Just a quick note on three fantastic commentaries we came across... but are too mentally exhausted to dissect & deconstruct at the moment. So here's a preview/ "heads-up." We are DELIGHTED that the pattern of GLOBAL EXTERMINATION through IMPERIAL EXPLOITATION is finally coming to light... and just hope that cognizant readers & commentators realize just WHO it is that are PULLING the strings before they successfully TRIGGER WWIII in Syria & Iran (against Russia)....
The World Wars Are Always Set Up And Prosecuted By Democratic Administrations
Nationalist Trump vs. Globalist Clinton
The Anglo-American Axis Comes Apart at the Seams in 2016
It's hard for genuine patriots to say "No" TO WAR
when your friends, neighbors, and countrymen are being marched off as volunteer or conscripted cannon-fodder...
so, while Britain was NOMINALLY a "democracy" on eve of WWI,
as the anglo/judeo Elites drove the empire to war
to near CERTAIN DEATH by machine-gun bullets, bursting bombs (artillery shells) or poison gas.....
well, how much "democracy" is there in that?
(ironically - most Brit & European JEW bankers were of GERMAN descent, most of the others non-German Jewish families had fled SPAIN's INQUISITION to Turkey, Amsterdam, or other parts of Europe after 1492)
RULED the BRITISH EMPIRE with a rod of iron,
so for those who wonder
- they are MASTERS at buying & selling HUMAN CHATTEL from WITHIN often hostile empires -
but for the past TWO centuries, a very SMALL JUDEO ELITE has COMPLETELY HIJACKED and taken control over the BRITISH, anglo empire... and most people don't even realize it.
"The People of the United States are about to face the worst crisis of their history"...
how we might best CONFRONT the CHAOS, CRISIS, MASS-MURDER, FINANCIAL STRANGULATION, ECONOMIC RUIN, and GLOBAL WARS perpetrating saboteurs and insane, genocidal, human-extirpation psychopaths...
The World Wars Are Always Set Up And Prosecuted By Democratic Administrations
Nationalist Trump vs. Globalist Clinton
The Anglo-American Axis Comes Apart at the Seams in 2016
It's hard for genuine patriots to say "No" TO WAR
when your friends, neighbors, and countrymen are being marched off as volunteer or conscripted cannon-fodder...
so, while Britain was NOMINALLY a "democracy" on eve of WWI,
as the anglo/judeo Elites drove the empire to war
(main "causus belli" of that war, GERMANY trying to COPY, ape, catch up to BRITAIN's blatant, genocidal, colonial exploitation vast imperial empire)ONCE the SHOOTING STARTED "democracy" went flying out the window:
and if you - a Brit sot massed in the muddy trenches on eve of battles of Flanders, Somme, Paschendale, or some other
horror-fest - were ORDERED "OVER THE TOP!"
horror-fest - were ORDERED "OVER THE TOP!"
to near CERTAIN DEATH by machine-gun bullets, bursting bombs (artillery shells) or poison gas.....
well, how much "democracy" is there in that?
(ironically - most Brit & European JEW bankers were of GERMAN descent, most of the others non-German Jewish families had fled SPAIN's INQUISITION to Turkey, Amsterdam, or other parts of Europe after 1492)
RULED the BRITISH EMPIRE with a rod of iron,
so for those who wonder
- well, not only have the JUDEO ELITES been profiting from the SLAVE TRADE for EVERY CENTURY since the Babylonian Exile in 587 B.C. -"HOW are the'internationalist' aka 'GLOBALISTS' aka SOROS/goddamnSachs/RotschieldsJEWS in NY, DC, Chicago, & HollywoodSO GOOD at MANIPULATING us AMERICANS TODAY?
- they are MASTERS at buying & selling HUMAN CHATTEL from WITHIN often hostile empires -
but for the past TWO centuries, a very SMALL JUDEO ELITE has COMPLETELY HIJACKED and taken control over the BRITISH, anglo empire... and most people don't even realize it.
"The People of the United States are about to face the worst crisis of their history"...
how we might best CONFRONT the CHAOS, CRISIS, MASS-MURDER, FINANCIAL STRANGULATION, ECONOMIC RUIN, and GLOBAL WARS perpetrating saboteurs and insane, genocidal, human-extirpation psychopaths...