Today we are pleased and privileged to offer our readers an amazingly short 7 minute video by Max Keiser that outlines and details 2 of the 3 major prongs of the Jewish,
it is sitting right there, in plain English, in the cold, cruel,
black-&-white pages of the Hebrew so-called "holy" (sic) bible "Old Testament"...
The SECOND PRONG of the JEWISH WAR ON HUMANITY is also a very ancient social strategy and set of tactics from the earliest days of human settlement (and civilization), which we will name and try to discuss more fully in a future post,
but for now Max Keiser captures the ruthless cruelty inherent in that ancient social tactic:
When Max says
he is actually discussing the financial flavor of SABOTAGE of a host tribe or nation's social cohesion, strength, & stability, from withinthat tribe or nation:
But the genius of this particular episode
- just one of many of Max's tirades against the FINANCIAL predator/PARASITES of GoddamnSachs -
is that he captures, better than anyone we have seen or read or heard anywhere else, just how the American people have been LOBOTOMIZED to NOT NOTICE this TREASONOUS, economic SABOTAGE, TREACHERY & INTENTIONAL DESTRUCTION from WITHIN agenda:
"...because the [American] COLLECTIVE MEMORY has been BURNT OFF... there IS NO collective memory, it's what Gil Scott Heron referred to as "the UNITED STATES of AMNESIA."
and thus incapable of connecting the simplest dots, or even remembering what happened - or what was said and told - just yesterday!!
Max: "Goldman Sachs is like an arsonist, who takes an order for 50 lbs. of charcoal, and then BURNS DOWN YOUR HOUSE, and collects the charcoal for the sale."
In this sentence, Max SPECIFICALLY DETAILS just ONEmeans whereby the JUDEO INFILTRATION of America attempts to use ECONOMIC SABOTAGE to KILL off people of the host nation:
John Rappaport, in a discussion on "WHO RUNS THE WORLD" also captures the "American" corporate media's ability to IMPOSE A FALSE NARRATIVE,
or FALSE REALITY on Americans viewers through artificially created news, entertainment, and "infotainment" narratives,
including MASSIVE gov't. / MEDIA PRODUCTIONS such as the "staged" or "false-flag'Boston Marathon bombing, the Sandy Hook "shooting massacre"; the 9-11 false flag TREASON/terror attacks... or the mass-murderous U.S. invasions of Afghanistan & Libya and the U.S. global "war on terror" that ACTUALLY SUPPORTS TERRORISTS WIPING OUT ENTIRE POPULATIONS in the Mideast... with the intention of DIRECTING WAVES of MILLIONS of terrorized & traumatized, terrorist infiltrated refugees in to FLOOD and DESTROY EUROPEAN society as well!)
(at about 10:57)
We try to outline and detail the second two the 3 major prongs of the Jewish, JUDEO SUPREMACIST WAR against HUMANITY.
The first prong of the Judeo war on humanity should by now be obvious to everybody: it is sitting right there, in plain English, in the cold, cruel, black-&-white pages of the Hebrew so-called "holy" (sic) bible "Old Testament".... (although the sheer ferocity of the Jews' serial wars on their "idolaters" neighbors is candy-coated and smoothed-around-the-edges in the Sunday school propaganda narrative that has been taught for centuries in Christ-ian churches across Europe and the world) ...where Jews, upon having the power and opportunity to do so, wage war, SLAUGHTER, & EXTERMINATE the neighbors, and steal their land, plunder their wealth, property, and flocks, and massacre the survivors except for the sexually attractive young virgin girls who are seized as sex slaves. (See our continued discussion below the videos.) The SECOND PRONG of the JEWISH WAR ON HUMANITY is also a very ancient social strategy and tactics from the earliest days of human settlement (and civilization), which we will name and try to discuss more fully in a future post, but for now Max Keiser captures the ruthless cruelty inherent in that ancient social tactic: the DESTRUCTION of anther tribe FROM WITHIN, by SABOTAGE!
