the INSANE JEWS' STRANGLEHOLD of HATE, HYPOCRISY, LIES, defamation, and INSIDIOUS TREACHERY ruling over American Culture & our American belief systems, this courageous New York woman CONFRONTS a corp. "news" = JEW PROPAGANDA LIES! - crew for pimping the "TRUMP IS A RACIST !" meme - for Mr. Trump simply wanting to enforce American immigration LAWS" - even though ISRAEL not only REFUSES to accept refugees...
but it is the DEMON-SPAWN JEWS behind ALL the WARS in the Mideast CREATING those millions of refugees in the first place... so the DEMONIC JEWS-ONLY state can EXPAND its borders by KILLING or "ethnically cleansing" MILLIONS of those refugee victims !!!
WHY DON'T CNN, NBC, MSNBC, FOX 'news', ABC, CBS, TIME/warner, the Sulzberger NY Slimes, Newsweek, the MEYER/graham dominated Washington Post, and all the other JEW OWNED corp. MEDIA OUTLETS turn their cameras on to BLATANTLY GENOCIDAL JEW RACISM
in the infernal JEWSONLY STATE -
or turn their damned cameras on the EVIL RACISTS "NEO-CON" JEWS who ATTACKED AMERICA by insidious treachery, by SUBORNING of TREASON of our top government officials; and by mass-murder terrorist subversion on 9/11 2001?
CONTROL 'our' ACADEMIA and public discourse
they use "multi-Culturalism" as a tool, or WEAPON, or BLUDGEON to STIFLE DISSENT about the RACIST,
blatantly genocidal JUDEO SUPREMACIST AGENDA,
- they SCREAM! SHOUT "anti-Semitic!" ANY TIME that FACTS are produced EXPOSING powerful JEWS as RACISTS & HYPOCRITES -
not only in israel but HERE IN AMERICA, where jewish schools, temples, YESHIVA INDOCTRINATION centers and lobby groups are
ALL GIVEN a FREE PASS for PROMOTING JEW HATE & jewish supremacy:
ALL "major media" corporations in America - every single last one -
RACIST, GENOCIDAL, "israel OVER America"
We Americans can NOT progress as a people and a nation... until there is some GENUINE OPPOSITION,
some genuine COMPETITION to EVERY 'major' media outlet being CONTROLLED by people
to HATE & LOATH us
for not being of the right race and "chosen" religious 'faith'
(and INDOCTRINATED from childhood to seek opportunities to stab us in the back,
and to MURDER us at their every treacherous opportunity... see 9/11 and all the other "false flags")
TELL US that WE Americans must DEMOLISH OUR BORDERS and allow swarms of criminal gangs and even known terrorist sympathizers in to America...
- while they - JEWS in ISRAEL supported by HYPOCRITE, RACIST, LYING JEWS here in America - not only build a WALL to keep any an all non-Jew immigrants OUT...
but they, the demonic, insidious, evil, anti-humanity Jews in Israel & America
ACTIVELY PROSECUTE WARS designed to expand the evil JEWS ONLY state to lands owned not only by Palestinians.... but to include (in their diabolical plans) first destroying then annexing; taking of SYRIA, LEBANON, JORDAN, and even Egypt, Iraq, Iran, and the Ukraine (and Russia) as well.
AMERICA's corporate WHORE MEDIA is totally and completely
& wholly owned by JEWS - JEW BILLIONAIRES.
This one-sided propaganda ATROCITY is
an ON-GOING CRIME AGAINST AMERICA and all of humanity.
RACIST, jewish supremacist billionaire MURRAY ROTHSTEIN changed his name from "Rothstein" to "Sumner Redstone" - to the name of a despised 'goyim' - specifically to maintain the illusion that America's corporate media giants are NOT all controlled by Jews.
As we saw with the MOSSAD PERPETRATED 9/11 attacks, JEWS CAN ONLY MAINTAIN this horrific, mass-murderous, judeo supremacist HATE & RACISM masquerading as "multi-culturalism" and "national security" ILLUSION by relentlessly and continually PUSHING AMERICA,
pushing Americans and our culture in to SERIAL CRISIS -
Just TURN ON your neighbors and MASSACRE them,
SLAUGHTER them when they least suspect your treachery and vile, murderous intent!
THIS horrific STORY is the ESSENCE of JUDAISM:
"THOU SHALT KILL all NON-JEWS... the moment you can get away with it"!
