Donald Trump rips, bashes, smashes, demolishes,eviscerates
Neo-Con “Loser” Bill Kristol...
& the entire evil "they want to kill people"
(when we are told that "Fox founder RUPERT MURDOCH is not Jewish"..
they always omit mention that his 'Fox' corp. co-FOUNDING PARTNER, BARRY DILLER, is!)
...who INTEND to CONFUSE, seduce, emasculate, terrorize, mesmerize, and lobotomize their clueless American viewers, to support not only the eternal Zio-Nazi genocidal wars of ENSLAVEMENT & EXTERMINATION abroad; bu the LOAN-SHARKING financial terrorism and serial ECONOMIC SABOTAGE & SERIAL financial RAPES & DEBT ENSLAVEMENT of Americans, and of the American economy here at home]
and the RUBINITE-GREENSPAN-BERNANKE-YELLEN-LEW serial FINANCIAL TERRORISM and serial ECONOMIC "bailouts" RAPES... DO WORK! They have been VERY, VERY GOOD to israel based JEW BILLIONAIRES & multimillionaires... they have TRANSFERRED $21+ _TRILLION_ dollars FROM the AMERICAN PEOPLE... to hyper-wealthy jews, like Sheldon Adleson, Haim Saban, Vivi Nevo, Ron Perlman, Edgar Bronfman, etc. etc. etc.)
Here's the jewish owned Bloomberg 'news' practically BRAGGING that their guy -
the "brilliant" PAUL WOLFOWITZ who DIDN'T DO ANYTHING to protect Americans from any threat in the long summer before 9-11, and who BOTCHED the Iraq occupation - is being PROMOTED to World Bank after - Bloomberg's words! - being "the architect of the Iraq War" that most Americans regard as a bloody, costly fiasco!
We've been greatly concerned that Mr. Trump seems to be climbing in bed with Jewish mob boss and Casino (gulag) billionaire Sheldon Adelson over the last week or two; reportedly Mr. Trump will accept $100 million from Zio-Nazi 'sugar daddy"& casino mob boss Sheldon Adelson...
Mr. Trump will, according to reports, accept $100 million from Zio-Nazi judeo supremacist, "israel UBER amerika" kingpin SHELDON ADELSON, the sugar-daddy and undisputed "KING MAKER" of the 'American' Republican Party (at least up till now)
- which we believe could be fatal to Mr. Trump's pledges of independence and doing what is best for America; and could potentially be fatal to Mr. Trump's life as well; if, after having "sold his campaign out" to Adelson, he doesn't toe the Zio-Nazi line as they will believe they are entitled to demand after such an expenditure. But yesterday we watched an excellent Trump speech in a short video clip posted at, and we take heart that at least Trump understands the problem... even if his taking money from Adelson is akin to hand-feeding a rabbit to... a starving 500 lb. python!
But for now, we can celebrate Mr. Trump's success in DEMOLISHING the "establishment" AND "NEO-CON" wings of BOTH the Republican AND Democrat Party: even Democrat Party insiders are quaking at the prospect that Trump will SAVAGE Hillary Clinton in any presidential debates over her role in HANDING LIBYA & SYRIA OVER TO TERRORISTS, and Mr. Trump certainly obliterated the career political candidates of the Rethuglican Party, going through them like a buzz-saw through a birthday cake.
And Mr. Trump has certainly showed JOHN KERRY to be the LIAR, a TRAITOR, a COWARD and an abjectly incompetent "leader" of the Democrat Party,
because TRUMP DEMOLISHED the JEB BUSH candidacy, by ATTACKING the horrific record of pResident George W. Bush on 9-11 and the days & weeks leading up to it
(and the equally horrific record of the months leading up to the Bush-Cheney-Wolfowitz administration'sMarch 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, based on serial lies including "WMD's" and an attempt to SCAPEGOAT Saddam's regime for the alleged "9-11 al Qaeda Arab hijackers" - when even the most novice of Middle East observers knows that Saddam's Baathist regime hated both Sunni & Shiite fundamentalists of the sort the U.S. government under Bush-Cheney-Wolfo c. claimed the alleged hijackers were) - ALL of which JOHN KERRY could not, or refused to do in his pathetic 2004 campaign against the clueless, 9-11 presiding dupe pResident George W. Bush !!
Neo-Con “Loser” Bill Kristol...
& the entire evil "they want to kill people"
Neo-Con agenda...
Donald Trump BLASTS Bill Kristol - an influential 'neo-con' israel UBER amerika, 'PNAC' warmonger & FOX 'news' WHORE |
"one of the reasons they hate me so much, is because THEY have been WRONG so often.[because Fox 'news' - and ALL the corporate media - are owned by ZIO-NAZI JEW TRAITORS
One of these guys who hates me, nobody has even heard of this guy, I shouldn't [mention him] because no one has even heard of him, but he's a real light-weight, his name is Bill Kristol... this poor guy...
