The PURPOSE of AMERICAN (Britain, France, NATO, etc.)
foreign power UNDER evil JEW DOMINATION... is MASS-MURDER...
exactly as they did to 8 million Americans who died in the 'Fed' financiers'
ENGINEERED decade of starvation, malnutrition, stress, exposure, & government brutality, "the great depression" 1929-1942.
[Writing about the WESTERN ENGINEERED"Arab Springs" which were NOT about freedoms, liberty, and democratic governments... but were about MASS-MURDER and
through FAMINE, food-seizures, property confiscations, and taxes or rents that drove millions of people to BELOW SUBSISTENCE LEVELS, as in the IRISH FAMINE / HOLOCAUST, or in the Belgian King Leopold II killing of 10 MILLION AFRICANS in the so-called "Belgian Free State Congo"in the late 1800s... with, as ever, Judeo financed British, Dutch, Belgian, French (& etc.) shipping agents, merchants and industries willing profiteers
from the misery and massacres of millions of native Africans ]
On behalf of his Rostchilds masters, genuine "Judenrat"
(= a Jew who COLLABORATED with the NAZI DEATH CAMPS) Gregori Swarz,
aka GEORGE SOROS wants 350 million stupified Americans
to UNLEASH NUCLEAR WAR on 143 million Russians...
+ Iranians, Pakistanis, Chinese, (& etc.) & Europeans be damned!
in the cross-fire as well...
Hillary Clinton's spokesperson - VICTORIA NUDLEMAN KAGAN - became the Obama's administration's ASSISTANT SECRETARY of STATE under Hillary & currently under John Kerry...
where she directed FIVE BILLION U.S. taxpayer dollars to WHIP UP A MURDEROUS COUP in the Ukraine,
to kill not only Ukrainians... but to get the hapless, stupified Ukrainians to KILL RUSSIANS, and Russian speaking Eastern Ukrainians for them.
After the World Bank & IMF get through with them,
UKRAINIANS get NOTHING from the 'bargain' by DEBT EXTORTION...and to watch their nation CARVED UP by the evil Jews' CATHOLIC, POLISH ALLIES....
Oh... did we mention that so-called
"LIBERAL DEMOCRAT" Victoria Nudleman Kagan
the BLATANTLY Right-Wing RETHUGLICAN'PNAC' founding co-Chairman?
'PNAC'the ISRAEL RUN jewish WAR LOBBYmasquerading as "AMERICAN" that was
the FORCEBEHIND the BUSH-CHENEY-WOLFOWITZ presidency - including the STOLEN ELECTION of 2000, the 9-11 DERELICTION OF DUTY**, and of course the 2003 Iraq war.
**(actually.... TREASON, but let's go with "mere incompetence" for argument's sake)
Do we see a theme here...???
and their FAVORITE TACTIC to get this "desired outcome"
of a policy going,
the TRAITOR "American" jew editor
the DEMONIC roots of all this GLOBAL WAR breaking out at hands of the U.S. government and it's fellow "civilized western nations" partners in crimes, hate, & genocide:
the roots of America's "judeo/christ-ian" culture is PURE HATE...
and the drive to perpetrate GENOCIDE mass-murder and exterminations,
AS HORRIFICALLY AS POSSIBLE, to terrorize all of humanity...
foreign power UNDER evil JEW DOMINATION... is MASS-MURDER...
and this HATE & VIOLENCE directed overseas is...
ALSO INTENDED to KILL MILLIONS of AMERICANS... exactly as they did to 8 million Americans who died in the 'Fed' financiers'
ENGINEERED decade of starvation, malnutrition, stress, exposure, & government brutality, "the great depression" 1929-1942.
![]() |
'Demorat' WAR PIG FIENDS sHillary, kerry, Pelosi, debbie wasserman (schultz)... DEMOCRAT MASS-MURDERERS all: in exchange for millions of dollars of LEGALIZED BRIBES jew 'campaign donations'- much of it from a FOREIGN nation, the RACIST, APARTHEID demon jew state (israhell) - these MURDEROUS & CORRUPT politicians unleash TERRORISTS & MASS-MURDER against the people of Iraq, Libya, SYRIA... including POISON GAS ATTACKS perpetrated by US, Saudi, & Turkey directed terrorists in SYRIA... BLAMED ON THE VICTIMS! That this EVIL JEWISH HATE is aimed not only at Syrians...and Iranians, and RUSSIANS, ANDCHINA... but against AMERICANSTOO! is hinted by the right panel where Jew-Nazi Congress-Whore traitor DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ tries to paint Americans DISGUSTED with the ZIO-NAZI TREASON & MASS-MURDER 'Neo-Con' agenda (whether from the Kristol/Wolfowitz/kissinger/KAGAN "Republican Right" or from the SOROS, Wasserman, Emanuel, Lieberman... KAGAN 'left') as "EXTREMISTS" - not-so-quietly hinting that the JEW-NAZI RUN DHS, military, FBI, & government should be able to launch DRONE MISSILE ATTACKS to MURDER CIVILIANS HERE IN AMERICA without trial... or even arrest (see below). THESE ARE VERY EVIL PEOPLE (the Republican "establishment" is the blatantly genocidal flip-side of the SAME JEW-NAZI billionaires run 'liberal Demorat' coin) who ARE SELLING HUMANITY DOWN THE RIVER to the torrents of TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS of JEW MONEY $$ the "Fed"'bankers' [SLAVE-TRADING LOAN-SHARKS & GENOCIDE PERPETRATING FINANCIERS] "print-up" every 2 years as part of their 'legalized' extortion, so-called "Quantitative Easing" = permanent "BAILOUTS" for criminal financiers... |
at this point, there are NO LONGER ANY
"innocent victims" in America... you are either a STUPID and/or greedy/evil
"innocent victims" in America... you are either a STUPID and/or greedy/evil
ZIO-NAZI COLLABORATOR... or you are fighting the good fight...
