President-elect Donald TRUMP has a precious opportunity to REIGNITE the REPUBLICAN Party as the VOICE of the ENSLAVED;
as the voice of those who OPPOSE SLAVERY
and the voice of those who OPPOSE war profiteers & "internationalist" financiers who PREY on human lives and PROFIT from DESTRUCTION and TERRORIZING of the human soul:
DEMOCRATS* BETRAY American voters:
*[as well as "establishment" Rethuglicans]
Mike Tyson:
"WHY are people** MAD AT the people, cause this
is who THE PEOPLE wanted to be president" !!!
**[i.e. the LYING corp. MEDIA WHORES and arrogant, entitled, DELUSIONAL,
serially LYING elitist 'opinion makers' who TAKE BRIBE MONEY from GEORGE SOROS,
AIPAC, the ROTSCHILDS, GODDAMN-SACHS, and ALL their hydra-headed FRONTS to SELL-OUT and BETRAY America]
Trump "knows how to play both sides of the game..."
you know he is FOR THE PEOPLE."
We've made the comparison between Donald Trump and martyred American President Abraham Lincoln before -
- we pointed out that the so-called "DIVISIVENESS" of Trump's campaign today
where millions of citizens in the SLAVE states, backed up not only by WEALTHY SLAVE OWNERS but by the
(then equivalent of) BILLIONAIRE slave-owners and
slavery & slave production PROFITEERING industrialists** DESPISED the frontier-born Lincoln as a HATED figure
**(in England & Europe, the booming textiles industries were fed by slave-grown cotton....
and those European populations were fed by slave grown rice, sugar, & etc.)
so it was the REPUBLICAN PARTY which ENDED SLAVERY, held the United States of America together against those who would have torn it asunder in to 2, two competing and more easily manipulated rival empires
- but of course over the 150 years since,
the SAME "internationalists" FINANCIAL RAPISTS corporations and their lineal descendants who PROFITED FROM the SLAVE TRADE & SLAVERY based production system in the mid-1800s...
today have HIJACKED the Republican Party in America, to where for the past few decades it has one again represented WEALTHY INDUSTRIALISTS, SLAVERY PROFITEERING PARASITES, and SLAVERY & GENOCIDE WARS PROFITEERING "internationalists" or "GLOBALISTS" FINANCIERS
as the voice of those who OPPOSE SLAVERY
and the voice of those who OPPOSE war profiteers & "internationalist" financiers who PREY on human lives and PROFIT from DESTRUCTION and TERRORIZING of the human soul:
Trump - "I've been all over... and INNER-CITY minority voters are feeling ABUSED [and discarded] - and they are VERY UPSET at WHAT POLITICIANS HAVE TOLD THEM... versus what they have DONE" |
*[as well as "establishment" Rethuglicans]
"So you're Democrats... you've been in that party a LONG TIME. Answer me - WHAT DID YOU GET [for voting Democrat] ?? NOTHING!!!" |
---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
"DEMOCRATS CARE about the INNER CITY ONLY at ELECTION TIME. WHAT do you GET after the election?? ZERO !!!" |
Mike Tyson:
"WHY are people** MAD AT the people, cause this
is who THE PEOPLE wanted to be president" !!!
**[i.e. the LYING corp. MEDIA WHORES and arrogant, entitled, DELUSIONAL,
serially LYING elitist 'opinion makers' who TAKE BRIBE MONEY from GEORGE SOROS,
AIPAC, the ROTSCHILDS, GODDAMN-SACHS, and ALL their hydra-headed FRONTS to SELL-OUT and BETRAY America]
HISPANICS FOR TRUMP: (him) "a lot of things he said ARE TRUE" (her) "YOU'RE HISPANIC and you're saying that.. are you sure? WOW!!!" |
Trump "knows how to play both sides of the game..."
you know he is FOR THE PEOPLE."
Donald Trump is "anti-establishment... he's for the people." |
We've made the comparison between Donald Trump and martyred American President Abraham Lincoln before -
- we pointed out that the so-called "DIVISIVENESS" of Trump's campaign today
(as "pointed out" by the BAILOUTS & 9/11 TREASON WHITEWASHING corp. WHORE MEDIA LIARS at CNN, MSNBC, Newsweek, TIME/Warner,the Washington Whore Post, the Sulzberger NY Slimes, and other purveyors of Right-Wing Zio-Nazi filth & lies)is NOTHING compared to the real "DIVISIVENESS" faced by Abraham Lincoln in his 1860 presidential campaign....
where millions of citizens in the SLAVE states, backed up not only by WEALTHY SLAVE OWNERS but by the
(then equivalent of) BILLIONAIRE slave-owners and
slavery & slave production PROFITEERING industrialists** DESPISED the frontier-born Lincoln as a HATED figure
**(in England & Europe, the booming textiles industries were fed by slave-grown cotton....
and those European populations were fed by slave grown rice, sugar, & etc.)
so it was the REPUBLICAN PARTY which ENDED SLAVERY, held the United States of America together against those who would have torn it asunder in to 2, two competing and more easily manipulated rival empires
- but of course over the 150 years since,
the SAME "internationalists" FINANCIAL RAPISTS corporations and their lineal descendants who PROFITED FROM the SLAVE TRADE & SLAVERY based production system in the mid-1800s...
today have HIJACKED the Republican Party in America, to where for the past few decades it has one again represented WEALTHY INDUSTRIALISTS, SLAVERY PROFITEERING PARASITES, and SLAVERY & GENOCIDE WARS PROFITEERING "internationalists" or "GLOBALISTS" FINANCIERS