This is what I DON'T UNDERSTAND: WHY do you [corp. media, in this case Fox 'news'] KEEP PUTTING THIS GUY ON television WHO'S BEEN PROVEN TO BE WRONG for so many years?!
(when we are told that "Fox founder RUPERT MURDOCH is not Jewish"..
they always omit mention that his 'Fox' corp. co-FOUNDING PARTNER, BARRY DILLER, is!)
...who INTEND to CONFUSE, seduce, emasculate, terrorize, mesmerize, and lobotomize their clueless American viewers, to support not only the eternal Zio-Nazi genocidal wars of ENSLAVEMENT & EXTERMINATION abroad; bu the LOAN-SHARKING financial terrorism and serial ECONOMIC SABOTAGE & SERIAL financial RAPES & DEBT ENSLAVEMENT of Americans, and of the American economy here at home]
First of all, HE WANTS THE WAR IN IRAQ,HE WANTS IRAQ... ALL THE GUY WANTS TO DOis KILL PEOPLEand GO TO WAR & KILL PEOPLE, even though he knows it's not working; although he doesn't know, because he's not smart enough. But... I was AGAINST the war in Iraq, let me tell you!"(What Mr. Trump doesn't quite understand... is that the NEO-CON WARS,
and the RUBINITE-GREENSPAN-BERNANKE-YELLEN-LEW serial FINANCIAL TERRORISM and serial ECONOMIC "bailouts" RAPES... DO WORK! They have been VERY, VERY GOOD to israel based JEW BILLIONAIRES & multimillionaires... they have TRANSFERRED $21+ _TRILLION_ dollars FROM the AMERICAN PEOPLE... to hyper-wealthy jews, like Sheldon Adleson, Haim Saban, Vivi Nevo, Ron Perlman, Edgar Bronfman, etc. etc. etc.)
Here's the jewish owned Bloomberg 'news' practically BRAGGING that their guy -
the "brilliant" PAUL WOLFOWITZ who DIDN'T DO ANYTHING to protect Americans from any threat in the long summer before 9-11, and who BOTCHED the Iraq occupation - is being PROMOTED to World Bank after - Bloomberg's words! - being "the architect of the Iraq War" that most Americans regard as a bloody, costly fiasco!
We've been greatly concerned that Mr. Trump seems to be climbing in bed with Jewish mob boss and Casino (gulag) billionaire Sheldon Adelson over the last week or two; reportedly Mr. Trump will accept $100 million from Zio-Nazi 'sugar daddy"& casino mob boss Sheldon Adelson...
if Mr. Trump takes his marching orders from AIPAC as the above powerful senate- & congress-whores "Democrat" women do... can he be anything more than "more of the same"? |
Mr. Trump will, according to reports, accept $100 million from Zio-Nazi judeo supremacist, "israel UBER amerika" kingpin SHELDON ADELSON, the sugar-daddy and undisputed "KING MAKER" of the 'American' Republican Party (at least up till now)
- which we believe could be fatal to Mr. Trump's pledges of independence and doing what is best for America; and could potentially be fatal to Mr. Trump's life as well; if, after having "sold his campaign out" to Adelson, he doesn't toe the Zio-Nazi line as they will believe they are entitled to demand after such an expenditure. But yesterday we watched an excellent Trump speech in a short video clip posted at, and we take heart that at least Trump understands the problem... even if his taking money from Adelson is akin to hand-feeding a rabbit to... a starving 500 lb. python!
But for now, we can celebrate Mr. Trump's success in DEMOLISHING the "establishment" AND "NEO-CON" wings of BOTH the Republican AND Democrat Party: even Democrat Party insiders are quaking at the prospect that Trump will SAVAGE Hillary Clinton in any presidential debates over her role in HANDING LIBYA & SYRIA OVER TO TERRORISTS, and Mr. Trump certainly obliterated the career political candidates of the Rethuglican Party, going through them like a buzz-saw through a birthday cake.
And Mr. Trump has certainly showed JOHN KERRY to be the LIAR, a TRAITOR, a COWARD and an abjectly incompetent "leader" of the Democrat Party,
because TRUMP DEMOLISHED the JEB BUSH candidacy, by ATTACKING the horrific record of pResident George W. Bush on 9-11 and the days & weeks leading up to it
(and the equally horrific record of the months leading up to the Bush-Cheney-Wolfowitz administration'sMarch 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, based on serial lies including "WMD's" and an attempt to SCAPEGOAT Saddam's regime for the alleged "9-11 al Qaeda Arab hijackers" - when even the most novice of Middle East observers knows that Saddam's Baathist regime hated both Sunni & Shiite fundamentalists of the sort the U.S. government under Bush-Cheney-Wolfo c. claimed the alleged hijackers were) - ALL of which JOHN KERRY could not, or refused to do in his pathetic 2004 campaign against the clueless, 9-11 presiding dupe pResident George W. Bush !!