Deist Union of America writer Bob Johnson: according to the bible,
of the Hebrew, Jewish "holy" (sic) bible:
- the CATHOLIC INQUISITION, the pogroms, even genocidal ISLAMIC TERRORISTS - are far more tolerant than Jews, for those religious-based "ethnic cleansing" purges gave the victims at least the potential to convert and assimilate in to the host culture - a "liberal" mercy and favor the JEWS DO NOT extend to THEIR subject or conquered people:
Jew Senators FEINSTEIN, LEVIN, SCHUMER - all the Jew senators! -
and Jew fraud perpetrating billionaire,
former NY mayor & 9/11 COVER-UP TRAITOR michael bloomberg
all demand
for owning guns to defend their homes & families...
WHILE these treasonous, hypocrite Jew-Nazi scum support GIVING FREE MACHINE-GUNS to JEWS to SHOOT UP Palestinian civilians in Occupied Palestine.
"Christ-ian" Americans who support the GENOCIDAL, expansionist JEWS ONLY STATE,
israhell, are, ultimately, SIGNING THEIR OWN FAMILIES death warrants
ho-hum: genocidal, RACIST, BIGOTED, INSANE JEWS on the warpath
(with AMERICAN supplied guns & AMERICAN dollars keeping their vile little nation afloat)
to EXTERMINATE their neighbors... what else is new?
(exactly as their demonic bible tells them to, exactly as they brag, gloat, and assert
that their entire "chosen... by g-o-d" existence is dedicated to)
BOILS to surface
As President-elect Trump's election victory threatens to EXPOSEthe INSANE JEWS' STRANGLEHOLD of HATE, HYPOCRISY, LIES, defamation, and INSIDIOUS TREACHERY ruling over American Culture & our American belief systems, this courageous New York woman CONFRONTS a corp. "news" = JEW PROPAGANDA LIES! - crew for pimping the "TRUMP IS A RACIST !" meme - for Mr. Trump simply wanting to enforce American immigration LAWS" - even though ISRAEL not only REFUSES to accept refugees...
but it is the DEMON-SPAWN JEWS behind ALL the WARS in the Mideast CREATING those millions of refugees in the first place... so the DEMONIC JEWS-ONLY state can EXPAND its borders by KILLING or "ethnically cleansing" MILLIONS of those refugee victims !!!
WHY DON'T CNN, NBC, MSNBC, FOX 'news', ABC, CBS, TIME/warner, the Sulzberger NY Slimes, Newsweek, the MEYER/graham dominated Washington Post, and all the other JEW OWNED corp. MEDIA OUTLETS turn their cameras on to BLATANTLY GENOCIDAL JEW RACISM
in the infernal JEWSONLY STATE -
or turn their damned cameras on the EVIL RACISTS "NEO-CON" JEWS who ATTACKED AMERICA by insidious treachery, by SUBORNING of TREASON of our top government officials; and by mass-murder terrorist subversion on 9/11 2001?
CONTROL 'our' ACADEMIA and public discourse
they use "multi-Culturalism" as a tool, or WEAPON, or BLUDGEON to STIFLE DISSENT about the RACIST,
blatantly genocidal JUDEO SUPREMACIST AGENDA,
- they SCREAM! SHOUT "anti-Semitic!" ANY TIME that FACTS are produced EXPOSING powerful JEWS as RACISTS & HYPOCRITES -
not only in israel but HERE IN AMERICA, where jewish schools, temples, YESHIVA INDOCTRINATION centers and lobby groups are
ALL GIVEN a FREE PASS for PROMOTING JEW HATE & jewish supremacy:
ALL "major media" corporations in America - every single last one -
RACIST, GENOCIDAL, "israel OVER America"
We Americans can NOT progress as a people and a nation... until there is some GENUINE OPPOSITION,
some genuine COMPETITION to EVERY 'major' media outlet being CONTROLLED by people
to HATE & LOATH us
for not being of the right race and "chosen" religious 'faith'
(and INDOCTRINATED from childhood to seek opportunities to stab us in the back,
and to MURDER us at their every treacherous opportunity... see 9/11 and all the other "false flags")
JEWS support the RACISM, BIGOTRY, SEGREGATION, APARTHEID and OVERT HATE of the blatantly GENOCIDAL JEWS ONLY STATE, Israel - but will CONDEMN far less murderous and fervent racism they see in others!They - the INSIDIOUS, TREASONOUS JEWS -
TELL US that WE Americans must DEMOLISH OUR BORDERS and allow swarms of criminal gangs and even known terrorist sympathizers in to America...
