"They have SENT HITHER SWARMS of TRAITORS & AGENTS... to TERRORIZE, TRAUMATIZE, MASSACRE, MURDER, enslave, extort, sabotage, & EXTERMINATE us Americans."
IN besieged, corrupted, corroded, & degenerated America, this JULY 4'th, 2016,
where VILE FOREIGN AGENTS of 'the Chosen' race, hiding behind DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY & behind vile government & media COLLABORATORS protection;
and in league with TRAITORS IN OUR GOVERNMENT and in corporate finance; repeatedly, routinely, and serially hire & train ASSASSINS, TERRORISTS, bombers,
and even vast corporate/government conspiracies
to PERPETRATE "false flag" MASS-MURDER MAYHEM & BLOODY TRAUMA on our American streets;
from the WACO military & government MASS-MURDER HOLOCAUST of 1993; to the FBI INITIATED PLOT to BOMB the New York WORLD TRADE TOWERS in 1993 - "a plot set in motion by the FBI";
to the foreign based criminal secret agencies MASS-MURDEROUS BOMBING of our government building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, blamed on yet another undercover CIA patsy; to the swarming of the presidency to initiate & incubate a "honey trap" plot to NEGATE POPULAR AMERICAN DEMOCRACY by relentless political and prosecutorial hounding of the presidential staff culminating in the "monica' LEWINSKY IMPEACHMENT of a sitting U.S. president by a vile PERJURY TRAP; to the STOLEN ELECTION of 2000, to the INFAMOUS TREACHERY & MASS-MURDER TREASON, masquerading as "mere incompetence" of 3,000 Americans killed on 9-11-2001 in the most horrific and traumatic means Hollywood and corrupted intel agencies could devise; to the ANTHRAX ATTACKS on the offices of OUR SENATORS, first blamed on the IRAQ government... but later revealed to have been MANUFACTURED IN OUR OWN U.S. army & government BIO-WAR laboratories; and yet again blamed on a single individual who may or may not have been part of the TRAITORS WITHIN GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACY to TERRORIZE and INTIMIDATE not only WE the American public... but our senior, most powerful, and theoretically most independent leaders...
to the LIES TO WAR of the United States invasion of Iraq - sold to the American public as "Operation Iraqi FREEDOM" but which we now fully understand WAS INTENDED FROM YEARS IN ADVANCE to pay ONE ethnic minority in the targeted nation to BOMB, MASSACRE, and TERRORIZE the next minority group; WITH THE INTENTION of PERPETUAL TERROR, WAR, BLOODSHED, and TRAUMA...
... all of which "WAR ON TERROR" is, we now know, ACTUALLY INTENDED TO KILL AMERICANS & EUROPEANS by the millions as well!
Not only is it now clear beyond a shadow of a doubt that "OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM" was simply the first round of the "ODED YINON PLAN," aka "The WOLFOWITZ DOCTRINE,"
aka use the U.S. war machine to "TAKE OUT 7 countries in 5 years"
- to SOW PERPETUAL WAR, TERROR, & BLOODSHED in the target nation until such time as the JEWISH STATE would be able to CALL TO JEWS FROM ACROSS THE WORLD to come "settle" those ETHNICALLY CLEANSED, mass-murdered, raped, and genocide wiped-out lands...
...but the VILE, EVIL, TRAITOR RATS ACTUALLY INTEND for the SAME HORRIFIC policies - of MASS-MURDER TERRORISM FOMENTED BY the U.S. government at the direction of the INSANE JEWS to WIPE OUT MILLIONS - for both EUROPE AND AMERICA itself !!!
RESOLVED, in America, this JULY 4th, 2016:
(the original, 1776 Declaration of Independence in italics; our modifications in bold.)
The unanimous Declaration of these FIFTY united States of America:
Whenin the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the POLITICAL & FINANCIAL TIES of ABUSE & TYRANNY
which have connected them with another,
and to... REGAIN the separate and equal station in life to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them; a decent respect FOR THE DIGNITY and to the opinions of mankind
requires that WE should declare the JUST CAUSES which impel US to separation FROM EVIL ABUSES of TYRANNY, SLAVERY, MASS-MURDER, and ROGUE OPPRESSION by those who have come to our nation POSING as friends & allies...