This is typical behavior of all tribes, nations, kingdoms, empires and people; especially in the hyper-aggressive, ever ending conflicts between tribes and empires of the Fertile Crescent, the Ancient Near East (what today is called "the Near East" or Mesopotamia (a much more recent Greek word) the brutal environment where Judaism and the tribes of Levi, Judah, Benjamin, and other Hebrew tribes tried to hack out a precarious existence among ferociously warlike petty kings and between great empires. Like all predators and war tribes, the Jews were opportunistic, prefering to attack neighbors where the probability of victory was high, and the risk of being exterminated low.
As "The War Nerd" explains, PRIMITIVE WAR is the standard model for human conduct over the centuries; and the essence of "primitive war" is to massacre and slaughter the neighboring tribes, except to grab a certain percentage of the young women to introduce a little genetic diversity into the your victorious tribe. As the bible relates, the Hebrews were no different from their neighbors, enacting cruel revenge on their enemies when they captured them in battle; and suffering the same fate when they were captured. Since Judaism is rooted in this ancient, ferociously warlike era of perpetual conflict and hate, the Jews PREFERRED METHOD of DEALING WITH THE NEIGHBORS is to CONQUER THEM in open warfare: this is the singular, powerful undercurrent of tribal Judaism,
and as well when "the neighbors" are the clueless, duped, genial, hospitable, and unsuspecting people of the Jewish diaspora's latest HOST NATION !!
(see the "Kitos War" where the Jews suddenly and unexpectedly... rose up and SLAUGHTERED their unsuspecting neighbors; the entire non-Jewish population of Cypress and other then Greek/Roman cities of the North Africa & Eastern Med. Roman empire, where Jews were only 1/3rd of the population but succeeded in wiping out the other 2/3rds!)
The first prong of the Judeo war on humanity should by now be obvious to everybody:it is sitting right there, in plain English, in the cold, cruel,
black-&-white pages of the Hebrew so-called "holy" (sic) bible "Old Testament"...
(although the sheer ferocity of the Jews' serial wars on their "idolaters" neighbors is candy-coated and smoothed-around-the-edges in the Sunday school propaganda narrative that has been taughtfor centuries in Christ-ian churches across Europe and the world)...whereby Jews, upon having the power and opportunity to do so, wage war, conquer, SLAUGHTER, & EXTERMINATE the neighbors, and steal their land, plunder their wealth, property, & flocks, and massacre the survivors - except for the sexually attractive young virgin girls who are seized as sex slaves. (See our continued discussion below.)
The SECOND PRONG of the JEWISH WAR ON HUMANITY is also a very ancient social strategy and set of tactics from the earliest days of human settlement (and civilization), which we will name and try to discuss more fully in a future post,
but for now Max Keiser captures the ruthless cruelty inherent in that ancient social tactic:
another tribe FROM WITHIN...
When Max says
"GODDAMN SACHS is like an ARSONIST who takes an order for 50 lbs. of charcoal.. then BURNS DOWN YOUR HOUSE to fill bags with charcoal from the ruins to fill that order"
he is actually discussing the financial flavor of SABOTAGE of a host tribe or nation's social cohesion, strength, & stability, from withinthat tribe or nation:
- economic sabotage that WEAKENS a tribe, kingdom, nation, or empire
in exactly the same(if slightly less dramatic)way as arming, training, equipping, and supplying an army that marches off to battle... but is defeated and wiped out also reduces that nation's power & strength.
But the genius of this particular episode
- just one of many of Max's tirades against the FINANCIAL predator/PARASITES of GoddamnSachs -
is that he captures, better than anyone we have seen or read or heard anywhere else, just how the American people have been LOBOTOMIZED to NOT NOTICE this TREASONOUS, economic SABOTAGE, TREACHERY & INTENTIONAL DESTRUCTION from WITHIN agenda:
"...because the [American] COLLECTIVE MEMORY has been BURNT OFF... there IS NO collective memory, it's what Gil Scott Heron referred to as "the UNITED STATES of AMNESIA."
