GREATER ISRAEL - the insane, evil Jews are IN BED WITH the MOST VILE
of HEAD-CHOPPING, racist, slavery, & GENOCIDE
killing, maiming, raping, massacring, murdering prisoners, and waging vile terror war across not only Syria... but across Iraq, Libya, EGYPT, LEBANON, IRAN... PAKISTAN, CHECHNYA,
and soon to the very gates of not only the Ukraine & Moscow (Russia), but against INDIA & CHINA as well... they are completely INSANE, and STUPID AMERICANS are HANDING THEM the keys to our nuclear arsenal, our military, our financial system, our government & elections, our schools, and of course all churches & temples in America are IN LOCKSTEP with this INSANE ZIO-NAZI EXTERPATE HUMANITY agenda...
TURKEY "Coup" ANOTHER FALSE-FLAG to JUSTIFY ZIO-puppet ERDOGAN ELIMINATING HIS OPPONENTS in Turkey's parliament, Judiciary, military, & government....
so he can CONTINUE his JEW-NAZI sponsored WARS OF GENOCIDE against Syria, against all the minorities in the Mideast, on behalf of the INSANE JUDEO LUST FOR EMPIRE "Greater israel" HANG THE TERRORIST SUPPORTING TRAITORS in WHATEVER HALLS of government, finance (central banks, world bank, IMF, and other predatory, parasitic financial cesspools of hate & debt-tyranny destruction), academia, corp. press/media, "religious" CHURCHES, TEMPLES, or other institutions they may be hiding - and PROVOKING GLOBAL TERROR in ...
as Veterans Today succinctly explains, below:
Firstly, this ‘coup’ can only be assessed as part of a much wider geopolitical game that encompasses the entire Middle East, the European Union, NATO, the USA, Russia and of course, the Islamic State.
Yes, the Erdogan-Gulen split is part of the narrative, but by focusing on it to [an excess] FAILS... to take into account a whole host of other, more significant factors such as the Erdogan-Putin relationship, the Brexit vote, the deal with Merkel to take back the ‘migrants’,
the Turkey-EU VISA deal, the progress of the wars in Syria and Iraq against ISIS,
the US election and quite a few more.
Yes, Erdogan has used this ‘coup’ to round up the remaining opposition in the judiciary and military, but that is not the whole story at all, it is just one small part of a far greater narrative. Maybe the old analogy about wood and trees would be apropos?
Yes, the Erdogan-Gulen split is part of the narrative, but by focusing on it to [an excess] FAILS... to take into account a whole host of other, more significant factors such as the Erdogan-Putin relationship, the Brexit vote, the deal with Merkel to take back the ‘migrants’,
the Turkey-EU VISA deal, the progress of the wars in Syria and Iraq against ISIS,
the US election and quite a few more.
Yes, Erdogan has used this ‘coup’ to round up the remaining opposition in the judiciary and military, but that is not the whole story at all, it is just one small part of a far greater narrative. Maybe the old analogy about wood and trees would be apropos?
Secondly, Perhaps we need to politely remind...
that Erdogan, along with his financial backers and allies in Israel, the USA, Qatar and Saudi Arabia is responsible for the creation of IS
and the subsequent years of conflict in Syria and Iraq.
and the subsequent years of conflict in Syria and Iraq.
This alone is enough to justifiably designate him as an evil, inhuman creature with the blood of millions of Kurds, Syrian and Iraqis on his hands, most of them Muslims I might point out;
I am no Islamic scholar, but I am pretty sure that Islam, just like Christianity, frowns very severely on such murderous and genocidal activities.
I am no Islamic scholar, but I am pretty sure that Islam, just like Christianity, frowns very severely on such murderous and genocidal activities.
