Channel: The Jewish Wars
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We Have a TREAT for our readers this weekend: This wonderful video of GOBEKLI TEPI 10,000 B.C., LINKS, BRIDGES, CONNECTS early human CAVE ART (100,000+/- B.C.) with the Predecessor Temple of ALL our Ancient and "modern" Religions..?

 We Have a treat for our readers this weekend: we proudly & humbly present 
this wonderful video we discovered, the best yet we have seen
about   GOBEKLI TEPI, the mysterious 10,000 b.c. proto-settlements era temple complex composed of  stone-age megaliths & temple like structures in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey)
that  LINKS, BRIDGES, CONNECTS us 'modern'21st century humans  with our earliest humans relatives and their proto-religions worship of natural spirits 
(most commonly understand in terms of  CAVE ART100,000 - 50,000 B.C.)
with  what, at Gobekli Tepi, may well be one of the main predecessor sites to all our ancient and"modern" religions:  the structures and cult rites known of throughout "the fertile crescent" 
- if only through myth, legend, and hero worship- for millennia  before even the rise of Egypt,  Sumer or any of  the other earliest known civilizations.


Our sympathies go out to Mr. David Icke:  as on of the first "modern" researchers in the post-WWII era "free world" (when Nazi "anti-Semitism" racism was so thoroughly reviled)
 to investigate the breadth, depth, and ferocity of the vast Jewish CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY against Britain, America, Europe, (the entire Western world)and all of humanity, Mr. Icke did not have much intellectual or investigative support in the "mainstream" media & academic world, and working in a vacuum it is easy to become  isolated and start to drift from reality,  emotionally if not intellectually!
  But for us here at TheJewishWars
the CONNECTION between humanity & reptilians was never very much in doubt: 
 mammals are merely genetically modified reptiles 
(in the same way that birds are also genetically modified reptiles, and that reptiles are genetically modified amphibians)  
and the "highly evolved software of our advance mammalian brains"
is hardwired on to a very pronounced reptilian core or base.

   The fundamental human motive of  "FIGHT... OR FLIGHT"
is essentially a reptilian assessment 
- a THREAT ASSESSMENT of  one's immediate surroundings that does not typically involve higher intellectual processing - as are our drives to procreated, to eat, to assert territoriality;  and to sulk and exhibit jealousy and resentment -  all of which behaviors  so typical of humans are quite typical in, and well developed in reptiles.
 Indeed, both reptiles and insects mastered the fundamental hunting techniques - prized by millennia of  human as well as other primordial mammalian predators: of both ambush and the stalking hunt - which (examples of hunting prowess) are the core of much human hero-worship over the centuries.

  So getting back to this video, the producer/narrator does a fantastic job of outlining the possible connections between the  religious motives and rituals of  in early humans in their earliest 'advanced' cultural settings;  and those early, organized,  shaman or priest-like close and studied  observations of  animal life and complex animal behaviors.
 In particular the video demonstrates how early EGYPTIANS WORSHIPED & VENERATED the powers of many animals, in this case particularly  of  snakes - and the ancient Egyptians  styled if not modeled their rulers, the Pharaohs, as being divinely endowed with the magical if not god-like properties of snakes and the gods which were represented by snakes,  gods with snake-like attributes.
   This brief video discussion into the Egyptian symbolism and attributes of snakes in relation to higher (developed) religion and more sophisticated culture of dynastic Egypt is a fascinating introduction, or opening-of-the-door, into our human mind's deep,  primordial roots in reptilian behavior.... and reptilian brains!

  The Turkish  author (producer, narrator, illustrator) of the Gobekli Tepi documentary does an outstanding job of  capturing the REPTILIAN features - the REPTILIAN IMAGE willfully and intentionally PROJECTED by the Egyptian ruler, sitting on his throne on what could be primordial desert night tenshundreds of thousands of years ago...
the hooded cobra - ready to strike - 
sitting atop the Pharaoh's crown, 
the UREAS (see below) projecting from his forehead, 
  is magnified by the Pharaoh's entire upper body 
taking on the form & appearance of a hooded cobra, 

ready to strike.... by intent!
Pharaoh looks quite reptillian - sinister, MENACING,
& COBRA like - surrounded by his aides
on a primordial desert night.  
 This exceptional illustration captures how 
Civilization has ALWAYS been in CONFLICT,
in tension between...
and the sinisister power to destroy 
"the good"... 