We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal,
with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness -
by THOSE WHO BELIEVE THEY ARE ENTITLED TO ENSLAVE & EXTERMINATE OTHERS because it is written so in their 'holy' book'
that, quite contrary to their"holy book" WE are NOT to be HELD IN SLAVERY, UNDER BONDAGE, nor to be DISPOSED OF, 'LIQUIDATED'
at the mere whim of 'The CHOSEN' and
their "RED TERROR" government officials 'APPARATCHIK'
& financial agents of theft, larceny, FINANCIAL TERRORISM, & ECONOMIC SABOTAGE.
That WE, ALL MEN & WOMEN of humanity,
are endowed by our Creator WITH CERTAIN INALIENABLE RIGHTS,
not least of which are the right to HUMAN DIGNITY and
rights which ARE INALIENABLE
and NOT to be bartered, bundled, minimized, trivialized, nor DISPOSED OF by TRAITORS IN CON-GRESS, in government agencies & in the press/media who SEEK BRIBE MONEY from a FOREIGN nation/state 'Money Power'
nor from those SEEKING APPROVAL from those FOREIGN OWNED CORPORATE MEDIA & FOREIGN CONTROLLED cultural institutions demonically determined to 'BUNDLE' and SELL us Americans OFF, by the hundreds-of-thousands, upon millions,
IN TO SLAVERY, BONDAGE, debt servitude; or GULAG DEATH-CAMPS oblivion;
to be MINIMIZED, DIMINISHED, and NEGATED in the name of "The War on Terror"
masquerading behind a relentlessly LYING PROPAGANDA NARRATIVE
posing as "What is good for Americans and OUR American 'national security.'
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, - and NOT FROM the RACIST, GENOCIDAL RANTINGS of those who believe amongst themselves that THEY are ENTITLED, nay COMMANDED by their foul god of self-reflected hate & and loathing to INSIDIOUSLY CONQUER THEIR PEACEFUL NEIGHBORS FROM WITHIN, by TREACHERY & DECEIT, POSING as friends & loyal allies until they are able to METASTASIZE their treachery and EXTERMINATE their hosts & neighbors with cruel extreme prejudice.
-That when OUR Form of Government has BECOME INFILTRATED, USURPED, and HIJACKED by those DEADLY, foul TRAITORS hewing to a FOREIGN POWER;
and when that government becomes destructive of these ends,
it is the Right AND DUTY of the People to alter or to abolish it,
and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety, Happiness
and RIGHT TO LIFE unfettered by MURDEROUS TRAITORS in government & society.
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind
AND WE PROPAGANDIZED AMERICANS are more disposed to suffer,
while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object:
the IMPOSITION of a 'RED TERROR' insane DICTATORSHIP demonically dedicated & vilely devoted to KILLING AS MANY millions of us Americans as modern weapons, bio-war, and intentional famine ECONOMIC SABOTAGE & food seizures can accomplish;
when their foul designs clearly evinces that they INTEND to REDUCE us under brutal, degenerate, MASS-MURDER DESPOTISM; it is OUR RIGHT, OUR DUTY, our OBLIGATION to humanity and to the universe
to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for
-Such has been the patient sufferance of WE AMERICANS;
such that it is now the necessity which constrains us to CONFRONT OUR TRAITOROUS,
and COMPELS US to throw off THEIR CORRUPTED, DEGENERATE, and anti-humanity form & Systems of Government.
The history of the JUDEO CONQUEST FROM WITHIN and USURPATION of OUR American rights & government is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny DEDICATED to
the EXTERMINATION and ENSLAVEMENT of WE the PEOPLE of these United States.
To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world:
- He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only. He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures. He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.
- THEY have attempted, by bribery, blackmail, secrecy, and treachery, to IMPOSE a "TPP""trade agreement" that would not only NEGATE OUR American POPULAR CONSENT to be governed... but would make us American citizens SECOND CLASS non-citizens in FOREIGN officered CORPORATE COURTS ruled by the evil, anti-humanity 'MONEY POWER'.... courts and administrative corporate/government agencies that could SEIZE OUR PROPERTY, and throw us in cruel, deadly prisons for life - WITH NO MEANS for the public much less injured citizens to seek redress or true justice for this FOREIGN IMPOSED TYRANNY & TREASON...
