Channel: The Jewish Wars
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The evil JEWISH ALLIANCE with al QAEDA MASS-MURDERERS in Syria is not 'new' - SO TOO was 9-11 an EVIL JEWISH ALLIANCE with al QAEDA TERRORIST MASS MURDERERS - KILLING AMERICANS. Not only did the MOSSAD JEWS in the U.S. Government DO NOTHING to PREVENT the Well known AL QAEDA TERROR PLOT... but the NEO-CON, PNAC JEW TRAITORS & their black-mailed puppet Vice President Dick Cheney ACTIVELY SUPPRESSED ANY and ALL U.S. government officials' Efforts to deter those looming attacks......

below photo montage of 
the "PNAC"  jewish "national security experts" TRAITORS  
deeply embedded in the bush-cheney white house, the Bush admnistration defense department, and in the judeo war state (israel) funded 'think tanks' across in York, D.C, and across America -  
NO ONE, ANYWHERE, can point to ANYTHING these TRAITORS did to PREVENT 9-11... 

 even though AL QAEDA TERRORIST BOMBED  a U.S. navy warship in a Yemen harbor, the U.S.S. Cole nearly blown in two in OCTOBER of 2000... but these below jewish  "national security experts"PRETENDED NOT TO NOTICE,  because they knew that ALLOWING 9-11 to go down  just ten months after the Cole bombing WENT UNPUNISHED,  would be the 'trigger' they and the evil jew war state needed, to LAUNCH massively profitable (for them) AMERICAN WARS in the Mideast... 

top row: wolfowitz, libby, donald kagan  elliot cohen
paul wolfowitz was effectively running the u.s. military, and his protege judeo-supremacist sidekick i. lewis 'scotter libby - what with george w. bush uninterested in policy, much less the intricacies of the federal government, and  with Bush W. always on vacation -
vice president dick cheney's CHIEF of  STAFF was effectively RUNNING the ENTIRE  bush-cheney White House... 
which is to say, the ENTIRE u.s.a. government...

These above treasonous MOSSAD JEWS were ALLIES with al QAEDA MASS-MURDERERS KILLING AMERICANS by the thousands on 9-11...

But they were not the most important factor of  the metastasizing "Neo-Con"  COUP  AGAINST AMERICA - 
the  judeo supremacist ENSLAVEMENT of America that is STILL, TODAY,   accelerating under so-called "liberal Democrat" BARACK OBAMA's  JUDEO DOMINATED  NEO-CON WARMONGERING, TREASURY LOOTING, and POLICE STATE DICTATORSHIP presidency...

  Just as  we know today the  "Communist Revolution" in Russia DEMOLISHED CHRISTIAN CHURCHES all through the 1920s and 1930s... but,  golly gee! when the Nazi armies invaded Russia in June of 1941,  as we all know they (the Nazis)  "Einsatzgruppen" perpetrated mass-killings, ethnic cleansing atrocities all over Poland, Russia, the Ukraine, and throughout the Nazi seized portions of the  "Soviet Union - including communities that,  two full decades in to the "Communist" Revolution in Russia - were still jewish identified and (presumably) run!

  That is,  RIGHT ON THE SURFACE,  without even studying the "jewish Bolshevik Communist Revolution" any further, we see that the Communists energetically EXTERMINATED  CHRISTIAN COMMUNITIES... but entire villages, towns, and even large "ghettos" in urban cities had established and practicing jewish communities.
    The very jewish written and produced Hollywood movie  "DEFIANCE" portrays one of these JEWISH COMMUNITIES in "Communist" RUSSIA:  the movie's jewish written script effectively CONCEDES that this was a JEWISH COMMUNITY  in nominally "atheist" Communist Russia, and, furthermore, that  the jews in that JEWISH RUN "ghetto" were as ruthlessly EXCLUSIVE - they would PURGE not only non-jews, but even fellow jews whose religious practice was not energetic enough - from their community!
   The character played by Daniel Craig,   the protagonist or unlikely hero of the movie, had been EXCLUDED from the VERY JEWISH  COMMUNITY in COMMUNIST Russia before the war,for not being 'observant" (jewish) enough -  which is to say, jewish run Hollywood acknowledges (albeit obliquely) that   JEWISH COMMUNITIES  WERE TOLERATED in "COMMUNIST" RUSSIA... ...while CHRISTIAN churches & communities WERE EXTERMINATED!!!
 Which is to day  COMMUNIST RUSSIA had a  far more JEWISH FLAVOR than 6 decades  of post-WWII  jewish propaganda in America (and Europe) has led us to believe!
 So, just as Communist "SOVIET" Russia had enclaves that were under strict and COMPLETE JEWISH CONTROL -  AS the  "Soviet" government EXTERMINATED, ERADICATED, and ACTIVELY SUPPRESSED  Christian, Muslim, and other non-jewish communities -   so too today in America does our government and its press/media allies  label  WHITE AMERICANS as "RACISTS"("white American extremists" is  Neo-Con/usg CODE for "White Supremacist terrorists") -while GIVING  JEWS a FREE PASS for not only  being BLATANTLY  WHITE (euro) RACISTS, but, indeed, for supporting an APARTHEID, ruthless RACE BASED DICTATORSHIP  (a race-based commissariat)DICTATORSHIP, posing as a "democracy in Israel...! 
  This is a HIGHLY EFFECTIVE,  well coordinated PROPAGANDA campaign - a very effective 'zeitgeist'.
 Indeed, it is this "CULTURAL ZEITGEIST" -  this  actively perpetrated and actively disseminated notion that  JEWS are "pro-democracy, anti-racist, multi-cultural, and 'liberal' modernists" - that pervades American press, media, government and cultural discourse in America...  EVEN THOUGH,  just like those INTOLERANT, exclusive, racially (religiously) SEGREGATED  JEWISH COMMUNITIES  portrayed in JEWISH WRITTEN Hollywood movies of  'COMMUNIST' Russia during World War II,
 jewish RACISM and JUDEO SUPREMACY  is far and away  the dominant factor of the  evil NEO-CON hijacking = JUDEO ENSLAVEMENT of America, today...
  and the DOMINANT element of this evil hijacking is not the Neo-Con, jewish war state funded academics, nor even the MOSSAD OPERATIVES placed at the highest levels of the U.S. government....

