Yet again, the writers & editors of Veterans Today
(in this case contributing writer Richard Edmondson) "hit a Grand-Slam home run,"
hit the editorial & analysis ball out of the park.
We here at TheJewishWars have been completely overwhelmed as all this insane Zio-Nazi insanity
- arrogance, hubris, sadistic contempt & loathing for all humanity (i.e. "non-jews") -
comes screaming to the fore here in America, as the fatal season of election 2016 rushes upon us...
...and our evil Judeo "COMMISSARIAT" 'leadership'(sic) must START WORLD WAR III, to avoid Americans being afforded the luxury of coming to their senses... and coming to the the horrifying reality
that 9-11 was NOT perpetrated by"bin Ladin & al Qaeda holed up in Afghanistan,"
or by "Saudi & Yemeni hijackers' or by Iraq... OR by Iran...
the moment you realize that both NY World Trade Center towers, and the Salomon Brothers 47 story tower ("building 7")
were all three PRE-WIRED with TONS and TONS and TONS of state-of-art military grade high-explosives demolitions charges...
the moment you realize & accept this ugly fact, you must also realize that "the plans"
(on a one-way suicide trip to hell, at that!)
you realize that "ARAB HIJACKERS" had NOTHING to do with 9-11.... except as unwitting patsies
(as, indeed, they WERE ALL - all of the ones actually present that day - CIA "assets" hired agents who - for performing CIA chores in their home countries - were given a preferential CIA/State Dept. visa to work & visit in the US... until the CIA / MOSSAD needed to "DISPOSE" of them, as PATSIES for Mossad's mass-murder 9-11 terrorism treachery)
JUDEO HYPOCRISY is THE DOMINANT CULTURAL,political, and "informational" (corp. media propaganda 'infotainment') force in all of America today:
HATE & LOATHING for all humanity agenda is driving America to perpetrate World War III at breakneck speed, before the criminal perpetrators of 9-11 here in America, & genocidal sponsors of "ISIS" terrorism across the Mid East
are held to account for their murders, serial treason; & crimes against humanity:
[note: HOW do 'AMERICAN' jews GET AROUND "anti discrimination" laws prohibiting RACISM in real-estate sales & rentals?
ans. - SIMPLE! by making it a "JEWISH COMMUNITY" !! Jews can PRETEND they are "not racist" simply by saying that the exclusionarytendencies of their neighborhoods & communities are based on "faith,"not race...
...but JEWISH LAW is RACIALLY EXCLUSIVE!! according to jewish 'law' to be Jewish you MUST have a JEWISH MOTHER.]
**[note #1: we've been stuck trying to write up one of our next posts "LYNCH-MOB JUDAISM RULES AMERICA"- because there areso many awful examples that need to be included in our post!
The Jews CAN LYNCH A SITTING U.S. PRESIDENT in full view of the American public & world!
When (then) genuinely populist ("I feel your pain") President Bill Clinton TURNED AROUND the 1992 Bush Sr. ECONOMIC RECESSION in 1995... the JEW FINANCIERS, war-pigs, & MEDIA WHORES in New York, DC, London, Paris, & Tel Aviv COULDN'T STAND IT! So they DRUMMED UP first "Whitewater," then Paula Jones & the treasonous "elves"; then Ken Starr & the MONICA "did she or didn't she" IMPEACHMENT -
which put the "PNAC" "NEW PEARL HARBOR" TREASON TERROR ATTACKS ON AMERICA plans in to high gear for very early in the following (Bush-Cheney) presidency.]
Today in America the INSANE JEWS have VINDICATED EVERYTHING that Hitler, the Nazis, & 29 centuries of "anti-Semites" have ever said about Jews & Judaism:
(the sordid, human blood SACRIFICE RITUAL "passover" celebration - and Jews CELEBRATE the KILLINGS of EGYPTIAN children... EGYPT is simply a metaphor, a stand-in for whatever kingdom or empire the JEWS RESIDE IN while they are performing their little blood-sacrifice ritual)
- a tribe that, per the bibles blood-drenched chapters & verses, not only plots & plans the DESTRUCTION of ALL neighboring tribes, kingdoms, cities, nations, & empires in open warfare(when it is possible for them)....
but by INSIDIOUS SABOTAGE & CONQUEST FROM WITHIN when overt conquest is not possible....
SABOTAGE of a host nation & peoples to where, upon patiently ascending the ladder of a host nation's elite & power structure until Jews become the most powerful leaders in a target nation... they then promptly & immediately attempt to WIPE OUT THEIR HOSTS...
just exactly as the Jews WAVED THE BALFOUR DECLARATION around when it was to their benefit...