for humanity, freedom, human dignity, & American sovereignty
Lord Acton: "The PRINCIPLE |
The elites who run governments are
ALWAYS looking for excuses to CRACK DOWN
on anyone that threatens their reign...
(this willingness of ruling 'elites' to use violence to maintain their status is universal among all peoples, races, nations, empires & ethnic groups, or tribes, of course... just exactly as the tendency of "elites" to fragment and tear themselves apart in brother vs brother violence (civil war) is...
as is so accurately depicted in the bible)
and Judaism simply CODIFIES this HATE
of the RULERS over the ruled...
- in particular the HATE of NON-JEWS -
as the "divine" driving, motive force of Jewish finance, politics... and of the very ethnic identity of Judaism in & of itself,
of the RULERS over the ruled...
- in particular the HATE of NON-JEWS -
as the "divine" driving, motive force of Jewish finance, politics... and of the very ethnic identity of Judaism in & of itself,
among many, many other born-&-raised Jews who explain this insidious hate, loathing,
& treachery of their non-Jewish neighbors that is inherent in judeo supremacist ethnic identity...
or simply read the talmud or bible!)
or simply read the talmud or bible!)
which, through the titanic "leverage" of the privately owned, Jewish controlled "Federal Reserve,""Bank of England, " European Central Bank, IMF, World Bank, & BIS, abjectly control every nation of the so-called "civilized West" - with an agenda of mass-murder genocide, hate, & nuclear-armed global destruction...
The Road to Damascus: theANGLO-AMERICAN[judeo driven!!] ASSAULT on Syria
by Brandon Tubeville, 2013
"...the thesis of this book is relatively simple: that the Syrian "rebels" are NOTHING MORE than FUNDAMENTALISTS and MERCENARY TERRORISTS who are TRAINED, ORGANIZED, and DIRECTED by theAnglo-American[JUDEO!] powers in an effort to DESTROY the Syrian government (or at least weaken it to the point of being unable to resist a direct military assault) and to install an INEPT and severely attenuated PUPPET GOVERNMENT.
This DESTRUCTION of SYRIA is simply the LAST STEPPING STONE TO IRAN, and, after that, a conflict with both Russia andChina that would likely engulf the entire world.----------------
[Writing about the WESTERN ENGINEERED"Arab Springs" which were NOT about freedoms, liberty, and democratic governments... but were about MASS-MURDER and
through FAMINE, food-seizures, property confiscations, and taxes or rents that drove millions of people to BELOW SUBSISTENCE LEVELS, as in the IRISH FAMINE / HOLOCAUST, or in the Belgian King Leopold II killing of 10 MILLION AFRICANS in the so-called "Belgian Free State Congo"in the late 1800s... with, as ever, Judeo financed British, Dutch, Belgian, French (& etc.) shipping agents, merchants and industries willing profiteers
from the misery and massacres of millions of native Africans ]
ROTHSCHILDS FRONT-MAN & puppet Genocidaire Belgian King Leopold II: TEN MILLION Africans BUTCHERED, MURDERED, ENSLAVED, MASSACRED, & exterminated in "Belgian Free State Congo" late 1800s... |
...the new boss was much the same as the old boss. In these cases, however, the new boss was much more willing to INITIATE VIOLENT CRACKDOWNS to maintain power and to IMPLEMENT DRASTIC AUSTERITY measures to PLACATE the IMF, WORLD BANK, and the international banking cartels and their representatives that had brought these new leaders to power. Yet, as the Arab Spring wore on,
the VENEER of 'organic social demonstrations' grew thinner and thinner until it disappeared entirely in Libya and the OPEN, WESTERN-BACKED NATURE of the insurrection became apparent.
