another huge post!
We start (below) by presenting three videos that the ADL, SPLC, and other Judeo HATE GROUPS would demonize as "anti-Semitic": FAILING to mention that what they call "anti-Semitism" is,
nine times out of ten, merely QUOTING JEWS in what they say amongst themselves...
or when theyhave the temerity, the arrogance, the racist, chauvinist, treacherous "chutzpah" to put down in cold black & white their GENOCIDAL HATRED & LOATHING of other peoples on paper! (see the hate & venom filled pages of the Jewish Talmud!)
Below we present three videos that, quite horribly and horrifically, every American should know and be aware of:
but against AMERICANS and against all other races & nationalities of the world.
1. Talmudic Judaism - the JEWISH TALMUD
3. "The most anti-semitic video EVER" - examines the results of JUDEO DOMINATION of American political, financial, & cultural institutions, in particular JUDEO HATE & LOATHING DOMINATING America's corporate media...
The Myth of the Good Jew:
"If you are not Jewish... you deserve to be enslaved... or exterminated.... by BACK-STABBING TREACHERY, LIES, DECEIT, and treason!"
Compiling the results of the insidious, corroding, corrupting, dehumanizing, degenerating, perverting, & other abhorrent effects of powerful and influential Jews, against their latest host nation's people to experience
Judeo subversion & sabotage CONQUEST FROM WITHIN: the (late) U.S.A.....
For Americans to RETAKE their INDEPENDENCE from the demonic and satanic evil
not only have extracted TRILLIONS of dollars out of Americans to SUPPORT THE DEMONIC, racist, apartheid, infernal little JEW STATE ISRAEL over the past 50+ years;
not only have they UNLEASHED the American "U.S." military to MURDER MUSLIMS ALL OVER THE MIDEAST as a result of the MOSSAD, NETANYAHU, CHENEY, Wolfowitz, Zackheim, CHERTOFF & Co. 9-11 TREASON / terror attacks on New York & D.C. in September of 2001... but
but they have also EXTORTED BILLIONS of dollars out of Germany in every year after World War II based on so-called "HOLOCAUST REPARATIONS"
because of the "Six Million Jews" allegedly "killed by Germans during 'the Holocaust'..."
- even though
it was the very Jewish LAZAR KAGANOVICH & his FELLOW JEW MASS-MURDERING COMMISSARS who MURDERED 13 million Ukrainians by massacres, rapes, mass-executions, tortures, assassinations, & brutal intentional famine food seizures;
and by wiping out whole towns and villages, shipping
It is this MYTH of VICTIMHOOD and INNOCENCE - coupled with the Jews' insistence that they are "God's CHOSEN people" pounded down the throats of Christian Americans by the Judeo controlled press, media, academia, and other cultural institutions - that has allowed Jews to rise to the apex of all American power positions - in government, in corporate media and the press 'news' industry; in academia, and in other institutions of cultural control over the American public - and of course the Jews now abjectly control the American and world financial system, where the trillionaire Jew financiers behind the Rotschilds owned & controlled so-called 'Federal Reserve' privately owned banking cartel have extorted the 'RIGHT' to... just PRINT THEMSELVES $85,000,000,000 - EIGHTY FIVE BILLION DOLLARS EVERY SINGLE MONTH - which not only GOES TO THEM... but appears as DEBT in our U.S. government's balance sheet!
This so-called U.S.government "FEDERAL DEBT" is nothing but an illusion, a FRAUD and LIE perpetrated by "Creative Judeo Accounting" but a murderous lie & myth that EVAPORATES real wealth & 'money' OUT OF AMERICAN hands,
and in to the JUDEO SWINDLER's hands by the trillions of dollars
($85 billion/month x 12 months = 1.2 TRILLION dollars... each year!) -
- and is precisely the kind of money - over 1,0000 BILLION dollars every 12 months! -
that allows the Judeo 'elites' to not only buy-up all the REAL ASSET in America and on planet earth...
