Channel: The Jewish Wars
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RED ALERT! Next News Network TRYING TO UNDO the "American UPRISING" Trump Nationalist, Populist Election Win... by falsely PIMPING NETANYAHU as "America's Friend"!!

DELUSIONAL  Next News Network host wants to... undermine, DESTROY Trump presidency from day 1!  by INVITING the guy... who was essentially the lead MANAGER, the Zio-Nazi Executive Producer of the 9/11 2001 TREASON/terror attacks to attend the Jan. presidential inauguration as the President-elect's guest of honor  omg/wtf !!!  there's nothing "AWESOME!" about this idea...
 the ONE GOOD THING obama has done in past 8 years is NOT attack Iran (thereby starting WWIII) and KICKING  RAHM EMANUEL out of White House -  Nutty Netanyahu's MOSSAD BRANCH MANAGER of  Judeo Supremacist Zio-Nazi's OCCUPIED COLONY U.S.A.! 

NEXT NEWS goes off the Deep End!  PRETENDS NOT TO NOTICE that the ENTIRE  DESPISED HILLARY,  "Neo-Con,""elitist 1%" agenda  is not merely a product of the corrupted Demorats....
Next News Network wants this guy - to be front & center of the NEW Trump administration...!
omg!  LET'S RUIN the "Make America Great" presidency... from DAY ONE!! 

 but that the ESTABLISHMENT REPUBLICANS, too, are 100%  servants, corrupted, bribed, extorted, blackmailed, and bought-off TRAITORS of/to the  ZIO-NAZI, JUDEO SUPREMACIST, ISRAEL OVER AMERICA - of which  9/11 TERROR ATTACKS  MANAGING DIRECTOR  Benjamin "KING BIBI" NETANYAHU is the leading symbol... along with his MOSSAD STATION CHIEF in AMERICA,   the de facto  "Judeo Supremacist VICEROY of  the Occupied & Controlled COLONY of America" RAHM EMANUEL

We've been very appreciative and supportive (in our small way) of  Next News Network's insightful videos about the NY, Hollywood, Washington (D.C.)  elite "establishment" BACKLASH and torrent of LIES trying to undermine if not undo the Donald Trump stunning presidential election.   As Dr. Paul Craig Roberts wrote, Mr. Trump's stunning election win was nothing less than "AN AMERICAN UPRISING" - the American people in the "flyover states" silently standing in line at election polls to wave a great big "F.U.!" middle-finger to the financial kleptocrats, the corp. elites, the relentlessly lying govt. apparatchicks and their drug running, human trafficking "black ops" compartmentalized "deep black" Treasury devouring govt. agencies and the CORP. MEDIA WHORES who covered all their crimes and follies up -

Hillary's  SEX SLAVE of a "gift" from the Saudis - who would rise to become her personal assistant in all things, Human Abedin - has  CLOSE TIES to the JIHADI SUPPORTING "Saudi" Arab based Muslim Brotherhood... but not only does the JEWISH OWNED & CONTROLLED NY, DC, Chicago, & Hollywood, corp. WHORE MEDIA  PRETEND NOT TO NOTICE... but they are all falling all over themselves to pimp & promote EVERYTHING HILLARY, including still WHITEWASHING her CRIMES now that the election 2016 is in the dustbin of history...

  THIS IS NO ACCIDENT!  THE JEWS are IN BED with the SAUDIS & other Gulf Arab Oil Despots... because GENOCIDAL  TALMUDIC JUDAISM is USING the HEAD-CHOPPING, reactionary, medieval brutality "fundamentalist"  "Wahabbist" as a TROJAN HORSE to DESTROY not only the Muslim world, but EUROPE and AMERICA as well!
   Reactionary, fundamentalist Judaism holds that  non-Jews (and even "non-observant" Jews - and, indeed, all Jewish women, even "observant" ones!) are NOT EVEN HUMAN - so unleashing  SAUDI, Wahabbi style HEAD-CHOPPING "islamic fundamentalism" and "ISIS"/alQaeda TERRORISM is  merely, from the evil Jewish (Judeo Supremacist) point of view, "SOFTENING THE SLAVES UP" for  SUBMISSION to the whip....
  the Jews see themselves as  GOD"S OVERSEERS on earth, and they actually consider  showing mercy and sympathy to non-Jews to be a SIN:  the evil bible tells us that SAUL WAS CONDEMNED to lose his crown & his life for SPARING THE LIFE OF ONE  Amelekite (his soldiers had brutally SLAUGHTERED, EXTERMINATED all the rest, according to a mythical, mad-up, fictitious bible war story) -  and the more fundamentalist Jews are, the more their ENTIRE BEING REVOLVES AROUND that  little conspiracy to HATE and want to DESTROY - EXTERMINATE - ALL non-Jews - by DIVIDE & CONQUER, by  USING  ISIS TERRORISTS & HEAD-CHOPPING WAHABBIS as PROXY KILLERS until such time as Jews can do the dirty work themselves - and WALLOW in the BLOOD of their murdered enemies.

DID NUTTY NETANYAHOO   REALLY say this - allegedly captured on a cell-phone microphone during a conversation with some hard-core American supporters in New York?

netanyahu's 'TAKE OUT SADDAM' quote:  JEWS' pathological,  GENOCIDAL HATRED, envy, & BLOOD-LUST:   VILLIFY, DEMONIZE individual leaders... then DESTROY NATIONS and... EXTERMINATE whole peoples, ARMENIAN GENOCIDE style

Netanyahu SQUEEZE AMERICA DRY quote - pathological JEW HATRED for.. the very people, (Americans) who ENABLE their wealth, security, & JUDEO SUPREMACIST INSANITY !!  

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