There were no longer massive protests and hoards of mindless youth confronting a government all too willing to dish out repressive responses.[funded not only by FOREIGNERS, but by the so-called "Civilized" and "responsibility to protect" Western nations... WHOSE INTENTIONS were MASS-MURDER & GENOCIDE]
Instead, the Libyan situation was never a protest,IT WAS AN INVASION & INSURRECTION - violent from the world "go" -
- and intent on THE DESTRUCTION of LIBYA as a power and Ghaddaffi as a symbol of Arab nationalism and African defiance.
When the "Arab Spring" rolled around to Syria, anyone capable of exercising even a modicum of of analytical observation was aware that the DISRUPTION of the country was NOTHING MORE than WESTERN AGITATION,
a DESTABILIZATION EFFORT organized, funded, and directed by the [JUDEO RUN!] 'traditional' Anglo-American NATO powers: the United States, Britain, and France as well as the rest of the gaggle of European nations.
Like Libya, the Syrian "spring" was VIOLENT FROM the very beginning, with DEATH SQUAD ASSASSINS aiming their sniper rifles not only at security personnel but at women and children...
On behalf of his Rostchilds masters, genuine "Judenrat"
(= a Jew who COLLABORATED with the NAZI DEATH CAMPS) Gregori Swarz,
aka GEORGE SOROS wants 350 million stupified Americans
to UNLEASH NUCLEAR WAR on 143 million Russians...
+ Iranians, Pakistanis, Chinese, (& etc.) & Europeans be damned!
in the cross-fire as well...
Hillary Clinton's spokesperson - VICTORIA NUDLEMAN KAGAN - became the Obama's administration's ASSISTANT SECRETARY of STATE under Hillary & currently under John Kerry...
where she directed FIVE BILLION U.S. taxpayer dollars to WHIP UP A MURDEROUS COUP in the Ukraine,
to kill not only Ukrainians... but to get the hapless, stupified Ukrainians to KILL RUSSIANS, and Russian speaking Eastern Ukrainians for them.
After the World Bank & IMF get through with them,
UKRAINIANS get NOTHING from the 'bargain' by DEBT EXTORTION...and to watch their nation CARVED UP by the evil Jews' CATHOLIC, POLISH ALLIES....
for the Kagans and all the other Evil Jew wars-fomenting mass-murderers.Oh... did we mention that so-called
"LIBERAL DEMOCRAT" Victoria Nudleman Kagan
the BLATANTLY Right-Wing RETHUGLICAN'PNAC' founding co-Chairman?
'PNAC'the ISRAEL RUN jewish WAR LOBBYmasquerading as "AMERICAN" that was
the FORCEBEHIND the BUSH-CHENEY-WOLFOWITZ presidency - including the STOLEN ELECTION of 2000, the 9-11 DERELICTION OF DUTY**, and of course the 2003 Iraq war.
**(actually.... TREASON, but let's go with "mere incompetence" for argument's sake)
Just as Queen CATHERINE de MEDICIsurveyed her MURDEROUS, MASSACRE HANDIWORK at the top of this post, so too did the EVIL JEWESS, Victoria Nudleman-KAGAN survey HER MURDEROUS COUP HANDIWORK in Kiev, Ukraine, in 2013. The MURDERED CORPSES in the above right were but a PRELUDE to the THOUSANDS of people who have been MURDERED in JEW RUN UKRAINE ever since... |
Do we see a theme here...???
the insane jews are NEVER SATISFIED until they start total annihilation World War III.... and their FAVORITE TACTIC to get this "desired outcome"
of a policy going,
is to STAGE TERRORISTS ATTACKS all across the world...
then BLAME THE VICTIMS, and then bring on their bribed,
bought-off, extorted, & blackmailed governments
to finish the MASS-MURDEROUS
work they started....
AMERICAN AUTHOR Michael Collins Piper was KILLED.... assassinated, MURDERED by JEW WAR PIGS for writing his exposes of the Jewish directed LIES to INVADE IRAQ in 2003, "THE HIGH PRIESTS of WAR" and for his prior book "FINAL JUDGEMENT" - documenting how the Jews were the most powerful force behind the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. |
As "CRIMINAL STATE" author Jeffrey Gates has written, the Jew billionaires and their agents have considered the U.S. presidency to be their WHOLLY OWNED vassal for 100 years... and will MURDER ANYONE, including U.S. presidents,
to keep control over the executive branch of that most powerful nation on earth...
the TRAITOR "American" jew editor
of the Atlanta Jew Times demands !!
the DEMONIC roots of all this GLOBAL WAR breaking out at hands of the U.S. government and it's fellow "civilized western nations" partners in crimes, hate, & genocide:
the roots of America's "judeo/christ-ian" culture is PURE HATE...
and the drive to perpetrate GENOCIDE mass-murder and exterminations,
AS HORRIFICALLY AS POSSIBLE, to terrorize all of humanity...