...but that allows them to BRIBE, CORRUPT, & BURY under negative press every politician anywhere in the world who dares to stand up to their Zio-Nazi flame-thrower of SABOTAGE TREASON - and, of course, any politicians who don't bow down to this evil Jew FLAMETHROWER of political tyranny and thought control are simply MURDERED...
assassinated, 'BURIED' for real!
And, the amazing thing is that ALL OF THIS GENOCIDAL, JUDEO, Zio-Nazi ruthlessness, remorselessness, DEMONIC HATRED, and demonic lust to KILL THEIR NEIGHBORS and loot, plunder, and STEAL whatever other humans possess... anywhere on planet earth! - is sitting right there, in cold, cruel, black & white; in the cold, cruel, genocidal HATE & RACE pimping pages of the evil Hebrew, so-called "holy" (sic) Jewish bible!
The evil jew bible BRAGS, GLOATS... about
The face of "modern" MASSACRE the NEIGHBORS" Judeo Supremacist TREACHERY, TREASON, HATE, and TREASON:
not only do every one of these powerful "American" jews SUPPORT the brutal GENOCIDE EXTERMINATION of Palestinians in Occupied Palestine (accomplished with billions of dollars SUCKED OUT of the American economy, and AWAY from the American people, by these parasite, genocidal Jews)...
...but scratch the surface of their evil, vile Jew rhetoric... and you will soon find that they are as HATEFUL and CONTEMPTUOUS of AMERICANS as they are of Palestinians!
They want to OUTLAW, CRIMINALIZE gun ownership for Americans...
while providing - at American taxpayer expense - FREE MACHINE-GUNS for JEWS in their evil, vile little demonic judeo supremacist state.
And that's on top of ALL FOUR of these VILE JEW TRAITORS being a huge part of the
MOSSAD + usg TRAITORS' 9-11 2001 terror attacks that killed 3,000 Americans.....
and part of the LIES TO WAR that set the U.S. military to START EXTERMINATING EVERYONE in the Mideast (not just Palestinians) for them!
other people and their children,
We start (below) by presenting three videos that the ADL, SPLC, and other Judeo HATE GROUPS would demonize as "anti-Semitic": FAILING to mention that what they call "anti-Semitism" is,
nine times out of ten, merely QUOTING JEWS in what they say amongst themselves...
or when theyhave the temerity, the arrogance, the racist, chauvinist, treacherous "chutzpah" to put down in cold black & white their GENOCIDAL HATRED & LOATHING of other peoples on paper! (see the hate & venom filled pages of the Jewish Talmud!)
The evil Judeo TALMUD is _NOTHING_BUT_ a compilation of Judeo Supremacist HATRED & LOATHING for non-Jews |
Below we present three videos that, quite horribly and horrifically, every American should know and be aware of:
not merely against people in occupied Palestine, not only against Syrians, Iraqis, Afghans, Africans, Sudanese, RUSSIANS, and Georgians, Ukrainians, Cypriots, Greeks, & etc. etc. etc....but against AMERICANS and against all other races & nationalities of the world.
1. Talmudic Judaism - the JEWISH TALMUD
= JEW HATE SPEECH in THEIR own words!
2.The Myth of the Good Jew: INSIDIOUS Judeo TREACHERY - THEY KNOW they are financially EXTORTING, RAPING , & ENSLAVING (via the CORRUPT CRIMINAL 'Justice' system) their non-Jewish neighbors... but even working-stiff rank-&-file Jews FEIGN an aura of ignorance & innocence as the political & economic climate in America DETERIORATES every month; with each & every year....3. "The most anti-semitic video EVER" - examines the results of JUDEO DOMINATION of American political, financial, & cultural institutions, in particular JUDEO HATE & LOATHING DOMINATING America's corporate media...
The Myth of the Good Jew:
"If you are not Jewish... you deserve to be enslaved... or exterminated.... by BACK-STABBING TREACHERY, LIES, DECEIT, and treason!"
