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The THREE, totally DIFFERENT WAYS to PROVE that 9-11 was an INSIDE JOB... by MOSSAD Jews and U.S. gov't traitors.... TO GIVE AID & COMFORT to those who ATTACKED AMERICA on 9-11 IS TREASON....

 fast forward to our 2nd video.... and, in the 48 minute video (audio)   help Rebekah Roth count up and list ALL the U.S. government & corp. media LIESabout their 9-11 stories: the absurdity that airline passengers could have made phone-calls from a jet flying at altitude; the absurdity that an airline flight attendant would...  CALL AIRLINE RESERVATIONS to make an emergency hijacking call ("she would be PUT ON HOLD... just like you or me"!); and so, so, 
so many other "RED FLAGS" to the U.S. government's treasonous, 
literally terrorist  9-11 official story - 

There arethree totally different ways to prove... 
to come to the horrific conclusion that
"9-11 was an inside job" - 
 a MASS-MURDER TREASON/terror attack planned & perpetrated  by ISRAELI  jew-state operatives in close coordination with TRAITORS in the U.S. government under Vice President Dick Cheney.
The first route to realizing that 9-11 was an inside job was the one that we have reported repeatedly here at TheJewishWars,  one we realized within a year or two if not months of 9-11,
 that the government's narrative of
was complete lies 
- promoted, broadcast, and "megaphoned" by the entire corporate media in America -

...was understanding that  AL QAEDA HAD ATTACKED a U.S. warship, the destroyer USS Cole, in a Yemen harbor in OCTOBER of 2000...
mere weeks before the stolen election of November 2001 put the 'PNAC' Zio-Nazis back in the Bush (W.) White House, War Department, and 'Justice Department' - 
yet NOT ONE of  DOZENS and DOZENS and DOZENS of  those  "jewish national security experts"embedded & infested all through the U.S. government,  war office (Pentagon, DoD, "Department of Defense")
 DID ANYTHING to either WARN AMERICANS about FUTURE al Qaeda terrorist attacks ON AMERICAN TARGETS... nor did they show any of their typical revenge/vindictiveness "TERRORISTS WILL PAY!" which is so typical, so standard for  Zionist who have flogged the "MUSLIM TERRORISM!" horse for decade after decade.
#1.  examination of the geo-strategic lead to and aftermath of 9-11:  not one of dozens upon dozens of  JEWISH "national security experts" deeply embedded and infested in the "American national security complex" seemed to notice, or care, that an AL QAEDA TERRORIST ATTACK had (allegedly)  BOMBED and nearly blown in two a U.S. warship mere weeks before the (stolen) election of November 2000!  When you have hundreds if not thousands of  Jewish "national security experts" whose bread-&-butter is  DEMANDING RETRIBUTION, vengeance, and actions taken against terrorists - much less who advocate  "pre-emptive measures" to prevent future terrorist attacks - when ALL OF THEM suddenly FAIL TO NOTICE a major attack on America's military... those are astronomical odds that NO ONE would say ANYTHING!  Those are NOT COINCIDENCES - "they" ARE ALL ON THE SAME PAGE !! (use PROXY ARAB TERRORISTS ( or MOSSAD special forces masquerading as Arabs)  to KILL AMERICAN military members...
to goad America to fight ISRAEL's WARS.)

 But there are 2 entirely different routes to PROVE that 9-11 was AN INSIDE JOB, a FRAUD, a LIE and a mass-murderous CON-JOB  perpetrated by TRAITORS in the U.S. government in collaboration with TREASONOUS  owners of the corporate media:

 EXAMINE the  EXPLOSIONS and  subsequent explosive demolitions of the buildings themselves - as Architects & Engineers for 9-11 Truth put their careers on hold (and possibly on the line!)  to INSIST and DEMAND that the GOVERNMENT's  story, or narrative, of how the buildings collapsed that day were PURE LIES.