According to the Hebrew, jewish bible, 
MOSES (with halo) confronts Pharaoh, and prepares to humiliate Pharaoh's magicians 

 Moses' staff turned serpent
 DEVOURS the staff-turned serpents of  Pharoh's priests...
"proving" for millions upon hundreds of millions of bible readers, that "god triumphed over Pharaoh"
(the entire story is myth,  pure fiction narrative) 

not only "higher" mammals, and birds
(here the falcon headed Horus, left)  but REPTILES too, in particular deadly snakes...
(ureas, the cobra-head symbol of Upper Egypt, 
 projects from Pharaoh's forehead, 
signaling divine powers and divine protection) 

Egypt - Egyptians PROUDLY incorporated REPTILE & SNAKE themes in to their cosmos, deities, & afterlife...
snakes - whose ability to shed skin (and hibernate?) suggested IMMORTALITY,  proudly worked in to their cosmology....
and their highly desired AFTERLIFE...
by hard-working, creative, intelligent, sophisticated ancient Egyptians.    
The essence of  judaism is to DENIGRATE ALL non-Jews
(as an excuse to ERADICATE them, take over their lands and to replace them, i.e. typical BRONZE-AGE CONQUEST & EXTERMINATION of any neighboring tribes - but usually by INSIDIOUS TREACHERY from WITHIN that target people, tribe, or nation)  - 

INCLUDING WIPING ALL the HISTORICAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS and creative genius of  ancient peoples
- INCLUDING the vast accomplishments of ancient Egyptians - 

 OUT of the jews' evil  FAUX history,   
FALSE historical narrative...  

Ironically, this ancient, ruthless, relentless, and remorseless
 judeo ethnic/tribal/religious strategy is MORE REPTILIAN  

 "DEVOUR EVERYONE around you" - 

than the Egyptians who venerated deities with reptilian qualities! 

Egypt - the real-life Pharaoh AKHENATON
 (c. 1450)  displays COBRA 'uraes' - 

the  divine (god-like) snake symbol...
and his misshapen, freakish physical characteristics exhibited
 snake-like eyes & features quite naturally!! 

Now we all know that all ancient and prehistoric cultures closely and intensely observed the animals animals, plants (flora & fauna") and natural phenomena around them, the Huns identified with wolves; the Romans were fascinated by lions and eagles, as late as 1,200 ad the Mongols were animists; and of course native American Indian tribes were intimately intertwined with their animal prey (and adversary predators like large bears!) as late as the 19th century... and some remote tribes in the Amazon, New Guinea, etc. as late as the 20th century.
    What "modern" Americans and people worldwide may tend to underestimate is the intelligence, insight, and intensely intellectual curiosity of our human, mankind's forefathers.
  This video is a magnificent inquiry that delves in to one of humanity's very earliest settlements,
Gobekli Tepe in modern Turkey,  which, at 12,000 years ago,  is ancient even by Graham Hancock's estimates of  other "civilized" settlements that may have been flooded & erased from history by the rising sea-levels at  the end of  the last ice-age,  17,000 - 10,000 years ago.  

EGYPT Pharoah's COBRA on forehead = UREAS, 
 which COMMANDED awe, reverence, and submission from thousands of loyal Egyptians in one of humanity's oldest, and certainly longest lived civilizations...

 OSIRIS, the Egyptian god
betrayed & KILLED BY his  BROTHER,
RESURRECTED where he rules over the afterlife

 displays his COBRA (uraes)
(the green coloration of his face denotes the fertility of Egypt's agriculture
regenerating itself every planting season)
 A dominant, perhaps THE DOMINANT THEME of the  hebrew, jewish bible is BROTHER vs BROTHER, for as much as  mentally masturbatory jewish ultra-orthodox rabbis try to justify judeo-supremacism by putting down all the rest of mankind as "SUB-HUMANS" - the bible relates nearly countless instances of BROTHER vs BROTHER:
   in particular, not only Cain vs Abel, Isaac vs Ishmael, Jacob vs Esau, Joseph sold into slavery (and almost certain death) by his brothers....
but most infamously, the story of  NOAH and his three sons...
HIS CHILDREN UNTO ETERNITY are designated as SLAVES to the descendants of his other 2 sons!
    In fact,  JUDEO ELITES  DESPISED WORK as beneath them... which means they REQUIRED SLAVES to do the work,  and the entire Hebrew, Judeo bible is NOTHING BUT an attempt to JUSTIFY JUDEO GENOCIDAL RACISM and their relentless requirement to HAVE SLAVES do their dirty work..

 It should be needless to say,

 that like Osiris' murderous brother SETH,   JEWS are EXEMPLARS of  TREACHERY and DECEIT:  for they come in to a host nation WAILING about wrong and persecutions they have endured and suffered in the past...

....EVEN AS they  PLOT and SCHEME to  OVERTHROW their hosts peoples (who they regard as innately inferior,  mere beasts of burden to be BUTCHERED when no longer able to work)
 including by plotting  OVERT MASSACRES  and genocide and  the brutality of  BEING WORKED TO DEATH and disposed of as slaves past their prime...

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