Compiling the results of the insidious, corroding, corrupting, dehumanizing, degenerating, perverting, & other abhorrent effects of powerful and influential Jews, against their latest host nation's people to experience
Judeo subversion & sabotage CONQUEST FROM WITHIN: the (late) U.S.A.....
Actually, the above video, as well produced as it is, is fundamentally wrong on its title page: for it doesn't matter in which lands the Jews find themselves -
whether in Russia, in Israel, in Spain, Turkey, Egypt, Persia, Germany, India, China, or America -
once they have grown & risen to a substantial enough portion of the population, they will start to overtly express their hatred, scorn, contempt, & loathing of their non-Jewish neighbors:
GENOCIDAL "Conquer, EXTERMINATE, and/or ENSLAVE the neighbors"
Judaism is not dependent on their location (being basedin conquered Palestine, the Canaan Valley, the so-called "Holy Land") -
Judaism is a tribal SOCIAL STRATEGY to CONQUER by INFILTRATION, by DECEIT, & premeditated TREACHERY: posing as loyal allies and humanitarian minded innocents...
while ultimately scheming to overthrow any and all laws, rules, traditions, and in particular leaders of a target nation... by the most violent, horrific, & brutal (= "terrorism"!) means possible.
For Americans to RETAKE their INDEPENDENCE from the demonic and satanic evil
to their own inflated egos of a Judeo supremacist g-o-d REFLECTING THEIR hatred, contempt, and loathing for all non-jews, Americans must first come to grips with the MYTH behind Judeo innocence and victimhood: a myth that is completely dominates and is completely saturated throughout the American psyche, national psychology or "weltanschauung" or "ZEITGEIST"....Jews have played the MYTH of Jewish innocence and victimhood to perfection over the past 7 decades:
not only have extracted TRILLIONS of dollars out of Americans to SUPPORT THE DEMONIC, racist, apartheid, infernal little JEW STATE ISRAEL over the past 50+ years;
not only have they UNLEASHED the American "U.S." military to MURDER MUSLIMS ALL OVER THE MIDEAST as a result of the MOSSAD, NETANYAHU, CHENEY, Wolfowitz, Zackheim, CHERTOFF & Co. 9-11 TREASON / terror attacks on New York & D.C. in September of 2001... but
but they have also EXTORTED BILLIONS of dollars out of Germany in every year after World War II based on so-called "HOLOCAUST REPARATIONS"
because of the "Six Million Jews" allegedly "killed by Germans during 'the Holocaust'..."
- even though
it was the very Jewish LAZAR KAGANOVICH & his FELLOW JEW MASS-MURDERING COMMISSARS who MURDERED 13 million Ukrainians by massacres, rapes, mass-executions, tortures, assassinations, & brutal intentional famine food seizures;
and by wiping out whole towns and villages, shipping
"Counter Revolutionary"
Ukrainians off to the DEATH CAMPS & slave gulags in just 2 years flat, 1932 - 1933....a ruthless "MURDER AS MANY MILLION UKRAINIANS AS POSSIBLE" scheme that the EVIL JEWS in the "U.S." STATE DEPARTMENT under Kaganovich's 'American' namesake Assistant Secretary of State VICTORIA NUDLEMAN KAGAN are REPEATING & PERPETRATING against Ukrainians and Russian speaking Eastern Ukrainians TODAY, as we speak!!!
It is this MYTH of VICTIMHOOD and INNOCENCE - coupled with the Jews' insistence that they are "God's CHOSEN people" pounded down the throats of Christian Americans by the Judeo controlled press, media, academia, and other cultural institutions - that has allowed Jews to rise to the apex of all American power positions - in government, in corporate media and the press 'news' industry; in academia, and in other institutions of cultural control over the American public - and of course the Jews now abjectly control the American and world financial system, where the trillionaire Jew financiers behind the Rotschilds owned & controlled so-called 'Federal Reserve' privately owned banking cartel have extorted the 'RIGHT' to... just PRINT THEMSELVES $85,000,000,000 - EIGHTY FIVE BILLION DOLLARS EVERY SINGLE MONTH - which not only GOES TO THEM... but appears as DEBT in our U.S. government's balance sheet!