...but now that the Jews have their toehold in the region, the Balfour Declaration" is a forgotten, discarded piece of paper trash... and the jews are cranking up their demonic, genocidal 21st century version of the BABYLONIAN EMPIRE that steam-rolled & annihilated all before it....
(in this case contributing writer Richard Edmondson) "hit a Grand-Slam home run,"
hit the editorial & analysis ball out of the park.
We here at TheJewishWars have been completely overwhelmed as all this insane Zio-Nazi insanity
- arrogance, hubris, sadistic contempt & loathing for all humanity (i.e. "non-jews") -
comes screaming to the fore here in America, as the fatal season of election 2016 rushes upon us...
...and our evil Judeo "COMMISSARIAT" 'leadership'(sic) must START WORLD WAR III, to avoid Americans being afforded the luxury of coming to their senses... and coming to the the horrifying reality
that 9-11 was NOT perpetrated by"bin Ladin & al Qaeda holed up in Afghanistan,"
or by "Saudi & Yemeni hijackers' or by Iraq... OR by Iran...
the moment you realize that both NY World Trade Center towers, and the Salomon Brothers 47 story tower ("building 7")
were all three PRE-WIRED with TONS and TONS and TONS of state-of-art military grade high-explosives demolitions charges...
the moment you realize & accept this ugly fact, you must also realize that "the plans"
- to carry out the 9-11 TREASON/terror ATTACKS on America, so to bring about the "NEW PEARL HARBOR" to GET AMERICA's MILITARY to WAGE ISRAEL' WARS -- the moment you realize those plans were entirely too complex, too intricate, too critical, far too risky and the payoff - TRILLIONS of dollars going to JEWISH OWNED 'defense contractors" - FAR TOO GREAT to depend on a dozen+ cocaine snorting, stripper tipping, "A-rab suicide hijackers" showing up to work....
(on a one-way suicide trip to hell, at that!)
you realize that "ARAB HIJACKERS" had NOTHING to do with 9-11.... except as unwitting patsies
(as, indeed, they WERE ALL - all of the ones actually present that day - CIA "assets" hired agents who - for performing CIA chores in their home countries - were given a preferential CIA/State Dept. visa to work & visit in the US... until the CIA / MOSSAD needed to "DISPOSE" of them, as PATSIES for Mossad's mass-murder 9-11 terrorism treachery)
JUDEO HYPOCRISY is THE DOMINANT CULTURAL,political, and "informational" (corp. media propaganda 'infotainment') force in all of America today:
HATE & LOATHING for all humanity agenda is driving America to perpetrate World War III at breakneck speed, before the criminal perpetrators of 9-11 here in America, & genocidal sponsors of "ISIS" terrorism across the Mid East
are held to account for their murders, serial treason; & crimes against humanity:
[ans. - right there in the incredibly evil, sordid, insanely violent, murderous, & incredibly hypocritical Hebrew, jewish bible]Parade of [jewish, ZIO-NAZI] Hypocrisy: "Trump’s a Racist!"
Where does the well of hypocrisy come from?
The US has a well deserved reputation as one of the most hypocritical nations on earth. We claim to be champions of democracy - while overthrowing democratically elected governments.
We insist we are fighting a war on terrorism...while funding, training [recruiting, supplying, arming, directing, & commanding] terrorists.
[this IS JUDEO SUPREMACISM: IN YOUR FACE ZIO-NAZI arrogance & supremacism]
In Washington, it almost seems as if hypocrisy, rather than viewed in a dishonorable light, is looked upon as an admirable character trait,
and the more of a hypocrite you are, the better your chances for success. An unspoken credo, to be sure, but one that does appear very much in place.
So where, one may ask, does this well of unabashed hypocrisy come from?
How did it originate? And why in America?
“Trump’s racism is just awful–oh, but Netanyahu’s is okay!”
That essentially seems to be the view of a number of people who were interviewed outside the AIPAC conference last month in Washington. The interviews were conducted by journalist Rania Khalek, who quoted to those she spoke with statements made by Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but told them that the statements had come from Donald Trump–and she then asked them for their reply.
