He [they] has erected a multitude of New Offices,
and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people,
and eat out their [our] substance.
Time for Americans to re- DECLARE their INDEPENDENCE from the international ("globalists") OVER nations & across Borders SLAVE TRADING, genocidal, ruthlessly mass-murderous 'MONEY POWER' Jew-Nazis MOB....
SLAVE TRADING 'Moors': CRUEL 'barabarians'...
IN LEAGUE WITH SAVAGE, brutal, remorseless,
IN LEAGUE WITH SAVAGE, brutal, remorseless,
SLAVERY - WHITE GOLD, millions of Europeans (when you add in Russian, Ukrainian, & East European Slavs) KIDNAPPED & SOLD as SLAVES...
Don't believe us that the JEW-NAZI TRAITORS _behind_ the CFR... and behind the "Natl. Endowment FOR Democracy" ACTUALLY SPONSOR using TERRORISTS to KILL LARGE NUMBERS of people, and to destroy nations??
the JEW TRILLIONAIRES who have a 2,500 years history of PROFITING from the MEDITERRANEAN SLAVE TRADE
today have BILLIONS of dollars to spend
narcississtic, & DELUDED Americans & Europeans
that DICTATORSHIP under BRIBED, EXTORTED, BOUGHT-OFF, & BLACKMAILED legislators and puppet political 'leaders' "represents the will of the people" and what is best for "the people"
of sovereign & independent nations...
As astounding and horrific as it may appear to deluded, IGNORANT, PROPAGANDIZED American boob-tube watching citizens,
the evil JEWISH ALLIANCE with "ISIS" "islamic" jihadist MASS-MURDEROUS TERRORISTS....
...is simply the CONTINUATION of the JEW FINANCIAL NETWORKS FINANCING ruthless, murderous SLAVE-CATCHING EXPEDITIONS (usually run by their Arab "fellow Semites") either deep in to Africa... or deep in to Russia and the Slavic lands... or, during the 2 centuries after Spain's exile of the Moors and Jews alike in 1492, all through the Christian lands of Southern Europe...
SLAVERY (and GENOCIDE) the INEVITABLE consequences of ruthless 'U.S.''REGIME CHANGE' policies... pimped, pushed, INSTIGATED by the TREASONOUS JEW WAR LOBBY in (late) usa....
For most Americans, the story of the American Revolution is more like a series of museum displays with toy soldiers than a series of events that grab our collective imagination. . . .
There was a slogan: “No taxation without representation.” How did that slogan turn out? In 1776, there was no income tax. So, we got our representation, but taxes today are at 40% of our income. Washington extracts 25% of the nation’s output. In 1776, taxes imposed by the British were in the range of 1% in the North, and possibly 3% in the South. I’m ready to make a deal: I’ll give up being represented in Washington, but I’ll get to keep 74% of my income. I’ll work out something else with state and local politicians. Just get Washington out of my pocket.
Jefferson put these words into the Declaration of Independence:
He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.
The Declaration of Independence points a finger at us, and shouts from the grave on behalf of the 56 signers: “What have you done? What have you surrendered in our name? What, in the name of Nature and Nature’s God, do you people think liberty is all about?”
We have no clue. American voters surrender more liberty in one session of Congress than the colonists surrendered to the British crown/Parliament from 1700 to 1776.
This is amazingly and frightfully correct. And it is worse. Consider Jefferson and company regarding less than a thousand officers spread throughout the colonies as “swarms of officers to harass our people and eat out their substance” as a point of remonstrance worth the life-risk of political secession.
Imagine that. And then look at the explosion in our own time of no-knock home invasions by SWAT teams. The rise from a handful of unique exceptions in the 60s and 70s to over 50,000 routine raids by SWAT units in 2005 (over 136 instances per day), often for mundane purposes or even mere suspicions, constitutes a “swarm of officers” homegrown and far beyond anything George III could have dreamed of.
And we have done it to ourselves.
----------------------------------------In a RARE candid - HONEST! - moment, ALEX JONES PULLS THE CURTAIN BACK...
and EXPOSES just WHO IT IS who are REALLY BEHIND... not only AMERICA's mass-murderous, genocidal wars that EXPORT AND CREATE TERRORISM
(to DESTROY nations like Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc.)
but the people who
and PEONS can be CRIMINALIZED & BOUGHT & SOLD on the slave-trading markets!
Mr. Jones EXPLAINS MORE in this short 5 minute video segment (from one of his much, much, much longer 3 hours shows)
... than he does in days, weeks, and months of ranting and raging against "liberals" and "Muslims" - both of whom are nothing but CLUELESS PATSIES in the hands of the EVIL ZIO-NAZI,