He [They] has [have] made Judges dependent on [their] Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.The 'American' judicial system is a FARCE & A FRAUD, where LYING, SERIALLY PERJUROUS PROSECUTORS, JUDGES, and lawyers GET PAID in kickbacks, promotions, insider-tips, prestige, and by slush-funds bribery to INCARCERATE - sell in to de facto SLAVERY - innocent, terrorized, traumatized Americans.]
He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.THEY have SENT hither a SWARM of agents, TRAITORS, infiltrators, SPIES, and TERRORIST SABOTEURS, to DEMOLISH, DESTROY and BLOW UP OUR BUILDINGS,
to send DEADLY BIO-WAR letters of death to OUR elected officials;
to send SWARMS of LYING TREASONOUS AGENTS to FABRICATE FALSE RATIONALS for war that will, intentionally, KILL MILLIONS of innocent people abroad;
and concurrently they have sent SWARMS of TRAITOR to enact a MULTITUDE of new bureaucratic Offices of TYRANNY, TERRORISM, SUBVERSION, and OPPRESSION:
the DHS, the TSA, the MULTITUDE of unknown "BLACK OPS"'compartmentalized' CRIMINAL AGENCIES who all share one intention and purpose: TO ENSLAVE, TERRORIZE & MURDER AMERICANS, in the exact same way that their evil tribal hive in Occupied Palestine now TERRORIZES, MURDERS, TRAUMATIZES, & EXTERMINATES Palestinians with extreme prejudice; including KIDNAPPING CHILDREN and MURDERING them for their organs, sold on the judeo controlled global organ trafficking industry - which TURNS DOCTORS & MEDICINE in to vile and ruthless agents of CONQUEST, ENSLAVEMENT, & EXTERMINATION worldwide...
THEY HAVE SENT HITHER SWARMS of EVIL AGENTS... to SABOTAGE, seize, extort, and DESTROY OUR wealth & economy... with the VILE INTENTION of STARVING, BRUTALIZING, and DESTROYING as many millions of us as they can get away with...
'THEY HAVE SENT HITHER.... SWARMS of agents to SABOTAGE OUR genuine national security, and to SABOTAGE OUR WARS, turning "Operation Iraqi Freedom" in to a NEVER ENDING, intentionally metastasizing, INTENTIONALLY ethnic & SECTARIAN BLOOD-BATH!!
"THEY HAVE SENT HERE SWARMS of TRAITORS & AGENTS..." - to SABOTAGE, EXTORT, eviscerate, suck dry, and DESTROY OUR economy!
Speaking of "machine gun armed FOREIGN FINANCIER EXTORTIONISTS' DEBT SERVITUDE enforcers,
aka "IRS tax collectors" -
days before it PLUNGED!
Isn't that special?!
Former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is the latest lawmaker to get caught up in allegations of INSIDER TRADING while a member of Con-gress. Then-Rep. Emanuel reportedly sold up to $250,000 in Freddie Macstock on February 21, 2003 days before it dropped by 10 percent — and weeks before it was publicly revealed that the entity was under criminal investigation for inflating earnings. |
IF THEY can RAILROAD a successful, popular, MULTI-MILLIONAIRE AMERICAN celebrity and media mogul IN TO PRISON on TRUMPED UP CHARGES - while LETTING THEIR OWN ECONOMIC SABOTAGE & "national security" TREASON traitors walk without even a whiff of press/media notice...
...and if they can GET AWAY with 911, WACO, OKC BOMBING, SANDY-HOOK & ORLANDO FALSE FLAGS, and TRILLIONS of dollars of "OFF-SHORE" TAX EVASION, EMBEDDED INSIDER TRADING, trillions of dollars BAILOUTS EXTORTION. and TRILLIONS of dollars of "compartmentalized" BLACK OPS government "RED TERROR" ASSASSINS & TERRORISM....
well, you, your family, & your entire community are now living on burrowed time.
DO JEWS in Britain (Europe & America) hold MORE LOYALTY to their fellow jews in the vile, genocidal, racist, segregated, apartheid evil little JEW STATE...
IF SO, they should AND MUST IMMEDIATELY BE BARRED from holding public - government - offices !!!
ALLOWING JEWS to DONATE MONEY TAX FREE to their GENOCIDAL RACIST coreligionists in Israel... WHILE their "FELLOW COUNTRYMEN" in Britain, Europe, & America suffer the pangs of poverty, economic distress, and infrastructure breakdown - is CRIMINAL STUPIDITY and selfish, racist GREED bordering on ABJECT TREASON !!