- while they - JEWS in ISRAEL supported by HYPOCRITE, RACIST, LYING JEWS here in America - not only build a WALL to keep any an all non-Jew immigrants OUT...
but they, the demonic, insidious, evil, anti-humanity Jews in Israel & America
ACTIVELY PROSECUTE WARS designed to expand the evil JEWS ONLY state to lands owned not only by Palestinians.... but to include (in their diabolical plans) first destroying then annexing; taking of SYRIA, LEBANON, JORDAN, and even Egypt, Iraq, Iran, and the Ukraine (and Russia) as well.
AMERICA's corporate WHORE MEDIA is totally and completely
& wholly owned by JEWS - JEW BILLIONAIRES.
This one-sided propaganda ATROCITY is
an ON-GOING CRIME AGAINST AMERICA and all of humanity.
RACIST, jewish supremacist billionaire MURRAY ROTHSTEIN changed his name from "Rothstein" to "Sumner Redstone" - to the name of a despised 'goyim' - specifically to maintain the illusion that America's corporate media giants are NOT all controlled by Jews.
As we saw with the MOSSAD PERPETRATED 9/11 attacks, JEWS CAN ONLY MAINTAIN this horrific, mass-murderous, judeo supremacist HATE & RACISM masquerading as "multi-culturalism" and "national security" ILLUSION by relentlessly and continually PUSHING AMERICA,
pushing Americans and our culture in to SERIAL CRISIS -
only serial CRISIS INSTIGATION will allow Jews to expand & CONSOLIDATE their STRANGLEHOLD GRIP on the American mind.
Just TURN ON your neighbors and MASSACRE them,
SLAUGHTER them when they least suspect your treachery and vile, murderous intent!
THIS horrific STORY is the ESSENCE of JUDAISM:
"THOU SHALT KILL all NON-JEWS... the moment you can get away with it"!
Deist Union of America writer Bob Johnson: according to the bible,
of the Hebrew, Jewish "holy" (sic) bible:
JEWS PREFER BUTCHERING... EXTERMINATING their "enemies" = any and all neighbors! - to converting them.In this regard, even the most HEINOUS of religious atrocities perpetrated against Jews
- the CATHOLIC INQUISITION, the pogroms, even genocidal ISLAMIC TERRORISTS - are far more tolerant than Jews, for those religious-based "ethnic cleansing" purges gave the victims at least the potential to convert and assimilate in to the host culture - a "liberal" mercy and favor the JEWS DO NOT extend to THEIR subject or conquered people:
"The Hebrew Bible/Old Testament... is a BLUE PRINT written by ancient Hebrews/Jes for the SUPREMACY OF Hebrews/Jews/Israel OVER ALL OTHER PEOPLE and OVER ALL OTHER NATIONS."TODAY, JEWS in Israel - AND TREACHEROUS, TREASONOUS, INSIDIOUS JEWS HERE IN AMERICA - are STILL INDOCTRINATED in that bronze-age belief system that "g-o-d" DEMANDS "his" "chosen people" SLAUGHTER, EXTERMINATE everyone they ever come in to contact with as "subhuman"... the ruthless drive of the "SELFISH GENE" theory to EXTERMINATE all rivals taken to the extreme; CODIFIED, intellectualized, asserted as an entire religious belief system of not only the jewish nation, but the entire Jewish diaspora WHICH MUST OPERATE BY TREACHERY & DECEIT, because of course if they publicly made known "if you give us harbor, sanctuary, and rights to live & settle in your country/tribal lands/nation.. we will ultimately try to EXTERMINATE YOU and all your descendants" then of course no one would put up with them for a New York minute"...the ancient Hebrews and Jews NEVER ATTEMPTED to CONVERT people to Judaism because THEY PREFERRED to SLAUGHTER THEM instead.""THE JEWS MAKE NO CONVERTS... they BUTCHER ALL"
Jew Senators FEINSTEIN, LEVIN, SCHUMER - all the Jew senators! -
and Jew fraud perpetrating billionaire,
former NY mayor & 9/11 COVER-UP TRAITOR michael bloomberg
all demand
for owning guns to defend their homes & families...
WHILE these treasonous, hypocrite Jew-Nazi scum support GIVING FREE MACHINE-GUNS to JEWS to SHOOT UP Palestinian civilians in Occupied Palestine.
"Christ-ian" Americans who support the GENOCIDAL, expansionist JEWS ONLY STATE,
israhell, are, ultimately, SIGNING THEIR OWN FAMILIES death warrants
(with AMERICAN supplied guns & AMERICAN dollars keeping their vile little nation afloat)
to EXTERMINATE their neighbors... what else is new?
(exactly as their demonic bible tells them to, exactly as they brag, gloat, and assert
that their entire "chosen... by g-o-d" existence is dedicated to)