Time and again, VT has documented the crimes of Erdogan such as the thousands upon thousands of tanker trucks carrying stolen oil in an almost endless convoy into Turkey where the Erdogan family makes immense profits from selling it on the open market – this is a mafia family fencing stolen goods on a scale not seen since the looting of Germany in 1945. Gordon Duff helped draft the legal claim against Turkey for the theft of no less than 38 industrial plants from the Aleppo area of Syria, including an entire Renault car factory – all carted away by the Turks to line Erdogan’s pockets. This wholescale looting and war profiteering would be more than enough to secure a very long stay in a very small room with no windows should Erdogan ever find himself in front of an International court, but it is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to evil deeds by this most reprehensible man; he bears responsibility for over 5 years of a brutal, cruel and inhuman war against the Syrian people, a war that has killed untold hundreds of thousands, made millions refugees outside their own nation and traumatised an entire generation of the Syrian people so deeply that it will take several more generations to recover.
It is not just logistic support for ISIS and profiteering from their misdeeds that can be pinned on Erdogan, it is direct command and control of ISIS for the simple reason that the members of ISIS that are doing the fighting and killing are nothing more than the Turkish army dressed up in dish-dash and sporting newly grown beards. It is the Turkish army that invaded northern Syria, seized the city of Aleppo and plunged the Syrian people into years of hell and Erdogan bears full and direct responsibility for all of it, he may have been financed and backed by others, but he is the one at the nexus of events, the driving force, the head of the IS snake that should have been cut off long ago before it could do so much damage. Erdogan may have survived this ‘coup’ and even strengthened his position as a result, but he shouldn’t get too comfortable on his dictator’s throne, one day his backers will turn on him just as they did with their prior puppets Hitler and Saddam and when that happens, we at VT will no shed a single tear, we might even allow ourselves a wry smile.
On final point, and we feel it is an important one; the Caliphate that Kevin talks about reminds us of the Oded Yinon plan to create a Greater Israel, which should be taken as indicating that the same unseen hands are behind both agendas. I have pointed out previously that the desire of Turkey to recreate the Ottoman Empire directly overlaps the desire of Israel to create Eretz (Greater) Israel; we feel this is no coincidence, rather it means that they are the same plan under two different names with the obvious implication that both Turkey and Israel are under the control of the international Zionist crime cabal which is the original author of this plan. – Ian Greenhalgh, Senior Editor, Veterans
Dr. Francis Boyle - an Ivy League, Harvard, U.S.government, U. Chicago, and all around "military/industrial/congressional/finance/academia/" INSIDER, explains how the TRAITORS AMONG us have HIJACKED BILLIONS upon BILLIONS upon BILLIONS of taxpayers dollars - in the NAME of "national security" and "protecting us" - but actually in pursuit of EVER MORE EFFICIENT WAYS of KILLING MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of humans...
INCLUDING AMERICANS! Listen carefully to the NAMES Dr. Boyle mentions: what you will see is a JEWISH DOMINATED FINANCIAL DEATH-CULT embedded and infested in the above layers of U.S. government,finance, military/industrial complex, corp. media propaganda system, and of course that saturates religious & academic institutions alike: ALL GEARED to HIJACKING the nuclear, biological, chemical, and digital POWERS of the U.S. GOVERNMENT to EXTERMINATE ITS OWN CITIZENS... exactly as the "judeo bolshevik" commissars LIQUIDATED THIRTEEN MILLION UKRAINIANS in just TWO YEARS of INTENTIONAL "RED TERROR" instigated FAMINE, 1932-1933, which mass-murder genocide "HOLODOMOR" was only ONE SHORT PHASE of the FIVE DECADES JUDEO BILLIONAIRES supported "Communism" aka RED TERROR WAR on the PEOPLE of the former Russian empire....
RED TERROR: the HIJACKING of the RUSSIAN EMPIRE and its government...
to institute a JUDEO BILLIONAIRE funded, JEWISH COMMISSARS' reign of
brutal, sadistic, MILLIONS of CHILDREN KILLED "RED TERROR" GENOCIDE against the People of the gutted and brutalize Russian empire: including not only Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Belorussian, Georgian, and other CHRISTIAN victims... but including MLLIONS of MURDERED, displaced, dispossessed, slaughtered, and "ethnically cleansed" MUSLIM KAZAKHS, UZBEKS, CHECHANS, and even Buddhist MONGOLIANS as well