This so-called U.S.government "FEDERAL DEBT" is nothing but an illusion, a FRAUD and LIE perpetrated by "Creative Judeo Accounting" but a murderous lie & myth that EVAPORATES real wealth & 'money' OUT OF AMERICAN hands,
and in to the JUDEO SWINDLER's hands by the trillions of dollars
($85 billion/month x 12 months = 1.2 TRILLION dollars... each year!) -
- and is precisely the kind of money - over 1,0000 BILLION dollars every 12 months! -
that allows the Judeo 'elites' to not only buy-up all the REAL ASSET in America and on planet earth...
...but that allows them to BRIBE, CORRUPT, & BURY under negative press every politician anywhere in the world who dares to stand up to their Zio-Nazi flame-thrower of SABOTAGE TREASON - and, of course, any politicians who don't bow down to this evil Jew FLAMETHROWER of political tyranny and thought control are simply MURDERED...
assassinated, 'BURIED' for real!
And, the amazing thing is that ALL OF THIS GENOCIDAL, JUDEO, Zio-Nazi ruthlessness, remorselessness, DEMONIC HATRED, and demonic lust to KILL THEIR NEIGHBORS and loot, plunder, and STEAL whatever other humans possess... anywhere on planet earth! - is sitting right there, in cold, cruel, black & white; in the cold, cruel, genocidal HATE & RACE pimping pages of the evil Hebrew, so-called "holy" (sic) Jewish bible!
The evil jew bible BRAGS, GLOATS... about
bible text Judges Ch. 18:
![]() |
far, far, far from being 'holy,' the Hebrew, Jewish bible "Old Testament" is a TEXT-BOOK of GENOCIDE & HATE: a compilation of MYTHS STOLEN from other peoples who lived around or preceded the Jews by dozens of centuries - including the Egyptians and Sumerians, the later of whose culture became the basis for the Akkadians, Babylonians, Assyrians, and everyone else in "Mesopotamia" the land & culture (in present day Iraq) where ABRAHAM is ALLEGED to have come from. In this passage from the demonic Hebrew bible illustrated in the the Jews SEND OUT SPIES looking for new lands to conquer.... and when they fall upon a tribe of PEACEFUL, UNSUSPECTING PEOPLE they immediately proceed to MASSACRE & EXTERMINATE them, wiping them out & stealing their land and property. THAT IS the JEWS'' CONCEPTION OF THEMSELVES - as not only mass-murderous, but INTENTIONALLY GENOCIDAL land pirates!! |
not only do every one of these powerful "American" jews SUPPORT the brutal GENOCIDE EXTERMINATION of Palestinians in Occupied Palestine (accomplished with billions of dollars SUCKED OUT of the American economy, and AWAY from the American people, by these parasite, genocidal Jews)...
...but scratch the surface of their evil, vile Jew rhetoric... and you will soon find that they are as HATEFUL and CONTEMPTUOUS of AMERICANS as they are of Palestinians!
They want to OUTLAW, CRIMINALIZE gun ownership for Americans...
while providing - at American taxpayer expense - FREE MACHINE-GUNS for JEWS in their evil, vile little demonic judeo supremacist state.
And that's on top of ALL FOUR of these VILE JEW TRAITORS being a huge part of the
MOSSAD + usg TRAITORS' 9-11 2001 terror attacks that killed 3,000 Americans.....
and part of the LIES TO WAR that set the U.S. military to START EXTERMINATING EVERYONE in the Mideast (not just Palestinians) for them!
other people and their children,
here POISON GAS SUPPLIED by the "U.S." CIA to the EVIL JEWS'