 DECONSTRUCTING the LIES  behind the U.S. government and (jewish owned) corporate media's TOTALLY FALSE story of what caused the buildings to collapse - so explosively

 9/11 - Anatomy of a Great Deception - Complete Version

  And at least a third route for PROVING that 9-11 was a "FALSE FLAG" INSIDER perpetrated TREASON/terror attack  is the most heartbreaking of all:  a career airline hostess was INDIGNANT that  NOT ONE  U.S. military jet fighter appeared to ESCORT ANY of the allegedly "hijacked" airliners.  As her entire career was built on PROFESSIONALISM and RESPONDING TO CRISIS,
this facet of the 9-11 story troubled her more than most Americans, who focused on the traumatic building explosions and more visible casualties in the buildings.  So Rebekah Roth - "just" an airline hostess - became DISGUSTED with her job - knowing that she and all her fellow airline crew and passengers were NOTHING MORE THAN 'MEAT on the TABLE" for those pulling the strings behind 9-11; and that all her professionalism could be made a mockery by military commanders who COULD NOT SCRAMBLE ONE JET in timely manner to intercept the 'hijacked' airliners - took an early retirement... and started INVESTIGATING  the government's 9-11 story, with nothing but her experience as an airline crew-member and a computer with an internet connection.
    And the more she investigated, the more she discovered that the ENTIRE  government/ corporate-media 9-11 story was ONE LIE PILED on top of ANOTHER LIE piled on top of other LIES...
  and she unraveled much of the horrific story behind  ELECTRONICALLY HIJACKED aircraft,  INTENTIONALLY MURDERED crews and passengers,  and  ENTIRE  MILITARY (air) bases hijacked by the INSIDE GOVERNMENT conspirators to bring about their 9-11 TREASON-terror attacks.
  While there are longer versions of  interviews with Rebekah Roth, we present the shorter one with Jeff Rense... even though the normally insightful Mr. Rense REPEATEDLY FAILS to ask the appropriate follow-up questions....

 Evidence That Rothschild's Mossad Did 9-11
Jeff Rense Interviews REBEKAH ROTH about her years of  research & investigation
in to the 9-11 TREASON/terror attacks..
 unfortunately, the Jeff Rense YouTube posting, with good images & video clips,
 is only 15 minutes long, so we present the full 48 min. interview, below -

 Jeff Rense & Rebekah Roth 
 9/11[a] Methodical Deception


It is important to understand that, thus far, the 9-11 TREASON/terror attacks, and subsequent
"JEW WARS" to DESTROY EVERY NATION in the Mideast (and Europe!) 

    is still  far, far, far from the "CRIME OF THE CENTURY" 

   - at least compared to the INTENTIONAL financial and ECONOMIC SABOTAGE that led to the GREAT DEPRESSION - and ENTIRE "lost decade" for America,  1929-1942;  that probably saw as many as  TEN MILLION AMERICANS PERISH from malnutrition, exposure, disease, stress, police brutality, and other facets of the "great depression" INTENTIONAL ECONOMIC SABOTAGE


(looting ALL THE PROFITS - and gold! -  from America's war industry supplying Britain & France during WWI) while _millions_ of  AMERICANS STARVED !!

warburg, schiff - German born Jew ARCHITECTS of  the "Federal Reserve" (still foreign owned) banking cartel..
BERNARD BARUCH, self-made (today's) billionaire trader who President Wilson made ABSOLUTE DICTATORS of the U.S. World War I economy and all industrial production (war industry)
(far left) - Baruch's WORLD WAR II equivalent,  the also very jewish HENRY MORGENTHAU Jr. -
President Roosevelt's WWII war-time SECRETARY of TREASURY
(2nd from right) - the also very jewish 'Federal Reserve" CHAIRMAN who PRESIDED over "the Fed's"
MURDEROUS "MONEY SUPPLY CONTRACTION" policies - the REAL cause of the "Great Depression"
the stock-market crash was just the "FALSE FLAG" ATTACK that ALLOWED them to assert

so-called "liberal"President Frnklin D Roosevelt - SELECTED  to lead the 'Democrat" party by the foreign run financial mob that  ATTACKED America with lies & deceit, killing millions,
during ten years of economic devastation & ruin for millions,  "the Great Depression"

Police ATTACK "Bonus Army" U.S. World War I veterans...
millions of America's courageous war veterans of  whom
treason of  'the Fed' bankers and their Wall St, N.Y, and D.C. accomplices...
 and evil Jewish  Euro-trash billionaire financiers the Fed loan-sharking 'central bank' fronted for...
"Communism" = the RED TERROR - the INTENTIONAL GENOCIDE mass-murders of  TENS of MILLIONS of victims in the 'Soviet Union' former Russian (Czarist) empire...