[note: Max hits on an excellent point re modern "electronic""instant gratification": whereby in old-style, "primitive warfare" combat that dominated over the vast majority of human history, the tribe would unite behind war leaders; the warriors of the tribe would march off on arduous, hazardous, and potentially fatal campaigns for the prospect of the loot & plunder that accompanied victory. In today's modern, hyper-industrialized economies era, in a short, easy trip down to the local "big box store" you can amass more physical products - gold, jewelry, stoves, refrigerators, food, drink, any and all consumer goods - than any warrior of ancient times could hope to bring home on his horse. So today's electronic media and consumer consumption economies can EASILY DUPLICATE the MATERIAL WEALTH of ancient victory in combat: that leaves the whole goal of adventure, sci-fi and other dramatic movie productions is to try to duplicate the THRILL OF VICTORY & CONQUEST - however ephemeral or vicarious it may have been... then or now! For example, only so many thousands of Greek warriors were actually involved in the Trojan Wars... but tens of thousands of Greeks experienced the thrill of victory & defeat vicariously, through Homer's "Illiad" and other poems & plays by other Greek writers. Electronic media can overwhelm the senses far more easily than an ancient Greek play or drama... even if the modern plot-line is garbage.]...because the MEDIA MANIPULATORS have SKILLFULLY MANIPULATED the America mind
to be narcissistic, self-centered, emotionally volatile, psychologically vulnerable...
and thus incapable of connecting the simplest dots, or even remembering what happened - or what was said and told - just yesterday!!
(The most obvious recent example is that the Bush-Cheney-Wolfowitz-Chertoff administration told us Americans that "IRAQ WAS PRODUCING 'Weapons of MASS-DESTRUCTION'," and that "SADDAM was CONNECTED to the [alleged by U.S. gov't.] 9-11 al Qaeda hijack terrorists!"
yet when both contentions were proven to be OUTRAGEOUS LIES, the American people snoozed and quickly forgot about those SERIAL LIES... and the America people have FORGOTTEN, as well, about the 1 MILLION IRAQIS KILLED since the illegal, unprovoked, and mass-murderous U.S. invasion - and, more importantly, most Americans today have FORGOTTEN ABOUT the HELL-HOLE that Iraq has become ever since the 'PNAC' JEWISH WAR LOBBY ORCHESTRATED WARS there instigated and INTENTIONALLY UNLEASHED murderous sectarian violence there, per the "Oded Yinon" Israel plan to insidiously conquer the region by dividing and having the neighbors slaughter each other.)
Max: "Goldman Sachs is like an arsonist, who takes an order for 50 lbs. of charcoal, and then BURNS DOWN YOUR HOUSE, and collects the charcoal for the sale."
In this sentence, Max SPECIFICALLY DETAILS just ONEmeans whereby the JUDEO INFILTRATION of America attempts to use ECONOMIC SABOTAGE to KILL off people of the host nation:
when GOVT CUTS OFF your [access to]HEALTH CARE...that's genocide."
John Rappaport, in a discussion on "WHO RUNS THE WORLD" also captures the "American" corporate media's ability to IMPOSE A FALSE NARRATIVE,
or FALSE REALITY on Americans viewers through artificially created news, entertainment, and "infotainment" narratives,
including MASSIVE gov't. / MEDIA PRODUCTIONS such as the "staged" or "false-flag'Boston Marathon bombing, the Sandy Hook "shooting massacre"; the 9-11 false flag TREASON/terror attacks... or the mass-murderous U.S. invasions of Afghanistan & Libya and the U.S. global "war on terror" that ACTUALLY SUPPORTS TERRORISTS WIPING OUT ENTIRE POPULATIONS in the Mideast... with the intention of DIRECTING WAVES of MILLIONS of terrorized & traumatized, terrorist infiltrated refugees in to FLOOD and DESTROY EUROPEAN society as well!)
(at about 10:57)
Most people who work for the Hollywood image factory are just trying to get by, just trying to make a living. They sniff which way the wind blows and try to make a product that will be popular with current trends. People go into a dark movie theater for 2 hours to vicariously pick up the energy displayed on screen.
They leave the theater with this vicarious energy
(even though every person has in his own mind the latent energy of creatiity.... )
(at about 13:32)
Hollywood draws people in to watch the movies portraying a sense of energy on the flickering screen...If you sit in a darkened theater for 2 hours you will vicariously get a sense of energy. That formula is a complete reversal on the truth which is that the individual has unlimited energy of his own or her own, if he can just tap into it, create it, invent it.