In each case they were quick to condemn the comments when they thought they were Trump’s, but when told the comments had actually been made by an Israeli official, what do you suppose happened? The interviewees began to dither, vacillate, or offer outright justifications. One man, apparently overcome with bathos, proclaimed Israel to have the most “moral army” in the world while touchingly expressing his faith in the notion that Jews “are a light unto the nations.”*
“It was the perfect opportunity to engage with Israel’s most politically active supporters, so I pulled out my camera phone and began asking what they thought of Trump,” says Khalek in an article at the Electronic Intifada. She added:One young woman said of Trump, “He’s terrible. He incites racist attitudes.” When asked, “What do you think about Trump’s comments comparing migrants to cancer?” she responded with disgust, “He’s awful. I hate Trump.”
But it was Israeli culture minister Miri Regev, not Trump, who compared African refugees to “a cancer,” a statement that 52 percent of Israeli Jews agreed with in one survey.So pause a moment and consider. Here we have…
Regev later apologized, not to Africans but to cancer survivors for likening them to Black people.Thats H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-S-Y for you. Spelled in CAPITAL LETTERS!
- Jewish supporters of Israel…
- gathering in the capital city of what is arguably one of the two most hypocritical nations on earth (the other being Israel)…
- to attend a conference of the most powerful lobby in the land…
- a lobby dedicated to extracting
the[that TARGET] nation's wealth & siphoning it off to a Jewish apartheid state, and…- condemning Donald Trump, a Gentile, for racism.
Perhaps Khalek, as a followup question, should have asked her interview subjects if they believe racism is okay when it’s Jews being racists, and that only Gentiles should be called out for demeaning other groups of people.
Sadly she didn’t, though possibly she was afraid of being mobbed and lynched should her questions grow too provocative.**
[note: HOW do 'AMERICAN' jews GET AROUND "anti discrimination" laws prohibiting RACISM in real-estate sales & rentals?
ans. - SIMPLE! by making it a "JEWISH COMMUNITY" !! Jews can PRETEND they are "not racist" simply by saying that the exclusionarytendencies of their neighborhoods & communities are based on "faith,"not race...
...but JEWISH LAW is RACIALLY EXCLUSIVE!! according to jewish 'law' to be Jewish you MUST have a JEWISH MOTHER.]
“Look, I don’t like the direction of this conversation,” snapped the man who thinks Jews are a light unto the world. [cont'd]=============================================
**[note #1: we've been stuck trying to write up one of our next posts "LYNCH-MOB JUDAISM RULES AMERICA"- because there areso many awful examples that need to be included in our post!
The Jews CAN LYNCH A SITTING U.S. PRESIDENT in full view of the American public & world!
When (then) genuinely populist ("I feel your pain") President Bill Clinton TURNED AROUND the 1992 Bush Sr. ECONOMIC RECESSION in 1995... the JEW FINANCIERS, war-pigs, & MEDIA WHORES in New York, DC, London, Paris, & Tel Aviv COULDN'T STAND IT! So they DRUMMED UP first "Whitewater," then Paula Jones & the treasonous "elves"; then Ken Starr & the MONICA "did she or didn't she" IMPEACHMENT -
that set the stage for the STOLEN ELECTION of 2000...
which put the "PNAC" "NEW PEARL HARBOR" TREASON TERROR ATTACKS ON AMERICA plans in to high gear for very early in the following (Bush-Cheney) presidency.]
Today in America the INSANE JEWS have VINDICATED EVERYTHING that Hitler, the Nazis, & 29 centuries of "anti-Semites" have ever said about Jews & Judaism:
(the sordid, human blood SACRIFICE RITUAL "passover" celebration - and Jews CELEBRATE the KILLINGS of EGYPTIAN children... EGYPT is simply a metaphor, a stand-in for whatever kingdom or empire the JEWS RESIDE IN while they are performing their little blood-sacrifice ritual)
- a tribe that, per the bibles blood-drenched chapters & verses, not only plots & plans the DESTRUCTION of ALL neighboring tribes, kingdoms, cities, nations, & empires in open warfare(when it is possible for them)....
but by INSIDIOUS SABOTAGE & CONQUEST FROM WITHIN when overt conquest is not possible....
SABOTAGE of a host nation & peoples to where, upon patiently ascending the ladder of a host nation's elite & power structure until Jews become the most powerful leaders in a target nation... they then promptly & immediately attempt to WIPE OUT THEIR HOSTS...
just exactly as the Jews WAVED THE BALFOUR DECLARATION around when it was to their benefit...
...but now that the Jews have their toehold in the region, the Balfour Declaration" is a forgotten, discarded piece of paper trash... and the jews are cranking up their demonic, genocidal 21st century version of the BABYLONIAN EMPIRE that steam-rolled & annihilated all before it....