !!
And, make no mistake... the G-O-D of the evil jewish bible BRAGS about his power to make MOTHERS EAT THEIR OWN CHILDREN... by sending wars, famines and sieges to "punish" people... including babies and children devoured by their hungry parents!
TO BE JEWISH, YOU MUST believe that MURDERING CHILDREN is "justice"...
if "g-o-d" says so!!
The Jewish bible's CREATION stories are a JEWISH PERVERSION of all the Creation Myths that preceded them,
myths and legends that they just BLATANTLY STOLE from their Babylonian hosts (overlords) and the Sumerian, Akkadian, pre-Sumerian, and Egyptian cultures that all preceded them by dozens of centuries.
(The origins of Hebrews and Judaism as a distinct tribal ethnic group occurred about 1,200 B.C. - on the fringes of and in the shadows as the Egyptians under Ramses II & the Hittites as those mighty empires battled it out at the Battle of Kadesh.)
In the "Eridu Genesis" or Sumerian version of the GREAT FLOOD Myth, the Sumerian god ENLIL has a fit or pique of anger against humans who are too loud and bothersome...
so he sends a GREAT FLOOD to wash them away.
One of the other gods warns one man of the coming deluge, and instructs him on how to build a great vessel to hold enough humans and animals to repopulate the world after the coming catastrophe.
JEWS HIJACKED this ancient flood myth...
Now, it is not the arbitrary and capricious cruelty of a chief god who kills so many humans...
it is a "PERFECT" one-god who perpetrates all the destruction...
MASS-MURDER genocide attitude
is the CORE of Judiasm...
MASS-MURDER genocide attitude
is the CORE of Judiasm...
a PERVERSION of any concepts of justice or human rights,
and THEFT of ALL culture and knowledge that preceded the
plagiarizing, dehumanizing, intellectually THIEVING Jews...
--------------------and THEFT of ALL culture and knowledge that preceded the
plagiarizing, dehumanizing, intellectually THIEVING Jews...