Hollywood is energy by proxy, you are not doing it, [you are sitting there in the theater letting the images and sounds wash over you]
Hollywood tries to blast you into a realm where you think that the only way to get this energy is to sit in a darkened theater, or a large Concert Hall,or in your living room watching a large flat screen TV.Also of course there is a perversion of any sense of morality, of any sense of real Humanity that pervades many of the Productions of the Hollywood [image] industry.......that further degrades people and convinces them that life itself is not a pretty picture and doesn't even have the potential to be.
So yes Hollywood [paraphrasing -the image industry is definitely involved in manipulation:
manipulation of public perceptions;manipulations of public behavior;manipulations of public attitudes and values;
manipulation of the individual's perceptionsand mental manipulation in the form of Mind Control, subtle or invasive....
The creation of a false reality that Rappaport calls "THE LARGE MURAL" that suits the interests of only the small minority that helped create it - often if not usually to the detriment of the greater public at Large...]
We try to outline and detail the second two the 3 major prongs of the Jewish, JUDEO SUPREMACIST WAR against HUMANITY.
The first prong of the Judeo war on humanity should by now be obvious to everybody: it is sitting right there, in plain English, in the cold, cruel, black-&-white pages of the Hebrew so-called "holy" (sic) bible "Old Testament".... (although the sheer ferocity of the Jews' serial wars on their "idolaters" neighbors is candy-coated and smoothed-around-the-edges in the Sunday school propaganda narrative that has been taught for centuries in Christ-ian churches across Europe and the world) ...where Jews, upon having the power and opportunity to do so, wage war, SLAUGHTER, & EXTERMINATE the neighbors, and steal their land, plunder their wealth, property, and flocks, and massacre the survivors except for the sexually attractive young virgin girls who are seized as sex slaves. (See our continued discussion below the videos.) The SECOND PRONG of the JEWISH WAR ON HUMANITY is also a very ancient social strategy and tactics from the earliest days of human settlement (and civilization), which we will name and try to discuss more fully in a future post, but for now Max Keiser captures the ruthless cruelty inherent in that ancient social tactic: the DESTRUCTION of anther tribe FROM WITHIN, by SABOTAGE!
This is typical behavior of all tribes, nations, kingdoms, empires and people; especially in the hyper-aggressive, ever ending conflicts between tribes and empires of the Fertile Crescent, the Ancient Near East (what today is called "the Near East" or Mesopotamia (a much more recent Greek word) the brutal environment where Judaism and the tribes of Levi, Judah, Benjamin, and other Hebrew tribes tried to hack out a precarious existence among ferociously warlike petty kings and between great empires. Like all predators and war tribes, the Jews were opportunistic, prefering to attack neighbors where the probability of victory was high, and the risk of being exterminated low.
As "The War Nerd" explains, PRIMITIVE WAR is the standard model for human conduct over the centuries; and the essence of "primitive war" is to massacre and slaughter the neighboring tribes, except to grab a certain percentage of the young women to introduce a little genetic diversity into the your victorious tribe. As the bible relates, the Hebrews were no different from their neighbors, enacting cruel revenge on their enemies when they captured them in battle; and suffering the same fate when they were captured. Since Judaism is rooted in this ancient, ferociously warlike era of perpetual conflict and hate, the Jews PREFERRED METHOD of DEALING WITH THE NEIGHBORS is to CONQUER THEM in open warfare: this is the singular, powerful undercurrent of tribal Judaism,
when Jews recite their #1. prayer, "HEAR, O ISRAEL"
it is.... essentially a WAR CRY! a CALL TO WAR, a call to GATHER AS A TRIBE in preparation to GOING TO WAR with the enemy... especially when the NEIGHBORS are WEAK and the OPPORTUNITY for PLUNDER and CONQUEST ARE HIGH...
and as well when "the neighbors" are the clueless, duped, genial, hospitable, and unsuspecting people of the Jewish diaspora's latest HOST NATION !!
(see the "Kitos War" where the Jews suddenly and unexpectedly... rose up and SLAUGHTERED their unsuspecting neighbors; the entire non-Jewish population of Cypress and other then Greek/Roman cities of the North Africa & Eastern Med. Roman empire, where Jews were only 1/3rd of the population but succeeded in wiping out the other 2/3rds!)