all of them PLOTTING to EXPAND AMERICA's WARS, to MURDER HAPLESS VICTIMS all across the Mideast & world, in order to AVOID CONFRONTING the GRIM TRUTH that
ISRAEL & TRAITORS in the U.S. government - NOT Saudis, NOT Yemenis, NOT Afghans, NOT IRAQIS, and NOT IRANIANS - were behind the 9-11 Terror & MASS-MURDER of AMERICANS attacks...
Taking the time over the past few days to take a closr look at several chapters of the Hebrew, jewish bible's awful "Moses & Exodus" story, we learned the grim, awful truth that,
while the ENTIRE "EXODUS" story is PURE MALARKY, pure jewish FANTASY -
there is no way that 600,000 Jewish males (plus women, children, & elderly) left Egypt in a single massive wave... and, if they had, they could have simply WIPED PHARAOH'S ARMY OUT in a head-to-head confrontation... and then STEAMROLLED right through to the Canaan Valley, the so-called "Promised Land" without pause, wiping out every fortified city in their path like Exodus' own proverbial plague of locusts!
The Judeo ethnicity & religion is about HAVING YOUR CAKE & EATING IT TO: WAILING about atrocities suffered by Jews,
while BRAGGING & GLOATING about MASSACRING people in city after city,
nation after nation; the jews actually BRAG on TRYING TO WIPE peoples out of existence -
and we can see that "have your cake & eat it to" philosophy all through the horrible Exodus story: the jews are POOR, DOWNTRODDEN SLAVES but each family not only eats meat, but is able to select a PERFECT lamb or sheep for roasting ("as a sacrifice") on the gathering night;
we are told Jews are ABUSED by their Egyptian taskmasters...
...but TWICE the bible writers can't help themselves from BRAGGING that, under g-o-d & Moses, the jews EXTORT their Egyptian neighbors; and of course the bible wants to tell us the jews are DOWNTRODDEN SLAVES.... but, lo, they can have a FEAST DAY that UNITES THE ENTIRE NATION, without the stupid Egyptians knowing about it (much less doing anything to stop them)!
Now you can say, "of course the Egyptians were cooperative with the Jews: they had just endured ELEVEN PLAGUES! And they KNEW the plagues were the doing of the JEWS' god, Yahweh"
but the problem with all this is that if you look at the "Exodus" story and strip away the literary, divinity FRILLS, as we did yesterday - then you are left with a story of A NATION WITHIN A NATION plotting to DESTROY the host nation... EXACTLY the situation we HAVE HERE IN AMERICA at Passover, April 2016, exactly as Brother Nathan describes with DRONE ATTACK AIRCRAFT ARMED with 3,000 lb bombs AUTHORIZED TO FLY in AMERICAN SKIES; and exactly as Yukon Jack described the JEWISH set-up & RUN DHS purchasing A BILLION BULLETS... to "make hamburger of Americans" and exactly as Alex Jones and Dr. Marion Francis describe the CIA & army BIO-WAR labs COOKING UP BIO-WEAPONS that can EASILY BE UNLEASHED on AMERICAN civilian populations!
all of them PLOTTING to EXPAND AMERICA's WARS, to MURDER HAPLESS VICTIMS all across the Mideast & world, in order to AVOID CONFRONTING the GRIM TRUTH that
ISRAEL & TRAITORS in the U.S. government - NOT Saudis, NOT Yemenis, NOT Afghans, NOT IRAQIS, and NOT IRANIANS - were behind the 9-11 Terror & MASS-MURDER of AMERICANS attacks...
Taking the time over the past few days to take a closr look at several chapters of the Hebrew, jewish bible's awful "Moses & Exodus" story, we learned the grim, awful truth that,
while the ENTIRE "EXODUS" story is PURE MALARKY, pure jewish FANTASY -
there is no way that 600,000 Jewish males (plus women, children, & elderly) left Egypt in a single massive wave... and, if they had, they could have simply WIPED PHARAOH'S ARMY OUT in a head-to-head confrontation... and then STEAMROLLED right through to the Canaan Valley, the so-called "Promised Land" without pause, wiping out every fortified city in their path like Exodus' own proverbial plague of locusts!
The Judeo ethnicity & religion is about HAVING YOUR CAKE & EATING IT TO: WAILING about atrocities suffered by Jews,
while BRAGGING & GLOATING about MASSACRING people in city after city,
nation after nation; the jews actually BRAG on TRYING TO WIPE peoples out of existence -
and we can see that "have your cake & eat it to" philosophy all through the horrible Exodus story: the jews are POOR, DOWNTRODDEN SLAVES but each family not only eats meat, but is able to select a PERFECT lamb or sheep for roasting ("as a sacrifice") on the gathering night;
we are told Jews are ABUSED by their Egyptian taskmasters...
...but TWICE the bible writers can't help themselves from BRAGGING that, under g-o-d & Moses, the jews EXTORT their Egyptian neighbors; and of course the bible wants to tell us the jews are DOWNTRODDEN SLAVES.... but, lo, they can have a FEAST DAY that UNITES THE ENTIRE NATION, without the stupid Egyptians knowing about it (much less doing anything to stop them)!
Now you can say, "of course the Egyptians were cooperative with the Jews: they had just endured ELEVEN PLAGUES! And they KNEW the plagues were the doing of the JEWS' god, Yahweh"
but the problem with all this is that if you look at the "Exodus" story and strip away the literary, divinity FRILLS, as we did yesterday - then you are left with a story of A NATION WITHIN A NATION plotting to DESTROY the host nation... EXACTLY the situation we HAVE HERE IN AMERICA at Passover, April 2016, exactly as Brother Nathan describes with DRONE ATTACK AIRCRAFT ARMED with 3,000 lb bombs AUTHORIZED TO FLY in AMERICAN SKIES; and exactly as Yukon Jack described the JEWISH set-up & RUN DHS purchasing A BILLION BULLETS... to "make hamburger of Americans" and exactly as Alex Jones and Dr. Marion Francis describe the CIA & army BIO-WAR labs COOKING UP BIO-WEAPONS that can EASILY BE UNLEASHED on AMERICAN civilian populations!
STUPID Americans: 'Lumpen-Intelligentsia'
aka "Blue Nazis" = SPOILED brat minorities !!!