Right: Jacob Schiff, the Rothschilds lieutenant who funded the 'Communist revolution' and the Japanese [war against Russia 1905 and Japanese] invasion of China [1930s].   A relative of his, Kathleen Glynn, is the wife of Michael Moore who produces [i.e., funds] all of his films. Behind the five stars on the Chinese flag are the five sons of "Rothschild" (Bauer).
Jacob Schiff (left) and other European (and 'American'!)  JEWISH BILLIONAIRES & millionaires Rotschild lieutenants, FUNDED TROTSKY's"massacre prisoners"
brutal 5 decades takeover of the former Russian empire

who hated Christians, and Russians, Ukrainians and other Slavs in particular,  with maniacal fury... 

  ...that "America's"& israel's jews exhibit today in their  


  all the Christians in the Mideast
(in Iraq, in Egypt, in Libya, in Syria, in Iran if they could...)

  the Jews HATE Christians as "idolaters"
   and as  traitors,
with exactly the same vehemence that the Jewish, Hebrew 
"holy" (sic) bible shows Jacob hating Esau,
  or the descendants of Isaac hating the descendants of his brother Ishmael;
 or Noah's 2 other sons hating their brother Ham;
 or the fury that king David's sons slaughtered each other;  (etc. etc. etc. ad naseum)
JUDAISM _is_ HATE !! says the bible! 

The savage fury of the JEW COMMISSARS reign of  massacres, slave/death-camps, rape, torture, intentional food seizures famines, 

 is  CONFIRMED by JEWISH WRITERS everywhere 
(if you know were to look) - 

here SEVER PLOCKER, writing
  "some of the GREATEST mass-MURDERERS 
of modern times were JEWISH" 
- a jewish writer writing in an israeli, jerusalem on-line news story - 

and below that, America born and raised jewish author Stuart Kahan writing about,

possibly, the single most murderous individual in all of human history

the jewish architect of  terror,
tens of millions killed 
Stalin's right-hand man; alter-ego, and ARCHITECT of  his "RED TERROR PURGES"
- including the "Holodomor" intentional famine in the Ukraine which killed nearly TEN MILLION PEOPLE - 10,000,000 - in just 2 years  of  INTENTIONAL FAMINE GENOCIDE  food seizures, the "Holodomor"...

JEW COMMISSARS  ran, RULED the RED TERROR 40 millions killed,
TENS of MILIONS more terrorized... according to multiple, independent sources !!

 STALIN (top) & 3 of his COMMISSAR  RED TERROR mass-murderer Jews...
"mass-murderers" barely hints at the scope of their "Red Terror" millions-killed handiwork...  
Kaganovich: "BUTCHER of the Ukraine" - ten millions killed in just 2 years!

9-11 LEAD TERRORIST COMMISSAR perpetrators:  
(then present, past, & future ISRAEL PRIME MINISTERS)  Ehud BARACK &  "KING bibi" NETANYAHU (left)...  
right, MOSSAD "dual citizen" JEW TRAITOR Michael CHERTOFF was "in" on the plot -
he was the Commissar in place who DISPOSSED of EVIDENCE and who,
via his CONTROL of the the U.S. "Justice" Department & FBI,
SENT  ISRAELI TERRORISTS who had planned further bombing attacks on 9-11
before they were arrested by New York police...  home, back to israhell scott-free 

9-11 planning started DECADES in advance.
When Zio-Nazi demolitions experts & engineers realized that AIRCRAFT, ALONE, would NOT bring down the towers... they started plotting on  how to PRE-LOAD targeted sky-scrappers with TONS & TONS AND TONS of high explosives. 
Using their connections in New York, New Jersey, and in America's vast financial markets (Wall St.) to finagle the "purchase" of the World Trade Center complex, by Mossad apparatchiks LARRY SILVERSTEIN and his partner FRANK LOWY   mere months before 9-11 went down was the easy part; ALLOWING MOSSAD EXPLOSIVES technicians posing as elevator repairmen, security personnel, or computer/cable network installers to pre-place and wire tons and tons and tons of high explosives (on every 3rd or 4th unused floors of the "white elephant" only partially occupied towers).
tens of thousands of  tons of  reinforced concrete and steel DO NOT  
TURN TO DUST because of a jet-liner impact...
nor because of  jet-fuel nor "office furnishings fires"!
To turns tens of thousands of tons of  reinforced concrete & steel to dust 
required state-of-the-art extremely hot burning military explosives 
- "thermite,"manufactured in a process that allows ordinary thermite
to burn with explosive force.  

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