and their evil, metastasizing WAR on AMERICAN CIVILIAN RIGHTS,
  and their KKR/GS/lehman/jpm/Fed  (et al)  Bernanke  'JUDENFETZEN' DEBT ENSLAVEMENT war against the American economy -

  is the abject JEWISH CONTROL of American media

which so effectively whitewashes ALL the above atrocities and grim truths OUT of the "news" and political & cultural discourse we Americans see and hear...

  IT IS THE JEWISH OWNED MEDIA, which STILL, TODAY, portrays the above  jewish "NATIONAL SECURITY EXPERTS" who did NOTHING, NOT ONE GOD DAMNED THING to prevent the WELL KNOWN AL QAEDA TERRORIST attack threat in the long summer of 2001... whom the evil, anti-American  jewish owned media  STILL  PRESENTS (to us Americans), today,  as "NATIONAL SECURITY EXPERTS."

  they - the jewish owned media - tell us  that the jewish 'national security' appartchiks in government, in media, and in 'think tanks'   are experts - even though they stood back and ALLOWED the  DESTRUCTION of America's genuine national security defenses on 9-11...

  The Jewish owned media TELL US that the Neo-Cons are about "freedom" and "liberty" and HUMAN RIGHTS... AS they ADVOCATE TORTURE, GESTAPO SUMMARY ARREST POWERS, and   "undisclosed"  SS/kgb CONCENTRATION CAMPS, the ability of the U.S. government to "detain" = DISAPPEAR anyone it wants, without so much as telling your family...

   They, the jewish owned media, TELL US that their Neo-Con talking heads  are about "DEMOCRACY" - as Bloomberg turns the NYPD into a goon-squad, smashing heads of  "Occupy Wall Street" protesters...

  They TELL US that they are  "GENIUSES" about FINANCE - as  SPAIN, ITALY, GREECE, IRELAND, Iceland, BRITAIN, and FRANCE  EXPLODE with DEBT and  "cutbacks" for government services not dedicated to wars, prisons, or enriching the already rich...

   They TELL US that  we Americans have NO  inflation - when every housewife in America knows that ice-cream, which used to be less than four dollar a gallon, is now $6 for three-quarters of a gallon, and gas, education, health-care, insurance, and similar life necessities all reflect similar SOARING INFLATION...


To butcher a well known metaphor about Columbia during the 'cocaine wars' era,
  to IGNORE the above NEO-CON ATROCITIES being shoved down our American throats today, is like the Columbians trying to pretend not to notice THE FLOOD  of  COCAINE MONEY (American dollars)  pouring in to their  country - "to ignore the flood of American cocaine dollars pouring in to Columbia in the 1980s,   would be as to try to blot out the sun."  

  just as, today,  "to IGNORE the JUDEO DOMINANCE - in 'national security,'  in financial fraud & economic sabotage;  in politics, in "law enforcement"  (= expanding prison gulags & police dictatorship powers); in  'foreign policy' ( = EXPANDING JUDEO WARS!),  and in the GROSS INCOME INEQUALITY that is getting worse in America - the  TRANSFER of WEALTH  from Americans to an incestuous, treasonous, anti-American 'elite' -  is also as to try to blot out the sun."  

    So,  even though NO ONE, ANYWHERE, can point to  ONE THING the jewish "NATIONAL SECURITY EXPERTS"  did - whether within the bush-cheney-WOLFOWITZ-LIBBY-perle-feith-wurmser-zackheim-bolten  Administration,  or embedded deeper in the "non-political"  (sic)  layers of the  U.S. government bureaucracy
(as Department of "Justice" appartchiks MICHAEL CHERTOFF and Michael MUKASEY were)

  ...to PREVENT the WELL KNOWN THREAT of AL QEADA TERROR ATTACKS  going down in the long summer of 2001,

 the  JEWISH OWNED MEDIA - the Ochs/Sulzberger NEW YORK TIMES, the  MEYER/graham WASHINGTON POST, the  cnn/TIME/Warner bros. Hollywood  JEWISH SUPREMACIST WARMONGERING  media PROPAGANDA EMPIRE, or any of the other JEWISH CONTROLLED MEDIA in America,  will still continue to portray their own jewish "national security"  appartchiks as  "EXPERTS" at "defending America" -


    because the JEWISH AGENDA is to DESTROY AMERICAN (and European) sovereignty, 
to DESTROY American NATIONALISM,  ENSLAVE the American (and European) economies through fiat money debt slavery Central Banker  DEBT FINANCE,  and,  concurrent with the above two ATTACKS on the American nation and our productive economy,  engage America in ever more wars of  BLATANT GENOCIDE & EXTERMINATION elsewhere, whether EXTERMINATING BLACKS in AL QAEDA RUN LIBYA, or EXTERMINATION CHRISTIANS in AL QAEDA RUN SYRIA, or  Henry Kissinger signing off of the EAST TIMOR GENOCIDE by Islamic Indonesians of Christians in East Timor, or the jewish blood-lust to  annihilate Iran AND RUSSIA** (today!!) ....



 ** - note:  not only do the euro/JEWISH/'american' financiers, academics, writers,  and appartchiks OPENLY BRAG that JEWISH FINANCING of the INDUSTRIALIZATION of   JAPAN's  army & Navy DEFEATED RUSSIA in the  1904-1905 Russo-Japanese War,
   but as we have outlined above  the  COMMUNIST Revolution and PURGES of the "Soviet" Union   HAD A VERY JUDEO FLAVOR to them... 
  and,  in the 1990s, it has been widely acknowledged, from both "the liberal left" and the "capitalist right" that it was BOB RUBIN and his HARVARD JEWISH, Wall St. backed gangster financiers who RAPED the post-Communist Russian economy....

 that is, the jews have been waging  a JUDEO SUPREMACIST mass-murderous  JIHAD against the people of Russia, for well over 100 years, whether against the Czarist nobles, against the Christian populace under TROTSKY & KAGANOVICH's brand of Communist Revolution MASS EXECUTION PURGES;    or against the post-Communist Russian middle-class...   a CONTEMPT for their non-jewish  'hosts'  that is now the IDENTIFYING element of  the  JUDEO HIJACKING of AMERICA, today...
 ... just as  JEWS, TODAY, are  INSTIGATING  ISLAMIC TERRORIST (= al Qaeda) TERROR ATTACKS against SYRIANS and Russians, TODAY...  


  german/jewish/'american'Banker JACOB SCHIFF - NATIONAL  LOANS 
During the Russo-Japanese War, in 1904 and 1905, in perhaps his most famous financial action, Schiff, again through Kuhn, Loeb & Co., extended a critical series of loans to the Empire of Japan, in the amount of $200 million.[5] He was willing to extend this loan due, in part, to his belief that gold is not as important as national effort and desire, in helping [JAPAN]  win a war, and due to the apparent underdog status of Japan at the time; no European nation had yet been defeated by a non-European nation in a modern, full-scale war. It is quite likely Schiff also saw this loan as a means of avenging, on behalf of the Jewish people, the anti-Semitic actions of the Tsarist regime, specifically the then-recent pogroms in Kishinev.

below image: Bill Kristol & Robt Kagan's (et al)  evil,  JUDEO DRIVEN 'American' DECLARATION of WAR on.. the ENTIRE world... a declaration of war against the entire human race:    anyone who opposes what these genocidal jewish traitor  thugs call  "America's national security interests" 
(= abject judeo ownership & dominance of all valuable assets & resources on planet earth - and in space as well)
will be DECLARED to be a "terrorist threat" and ELIMINATED...

"PNAC is quite possibly the most nefarious and sinister organization ever created."** 

** note:  this website is absolutely correct that  PNAC  is a SINISTER, MALEVOLENT, INSIDIOUSLY TREASONOUS and treacherously DESTRUCTIVE organization - 
   however, even they fail to see the  JUDEO SUPREMACIST nature of  the  PNAC war mob...  which is exactly why we compiled our photo montage of  those 
PNAC JUDEO 'national security experts' WHO DID NOTHING to PREVENT 9-11


 STRIP OUT the  non-jewish names on the above 'PNAC'  FOUNDING SIGNERS list
  - names including DICK CHENEY,  JEB BUSH, DON RUMSFELD, dan quayle, bill bennet, steve forbes, and francis fukuyama -
  and what you have left is a JEWISH OWNED, JEWISH RUN, israel funded   ANTI-AMERICAN JUDEO SUPREMACIST war lobby agitating for both American wars overseas... and a  concurrent judeo supremacist WAR ON AMERICANS
by the wholly captured and evilly subservient government in America...

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